The Living Bible (445 page)

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Egyptian prejudice against

Gen 46:34
shepherds were despised and hated in other parts

Duties and responsibilities of

Lev 27:32
the Lord owns every tenth animal of your herds
Psa 23:2-3
leads me beside the quiet streams.
Jer 33:12
will once more see shepherds leading sheep and lambs.
Matt 25:32
as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,
John 10:4
He walks ahead of them; and they follow him;


Gen 49:24
the Mighty One of Jacob, the Shepherd, the Rock
Psa 80:1
O Shepherd of Israel who leads Israel like a flock;
Isa 40:11
He will feed his flock like a shepherd;
Zec 13:7
Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd,
Mark 14:27
I will kill the Shepherd, and the sheep will scatter.
John 10:11
The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Heb 13:20-21
he who became the great Shepherd of the sheep


Origin of

Gen 3:6
she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband,
Matt 15:19
From the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery,
John 8:44
the devil and love to do the evil things he does.
Rom 5:12
When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race.
1 Joh 3:8
Satan, who since he first began to sin

Characteristics of

Prov 15:9-10
The Lord despises the deeds of the wicked,
Prov 30:11-12
feel themselves faultless despite their many sins.
Isa 1:18
deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out
Jer 44:5
wouldnt turn back from their wicked ways;
Eph 5:11
the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness,

Man born in

Psa 51:5
But I was born a sinner,
Rom 3:9
all men alike are sinners, whether Jews or Gentiles.
Gal 3:21-22
the Scriptures insist we are all its prisoners.

Results of

Gen 3:7
became aware of their nakedness, and were embarrassed.
1 Kgs 13:34
resulted in the destruction of Jeroboams kingdom
Psa 94:23
the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them!
Prov 5:22
The wicked man is doomed by his own sins;
Prov 11:5
the wicked shall fall beneath their load of sins.
Isa 3:11
Your well-earned punishment is on the way.
Isa 14:21
Slay the children of the sinner.
Ezek 11:21
I will repay them fully for their sins,
Mic 7:13
But first comes terrible destruction to Israel
Rom 5:12
everything began to grow old and die, for all sinned.
Gal 6:7
a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows!

Punishment of

Gen 2:16-17
If you eat its fruit, you will be doomed to die.
Exod 32:33
Whoever has sinned against me will be blotted out
Lev 26:16
I will punish you with sudden terrors and panic,
Psa 95:11
that they would never enter the Promised Land,
Ezek 18:4
It is for a mans own sins that he will die.
Heb 10:27
the terrible punishment of Gods awful anger

Definition of

Deut 9:7
you have constantly rebelled against him.
Josh 1:17-18
rebels against your commands, he shall die.
Rom 14:23
done apart from what he feels is right is sin.
Jas 4:17
knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is sin

Conviction of

Job 40:4
I am nothinghow could I ever find the answers?
Psa 31:9-10
My sins have sapped my strength;
Psa 51:2
Oh, wash me, cleanse me from this guilt.
Isa 6:5
My doom is sealed, for I am a foul-mouthed sinner,
Luke 5:8
Im too much of a sinner for you to have around.
Acts 16:30
begged them, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
1 Cor 14:25
he will fall down on his knees and worship God,

Confession of

Lev 16:21
confess over it all the sins of the people of Israel.
Num 14:40
We realize that we have sinned, but now we are ready
2 Sam 24:10
he said to the Lord, What I did was very wrong.
Neh 1:6-7
I confess that we have sinned against you;
Job 7:20
Has my sin harmed you, O God, Watcher of mankind?
Psa 32:5
I finally admitted all my sins to you
Psa 106:6
Both we and our fathers have sinned so much.
Jer 3:25
we and our fathers have sinned from childhood
Lam 3:40
Let us examine ourselves instead, and repent
Luke 15:21
Father, I have sinned against heaven and you,
Jas 5:16
Admit your faults to one another and pray
1 Joh 1:9
But if we confess our sins to him,

Forgiveness of

Exod 34:7
to many thousands by forgiving their sins;
Lev 4:20
atonement for the nation, and everyone will be forgiven.
2 Sam 12:13
the Lord has forgiven you, and you wont die
Psa 32:1
What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven!
Psa 85:2
forgiven the sins of your people
Psa 130:3-4
But you forgive! What an awesome thing this is!
Isa 43:25
blots away your sins for my own sake
Isa 55:7
to our God, for he will abundantly pardon!
Mark 2:5
Jesus said to the sick man, Son, your sins are forgiven!
Mark 3:28
any sin of man can be forgiven, even blasphemy
Acts 13:38
In this man Jesus, there is forgiveness for your sins!
Eph 4:32
God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.
Jas 5:15
sickness was caused by some sin, the Lord will forgive him.

Christ without

2 Cor 5:21
took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins.
Heb 4:15
he never once gave way to them and sinned.
Heb 7:26
he is holy and blameless, unstained by sin,
1 Joh 3:5
that there is no sin in him, no missing of Gods will

Not found in heaven

1 Cor 6:9-10
doing such things have no share in the Kingdom
Gal 5:21
living that sort of life will not inherit the kingdom
Eph 5:5
will never belong to anyone who is impure or greedy,
Rev 21:27
Nothing evil will be permitted in it

The unpardonable

Matt 12:31-32
speaking against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven,
Mark 3:29
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven.
Luke 12:10
speak against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven.)
1 Joh 5:16
unless he has sinned that one fatal sin.

, see

Examples of

Gen 39:14-15
He tried to rape me, but when I screamed, he ran,
2 Sam 16:3
He said, Now Ill get to be king!
1 Kgs 21:10
two scoundrels who will accuse him of cursing God
Psa 31:13
the lies about me, the slanders of my enemies.
Matt 11:19
you complain that I am a glutton and a drinking man,
Luke 23:5
But he is causing riots against the government
John 10:20
Some of them said, He has a demon or else is crazy.

Effects of

Prov 16:28
gossip separates the best of friends.
Prov 26:20
tensions disappear when gossip stops.
Ezek 22:9
Prisoners are falsely accused and sent to their death.


Exod 23:1
Do not pass along untrue reports.
Psa 101:5
I will not tolerate anyone who secretly slanders
Prov 10:18
To hate is to be a liar; to slander is to be a fool.
Jas 4:11
Dont criticize and speak evil about each other,
1 Pet 2:1
talking about others behind their backs.


From God

Psa 127:2
God wants his loved ones to get their proper rest.

Of the lazy

Prov 6:9
But youall you do is sleep. When will you wake up?

Of Jesus

Matt 8:24
But Jesus was asleep.
Mark 4:38
Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat
Luke 8:23
while he was sleeping the wind began to rise.


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