The Living Bible (447 page)

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Examples of

Exod 7:14
to Moses, that Pharaohs heart had been unmoved.
Exod 8:15
he hardened his heart and refused
Num 14:22
ten times refused to trust me and obey me
1 Sam 2:23-25
But they wouldnt listen to their father,

Penalty of

Deut 21:21
Then the men of the city shall stone him to death.
Prov 1:28
then I will not answer your cry for help.
Prov 29:1
suddenly broken and never have another chance.

Of the Jewish people

2 Kgs 17:14
The people were as stubborn as their ancestors
Jer 5:3
They are determined, with faces hard as rock,
Jer 7:28
This is the nation that refuses to obey the Lord
Jer 32:33
They have turned their backs upon me

Exhortations concerning

2 Chr 30:8
Do not be stubborn, as they were, but yield
Psa 32:9
Dont be like a senseless horse or mule
Psa 75:5
stop being stubborn and proud.
Psa 95:8
Dont harden your hearts as Israel did


Examples of

Gen 21:22
It is evident that God helps you in everything
Gen 33:11
God has been very generous to me and I have enough.
Gen 41:45
So Joseph became famous throughout the land of Egypt.
Neh 1:11
(I was the kings cupbearer.)
Dan 2:48
Then the king made Daniel very great;
Dan 6:2
three presidents (Daniel was one of them)

Promised to the righteous

Josh 1:8
obey all of them. For only then will you succeed.
Psa 19:11
give success to those who obey them.
Psa 112:5
all goes well for the generous man
Prov 3:6
he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.
Prov 13:13
find yourself in trouble. Obey it and succeed.
Prov 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed.

Of the wicked

Job 12:6
For robbers prosper. Go ahead and provoke God
Psa 92:7
that although the wicked flourish like weeds,
Eccl 8:14
some wicked men as though they were good.
Jer 12:1
Why are the wicked so prosperous?

Dangers of

Deut 8:11
Beware that in your plenty you dont forget the Lord
Deut 31:20
fat and prosperous, and worship other gods
Deut 32:15
Then, in plenty, they forsook their God.
Jer 5:7
satisfied, and their thanks was to commit adultery
Hos 4:7
The more my people multiplied, the more they sinned
Hos 13:6
were satisfied, then you became proud and forgot me.

Exhortations concerning

Prov 10:4
Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich.
Prov 10:5
A wise youth makes hay while the sun shines,
Prov 11:24-25
Yes, the liberal man shall be rich!
Prov 12:24
Work hard and become a leader;
Prov 19:8
He who loves wisdom loves his own best interest
Prov 28:13
refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.
Luke 11:9
keep on asking and you will keep on getting;
1 Cor 9:24
So run your race to win.

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Duty towards the

Prov 22:22-23
Dont rob the poor and sick!
1 Tim 5:10
Has she helped those who are sick and hurt?
Jas 1:27
is the one who takes care of orphans and widows,

For Christ

Acts 9:16
I will show him how much he must suffer for me.
Rom 8:18
Yet what we suffer now is nothing
1 Cor 4:12
We have been patient with those who injured us.
2 Cor 1:6-7
in deep trouble for bringing you Gods comfort
Phil 1:29
not only of trusting him but also of suffering
Col 1:24
Part of my work is to suffer for you;
1 Tim 2:12
think that our present service for him is hard,
1 Pet 4:12
or surprised when you go through fiery trials ahead,

Of Christ

Luke 24:46
written long ago that the Messiah must suffer
John 10:11
The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Rom 5:6
Christ came at the right time and died for us
Heb 2:9
glory and honor because he suffered death for us.
Heb 5:8
what it was like to obey, when obeying meant suffering.
1 Pet 2:21
Christ, who suffered for you, is your example.
1 Joh 3:16
We know what real love is from Christs example

Vicarious (in anothers place)

John 15:13
when a person lays down his life for his friends;
Rom 9:1
willing to be forever damned if that would save you.


Of Goliath

1 Sam 21:9
I have the sword of Goliath, the Philistine

Of Peter

John 18:10
drew a sword and slashed off the right ear of Malchus,

To be made into plowshares

Isa 2:4
convert their weapons of war into implements of peace.
Mic 4:3
They will beat their swords into plowshares

Plowshares to be made into

Joel 3:10
Melt your plowshares into swords.


Heb 4:12
it is sharper than the sharpest dagger,
Rev 1:16
a sharp, double-bladed sword in his mouth,
Rev 2:12
him who wields the sharp and double-bladed sword.


Gen 3:24
a flaming sword to guard the entrance to the Tree
Josh 5:13
a man appeared nearby with a drawn sword.
Rev 1:16
a sharp, double-bladed sword in his mouth,


Gen 27:39-40
but you shall hew your way with your sword.
Deut 32:40-41
That I will whet the lightning of my sword!
Psa 57:4
Their tongues are like swords.
Prov 25:18
wounding him with a sword, or shooting him
Zec 13:7
Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd,

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Jesus healed in

Matt 12:9
Then he went over to the synagogue,
Luke 13:11
he saw a seriously handicapped woman

Jesus taught in

Luke 13:10
One Sabbath as he was teaching in a synagogue,
John 6:59
(He preached this sermon in the synagogue in Capernaum.)
John 18:20
for I have preached regularly in the synagogue

Paul preaches in

Acts 13:5
went to the Jewish synagogue and preached
Acts 14:1
went together to the synagogue and preached
Acts 18:4
at the synagogue, trying to convince the Jews


Pattern revealed to Moses

Exod 25:9
I will give you a drawing of the construction plan,
Exod 26:30
in the manner I showed you in the mountain.
Exod 39:43
it was all as the Lord had instructed him.
Acts 7:44
in exact accordance with the plan shown to Moses
Heb 8:5
the pattern of the heavenly tabernacle as shown to him

Construction of

Exod 25:9
This home of mine shall be a tent pavilion
Exod 31:3
constructing the Tabernacle and everything it contains.
Exod 35:10-19
construct what God has commanded us: the Tabernacle
Exod 36:3
Moses gave them the materials donated by the people

Description of

Exod 26:7-8
The roof of the Tabernacle is made of goats hair
Exod 26:15-16
framework of the tent shall be made from acacia
Exod 26:31
[Inside the Tabernacle], make a veil
Exod 27:9-10
make a courtyard for the Tabernacle,
Exod 35:10-19
coverings, clasps, frames, bars, pillars,
Exod 36:35
The blue, purple, and scarlet inner veil

Laws concerning

Num 1:51
whenever the Tabernacle is moved,
Num 4:5
enter the Tabernacle first and take down the veil
Num 7:9
carry their portion of the Tabernacle
Num 10:3
they are to gather at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
Deut 12:4-5
a sanctuary for him at a place he will select
Deut 12:11
his sanctuary, the place he will choose

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