The Limousine (5 page)

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Authors: N.T. Morley

BOOK: The Limousine
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“That’s nice,” said Kristi. “He videotapes everything. He likes videotapes. Does that bother you?”
“Not at all,” said Brenda after thinking about it for a few seconds. “It was just kind of ... unexpected.”
Kristi smiled at Brenda as if they shared some magnificent secret.
“Now you tell me something. Tell me what you know about him.”
Kristi looked at Brenda pointedly. “All right. I’ve never actually seen him. But I’ve never been so turned on by a man in my life. I know that his real name is Peter. But he wants me to call him ‘Master.’ You should call him ‘Master,’ too. I haven’t ever been with a man who could be so gentle, or so cruel. I just can’t say no to him.”
“You’ve never seen him?”
“Nope. I’ve been with him a dozen times, and each time was better than the last. He’s taken me to hotel rooms and to his mansion up in the hills. But he always has me blindfold myself before he comes in.”
Brenda felt strangely turned on by that. She still felt on edge, as if she could come any minute, and being that way in public turned her on. She looked nervously around the diner to see if anyone was listening, but the diner was empty.
“I think I kind of like that.”
“Me too,” said Kristi. “It seems so much more ... deviant that way.”
“Does he always spank you like that?”
“Usually,” said Kristi. “But not always. One time he used a whip. But I like it best when he spanks me with his hand.”
Brenda could feel her nipples hardening. She was acutely aware that they were visible through the thin tank top, but she didn’t move to cross her arms. Instead, she relished the feeling that her roommate could see how turned on she was.
“What about that guy in your bedroom?”
Kristi rolled her eyes. “Tom. I know him from the gym. God! That was incredible. He knew all the right things to do. He just never quit. But I don’t like to stick with any one guy for very long—the sex is always better the first few times, I guess I’m just wired that way. Except for the Master—every time we’re together, it just gets better and better. My sex life gets better and better the more I see the Master. And he tells me he likes me to make it with other men, so I can tell him about it. I guess he likes hearing what a slut I am.”
Brenda was a little nervous about hearing that word, even though she thought about it all the time. It seemed like a powerful word, a dangerous word. “Jeez,” said Brenda. “It really doesn’t bother you that he thinks about you like that?”
Kristi laughed. “Not at all. He’s very ... nurturing. I don’t have to do anything at all that I don’t want to do. But he makes these suggestions ... requests, maybe. They’re really suggestions, even though he gives them like commands. Which is what I like about him. Do you think it would bother you?”
“I don’t know. I’m not as ... aggressive as you.”
“Oh, you can be,” said Kristi. “But for now just enjoy the Master if that’s all you want to do. It sounds like he likes you. Did he tell you to meet him again?”
“Yes,” said Brenda. “But he didn’t tell me when. He wants me to—”
Brenda stopped, suddenly embarrassed. She had been about to tell Kristi that the Master had wanted her to shave for him.
“I shouldn’t be telling you this,” said Brenda, blushing.
Kristi smiled knowingly.
“He wants you to shave?”
Brenda nodded.
Kristi shrugged. “He likes that. That’s why I started,” said Kristi. “He asked me to. I mean, I shaved when I was a dancer, it was just sort of expected. But the Master started me doing it all over again, because he wanted it and it turned me on to shave for him. But now I do it just because I like it. And he likes it too. I guess I feel that much more naked.”
“Do your other boyfriends mind?”
“Most of them like it,” Kristi said. “They think it’s really kinky. I guess I’m attracted to that type of guy.”
“Is it uncomfortable?”
Kristi sighed, then rolled her eyes and licked her lips. “The first time he fucked me with my pussy shaved, I thought I was going to die. It felt so much better, it was like my skin was ultra-sensitive, like I was on fire. I could feel everything. I got a little desensitized, but it still feels incredible. He makes me keep it shaved very smooth before I see him, that way it’s always sensitive when he fucks me.”
Brenda thought that sounded incredibly hot. Kristi’s intense submission to the Master made her very jealous. “Are you ever afraid that he’s going to hurt you?” Brenda blurted out suddenly.
Kristi winked. “Oh, he hurts me all the time,” she said. “But I like it. Just kidding. No, he’d never really hurt me. Just when I like it. He never goes too far. And if he did, he knows I would stop him.”
“How often do you see him?” asked Brenda. “Now that you’ve been together a few times...”
“It depends,” said Kristi. “I have a date with him tonight.”
Brenda was a little surprised. “Really?”
“Yes,” she said. “He’s having me brought to a hotel with a health spa attached. He wants me to have a massage and a mud bath, then he’s going to come to me in the massage room. He pays for everything, of course. After all, I’m his pet. He owns me.” She winked again.
Brenda felt faintly jealous. But of course Kristi was the one who had brought Brenda to the Master’s attention in the first place, and Brenda had known all along that her roommate would continue to see the Master. “That sounds wonderful.”
“I hope it will be,” said Kristi, leaning back as the waitress brought their plates of food. “It’s always been wonderful so far....”
As they ate, Brenda found herself wondering just how far this game would go. Even though she knew she was taking a terrible risk trusting the Master, and trusting Kristi, she found herself hoping it would go as far as possible. She wanted to be owned by the Master, as Kristi was owned. To be his pet. That sounded delicious. To be the pet of the unseen Master, who would treat her with the affection and cruelty she so wanted.
When they got back to the apartment about eight, Tom was still asleep. Kristi yawned and tossed her purse on the kitchen table. “Do you mind if I clean this stuff up later? I’d like to get a little sleep. I didn’t get much last night—none, in fact. I want to be in some kind of shape for tonight. I’ll have it cleaned up by this afternoon.”
“That’s fine,” said Brenda. “I think I’m going to be out for a few hours myself.”
“Good. Hopefully by the time you get up I’ll have everything put away. Sorry about the mess.”
“Don’t worry,” said Brenda as she headed into her own bedroom. She felt sticky and sweaty. But she didn’t want to take a shower before she went to bed, that seemed like too much trouble. So she closed the door to her bedroom, took off her shoes and slowly stripped off her tank top and shorts, acutely aware that the blinds were still open, it was late enough for some people to be up outside, maybe even looking in the window, and she was failing utterly to close the blinds. But she didn’t
them closed.
So she stood there, looking out the window, wondering who might be out there. Brenda took off her bra and the frilly purple G-string, and stretched out on the bed, just out of sight of the window. It was still warm, so she didn’t pull the covers up, but luxuriated in the feeling of being naked, more naked than she’d been in the Master’s limousine. She was still very horny and wanted to masturbate before she went to sleep, but she was enjoying the feeling of the almost painful arousal, putting off the moment when she began to touch herself. In her mind, she went over the events in the limousine, thinking about how she had given herself to the Master. She had barely even hesitated when he had given her commands. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to do exactly as he commanded her, giving herself over to his absolute control. Just thinking about it was making Brenda wet all over again.
She hadn’t been laying there for five minutes when she heard Tom moaning on the other side of the wall. Brenda’s heart fluttered. What was going on in there? Surely, Kristi wasn’t still horny after that wild fucking she’d gotten earlier! But Brenda was sure that Tom wasn’t just moaning for the hell of it. In fact, Brenda’s imagination began to fill in the details she wondered about. Kristi was probably going down on him, licking and swallowing his cock while still clad in her tight black cycling shorts and sports bra. Brenda wondered if she’d bothered to take off her running shoes.
Tom’s moans grew louder over the course of the next ten minutes, and Brenda pictured her roommate giving him the blowjob of his life, sucking his cock, running her lips all over the shaft, worshipping the head with her tongue. Brenda lay on her back and spread her legs, as Kristi’s wet moans started to mingle with Tom’s. They were mixed with barely-audible slurping sounds that made Brenda’s cunt go totally wet. Maybe now they were sixty-nining. Kristi must have stripped off her shorts. Brenda closed her eyes, listening intently, and slipped her hand down between her legs, feeling how wet she was.
She started rubbing her clit, getting turned on as she pictured Kristi locked in sixty-nine with this man Brenda hadn’t even seen yet.
It wasn’t long before Kristi’s moans grew to a fevered pitch, and Brenda heard the telltale thumping of the bed frame against the wall. Now Tom was mounting Kristi, she imagined, maybe entering her from behind. The tempo picked up and Brenda’s fingers moved more quickly over her pussy and clit.
She wanted to get off. She quickly reached under the bed and found her vibrator, the battery-operated one. Maybe they would be so involved in their lovemaking that they wouldn’t hear the telltale hum. Brenda didn’t really care. This vibrator, a cheap plastic model, wasn’t as good as the one that plugged in, but Brenda couldn’t be bothered to find the wall socket just then. Besides, it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge.
Brenda switched the vibrator on “high” and pressed the tip against her clit while she slid her fingers and out of her pussy. The thumping was threatening to bring down the wall, and Kristi’s moans were reaching a crescendo. Brenda felt herself on the brink of orgasm, and pressed her vibrator against the full length of her slit, focusing the pressure on her clit. Then she was coming, the orgasm exploding through her, as she heard Kristi and Tom getting off simultaneously. The last waves of Brenda’s orgasm shuddered through her naked body, and she switched the vibrator off. She squirmed on the bed, stretching and luxuriating in the afterglow of her pleasure. Kristi and Tom were still going at it on the other side of the wall. When they finally finished, Brenda listened for a long time before she finally figured they’d both dropped off to sleep. Then Brenda finally let herself go, tangling herself in her sweaty sheets, falling into a delicious slumber.
Brenda was a little surprised at the dreams she had. She didn’t normally have such vivid erotic dreams. In one, she was on her knees before a faceless Master, servicing his cock with her mouth. In another, he was behind her as he penetrated her ass. That shocked her—it wasn’t something she normally thought about—let alone dreamt about—but in this dream she found it incredibly erotic. When she started to awake from this particular dream with the images and sensations still resonating in her brain, she hovered delectably on the edge of sleep while she began to masturbate. She didn’t quite come, being too sleepy to really get herself off, but she was close enough to feel the ache between her legs as she drifted on the pillows of sleep. That time she dreamed she was in bed with Kristi, both of them naked, embracing playfully and talking casually about banal things as their nude bodies entwined. ***
Brenda awoke in the late afternoon, surprised that she’d slept for so long. She lay there for a while, remembering her unusual dreams, a little troubled by them. She wanted to masturbate again, but it seemed too weird to be doing it all the time. She finally got up and slipped on a robe—her favorite, a small, white silky satin thing with lace trim—before going down the hall to the bathroom.
Kristi had cleaned everything up, even done the dishes. The door to Kristi’s room was open, and Brenda saw that Kristi had even made her bed. The VCR was empty, and Kristi had burned some incense to get rid of the smell of weed. She’d cleaned the pipe, and there was fresh pot in the box. Kristi really had done quite a good job of cleaning the place. She’d even pulled the blinds.
Kristi had left a note on the kitchen table: “Don’t wait up!” So Kristi was already gone for the evening. Brenda unfastened her robe and let it hang open, enjoying the feeling of being alone in the apartment.
Brenda didn’t have anything planned, so she figured maybe she would rent a movie or something. Then again, she may as well just watch TV, since she didn’t feel like going out, even to get a movie. Plus, she was pretty broke. She put a slow, grinding fetish-industrial disk on “repeat” on the CD player, one of Kristi’s. That girl had wonderfully esoteric taste in music. Brenda slipped off her robe, let it fall to the floor, and lay down on the couch, wondering what she would end up doing tonight. The obvious flitted through her mind, and she smiled, surprised at herself. She sat up, packed the pipe with succulent bud, and took a couple of hits, feeling the weed flood her body with sensation. Brenda knew she would probably end up doing what she liked to do best when she was in the apartment alone. But she wasn’t that horny just yet, so she hung her robe up in her room, got a fresh towel from the hall closet, and went in to take a shower.
Brenda changed her mind and opted for a bath. She ran the water, pouring in a generous helping of sandalwood bubble bath. She breathed deeply and turned out all the lights in the apartment, leaving the bathroom lit only by the afternoon sun through the skylight. Brenda left the bathroom door open, something which always made her feel devious when she took a long, sensual soak in the tub. Brenda climbed into the warm water, feeling horribly decadent as she listened to the sensuous music, and let the warm caress of the pot flow through her naked body.
She had been soaking for about ten minutes when she decided there was no reason to wait. The Master had asked her to shave herself, so she may as well do it now. She stepped out of the bath just long enough to get shaving cream and a disposable razor, and then she crouched in the water playing with her pubic hair for a little while. It seemed strange to want to shave it off, but there couldn’t be any harm in it. Brenda lathered herself up and carefully shaved her pussy, going over it three times to make sure it was as close a shave as possible. She ran her fingers over her skin, feeling how smooth it was. Then she ran some more hot water into the bath, as it was starting to cool off. She settled back into the water, enjoying the feel of the warmth all around her and the tingling in her crotch where she’d shaved.

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