The Living Bible (428 page)

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Ezek 22:11
a daughter-in-law, a half sister
Amos 2:7
man and his father defile the same temple-girl,
1 Cor 5:1
who is living in sin with his fathers wife.

, see


Laws concerning

Exod 23:1
witness stand somethng you know is false.
Lev 19:15
Judges must always be just in their sentences,
Deut 16:19
Never twist justice to benefit a rich man,
Deut 27:17
Cursed is he who moves the boundary

Results of

Prov 11:7
When an evil man dies, his hopes all perish.
Amos 5:11
you will never live in the beautiful stone houses
1 Thes 4:6
the Lord will punish you terribly for this,
2 Pet 2:9
continue to punish the ungodly until

, see

, see

, see

Examples of

Gen 4:5
made Cain both dejected and very angry,
Gen 16:5
Its all your fault.
Gen 37:4
partiality, and consequently hated Joseph;
1 Sam 18:8
Of course Saul was very angry.
Luke 15:28
The older brother was angry and wouldnt go in.

Laws concerning

Num 5:14
he is jealous and suspicious


Rom 13:12-13
adultery and lust, or fighting, or jealousy.

Attributed to God

Exod 20:5
I, the Lord your God, am very possessive.
Deut 29:20
anger and jealousy will be hot against that man.
Ezek 16:42
my jealousy against you will end,
Ezek 23:25
I will send my jealousy against you

, see

, see

Examples of

Exod 15:1
I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed
Judg 11:34
playing on a tambourine and dancing for joy.
Ruth 2:20
Praise the Lord for a man like that!
1 Sam 2:1
How I rejoice in the Lord! How he has blessed
1 Sam 18:6
were singing and dancing for joy
1 Chr 12:40
celebration, for joy had spread throughout the land.
Ezra 6:16
Temple was dedicated with great joy by the priests,
Matt 2:10
Their joy knew no bounds!
Luke 1:14
You will both have great joy and gladness
Acts 3:7-8
Then, walking, leaping, and praising God,
2 Cor 8:2
mixed their wonderful joy with their deep poverty,
1 Pet 1:8
you are happy with inexpressible joy

Laws concerning

Deut 12:18
Rejoice before the Lord your God in everything

Foolish, of the wicked

Job 20:5
the joy of the godless but for a moment?
Prov 15:21
If a man enjoys folly, something is wrong!
Jas 4:9
gloom instead of joy.

Follows grief

Psa 30:5
all night, but in the morning there is joy.
Isa 35:10
to Zion, singing the songs of everlasting joy.
Jer 31:13
young girls will dance for joy,
John 16:20
weeping shall suddenly be turned to wonderful joy
2 Cor 6:10
at the same time we have the joy of the Lord.

In heaven

Luke 15:7
in the same way heaven will be happier
Luke 15:10
there is joy in the presence of the angels


Examples of

Deut 17:9
the chief judge on duty at the time
Judg 4:4
Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth.
Ezra 7:25
appoint judges and other officials

Laws concerning

Exod 18:21
appoint them as judges,
Exod 22:9
both parties to dispute shall come before God
Lev 19:15
Jgses must always be just
Deut 16:18
Appoint judges and administrative officials
Deut 19:17
shall be brought before the priests and judges

Functions of

Deut 1:16
be perfectly fair at all times, even to foreigners!
Deut 17:8
If a case arises that is too hard for you
2 Chr 19:6
give justice in each case that comes before you,
Psa 82:2
will you judges refuse to listen to the evidence?
Prov 18:5
It is wrong for a judge to favor the wicked
Prov 24:23
It is wrong to sentence the poor,

Corrupt, examples

1 Sam 2:12
Now the sons of Eli were evil men
1 Sam 8:3
not like their father, for they were greedy
1 Kgs 21:8
she wrote letters in Ahabs name,
Matt 27:24
washed his hands before the crowd,
Mark 15:15
Pilate, afraid of a riot, and anxious to please the people

God as, see
God, characteristics in relation to man

Of Israel, examples

Judg 3:9
he gave them Calebs nephew, Othniel
Judg 4:4
for bringing the people back to God, was Deborah,
Judg 7:5-6
So Gideon assembled them at the water.
Judg 12:1
at Zaphon and sent this message to Jephthah:
Judg 13:24
her son was born they named him Samson,
1 Sam 4:18
He had judged Israel for forty years.
1 Sam 7:6
at Mizpah that Samuel became Israels judge.
1 Sam 8:1
Samuel retired and appointed his sons as judges


Examples of

Gen 3:15
He shall strike you on your head,
Exod 32:35
the Lord sent a great plague upon the people
Num 11:1
the fire of the Lord began destroying those
Deut 12:29
When he destroys the nations in the land
2 Kgs 19:35
the angel of the Lord killed 185,000
Jer 51:2
Winnowers shall come and winnow her

Design of

Exod 14:17
you will see the honor I will get
Lev 10:3
I will be glorified before all the people.
Isa 26:9
turn away from wickedness and do what is right.
Ezek 11:10
you will know I am the Lord.
Rom 9:17
purpose of displaying the awesome power of God

The last

Dan 7:9
the Almighty Godsat down to judge.
Matt 25:32
all the nations shall be gathered before me.
Rev 6:17
the great day of their anger has come,
Rev 20:11
I saw a great white throne


Laws concerning

Exod 23:1
witnessing to something you know is false
Lev 19:13
You shall not rob nor oppress anyone,
Deut 16:19
Never twist justice to benefit a rich man,
Deut 25:1-3
lest the punishment seem too sever,


Prov 11:1
The Lord hates cheating and delights in honesty.
Mic 6:8
to be fair and just and merciful,
Matt 7:12
Do for others what you want them to do for you.
Rom 13:7
Pay everyone whatever he ought to have;
Col 4:1
be just and fair to all your slaves.

Of God

Deut 32:4
Everything he does is just and fair.
Job 34:12
God is never wicked or unjust.
1 Joh 1:9
he can be depended on to forgive us
Rev 15:3-4
Just and true are your ways, O King


Examples of

Gen 15:6
God considered him righteous on account of his faith.
Isa 50:8
He who gives me justice is near.
Zec 3:4
See, I have taken away your sins,
Heb 11:4
God accepted Abel and proved it by accepting

Pauls teaching concerning

Rom 3:24
God declares us not guilty of offending him
Rom 5:1
been made right in Gods sight by faith
Rom 8:1
now no condemnation awaiting those who belong
1 Cor 1:30
it is from God alone that you have your life
1 Cor 6:11
but now your sins are washed away,
Gal 2:16
by faith in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.
Gal 5:5
counting on Christs death to clear away our sins

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