The Living Bible (427 page)

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Zep 2:3
to save you, all who are humble
1 Tim 6:11
work instead at what is right and good,
1 Pet 3:4
Be beautiful inside, in your hearts,

Benefits of

Psa 69:32
The humble shall see their God at work
Prov 3:34
The Lord mocks at the mockers, but helps the humble.
Jas 4:6
God gives strength to the humble,

Christ, an example of

Matt 11:29-30
for I am gentle and humble,


Of Jesus

Matt 4:2
he ate nothing and became very hungry.
Matt 21:18
he was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry,
Mark 11:12
morning as they left Bethany, he felt hungry.
Luke 4:2
ate nothing all that time, and was very hungry.


Amos 8:11
not a famine of bread or water,
Luke 6:21
happiness there is for you who are now hungry,
1 Pet 2:2-3
cry for this as a baby cries for his milk.

Absent from heaven

Rev 7:16
they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty,


Examples of

Ezek 13:2-3
prophets who are inventing their own visions
Matt 2:8
so that I can go and worship him too!
Luke 13:15
You hypocrite! You work on the Sabbath!
Luke 20:23
He saw through their trickery
Acts 5:2
part of the money, claiming it was the full price.
Acts 8:18
he offered to buy this power.
Gal 2:13
even Barnabas became hypocrites too,


Prov 23:6-8
Dont associate with evil men;
Isa 1:12-13
sacrifices when you have no sorrow for your sins?
Isa 29:13
their worship amounts to mere words learned
Matt 6:2
dont shout about is as the hypocrites do
Matt 7:5
Hypocrite! First get rid of the board.
1 Pet 2:1
Dont just pretend to be good!

Christs teaching concerning

Matt 15:7
You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy
Matt 22:18
Who are you trying to fool with your trick
Matt 24:51
send you off to the judgment of the hypocrites;
Mark 12:38
Beware of the teachers of religion!
Luke 11:44
Yes, awesome judgment is awaiting you.

Apostles teaching concerning

Rom 2:1
for you do these very same things.
2 Cor 4:2
We do not try to trick people into believing
1 Tim 4:2
These teachers will tell lies with straight faces


Examples of

Exod 20:4
any images resembling animals, birds, or fish.
Isa 40:19
An idol, made from a mold, overlaid with gold,
Hab 2:18
worshiping all your man-made idols?
Acts 19:24
manufacture silver shrines of the Greek goddess

Materials used in

Exod 32:2-3
Give me your golden earrings, Aaron replied.
Lev 26:1
carved images, obelisks, or shaped stones,
Deut 4:28
worship idols, made from wood and stone,
Psa 115:4
merely man-made things of silver and gold.
Isa 2:20
their gold and silver idols to the moles
Ezek 20:32
you, serving gods of wood and stone.
Hos 8:4
idols that they have made from their silver


Exod 20:4
You shall not make yourselves any idols:
Exod 34:17
You must have nothing to do with idols.


Examples of

1 Kgs 11:5
Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess
1 Kgs 12:28
from now on these will be your gods
1 Kgs 16:31
Sidonians, and then began worshiping Baal.
2 Kgs 21:3-5
altars to the sun god, moon god, and the gods
2 Chr 28:2
Israel and worshiped the idols of Baal.
Dan 3:1
Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue ninety feet high
Acts 14:11
These men are gods in human bodies!
Acts 17:16
deeply troubled by all the idols he saw

Evil practices of

Exod 32:6
a wild party, followed by sexual immorality.
Lev 18:21
children to Molech, burning them upon his altar;
Lev 20:2
his child as a burnt offering to Molech
Deut 12:31
roasted their sons and daughters before their gods.
Deut 14:1
never cut yourselves [as the heathen do
1 Kgs 14:24
There was homosexuality throughout the land,
2 Chr 33:6
Manasseh sacrificed his own children
Mic 6:7
If you sacrificed your oldest child, would that make
Rom 1:24
every sort of sex sin, and so whatever

Feasts of

1 Kgs 12:32-33
similar to the annual festival at Jerusalem;
Ezek 18:6
to feat before the idols of Israel and worship

Objects of

Exod 32:4
molded and tooled it into the form of a calf.
Deut 4:19
the sky to worship the sun, moon, or stars.
2 Kgs 18:4
shrines on the hills, broke down the obelisks,
Hab 1:16
worship their nets and burn incense before them!
Acts 7:42
serve the sun, moon and stars as their gods!
Rom 1:23
like mere birds and animals and snakes
Col 2:18
lost when you refuse to worship angels,


Gen 35:2
his household to destroy the idols they had
Exod 20:3
You may worship no other god than me.
Lev 19:3-4
Do not make or worship idols,
Deut 27:15
curse of God is on anyone who makes
Isa 42:17
call them gods will be greatly disappointed;
1 Cor 6:9-10
live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers,
1 Cor 10:14
carefully avoid idol-worship of every kind.

Punishment for

Deut 17:5
taken outside the city and shall be stoned
Jer 8:2
Their bones shall not be gathered up again
Hos 8:7
sown the wind and they will reap the whirlwind.
Eph 5:6
the terrible wrath of God is upon all those
Rev 14:10
must drink the wine of the anger of God;

, see

, see

Formula for

Exod 30:34
sweet spicesstacte, onycha, galbanum,

Uses of

Exod 30:36
put some of it in front of the Ark
Lev 16:12
bring it inside the veil.
Num 16:17
bring your censers with incense on them;
Num 16:40
come before the Lord to burn incense,
Deut 33:10
work before you at the incense altar

Misuse, examples

Lev 10:1
offered the incense before the Lord
2 Chr 26:16
personally burning incense upon the altar.
Ezek 8:11
Each of them held a censer of burning incense,

Presented to Jesus

Matt 2:11
gave him gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


Rev 5:8
a harp and golden vials filled with incense
Rev 8:3
a great quantity of incense was given to him


Psa 141:2
as incense wafting up to you.
Mal 1:11
will offer sweet incense and pure offerings


Examples of

Gen 19:32
then we will sleep with him,
Gen 35:22
Reuben slept with Bilhah, his fathers concubine,
Exod 6:20
Amram married Jochebed, his fathers sister;
2 Sam 13:4
I am in love with Tamar, my half sister.
2 Sam 16:21
Go and sleep with your fathers wives,
Matt 14:3
Herodias, his brother Philips ex-wife,
Luke 3:19-20
for marrying Herodias, his brothers wife,

Laws concerning

Lev 18:6
None of you shall marry a near relative,
Lev 20:11
If a man sleeps with his fathers wife,
Deut 22:30
A man shall not sleep with his fathers widow
Deut 27:20
commits adultery with one of his fathers wives,

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