The Living Bible (442 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Punishment for

Ezek 25:17
I will execute terrible vengeance upon them
Amos 1:12
So I will set fire to Teman, and it will burn down


Prov 20:22
Dont repay evil for evil. Wait for the Lord
Luke 9:55
But Jesus turned and rebuked them,
Rom 12:19
never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God,

, see
Fear of God


For the wicked for their sins, see
Judgment, the last

For the righteous

Gen 15:1
I will give you great blessings.
Psa 19:11
give success to those who obey them.
Matt 5:12
for a tremendous reward awaits you in heaven.
Luke 6:35
Then your reward from heaven will be very great,
Col 3:24
giving you your full portion of all he owns.
Heb 10:35
no matter what happens. Remember your reward!
Rev 22:12
I am coming soon, and my reward is with me,

As a positive motivation

Lev 26:3
If you obey all of my commandments,
Deut 4:40
that all will be well with you and your children,
Deut 15:10
the Lord will prosper you in everything you do
Isa 1:19
if you will only obey, then I will make you rich!
Jer 22:4
end to all these terrible deeds then I will deliver
Rom 2:10
honor and peace from God for all who obey him,
Heb 10:36
to do for you all that he has promised.
1 Pet 3:10
a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue,

, see

The true

Prov 3:13-15
who knows right from wrong and has good judgment
Prov 10:22
The Lords blessing is our greatest wealth.
Eccl 7:11
To be wise is as good as being rich;
Luke 16:11
who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?

Given by God

Deut 6:10-12
he has given you great cities
Deut 8:10
your God for the good land he has given you.
1 Sam 2:7
Some he causes to be poor And others to be rich.
Eccl 5:19-20
a man has received wealth from the Lord,

Dangers of

Deut 8:14
watch out that you dont become proud,
Neh 9:26
But despite all this they were disobedient
Prov 11:28
trust in your money and down you go!
Prov 21:6
Dishonest gain will never last, so why take the risk?
Prov 27:23-24
Riches can disappear fast.
Matt 6:19
they can erode away or may be stolen.
Matt 13:22
his longing for money choke out Gods Word,
Matt 19:23
almost impossible for a rich man to get into the Kingdom
Mark 10:22
he went sadly away, for he was very rich.
1 Tim 6:10
love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin.
Jas 5:1
you rich men, now is the time to cry and groan


Rev 3:18
My advice to you is to buy pure gold from me,



Psa 1:2
they delight in doing everything God wants
Psa 24:4
Only those with pure hands and hearts,
Psa 37:26
generous with their gifts and loans to others,
Psa 112:1
happy is the man who delights in doing his commands.
Prov 13:5
A good man hates lies;
Ezek 18:5
if a man is just and does what is lawful and right,
John 3:21
those doing right come gladly to the Light
John 13:35
Your strong love for each other will prove
Gal 5:22
this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace,
Phil 4:8
Fix your thoughts on what is true and good
1 Thes 1:3
We never forget your loving deeds as we talk
1 Pet 4:1
you must have the same attitude he did;
1 Joh 4:7
let us practice loving each other,

Blessings and privileges of the

Psa 14:6
He is the refuge of the poor and humble
Psa 32:11
So rejoice in him, all those who are his,
Psa 125:3
For the wicked shall not rule the godly,
Prov 2:7-8
He grants good sense to the godlyhis saints.
Prov 3:32
but he gives friendship to the godly.
Prov 28:1
But the godly are bold as lions!
1 Pet 3:12
the Lord is watching his children,
Rev 22:11
the holy will continue on in greater holiness.


Fruits of

Prov 11:6
The good mans goodness delivers him;
Ezek 18:9
that man is just, and he shall surely live.
Acts 11:29
believers decided to send relief to the Christians
Rom 15:1-2
do what is for his good and thus build him up
2 Cor 5:17
He is not the same any more. A new life has begun!
Gal 5:22
the Spirit will produce this kind of fruit
Eph 5:9
do only what is good and right and true.

By faith

Gen 15:6
God considered him righteous on account of his faith.
Psa 106:31
(For this good deed Phineas will be remembered
Rom 4:9
he received these blessings through his faith.
Rom 4:20
believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger,

Of man, worthless before God

Deut 9:4
The Lord has helped us because we are so good!
Isa 64:6
our robes of righteousness are but filthy rags.
Dan 9:18
We dont ask because we merit help,
Phil 3:9
not counting on being saved by being good enough

Of the church, because of Christ

Rom 1:17
we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us.
Rom 10:3
that Christ died to make them right with God.
2 Cor 5:21
Then, in exchange, he poured Gods goodness into us!
Titus 2:14
so that he could rescue us from constant sin


Matt 22:11
he noticed a man who wasnt wearing the wedding robe
Rev 22:2
On each side of the river grew Trees of Life,


Laws concerning the keeping of the

Exod 16:23
we must refrain from doing our daily tasks.
Exod 20:8
Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day.
Exod 34:21
work only six days, and rest on the seventh.
Lev 19:30
Keep my Sabbath laws and reverence my Tabernacle,
Lev 23:3
for resting from the normal business of the week.)
Deut 5:12
Keep the Sabbath day holy.

As a day of rest

Gen 2:2
God ceased from this work he had been doing,
Lev 23:3
days of solemn rest in every home,
Lev 26:34-35
then the land will rest and enjoy its Sabbaths!
Heb 4:4
it is written that God rested on the seventh day

The Sabbatical year

Preparations for the

Exod 16:22
On the sixth day they gathered twice as much as usual,
Mark 15:42-43
This all happened the day before the Sabbath.
Luke 23:54
the day of preparation for the Sabbath.

Violations of the, examples

Exod 16:27
some of the people went out anyway to gather food,
Num 15:32
one of them was caught gathering wood on the Sabbath
Neh 13:16
selling them on the Sabbath to the people
Jer 17:21-22
do no unnecessary work on the Sabbath day

Observance of the, examples

Neh 13:21
that was the last time they came on the Sabbath.
Luke 23:56
they rested all that day
Acts 13:14
On the Sabbath they went into the synagogue
Acts 16:13
we went a little way outside the city

Christs teachings concerning the

Matt 12:10
Is it legal to work by healing on the Sabbath
Mark 2:27
the Sabbath was made to benefit man,
Luke 6:5
Jesus added, I am master even of the Sabbath.
Luke 14:3
is it within the Law to heal a man on the Sabbath

Of the Christian

Acts 20:7
On Sunday, we gathered for a communion service,
1 Cor 16:2
every Lords Day each of you should put aside something
Rev 1:10
It was the Lords Day and I was worshiping,

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