The Living Bible (416 page)

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Authors: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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On the breakers of the law

Lev 26:16
I will punish you with sudden terrors
Deut 11:26
between Gods blessing or Gods curse!
Deut 27:13
upon Mount Ebal to proclaim a curse.
Deut 28:15-19
then all of these curses shall come
Deut 29:19
he hears the warnings of this curse,
Josh 8:34
statements of blessing and curses
Prov 3:33
The curse of God is on the wicked,

Ended by Christ

Gal 3:10
are under Gods curse,
Gal 3:13
taking the curse for our wrongdoing


Created by God

Job 38:8-9
with clouds and thick darkness,
Isa 45:7
form the light and make the dark.


Gen 15:12
of terrible foreboding, darkness,
Exod 10:21
darkness without a ray of light
Exod 10:22
there was thick darkness over
Exod 14:20
it gave darkness to the Egyptians
Exod 20:21
Moses entered into the deep darkness
Deut 5:23
the loud voice from the darkness,
Josh 24:7
I put darkness between them
Psa 105:28
he sent thick darkness through
Matt 27:45
earth was covered with darkness
Mark 15:33
About noon, darkness fell across the
Luke 23:44
it was noon, and darkness fell across
Heb 12:18
terror, flaming fire, gloom, darkness

Figurative, of judgment

Prov 20:20
God puts out the light of the man
Isa 8:22
trouble and anguish and dark despair.
Isa 13:10
The heavens will be black above them.
Jer 4:28
heavens shall be draped with black,
Jer 13:16
causes deep, impenetrable darkness
Lam 3:2
brought me into deepest darkness,
Ezek 32:7
I will veil the heavens and darken the
Joel 2:10
The sun and moon are obscured
Mic 7:8
When I sit in darkness, the Lord
Matt 24:29
the sun will be darkened, and the moon
Mark 13:24
the sun will grow dim and the moon
Luke 23:45
The light from the sun was gone
Rev 8:12
a third of the sun was blighted
Rev 9:2
sun and air were darkened by the smoke.
Rev 16:10
kingdom was plunged into darkness.

Of the mind

Job 37:19-20
You who think you know so much.
Isa 9:2
The people who walk in darkness shall
Isa 42:16
He will bring blind Israel along a
Isa 50:10
such men walk in darkness,
Matt 6:23
your eye is clouded with evil thoughts
Luke 11:34
A lustful eye shuts out the light
John 1:5
the light that shines through the darkness
John 3:19
they loved the darkness more than the
Eph 5:8
your heart was full of darkness,
1 Joh 2:8
darkness in our lives disappears

, see


Acts 6:3
select seven men, wise and full of the Holy


Acts 6:3
wise and full of the Holy Spirit
1 Tim 3:8
must be the same sort of good, steady
1 Tim 3:10
they should be given other jobs
1 Tim 3:11
thoughtful, not heavy drinkers, not gossipers,
1 Tim 3:12
should have only one wife

Examples of

Acts 21:8
Evangelist, one of the first seven deacons.
Phil 1:1
The pastors and deacons


Result of Adams sin

Gen 2:16-17
fruit, you will be doomed to die.
Gen 3:19
to the ground you will return.
Rom 5:12
His sin spread death throughout all
Rom 6:23
the wages of sin is death,
1 Cor 15:21
Death came into the world because of


Isa 9:2
in the land of the shadow of death.
Matt 4:15-16
they sat in the land of death,
Luke 1:79
darkness and deaths shadow,
John 6:53
you cannot have eternal life within you.
Rom 5:15
brought death to many through his sin.
Rom 6:13
you are back from death
Rom 8:6
after the old nature leads to death,
Col 2:13
You were dead in sins,
1 Joh 3:14
is headed for eternal death.
Rev 3:1
active church, but you are dead.

Preparation for

2 Kgs 20:1
Set your affairs in order and prepare
Psa 39:4
Help me know that I am here but a moment
Psa 90:12
Teach us to number our days
Eccl 9:10
Whatever you do, do well, for in death,
Eccl 11:8
let him rejoice in every day of life,
Luke 12:37
who are ready and waiting for his return.
John 9:4
there is a little time left before the night
Rom 14:8
Living or dying we follow the Lord.
Phil 1:21
dyingwell, thats better yet!
1 Pet 1:17
until you get to heaven.


Prov 14:12
seems right but ends in death.
Dan 12:2
some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Matt 25:30
useless servants out into outer darkness:
John 5:29
who have continued in evil, to judgment.
Rom 9:22
against those who are fit only for destruction
2 Thes 1:9
will be punished in everlasting hell,
2 Pet 2:17
doomed to eternal pits of darkness.

Deliverance from, by Christ

Rom 6:9
Death no longer has any power over
1 Cor 15:26
including the last enemydeath.
1 Tim 1:10
Christ, who broke the power of death
Heb 2:15
deliver those who through fear of death
Rev 1:17-18
who has the keys of hell and death

Of Christ, see


Rom 6:2-3
through his death the power of your sinful
Rom 7:4
but you died as it were, with Christ
Rom 8:10
your body will die because of sin;
Col 2:20
Since you died, as it were, with Christ

, see


Examples of

Gen 28:20
Jacob vowed this vow to God:
Gen 39:9
How can I do such a wicked thing
Exod 24:7
We solemnly promise to obey every one
Num 13:30
Let us go up at once and possess
Deut 26:17
You have declared today that he is
Josh 24:15
then decide today whom you will obey.
Ruth 1:16
I want to go wherever you go,
1 Sam 17:32
Ill take care of this Philistine!
1 Sam 25:18
Abigail hurriedly took two hundred loaves
Luke 18:28
We have left our homes and followed

Exhortation to

Josh 1:7
be strong and courageous and obey
2 Chr 19:11
Be fearless in your stand for truth
Matt 4:17
Turn from sin, and turn to God,
Matt 6:24
You cannot serve two masters: God and money.
Luke 9:60
Your duty is to come and preach
Luke 12:8
if you publicly acknowledge me on earth
1 Tim 6:11
Run from all these evil things
1 Tim 6:12
Fight on for God. Hold tightly

Spiritually acceptable

Exod 32:26
all the Levites came.
Num 14:24
he has obeyed me fully.
Deut 6:5
You must love him with all your heart,


Worship of

Lev 17:7
peoples sacrificing to evil spirits
Deut 32:17
They sacrificed to heathen gods,
2 Chr 11:15
to worship idols instead of God,
Psa 106:37-38
sacrificed their little children to demons
Zec 13:2
get rid of every vestige of idol worship
1 Cor 10:20
together in sacrificing to demons,
Rev 9:20
would not renounce their demon-worship,

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