The Living Bible (429 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Of Heaven

Matt 3:2
the Kingdom of Heaven is coming soon.
Matt 8:11
sit down in the Kingdom of Heaven
Matt 11:11
the lesser lights in the Kingdom of Heaven
Matt 13:11
to understand about the Kingdom of Heaven,

Of Christ

Matt 16:28
certainly live to see me coming in my Kingdom.
John 18:36
But my Kingdom is not of the world.
2 Pet 1:11
Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus

Of God

1 Chr 29:11
O Lord, and this is your kingdom.
Psa 22:28
the Lord is King and rules the nations.
Psa 45:6
Your throne, O god, endures forever.
Psa 145:11
the glory of your Kingdom and mention
Isa 24:23
Lord of heavens armies will mount his throne
Dan 2:44
the God of heaven will set up a kingdom

Of Satan

Matt 12:26
destroying his own kingdom.


Of good and evil

Gen 2:9
giving knowledge of Good and Bad.
Gen 2:16-17
make you aware of right and wrong, good and bad.
Gen 3:22
become as we are, knowing good and bad,

Given by God

2 Chr 1:12
the wisdom and knowledge you asked for!
Psa 119:66
teach me good judgment as well as knowledge.
Prov 1:3
for he wanted them to be understanding,
Prov 2:6
For the Lord grants wisdom! His every word
Dan 2:21
He gives wise men their wisdom,
Matt 11:25
for revealing it to little children.
1 Cor 1:5
has given you a full understanding of the truth;

Lack of

Prov 1:22
How long will you go on being fools?
Jer 4:22
they are dull, retarded children
Hos 4:6
people are destroyed because they dont know me,
Rom 1:22
without God, they became utter fools
1 Cor 15:34
Get some sense and quite your sinning.

Prayer for

John 17:3
by knowing you, the only true God,
Eph 3:18-19
may you be able to feel and understand,
Col 1:9
asking God to help you understand

Of salvation

Luke 1:77
tell his people how to find forgiveness of their sins.

Responsibility of

Num 15:30
anyone who deliberately makes the mistake.
Luke 12:47
though he knew his duty he refused to do it.
John 15:22
now they have no excuse for their sin.
Rom 2:21
why dont you teach yourselves?
Jas 4:17
knowing what is right to do and then not doing it

Of Christ

Phil 3:18
many who walk along the Christian road

Human, imperfection of

Eccl 1:16-18
even this was like chasing the wind.
1 Cor 1:19
ignore the best ideas of men,
1 Cor 3:19
the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.


Exod 29:38
Each day offer two yearling lambs upon the altar,
Lev 3:7-8
lay his hand upon its head and kill it
Lev 23:19
two male yearling lambs for a peace offering.
Num 7:15
a male yearling lamb as burnt offerings;
Num 28:9-10
Sabbath day, sacrifice two yearling male lambs

Of God

John 1:29
the Lamb of God who takes away the worlds sin!
John 1:36
See! There is the Lamb of God!
1 Cor 5:7
Christ, Gods Lamb, has been slain for us.
1 Pet 1:19
of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Rev 5:6
a Lamb standing before the twenty-four Elders,
Rev 7:10
God upon the throne, and from the Lamb.


Miraculous appearance of

Gen 15:17
a flaming torch that passed between the halves

Laws concerning, Tabernacle

Exod 27:20
pure olive oil to use in the lamps of the Tabernacle,
Exod 37:17
he made the lampstand, again using pure, beaten gold.
Lev 24:1
to bring you pure olive oil for an eternal flame


Rev 4:5
in front of his throne were seven lighted lamps


Zep 1:12
I will search with lanterns in Jerusalems
Rev 21:23
the glory of God and of the Lamb illuminate it.


Creation of

Gen 1:9-10
gathered into oceans so that dry land will emerge.

Laws concerning

Exod 23:11
but let the land rest and lie fallow
Lev 25:14-16
if the land is sold or bought
Lev 25:23
remember, the land is mine,
Lev 27:17
If a man dedicates his field
Num 27:6-7
Give them land along with their uncles;
Num 36:1
divide the land by lot among the people

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Of God

Psa 37:12-13
The Lord is laughing
Psa 59:8
Lord, laugh at them!
Prov 1:26
Ill laugh! Mock me, will you?


Eccl 3:4
A time to cry; a time to laugh;

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To Adam

Gen 2:16-17
If you eat its fruit, you will be doomed to die.

To Noah

Gen 9:5-6
murder is forbidden.

Temporary, examples

Jer 3:16
the Ark will not be reconstructed,
Jer 31:33
this is the new contract I will make with them:
Heb 8:6
the new agreement which he passes on to us from God
Heb 10:1
the old system of Jewish laws gave only a dim foretaste


Psa 19:7-8
Gods laws are perfect. They protect us,
Psa 119:4
You have given us your laws to obey
Rom 7:12
the law itself was wholly right and good.

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Commandments, the ten

Giving of

Exod 21:1
Here are other laws you must obey:
Lev 1:2-3
give the following instructions to the people of Israel:
Deut 12:1
These are the laws you must obey

Regulations concerning

Deut 17:18
he must copy these laws from the book
Deut 31:10-11
laws be read to all the people
Deut 31:26
to put this book of the law beside the Ark,

Reading of, examples

Josh 8:34
Josua then read to them all the statements
Neh 8:1-5
read from early morning until noon.

Book of the

2 Kgs 22:8
a scroll in the Temple, with Gods laws written on it!
2 Kgs 23:1
read to them the entire book of Gods laws

Fulfilled by Christ

Matt 5:17
No, I came to fulfill them,

Christians delivered from

John 1:17
Christ brought us loving forgiveness as well.
Acts 13:39
freed from all guilt and declared righteous
Acts 15:27-29
no greater burden of the Jewish laws on you
Gal 3:13
Christ has bought us out from under the law

Given with the angels present

Deut 33:2
Surrounded by ten thousands of holy angels,
Acts 7:53
you received them from the hands of angels.
Gal 3:19
God gave his laws to angels to give to Moses,


To be avoided

Prov 25:8-10
Dont be hot-headed and rush to court!
Matt 5:25
Come to terms quickly with your enemy
1 Cor 6:1
you go to law^ and ask a heathen court to decide


Advantages of

Prov 1:5-6
I want those already wise to become the wiser
Prov 9:9
Teach a wise man, and he will be the wiser;
Prov 16:21
The wise man is known by his common sense,
Rom 15:4
teach us patience and to encourage us,
1 Cor 14:31
everyone will learn and be encouraged and helped.

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