The Living Bible (420 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Examples of

Gen 22:10
Abraham took the knife and lifted it up
1 Sam 22:14
who is as faithful as David your son-in-law?
Dan 6:4
He was faithful and honest,
1 Cor 4:17
a beloved and trustworthy child in the Lord.


2 Kgs 12:15
for they were honest and faithful men.
Matt 24:46
Blessings on you if I return and find you faithful
2 Cor 2:17
are men of integrity, sent by God,

, see


Examples of

2 Sam 12:16
went without food
Matt 4:2
he ate nothing and became very hungry.
Acts 14:23
prayed for them with fasting,

Observed in times of trouble

2 Sam 1:12
mourned and wept and fasted all day
Psa 35:13
I refused to eat; I prayed for them
Dan 6:18
went to bed without dinner.

In times of mourning

1 Sam 31:13
at Jabesh and fasted for seven days.
2 Sam 1:12
fasted all day for Saul and his son
2 Sam 3:35-36
refused to eat anything that day


Matt 9:14
Why dont your disciples fast as we do
Mark 2:18
fasted, that is, went without food
Luke 2:36-37
God by praying and often fasting.
Luke 18:12
I go without food twice a week,

Christs teaching concerning

Matt 6:16
And now about fasting. When you fast


Duties of

Exod 12:27
It is the celebration of Passover
Deut 6:7
teach them to your children
Prov 3:11-12
a father punishes a son he delights in
Prov 13:22
he leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren
Prov 19:18
Discipline your son in his early years
Prov 23:13-14
Dont fail to correct your children;
Eph 6:4
Dont keep on scolding and nagging your children,

Children to obey

Exod 20:12
Honor your father and mother,
Prov 6:20
obey your father and your mother.
Eph 6:1
Children, obey your parents;
Col 3:20
children must always obey your fathers

Name of God, see
God, His Names

, see


Examples of

Gen 28:16-17
God lives here! he exclaimed in terror.
Gen 42:18
I am a God-fearing man
Exod 1:17
the midwives feared God and didnt obey
Exod 9:20
Egyptians, terrified by this threat,
2 Chr 20:3
determined to beg for help from the Lord;
Neh 5:15
but I obeyed God and did not act that way.


Lev 19:14
Fear your God; I am Jehovah!
Deut 4:10
reverence me, and so that they can teach
Josh 24:14
So revere Jehovah and serve him in
Psa 2:11
Serve the Lord with reverent fear;
Prov 23:17-18
reverence the Lord all the time,
Isa 8:13
Dont fear anything except the Lord
1 Pet 2:17
Fear God and honor the government.

A motive for obeying the law

Lev 19:32
in the fear of God. I am Jehovah.
Deut 6:15
his anger may rise quickly against you,
Deut 8:6
Walk in his ways and fear him.
Deut 17:13
will be afraid to defy the courts
Deut 21:21
about what happened and will be afraid.

Advantages of

Psa 85:9
his salvation is near to those who fear him;
Psa 103:11
mercy toward those who fear and honor
Prov 10:27
for God adds hours to each day;
Prov 22:4
lead a man to riches, honor and long life.
Eccl 8:12
who fear God will be better off,
Luke 1:50
His mercy goes on from generation to
Rev 11:18
judge the dead, and reward your servants


With God

Gen 5:21-24
300 years in fellowship with God,
Exod 29:45
I will live among the people of Israel
Exod 33:17
you are my friend.
John 14:23
come to them and live with them.
John 17:21
you are in me and I am in you,
2 Cor 6:16
I will live in them and walk among them,
1 Joh 1:3
share the fellowship and joys
Rev 21:3
the home of God is now among men,

With Christ

Matt 18:20
where two or three gather together
Mark 9:37
anyone who welcomes me is welcoming my Father
John 15:4
Take care to live in me, and let me live in you.
Rom 8:10
even though Christ lives within you,
1 Cor 1:9
this wonderful friendship with his Son,
1 Thes 5:10
we can live with him forever,
Rev 3:20
will come in and fellowship with him

With the Holy Spirit, see
Holy Spirit, communion with

Of the Saints

Matt 20:26
leader among you must be your servant.
John 13:34
love each other just as much
Acts 2:42
joined with the other believers in regular worship
2 Cor 8:4
share in the joy of helping the Christians
1 Joh 1:3
that you may share the fellowship

With the wicked, forbidden

1 Cor 10:20
partners with demons when you eat
2 Cor 6:14
Dont be teamed with those who do not love the Lord
Eph 5:11
no part in worthless pleasures of evil


Laws concerning

Exod 21:18
If two men are fighting,
Deut 20:10
approach a city to fight against it,
Deut 25:11
If two men are fighting

Punishment for

Exod 21:19
pay any medical expenses.
Exod 21:23
she dies, he shall be executed.
Deut 25:12
her hand shall be cut off without pity.


Prov 3:30
Dont get into needless fights.
Prov 13:2
the evil minded only wants to fight.
Prov 15:18
A quick-tempered man starts fights;
Prov 18:6-7
A fool gets into constant fights.
Prov 29:8
Fools start fights everywhere
Isa 45:9
Woe to the man who fights with his Creator.
Rom 13:12-13
adultery and lust, or fighting,
Gal 5:20
hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger,
Titus 1:7
they must not be drunkards or fighters

For the faith

1 Tim 6:12
Fight on for God.
1 Tim 4:7
have fought long and hard for my Lord,

Against Satanic powers

Eph 6:12
For we are not fighting against people


Pillar of

Exod 13:21
by a pillar of fire at night.
Exod 14:20
changed to a pillar of fire,
Exod 40:38
there was a fire in the cloud
Num 9:15
Cloud changed to the appearance of fire,

God appears in

Exod 3:2
Jehovah appeared to him as a flame of fire
Deut 4:12
the Lord spoke to you from the fire;
Ezek 1:4
fire inside that flashed continually;
Dan 7:10
a river of fire flowed from before him.

Tortured with

Lev 21:9
as her own, shall be burned alive.
Jer 29:22
the king of Babylon burned alive!
Dan 3:6
be thrown into a flaming furnace.

Sacrifices consumed by, miraculously

Gen 15:17
Abram saw a smoking fire-pot
Lev 9:24
consumed the burnt offering
1 Kgs 18:38
fire flashed down from heaven
2 Chr 7:1
fire flashed down from heaven


Isa 33:14
this all-consuming, Everlasting Fire?
Matt 25:41
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil
Mark 9:48
dies, and the fire never goes out

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