The Living Bible (418 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Of John

Matt 9:14
disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus
Matt 11:2
John sent his disciples to ask Jesus,
John 1:37
Johns two disciples turned and followed Jesus
Acts 19:3
What John the Baptist taught.


Laws concerning

Exod 21:8
then he shall let her be bought back
Lev 21:7
shall not marry a divorced woman,
Lev 21:14-15
nor a woman who is divorced,
Lev 22:13
if she is a widow or divorced
Deut 22:19
he may never divorce her.
Deut 22:28-29
he may never divorce her.
Deut 24:3
the second husband also divorces her,

Exemptions concerning

Deut 24:1
if a man doesnt like something about his wife,
Matt 5:32
who divorces his wife, except for fornication,

Examples of

1 Chr 8:8-10
Shaharaim divorced his wives
Ezra 10:3
to divorce our heathen wives
Mal 2:14
treachery in divorcing your wives

Christs teaching

Matt 5:32
causes her to commit adultery
Matt 19:5-6
no man may divorce what God has joined
Mark 10:11
When a man divorces his wife to marry another,
Mark 10:12
if a wife divorces her husband
Luke 16:18
anyone who divorces his wife and marries another


Isa 50:1
because I divorced her and sent her away?
Jer 3:8
saw that I divorced faithless Israel.



Matt 15:9
Their worship is worthless,
Matt 16:12
the wrong teachings of the Pharisees
Rom 16:17
teaching things about Christ that are wrong
Eph 4:14
made the lie sound like the truth.
Col 2:8
philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers
2 Thes 2:11
to believe lies with all their hearts.
1 Tim 1:3-4
who are teaching such wrong doctrine.
1 Tim 4:1
followers of teachers with devil-inspired ideas.
2 Pet 2:1
will be false teachers among you.

Warning against false

Jer 23:16
Dont listen to false prophets
Col 2:8
Dont let others spoil your faith and joy
1 Tim 1:3-4
Put an end to their myths and fables,
1 Tim 6:20
Keep out of foolish arguments

True, defined and defended

Matt 7:29
he taught as one with great authority,
John 7:16
Im not teaching you my own thoughts,
1 Tim 6:3
wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus
1 Tim 3:16
is useful to teach us what is true
Titus 1:1
teach them to know Gods truth
Titus 2:1
that goes along with true Christianity.
Heb 6:1
always teaching those first lessons
2 Joh 1:9
if you are loyal to Christs teachings,


Examples of

Psa 94:19
Lord, when doubts fill my mind,
Matt 14:31
Jesus said. Why did you doubt me?
Luke 12:28
will provide clothing for you, you doubters?
Luke 24:38
Why do you doubt that it is really I?
Luke 24:41
undecided, filled with joy and doubt.
Rom 15:1
considerate of the doubts and fears
Jas 1:6
a doubtful mind will be as unsettled
Jude 1:22
Be merciful to those who doubt.

Admonitions concerning

Deut 1:19-21
Dont be afraid! Dont even doubt!
Josh 1:9
Banish fear and doubt!
Heb 10:23
no longer any room for doubt,


Examples of

Gen 9:20-21
One day as he was drunk
Gen 19:33
they got him drunk that night,
1 Sam 25:36
He was roaring drunk,
1 Kgs 16:9
King Elah was half drunk at Arzas home
1 Kgs 20:16
they were still drinking themselves drunk,
Dan 5:2-4
As Belshazzar was drinking he was reminded
1 Cor 11:21
too much drink and gets drunk.

Laws concerning

Deut 21:20
he is a worthless drunkard.

Punishment of

Deut 21:21
the men of the city shall stone him
Prov 20:1
hard liquor leads to brawls;
Prov 21:17
wine and luxury are not the way to riches!
Prov 23:19-21
for they are on their way to poverty.
Isa 24:9
strong drink turns bitter in the mouth.
Jer 25:27
you are drunk and vomit and fall
Amos 6:7
suddenly your revelry will end.
Matt 24:49
fellow servants, partying and getting drunk,
Luke 12:46
remove him from his position of trust
1 Cor 6:9-10
they will have no share in his kingdom.
Gal 5:21
they will not inherit the kingdom of God.


Prov 23:19-21
dont carouse with drunkards
Rom 13:12-13
Dont spend your time in wild parties
1 Cor 5:11
Dont even eat lunch with such a person.
Titus 1:7
must not be drunkards or fighters


Created by God

Gen 1:1
When God began creating the heavens and the earth,
2 Kgs 19:15
You created the heavens and the earth.
2 Chr 2:12
Lord God of Israel who made the heavens
Neh 9:6
the earth and the seas
Psa 90:2
Before the mountains were created,
Psa 146:6
God who made both earth and heaven,
Prov 8:22
before he created anything else.
Isa 37:16-17
You alone made heaven and earth.
Jer 10:12
our God formed the earth by his power
John 1:3
He created everything there is
Heb 1:10
Lord, in the beginning you made the earth,
2 Pet 3:5-6
used the waters to form the earth
Rev 14:7
the heaven and the earth, the sea

Primitive condition of

Gen 1:2
the earth was at first a shapeless, chaotic
Job 26:7
hangs the earth upon nothing.
Psa 104:3
hollowed out the surface of the earth

Symbolic use of

Isa 40:22
who sits above the circle of the earth.
Isa 66:1
the earth is my footstool:


Isa 65:17
creating new heavens and a new earth
Isa 66:22
my new heavens and earth shall remain,
Rev 21:1
Then I saw a new earth

Destruction of

Psa 102:26
They shall perish, but you go on
Isa 24:19
The earth has broken down in utter ruin;
Isa 51:6
the earth shall wear out like a garment,
Matt 24:3
your return, and the end of the world?
2 Pet 3:10
earth and everything on it will be burned up.
Rev 21:1
the present earth and sky had disappeared.


Of Israel

Lev 4:15
leaders of the nation shall lay their hands
Deut 21:19
before the elders of the city
1 Sam 16:4
the elders of the city came trembling
Ezra 5:9
We asked the leaders,
Psa 107:32
before the leaders of the nation.

Of the church

Acts 14:23
also appointed elders in every church
Acts 15:4
all the apostles and elders were present
Acts 16:4
decided by the apostles and elders
Acts 20:17
to the elders of the church at Ephesus
Jas 5:14
He should call for the elders of the church
1 Pet 5:1
a word to you elders of the church.

The twenty-four

Rev 4:4
with twenty-four Elders sitting on them;
Rev 4:10
the twenty-four Elders fell down before him
Rev 5:5
the twenty-four Elders said to me,
Rev 5:14
And the twenty-four Elders fell down
Rev 11:16
twenty-four Elders sitting on their thrones

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