The Living Bible (426 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Not understood by the natural man

1 Cor 2:14
the mane who isnt a Christian cant understand

Actions of the

Isa 30:21
you will hear a Voice behind you say, No,
Ezek 36:27
put my Spirit within you so that you will obey
Mark 13:11
you will not be speaking, but the Holy Spirit
Luke 2:26
For the Holy Spirit had Rvealed to him
John 14:26
the Holy Spirithe will teach you much,
John 16:14
He shall praise me and bring me great honor
1 Cor 2:10
because God has sent his Spirit to tell us,
1 Cor 12:8
this is his gift from the same Spirit.


Examples of

1 Cor 12:28
a list of some parts he has placed in his church,
1 Cor 13:1
the gift of being able to speak in other languages



Ezek 37:9
Come from the four winds, O Spirit,
John 3:8
can hear the wind but cant tell where it comes from

Rain and dew

Ezek 34:26
there shall be showers, showers of blessing,
Hos 10:12
he may come and shower salvation upon you.
Hos 14:5
I will refresh Israel like the dew from heaven;

A dove

Matt 3:16
Spirit of God coming down in the form of a dove.

A voice

1 Kgs 19:12
there was the sound of a gentle whisper.
Isa 30:21
you will hear a Voice behind you say,
Heb 3:7-8
be careful to hear his Voice today

A seal

2 Cor 1:22
He has put his brand upon ushis mark
Eph 1:13
marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit,
Eph 4:30
he is the one who marks you to be present

Tongues of fire

Acts 2:3
what looked like flames or tongues of fire


Examples of

Gen 43:12
pay back what was in the mouths of your sacks,
2 Kgs 12:15
superintendents, for they were honest and faithful
2 Kgs 22:7
expenditures, for they were honest men.)
Neh 13:13
These men had an excellent reputation,

Laws concerning

Lev 19:35-36
Use accurate measurementslengths, weights
Deut 16:19
never accept bribes. For bribes blind the eyes
Deut 25:13-15
must use accurate scales and honest measurements,

Exhortations to

Prov 11:1
Lord hates cheating and delights in honesty.
Prov 12:22
delights in those who keep their promises,
Prov 16:11
Lord demands fairness in every business deal.
Prov 20:10
The Lord despises every kind of cheating.
Ezek 45:10
You must use honest scales, honest bushels,
Luke 3:13
Make sure you collect no more taxes


Due to God

Psa 29:2
Praise him for his majestic glory,
1 Tim 1:17
Glory and honor to God forever and ever.
Rev 4:11
you are worthy to receive the glory and honor

Given by God

Prov 8:18
honor, justice and righteousness are mine to distribute.
Dan 5:18
a kingdom and majesty and glory and honor.
John 12:26
follow me, the Father will honor them.

Due to parents

Exod 20:12
Honor your father and mother,
Deut 5:16
Honor your father and mother
Matt 15:4
Honor your father and mother;
Eph 6:2
Honor your father and mother.

To the aged

Lev 19:32
give due honor and respect to the elderly,
1 Tim 5:1
Never speak sharply to an older man,

To the government

1 Pet 2:17
Fear God and honor the government.

, see

Examples of, good

Psa 22:9-11
I have depended upon you since birth;
Lam 3:26
It is good both to hope and wait quietly
Joel 3:16
He is their Refuge and Strength.
Rom 15:13
God who gives you hope will keep you

Of the wicked

Job 8:11-13
those who forget God have no hope.
Job 11:20
to escape; their only hope is death.
Job 27:8
But what hope has the godless
Eph 2:12
You were lost, without God, without hope.

Exhortations to

Psa 31:24
Take courage if you are depending on the Lord.
Psa 43:5
trust in God! I shall again praise him
Psa 130:7
O Israel, hope in the Lord; for he is loving

Comfort of

Job 11:18
You will have courage because you will have hope.
Psa 146:5
whose hope is in the Lord his God
Prov 10:28
The hope of good men is eternal happiness;
Jer 17:7
has made the Lord his hope and confidence.
Rom 12:12
Be glad for all God is planning for you.

Effects of

Rom 5:5
we feel this warm love everywhere within us
Rom 8:24
We are saved by trusting.
1 Cor 13:7
You will always believe in him,
1 Joh 3:3
will try to stay pure because Christ is pure.

A gift of God

Eph 2:8
trusting is not of yourselves; it too is a gift
2 Thes 2:16
given us everlasting comfort and hope


Examples of

Gen 18:5
Do stay awhile before continuing your journey.
Gen 19:2
come to my home as my guests for the night;
Gen 24:31
Come and stay with us, friend; why stand here
Exod 2:20
Invite him home for supper.
1 Sam 9:22
placed them at the head of the table,
2 Sam 6:19
gave a present to everyonemen and women
Luke 5:29
Levi held a reception in his home with Jesus
Luke 19:6
took Jesus to his house in great excitement

Laws concerning

Exod 22:21
You must not oppress a stranger in any way;
Lev 19:10
Leave them for the poor and for those traveling
Deut 10:18
He loves foreigners and gives them food and clothing.
Deut 27:19
Cursed is he who is unjust to the foreigner,

Christs teaching concerning

Matt 22:9
to the street corners and invite everyone you see.
Luke 14:12
For they will return the invitation.

Apostles teaching concerning

Rom 16:2
Help her in every way you can,
1 Tim 3:2
He must enjoy having guests in his home,
1 Tim 5:10
Has she been kind to strangers as well
Titus 1:8
They must enjoy having guests in their homes
Heb 13:2
Dont forget to be kind to strangers,
1 Pet 4:9
share your home with those who need a meal
3 Joh 1:6
send them on their way with a generous gift.

Rewarded, examples

Josh 6:17
Kill everyone except Rahab the prostitute
Josh 6:22
rescue the prostitute and everyone with her.
1 Kgs 17:15
her son continued to eat from her supply

, see

Examples of

Gen 41:16
I cant do it by myself, Joseph replied,
1 Sam 24:14
one who is as worthless as a dead dog
1 Kgs 21:29
see how Ahab has humbled himself
2 Chr 34:27
you are sorry and have humbled yourself
Isa 6:5
I am a foul-mouthed sinner,
Mark 1:7
Someone is coming soon who is far greater than I
Rom 1:11-12
you but to be encouraged by yours:


Mic 6:8
to walk humbly with your God.
Matt 20:26
a leader among you must be your servant.
Mark 9:35
those wanting to be the greatest must be the least
Eph 4:2
Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other
Phil 2:3
Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself
Jas 4:10
you realize your worthlessness before the Lord,

Exhortations to

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