The Living Bible (431 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Of the world, condemned

1 Joh 2:15
Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers


Source of

Mark 7:21
out of mens hearts, come evil thoughts
Gal 5:19
when you follow your own wrong inclinations


Exod 20:17
or want to sleep with his wife,
Job 31:11
For lust is a shameful sin, a crime
Prov 6:25
Dont lust for their beauty.
Matt 5:28
looks at a woman with lust in his eye
Rom 1:27
burned with lust for each other,
Col 3:5
have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust


Examples of

Gen 12:11-13
tell everyone that she was his sister!
Gen 20:5
He told me, She is my sister,
Gen 27:19
Jacob: Its Esau, your oldest son.
Judg 4:20
tell them that no one is here.
1 Sam 19:14
she told them he was sick and couldnt get out
Luke 22:57
he said, I dont even know the man!
Acts 6:11
they brought some men to lie about him,

Laws concerning

Exod 23:1
Do not pass along untrue reports.
Lev 6:3
finding a lost article and lying about it,
Lev 19:11
You must not steal nor lie nor defraud.
Lev 19:16
Dont falsely accuse your neighbor of some crime,
Deut 19:18
closely questioned, and if the witness if lying.


Col 3:9
Dont tell lies to each other;

Hateful to God

Prov 6:16-19
six things the Lord hatesno seven: Haughtiness, Lying
Prov 12:22
God abhors those who dont keep their promises

Satan, father of

John 8:44
he is the father of liars.
Acts 5:3
Ananias, Satan has filled your heart.

, see

Examples of

Gen 21:10
Get rid of that slave girl and her son.
1 Sam 18:8
Of course Saul was very angry.
1 Kgs 19:2
I swear by the gods that I am going to kill you
2 Kgs 6:31
May God kill me if I dont execute Elisha
Neh 2:10
they were very angry
Est 3:5-6
Haman was furious,
Matt 14:3
chained him in prison at the demands of his wife
Matt 27:18
arrested Jesus out of envy
Acts 17:5
Jewish leaders were jealous


Prov 24:17
Do not rejoice when your enemy meets trouble.
1 Cor 5:8
leaving entirely behind us the cancerous old life
Col 3:8
throw away all these rotten garments of anger,
1 Pet 2:1
talking about others behind their backs.


Creation of

Gen 1:26
God said, Let us make a man
Gen 2:7
God formed a mans body from the dust

In the image of God

Gen 1:26
Let us make a mansomeone like ourselves,
Gen 9:5-6
to kill one made like God.
1 Cor 11:7
Gods glory is man made in his image,
Jas 3:9
against men who are made like God.

Equality of

Prov 22:2
rich and the poor are alike before the Lord
Acts 10:28
that I should never think of anyone as inferior.

Insignificance of

Job 25:6
man, who is but a worm in his sight?
Job 38:4
Where were you when I laid the foundations
Psa 8:4
how you can bother with mere puny man,
Psa 144:3
what is man that you even notice him?

Ignorance of

Job 8:9
we were born but yesterday and know so little;
Prov 16:25
a road he thinks is right, but it ends in death.
Prov 27:1
Dont brag about your plans for tomorrow
1 Cor 1:20
God has made them all look foolish,
Jas 4:14
length of your lives is as uncertain as the morning fog

Mortality of

Psa 62:9
They weigh less than air on scales.
Psa 78:39
that they were merely mortal men,
Psa 144:4
For man is but a breath;
Rom 5:12
everything began to grow old and die,
Heb 9:27
it is destined that men die only once,

Suffering of

Acts 14:22
into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.
Rom 8:22
animals and plants, suffer in sickness and death

Fall of

Gen 3:6
she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband,

Dignity of

Gen 1:27
So God made man like his Maker.
Gen 2:25
they were both naked, neither of them was embarrassed
Eccl 7:29
though God has made men upright,


Examples of, freely chosen

Gen 11:29
Abram married his half-sister Sarai,
Gen 29:18
if youll give me Rachel as my wife.

Arranged, examples

Gen 21:20-21
his mother arranged a marriage for him
Gen 24:3
you will not let my son marry one of these

Institution of

Gen 2:18
I will make a companion for him, a helper

Laws concerning

Exod 22:17
her father utterly refuses to let her marry him,
Deut 22:28-29
pay a fine to the girls father and marry her;
Deut 25:5
her husbands brother must marry her

Forbidden, with non-Israelites

Exod 34:16
you would accept their daughters,
Deut 7:3
Do not intermarry with them,

By purchase

Gen 29:20
seven years working to pay for Rachel.
Ruth 4:10
that with it I have purchased Ruth
Hos 3:2
So I bought her [back from her slavery]
Hos 12:12
earned a wife by tending sheep.

Obligations under

Matt 19:5-6
The two shall become oneno longer two,
Rom 7:2
a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband
1 Cor 6:16
in his sight the two become one person.
1 Cor 7:10
A wife must not leave her husband.
Eph 5:31
the husband and wife are one body

Not binding after death

Matt 22:30
in the resurrection there is no marriage;
Mark 12:25
rise from the dead, they wont be married
Rom 7:2
if he dies she is no longer bound to him;

Christs teachings concerning

Matt 5:32
he who marries her commits adultery.
Mark 10:6-7
man and woman to be joined together permanently
Luke 16:18
anyone who divorces his wife

Apostles teaching concerning

1 Cor 7:2
best to be married, each man having his own wife,
1 Tim 3:2
He must have only one wife,
1 Tim 5:14
it is better for younger widows to marry again
Heb 13:4
Honor your marriage and its vows, and be pure;


Isa 54:5
for your Creator will be your husband.
Hos 1:2
Go and marry a girl who is a prostitute,
Rev 19:7
his bride has prepared herself.

, see

, see
Christ, names of


Examples of

Gen 24:63
taking a walk out in the fields, meditating,


Psa 1:2
always meditating on his laws
Psa 19:14
my spoken words and unspoken thoughts
Psa 77:12
Those wonderful deeds are constantly in my thoughts.

Exhortations to

Josh 1:8
you yourself must think about them every day
Psa 4:4
Lie quietly upon your bed in silent meditation.


Of Jesus

Matt 11:29-30
for I am gentle and humble,
Matt 26:50
go ahead and do what you have come for.
Matt 27:14
But Jesus said nothing,

Promises concerning

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