The Living Bible (417 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Possession by

Matt 8:28
two men with demons in them met him.
Matt 12:22
Then a demon-possessed man
Mark 7:25
little girl was possessed by a demon.
Luke 9:39
a demon keeps seizing him,

Cast out by Jesus

Matt 4:24
or if they were possessed by demons,
Matt 8:16
when he spoke, all the demons fled;
Luke 11:14
Jesus cast out a demon from a man

Punishment of

Matt 8:29
You have no right to torment us yet.
Matt 25:41
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil
2 Pet 2:4
but threw them into hell,
Jude 1:6
chained up in prisons of darkness,
Rev 12:7
his hosts of fallen angels.

Disciples power over

Matt 10:1
gave them authority to cast out evil
Mark 6:7
with power to cast out demons.
Mark 16:17
use my authority to cast out demons,
Luke 10:17
Even the demons obey us
Acts 5:16
every one of them was healed.
Acts 8:7
Many evil spirits were cast out, screaming


Examples of

Gen 6:12-13
all mankind was vicious and depraved,
1 Kgs 14:24
Judah became as depraved as the heathen
Job 36:14
die young after lives of dissipation
Psa 5:9
filled to the brim with wickedness.
Jer 23:14
These prophets are thoroughly depraved
Hos 9:9
things my people do are depraved
Matt 7:6
Dont give holy things to depraved

Effects of

Gen 6:7
blot out from the face of the earth
Job 11:12
man is likely to be wise as a donkeys colt
Job 25:6
man, who is but a worm in his sight?
Psa 51:5
I was born a sinner, yes, from conception
Psa 94:11
limited and futile thoughts of mankind
Prov 10:20
words of fools are a dime a dozen.
Prov 21:8
An evil man lives an evil life;


Examples of

Gen 4:13
My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Gen 21:16
I dont want to watch him die,
Exod 6:8-9
they were too dispirited
Exod 14:12
better to be slaves to the Egyptians
Num 11:15
please kill me right now;
1 Kgs 19:4
bush and prayed that he might die.
Job 3:1
cursed the day of his birth.
Lam 3:3
He has turned against me.
Jon 4:3
Please kill me, Lord;
Acts 27:20
until at last all hope was gone.

Comfort in

Isa 35:3
news brings cheer to all discouraged
Luke 18:7
God will surely give justice to his people
Heb 12:12
take a new grip with your tired hands,


Names of

Matt 12:24
cast out demons because he is Satan,
Luke 10:18
I saw Satan falling from heaven
Rev 9:11
whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon,

Kinds of

Matt 12:24
he is Satan, king of devils.
John 14:30
for the evil prince of this world
Eph 2:2
mighty prince of the power of the air,

Nature and character of

Gen 3:1
So the serpent came to the woman.
Job 1:6
Satan, the Accuser, came
Job 1:9
you pay him so well? Satan scoffed.
Job 2:4-5
Skin for skin, Satan replied.
Matt 4:5
Satan took him to Jerusalem
Matt 13:25
his enemy came and sowed thistles
2 Cor 11:14
Satan can change himself into an angel
Eph 2:2
full of sin; obeying Satan,
Eph 6:11
all strategies and tricks of Satan.
1 Tim 3:6
(Satans downfall is an example.)
1 Pet 5:8
watch out for attacks from Satan,
Rev 12:9
serpent called the devil, or Satan,
Rev 20:2
Dragonthat old Serpent, the devil,

Fall of the

Luke 10:18
I saw Satan falling from heaven

Actions on earth (ruler)

Gen 3:1
So the serpent came to the woman.
Gen 3:4
Thats a lie! the serpent hissed.
Job 2:1
before the Lord, and Satan with them.
Zec 3:1
Satan was there too,
Matt 4:6
Jump off, he said, and prove
Matt 13:19
then Satan comes and snatches away
John 8:44
love to do the evil things he does.
2 Cor 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this evil
1 Thes 2:18
again, but Satan stopped us.
2 Thes 2:9
man of sin will come as Satans tool,
Rev 20:7
thousand years end, Satan will be let out

Tempting Christ

Matt 4:3
Satan tempted him to get food
Mark 1:12-13
was subjected to Satans temptations
Luke 4:1-2
where Satan tempted him for forty days.

Conquered by Christ

Matt 4:10
Get out of here, Satan, Jesus told him.
Luke 11:20
proves that the Kingdom of God has arrived.
Col 2:15
God took away Satans power
Heb 2:14
in dying break the power of the devil
1 Joh 3:8
Son of God came to destroy these

To be resisted by believers

2 Cor 2:11
keep from being outsmarted by Satan;
2 Cor 11:3
in some way you will be led away
Eph 4:27
you give a mighty foothold to the devil.
2 Tim 2:26
escape from Satans trap
Jas 4:7
Resist the devil and he will flee
1 Pet 5:9
Stand firm when he attacks
1 Joh 2:13
have won your battle with Satan.

Ultimate defeat of

Gen 3:15
He shall strike you on your head,
Jude 1:6
God has them chained up in prisons
Rev 20:10
be thrown into the Lake of Fire


Examples of

Ruth 2:17
worked there all day, and in the evening
2 Chr 31:21
He worked very hard
Neh 4:6
for the workers worked hard.
Psa 119:59-60
came running back to you.
Acts 5:42
they continued to teach and preach
2 Cor 8:22
all about your eagerness to help.
1 Thes 2:9
how hard we worked among you?
1 Tim 1:17
he searched everywhere trying to find me,

Exhortations to

Exod 15:26
obey it, and do what is right,
Deut 4:9
Be very careful never to forget what you have seen
Deut 6:7
You must teach them to your children
Prov 7:1
Follow my advice, my son;
Luke 12:58
settle the matter before it reaches the judge,
Rom 12:8
see to it that your sermons are strong
1 Tim 5:10
be well thought of by everyone
Heb 6:11
keep right on loving others

Of Jesus

Mark 1:35
he was up long before daybreak
Luke 2:49
Didnt you realize that I would be at the Temple,

In business

Prov 10:4
hard workers get rich.
Prov 12:24
Work hard and become a leader;
Prov 13:4
the diligent are prospering.
Prov 21:5
Steady plodding brings prosperity;
Prov 22:29
a hard-working man? He shall be successful
Prov 27:23-24
so watch your business interests
Rom 12:11
Never be lazy in your work
2 Thes 3:11
laziness, refusing to work,


Prov 6:6
Take a lesson from the ants, you lazy fellow.


Of Jesus

Matt 10:1
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him,
Matt 20:17
he took his twelve disciples aside,
Luke 10:1
The Lord now chose seventy other disciples
Acts 2:41
those who believed Peter were baptized

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