The Living Bible (439 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Before the law

Gen 14:18
the king of Salem (Jerusalem), who was a priest
Exod 2:16
daughters of the priest of Midian
Exod 19:22
Even the priests on duty must sanctify themselves,


Exod 28:1
Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar, to be priests,
Exod 29:9
thus you shall consecrate Aaron
Num 1:50
Levites are assigned for the work of the Tabernacle
Num 18:7
But you and your sons, the priests,
1 Chr 23:13
Aaron and his sons were set apart for service

Duties and rights of

Lev 1:2-3
the priests will accept your gift for the Lord.
Lev 2:2
to one of the priests to burn,
Lev 3:3-5
shall burn the fat that covers the inward parts,
Lev 4:5
the priest shall take the blood into the Tabernacle,
Lev 10:11
teach them all the laws Jehovah has given through Moses
Num 6:22-23
give this special blessing to the people
Deut 26:2-3
Bring it in a basket and hand it to the priest
2 Chr 13:11
They burn sacrifices to the Lord every morning
Ezra 7:24
shall be required to pay taxes of any kind.
Neh 10:34
priests, Levites, and leaders should supply the wood
Neh 10:38
with the Levites as they received these tithes,

High, office of

Lev 21:10
The High Priestanointed with special anointing oil
Num 3:31-35
Eleazar shall be the chief administrator
Num 35:25
live there until the death of the High Priest.
2 Kgs 12:10
the High Priest counted it, put it into bags,
2 Chr 24:11
the representative of the High Priest
Heb 5:4
no one can be a high priest just because he wants to


Exod 19:6
you shall be a kingdom of priests to God,
Isa 61:6
You shall be called priests of the Lord,
1 Pet 2:9
priests of the King, you are holy and pure,


Of Melchizedek

Gen 14:18
who was a priest of the God of Highest Heaven,
Psa 110:4
you are a priest forever like Melchizedek.
Heb 5:6
a priest forever, with the same rank as Melchizedek.
Heb 6:20
our High Priest, with the honor and rank of Melchizedek.
Heb 7:1
Melchizedek was king of the city of Salem, and a priest

Of Aaron and his sons

Exod 28:1
Consecrate Aaron your brother, and his sons
Exod 28:43
This is a permanent ordinance for Aaron and his sons.
Exod 29:9
They will then be priests forever;

Of Christ

Rom 8:34
pleading for us there in heaven.
Heb 2:17
a Priest who would be merciful to us and faithful
Heb 3:2
Jesus was faithful to God who appointed him High Priest,
Heb 5:10
remember that God has chosen him to be a High Priest
Heb 7:20
an oath that Christ would always be a Priest,
1 Joh 2:1
someone to plead for you before the Father.


Examples of

Gen 39:20
prison, where the kings prisoners were kept
Lev 24:12
put in jail until the Lord would indicate what to do
Ezra 7:26
banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.
Acts 4:3
since it was already evening, jailed them overnight.

Dungeons in

Jer 37:21
commanded that Jeremiah not be returned to the dungeon,
Acts 16:24
but put them into the inner dungeon
Acts 16:29
ran to the dungeon and fell before Paul and Silas.


Examples of

Gen 39:20
He threw Joseph into prison,
Jer 38:6
They took Jeremiah from his cell
Matt 11:2
John the Baptist, who was now in prison,
Matt 26:50
Then the others grabbed him.
Luke 22:54
seized him and led him to the High Priests residence,
John 18:12
the soldiers and their lieutenant, arrested Jesus
Acts 5:18
arrested the apostles, and put them in the public jail.
Acts 12:4
imprisoned him, placing him under the guard
Acts 16:19
grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them before the judges
Acts 16:23
afterwards they were thrown into prison.


Isa 61:1
to announce liberty to captives
Luke 4:18-19
to announce that captives shall be released


Inspired by God

Isa 28:22
the Lord God of Hosts has plainly told me
Luke 1:70
just as he promised through his holy prophets
1 Tim 3:16
The whole Bible was given by inspiration from God
2 Pet 1:20-21
It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men

To be tested, criteria of

Deut 13:2
if his predictions come true
Deut 18:22
If the thing he prophesies doesnt happen,
Jer 14:15
spoken in my name though I did not send them,
Jer 23:16
They are making up everything they say.

Proper attitude towards

2 Chr 20:20
Believe his prophets, and everything will be all right!
1 Thes 5:20
Do not scoff at those who prophesy,
2 Pet 1:19
proved that what the prophets said came true.

Gift of Christ

Rev 11:3
I will give power to my two witnesses to prophesy

Through the Holy Spirit

1 Cor 12:10
to others power to prophesy and preach.


Examples of

Exod 7:1
your brother Aaron shall be your spokesman.
Deut 34:10
There has never been another prophet like Moses,
1 Sam 3:20
Samuel was going to be a prophet of the Lord.
1 Kgs 1:32
Nathan the prophet,
1 Kgs 18:36
you are the God of Israel and I am your servant;
2 Kgs 20:11
So Isaiah asked the Lord to do this,
2 Chr 36:12
refused to take the counsel of Jeremiah the prophet,
Ezra 5:1
were prophets in Jerusalem and Judah
Jer 26:18
in the days when Micah the Morasthite prophesied
Jon 1:1
The Lord sent this message to Jonah, the son of Amittai:
Matt 13:34-35
the prophets said that he would use so many,
Matt 24:15
(told about by Daniel the prophet)
Acts 13:11
God has laid his hand of punishment upon you,

Early, called seers

1 Sam 9:9-11
(In those days prophets were called seers.
1 Sam 9:19
I am the seer! Samuel replied.
2 Chr 9:29
also in the visions of Iddo the seer
2 Chr 12:15
by Iddo the seer,
Isa 29:10
closed the eyes of your prophets and seers,

Inspiration of

Gen 41:16
but God will tell you what it means!
Exod 33:9
stand at the door while the Lord spoke with Moses.
Deut 5:4
He spoke with you face to face from the center
1 Sam 9:15
The Lord had told Samuel the previous day,
1 Chr 21:18
the angel of the Lord told Gad to instruct David
Isa 63:11
God who sent his Holy Spirit to be among his people?
Ezek 2:1
Stand up, son of dust, and I will talk to you.
Dan 2:19
God told Daniel what the king had dreamed.
Jon 3:1
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah again:
Mark 12:36
the Holy Spirit was speaking through him
2 Pet 1:20-21
It was the Holy Spirit in these godly men

False, condemnation of

Deut 18:20
falsely claims that his message is from me, shall die.
Isa 9:14-15
he will destroy the lying prophets.
Jer 14:13
their prophets are telling them that all is well
Jer 28:16
your life will end because you have rebelled
Ezek 13:2-3
prophesy against the false prophets of Israel
Matt 7:15
Beware of false teachers who come disguised
1 Joh 4:1
For there are many false teachers around,


Examples of

Exod 15:20
Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron,
Judg 4:4
Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth.
Luke 1:41
she was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Luke 2:36-37
Anna, a prophetess, was also there in the Temple

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