The Living Bible (423 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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King of kings and Lord of lords

1 Tim 6:15
God, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
Rev 17:14
Lord over all lords, and King of kings,

The Lord

Exod 6:13
Then the Lord ordered Moses and Aaron
Num 24:3-9
As aloes planted by the Lord himself;
Psa 91:14
For the Lord says, Because he loves me,
Isa 13:3
I, the Lord, have set apart these armies
Ezek 1:27-28
the glory of the Lord appeared to me.
Rev 1:8
God, who is the Lord, the All Powerful One

God of heaven

Ezra 5:11
are the servants of the God of heaven
Neh 1:4
time in prayer to the God of heaven.
Neh 2:4
With a quick prayer to the God of heaven,
Psa 57:2
I will cry to the God of heaven

Most High

Num 24:15-19
has knowledge from the Most High;
Dan 4:17
the Most High dominates the kingdoms

Mighty God

Psa 50:1
The mighty God, the Lord, has summoned all mankind
Isa 9:6
The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father,
Isa 10:21
will return to the mighty God.
Jer 32:18
your are the great and mighty God,



Exod 31:15
This is my eternal name, to be used always
Psa 9:7-8
the Lord lives on forever;
Isa 63:16
Father, our Redeemer from ages past.
Lam 5:19
O Lord, forever you remain the same!
Hab 1:12
you who are eternal
Rom 1:20
of his existence and great eternal power.
2 Pet 3:8
from now is like tomorrow to the Lord.


Num 23:18-24
He doesnt change his mind like humans
Psa 119:89
Lord, your Word stands firm in heaven.

All knowing

Psa 139:2
far away you know my every thought.
Prov 15:3
The Lord is watching everywhere and keeps
Ezek 11:5
for I know everything you think

Ever present

Job 28:23-24
he looks throughout the whole earth,
Psa 139:15
You were there while I was being formed
Acts 17:27
though he is not far from any one of us.


Exod 33:20
you may not see the glory of my face,
1 Tim 6:16
No mere man has ever seen him,


Psa 145:3
His greatness is beyond discovery!
Rom 11:33
impossible it is for us to understand


Job 36:26
we cannot begin to know him.
Mic 4:12
do not know my thoughts nor understand


Lev 11:44
be holy, for I am holy;
1 Sam 2:2
No one is as holy as the Lord!
Psa 22:3-4
for you are holy.


Exod 20:5
the Lord your God, am very possessive.
Deut 4:24
He is a devouring fire, a jealous God.
Zep 1:18
devoured by the fire of his jealousy.
Zec 1:14
I am as jealous as a husband for his wife


Active in human activities

Gen 11:8
God scattered them all over the earth;
Gen 14:19-20
who has delivered your enemies over to you.
1 Sam 9:15
The Lord had told Samuel the previous day
2 Sam 7:8
go and give this message to David
Psa 74:12
you have been actively helping me
Isa 40:23
He dooms the great men of the world
Luke 10:21
hiding these things from the intellectuals
Jas 4:12
He alone decides to save us or destroy.

Judge of all

Gen 18:25
Should not the Judge of all the earth
Deut 32:36
The Lord will see his people righted,
Psa 94:1-2
Arise and judge the earth;
Eccl 3:17
God will judge everything man does,
Eccl 12:14
God will judge us for everything we do,
Heb 12:23
to God who is Judge of all;

Searcher of hearts

Psa 7:9
look deep within the hearts of men
Psa 44:21
he knows the secrets of every heart.
Jer 17:10
He searches all hearts and examines
Rom 8:27
Father who knows all hearts knows,

As a refuge

Deut 33:27
The eternal God is your Refuge,
2 Sam 22:3
I will hide in God, who is my rock
Psa 59:16
my high tower of refuge,
Isa 8:14-15
He will be your safety;
Heb 6:18
all those who flee to him to save them


Psa 106:21-22
they despised their Savior
Isa 43:3
the Lord your God, your Savior,
Hos 13:4
for there is no other Savior.
Luke 1:47
How I rejoice in God my Savior!

, see
Idol worship


Of Christ

Matt 4:23
preaching the Good News about the Kingdom
Matt 24:14
the Good News about the Kingdom
Mark 1:14
to Galilee to preach Gods Good News.
Mark 13:10
the Good News must first be made known
Luke 4:18-19
preach Good News to the poor;
Rom 1:16
this Good News about Christ.

To the poor and others

Matt 11:5
preaching the Good News to the poor.
Luke 24:47
this message of salvation
Acts 13:46
Good News from God should be given first
1 Cor 9:16
just preaching the Gospel isnt any special credit
Rev 14:6
Good News to preach to those on earth

Effects of

Mark 1:15
Turn from your sins and act
Luke 19:8
I will give half my wealth to the poor,
Acts 4:32
believers were of one heart and mind,
Rom 16:25-27
who is able to make you strong
Col 1:23
standing in it steadfast and firm, strong

Rejected by the Jews

Acts 28:26
You will see but not understand,
Rom 9:4
but still you will not listen to him.
Rom 10:21
they keep arguing and refusing to come.


1 Cor 1:23
the Gentiles say its all nonsense.
1 Cor 2:8
men of the world have not understood it;
2 Cor 4:3
it is hidden from the one who is on the

, see


Lev 19:16
Dont gossip. Dont falsely accuse your neighbor
Psa 50:20
You slander your own brother.
Prov 11:13
A gossip goes around spreading rumors,
Prov 20:19
Dont tell your secrets to a gossip


Of God and Jesus

Deut 7:8
It was just because he loves you,
Psa 84:11
He gives us grace and glory.
Psa 138:3
by giving me the strength I need.
Dan 9:18
you are so merciful despite our grievous sins.
Zec 4:7
thanksgiving for Gods mercy,
Rom 9:10-13
I chose to bless Jacob, but not Esau.
1 Cor 1:4
the wonderful gifts he has given you,
Eph 2:8
it too is a gift from God.

Salvation through

Acts 15:11
by the free gift of the Lord Jesus?
Rom 3:24
who in his kindness freely takes away our sins.
2 Thes 2:16
given us everlasting comfort and hope

Growth in, exhortations to

Prov 4:18
in the ever-brightening light of Gods favor;
Phil 3:13
Forgetting the past and looking forward
Col 2:19
we grow only as we get our nourishment
2 Thes 1:3
wonderful way your faith has grown,
Heb 6:1
Let us go on instead to other things
2 Pet 3:18
But grow in spiritual strength

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