The Living Bible (435 page)

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Sin, see

Exod 29:14
burn it as a sin offering.
Lev 6:4-5
on the same day he shall bring his guilt offering
Lev 9:7
proceed to the altar and to offer the sin offering
Lev 12:6
pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering.
Lev 15:30
the priest shall offer one for a sin offering
Num 15:27
he shall sacrifice a one-year-old female goat
Num 29:5
a male goat sacrificed as a sin offering,
Heb 13:11
slain animals into the sanctuary as a sacrifice for sin,


Lev 7:12
If it is an offering of thanksgiving
Lev 22:29-30
offer the Lord a sacrifice of thanksgiving,


Lev 5:15
sins by unintentionally defiling what is holy,
Ezek 46:19-20
the priests boil the meat of the trespass offering


Lev 7:16
because of a vow or is simply a voluntary offering
Lev 22:17-18
to the Lordwhether it is to fulfill a promise
Deut 23:21
When you make a vow to the Lord,


Exod 29:24
to wave them in a gesture of offering to the Lord.
Lev 7:30
presented to the Lord by waving it before the altar.
Lev 9:21
he waved the breasts and right shoulders slowly
Num 5:25
suspicion offering from the womans hand and wave it
Num 18:11
gifts presented to me by the gesture of waving

Must be offered with sincerity

Psa 40:6
you have accepted the offer of my lifelong service.
Psa 51:17
It is a broken spirit you want
Isa 1:12-13
Who wants your sacrifices when you have no sorrow
Jer 7:23
But what I told them was: Obey me
Mark 12:33
love others as myself, than to offer all kinds of sacrifices

Of Christ

Heb 9:14
the blood of Christ will transform our lives
Heb 9:28
Christ died only once as an offering
Heb 10:10
made clean by Christs dying for us once and for all.
Heb 10:14
by that one offering he made forever perfect


Examples of

Gen 5:3-5
After Seth was born, Adam lived another 800 years.
Gen 5:6-8
died at the age of 912.
Gen 5:21-24
he was 365, and in constant touch with God,
Gen 5:25-27
died at the age of 969.
Gen 7:6
He was 600 years old when the flood came.
Gen 11:32
there Terah died at the age of 205.
Gen 23:1
When Sarah was 127 years old, she died
Gen 25:7-8
Then Abraham died, at the ripe old age of 175,
Gen 47:28
he was 147 years old at the time of his death.
Deut 31:2
he told them, I am now 120 years old!
Josh 24:29
Soon after this he died at the age of 110.
1 Sam 4:15
(Eli was ninety-eight years old and was blind.)
2 Chr 24:15
lived to a very old age, finally dying at 130.

Reverence due to one of

Lev 19:32
give due honor and respect to the elderly,
Prov 23:22
Listen to your fathers advice
1 Tim 5:1
Never speak sharply to an older man,


Examples of

Gen 16:6
So Sarai beat her and she ran away.
Exod 1:11
So the Egyptians made slaves of them
1 Kgs 12:11
my father was harsh, but Ill be even harsher!


Exod 22:21
You must not oppress a stranger in any way;
Deut 23:15-16
he shall choose, and do not oppress him.
Deut 24:14-15
Never oppress a poor hired man.
Prov 14:31
Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God
Prov 28:3
When a poor man oppresses those even poorer,

Prayers concerning

Psa 44:24
Why do you ignore our sorrows and oppression?
Psa 119:121
Dont leave me to the mercy of my enemies,
Isa 38:14
O God, I cried, I am in troublehelp me.

Gods aid promised against

Psa 12:5
I will arise and defend the oppressed, the poor,
Psa 72:14
He will save them from oppression


Examples of

Gen 11:27
Haran had a son named Lot.
Num 27:3-4
Our father died in the wilderness, they said,
2 Sam 9:3
Ziba replied, Jonathans lame son is still alive.
2 Kgs 11:2-3
Joash was rescued by his Aunt Jehosheba,
Est 2:7
Esther), whose father and mother were dead,

Laws concerning

Exod 22:22
You must not exploit widows and orphans;
Deut 10:18
He gives justice to the fatherless and widows.
Deut 14:29
to widows or orphans within your city,
Deut 16:11
orphans. Invite them to accompany you
Deut 24:17
Justice must be given to migrants and orphans
Deut 26:12
give all your tithes to the Levites, migrants, orphans,
Deut 27:19
who is unjust to the foreigner, the orphan,

Oppression of, condemned

Prov 23:10-11
Dont steal the land of defenseless orphans
Isa 10:2
no justice for the poor, the widows and orphans.
Jer 5:28
They refuse justice to orphans
Jer 7:6
stop exploiting orphans, widows and foreigners.
Jer 22:3
Protect the rights of aliens and immigrants, orphans
Mal 3:5
or oppress widows and orphans,

, see


Old Testament, examples

Judg 9:8
the trees decided to elect a king.
2 Sam 12:1
the prophet Nathan to tell David this story:
1 Kgs 11:30
Ahijah tore his new robe into twelve parts,
2 Kgs 14:9
The thistle of Lebanon demanded of the mighty cedar
Isa 28:23-24
Does a farmer plow and never sow?
Ezek 19:2
What a woman your mother waslike a lioness!

Of Christ

Matt 13:2-3
A farmer was sowing grain in his fields.
Matt 13:34-35
Jesus constantly used illustrations when speaking
Mark 4:13
if you cant understand this simple illustration,
Luke 8:10
these parables, for they tell a great deal

Used by the apostles

Gal 4:22
For it is written that Abraham had two sons,
1 Tim 2:5
just as an athlete
1 Tim 2:6
Work hard, like a farmer who gets paid well
2 Tim 2:20-21
dishes made of gold and silver
Jas 1:23
like a man looking at his face in a mirror;


Examples of

Luke 23:43
Today you will be with me in Paradise.
2 Cor 12:2-3
I was taken up to heaven for a visit.
Rev 2:7
the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God.


Duties of

Prov 13:24
if you love him you will be prompt to punish him.
Prov 19:18
Discipline your son in his early years
Prov 22:6
Teach a child to use the right path,
Prov 29:15
Scolding and spanking a child helps him to learn.
Luke 11:13
give children what they need,
Eph 6:4
bring them up with the loving discipline

Partiality of, examples

Gen 25:28
Isaacs favorite was Esau, because of the venison
Gen 25:28
Rebekahs favorite was Jacob.
Gen 33:2
Jacob now arranged his family into a column,
Gen 42:4
wouldnt let Benjamin go with them,

Love of, examples

Gen 42:38
If anything should happen to him, I would die.
Ruth 1:9
may he bless you with another happy marriage.
1 Sam 2:19
Each year his mother made a little coat for him
2 Sam 18:5
For my sake, deal gently with young Absalom.
1 Kgs 3:26
the mother of the child, who loved him
Luke 2:48
Your father and I have been frantic,
John 4:49
please come now before my child dies.

Indulgence of

1 Sam 2:29
Why have you honored your sons more than me
1 Sam 3:13
blaspheming God, and he doesnt stop them.
1 Kgs 1:6
David, had never disciplined him

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