The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Lost One (Lost Series Book 1)
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“What’s this?” he takes it and is quiet for a moment while he reads it. “This is only two weeks away?” he says, looking up at me. Standing in front of his desk, I’m feeling quite exposed and anxious. Will he
allow me to have the time off?

“Yes, I know. It is something important to my family and me. It’s a week we need to be together.” My voice cracks a little while thinking of the weeks to come—going home, visiting Abby’s grave, letting balloons go—but just being together is what’s important. It’s been our trad
ition for the last three years.

I try swallowing the lump that’s formed in my throat. I don’t want my emotions to get the best of me here, again, in front of him. I stand a little taller, clearing my throat.
Corban watches me, and not wanting to seem weak and breakable, I refuse to break eye contact while I remain strong and wait for his answer.

“Where are you going?” he questions. Is he seriously asking me this? Can’t he just sign the bloody
form and let me be on my way?

He has no right to ask me, and I’m sure as hell not going to tell him. This is my personal family matter. It’s hard enough I have to relive those painful memories, and since he’s decided not to be a part of my life and keep to it all profess
ional, he has no right to know.

“That’s none of your concern,” I state, matter-of-factly. “It’s a
personal matter.”

“Does this have something to do with your having the
panic attack the other night?”

I’m completely shocked by his question. “Look, I’m not talking about my private life with you since you’ve decided to close the relationship book and open the professional one.” I
fold my arms across my chest, glaring at him. I am not giving in to him. His eyes soften and he looks wounded as if my words sting.

“I do care,
Melodi. Please don’t think the worst of me.” He stands, coming around his desk. I back away toward the door, knowing perfectly well what happens when he gets too close.

“No, you don’t,” I reply angrily, pointing at him. “You are the CEO of this company and you can’t let one of your own rules slide. You say you care, blah, blah, blah. You’re a record on repeat, and I’ve had enough of hearing it. So, please, just don’t…” Tears threaten
, but I will not let them fall.

He turns back to his desk, signs the form, and walks toward m
e. Handing it to me, he pauses.

“I really do care. You don’t realise what you have done to me, do you?” His v
oice is low, barely a whisper.

I am speechless; my mouth opens, but no words come. I take the form and leave in shock. His moods a
re giving me serious whiplash.

I sink back into my chair, wishing f
or the day to be over already.

Chapter Twelve


What a week! I am so glad it’s the weekend. I’m having an awesome time with Flick and Rachel. We have been out hitting the party s
cene pretty hard this weekend.

Last night, we did a bit of bar hopping and met some gorgeous, model looking guys who were visiting from some other country I had never heard of. They were very nice eye candy. They follo
wed us to every bar we went to.

We soon got bored of our little followers and had to sneak away to get home before the sun came up, which was within the hour of actually getting home. I am very thankful for heavy, room darkening curtains. I think Flick is as well. Rachel went home with Axel, who was also with us. Liam left really early as he had to do some work today, but he is making
up for it tonight.

We’ve just left a strip club, which is totally not my scene. There was this old guy, like in his fifties at least, sitting right along the dancing stage. He paid this chick a ton of money to do a special dance just for him. I couldn’t sit there and watch; it was too embarrassing. As soon as I saw the underwear being toyed with, teasing the old man, I got up and walked out. My group soon followe
d, pissing themselves laughing.

Now we’re in the line-up at The Phoenix. As much as I don’t want to be here, it’s still one of my favourite clubs. I am not looking forward to running into
Corban. I’m sure I’ll be all right once I get a few more drinks into me, perhaps even some tequila shots.

Flick is majorly pissed at
Corban for his behaviour this last week. When I told her, her exact words were, “What a scum bag. If I see his face this weekend, I am going to give him a piece of my mind. I’ll tear him another hole to breathe from!” She had shouted that through my apartment, and may have had also had a few drinks by that time…maybe…possibly…very likely.

She was mother hen in full swing. It’s funny listening to her bitch about him. When I need someone to be a hater, she is always there. It di
d make me feel so much better.

It sucks we can’t talk to Rachel about it. I would enjoy hearing what she has to say on the matter.
Maybe one day I’ll fill her in.

Axel, Rachel’s boyfriend, is a super sweet guy. Looking at him, though, you wouldn’t think that. The saying “Never judge a book by its cover” comes to mi

On the outside, he is well built and has deep brown eyes and a shaved head, not a total skinhead though, and tattoos down both arms. I can see more tattoos showing just above the collar of his black, fitted, button up shirt. I guess you wouldn’t expect anyt
hing else from a tattoo artist.

He’s always making sure Rachel is okay, and the way he looks at her, I can see the love and admiration he has for her. He only has eyes for her, no matter what skimpy tart comes by trying to grab his attention. He doesn’t even blink in their direction. Now that is the kind of love I want. Knowing I can’t have that with
Corban, depresses me. Sadness washes over me like a cold shower.

He has been the only guy to pique my interest. I’ve never really had a boyfriend. I have had some interest over the years, but I couldn’t bri
ng myself to trust any of them.

Oy! Are you listening to me?” Flick yells right in my face, spraying a little spit over me. I’m sure she’s already had too much to drink, so I’m going to have to slow down and keep an eye on her tonight.

Being with Liam and Flick, and Rachel and Axel, I am beginning to feel like the odd one out. I can’t help how I surround myself
with these loved–up couples.

As we stand in line, I’m a little nervous and my butterflies in my gut have not stopped since I saw the sign. It feels as if we’ve been waiting for ages, but looking at my watch, it’s only been
fifteen minutes. Time seems longer while standing in heels that are my feet killing me. I didn’t take my own advice from last time.

I see Rachel walk away to make a phone call. She comes back a few minutes later looking pleased with
herself. I wonder who that was.

I turn to Flick. “I think you may have already had a little too much to drink, woman,” I tell her. She folds her arms in front of her chest. Liam comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing kisses along her bare neck. Liam has had too much as well. These two, I’m sure, will be leaving soon. They can’t keep their hands or mouths off each other. It’s actually a little awkward because I have to keep remindin
g them we’re in a public area.

Flick pushes him away, which is a first tonight, giving him an apologetic
glance before she comes to stand beside me, as if she knows what’s ticking over in my little head.

“Were you thinking about him?” she asks. Her voice is soft and low, so no one in our group can hear our exchange. Although, I don’t think they would notice. Rachel, Axel, and now Liam are having some argument about how long it will take us to get
in to the club.

“Yeah, sorry, I know nothing can be done, but this place brings back memories.” I recall our first kiss, and the tingles I felt th
en are back now in full force.

Flick is about to reply when a bouncer walks right up to our group, stopping short of Rachel who is still smiling at Liam. Her smile says, “I told you so.” I think she won
the bet; Liam looks defeated.

“Your group is free to come through.” His voice is dark and low. We all look between each other, confused about what’s happening. He turns away and none of us ask
any questions; we just follow.

We receive dirty looks from those around us who have been waiting as long as or even longe
r than us. If looks could kill.

Walking in, it is seriously packed to the brim. The dance floor is so crowded; I don’t think we will fit on there. It smells of sweat and alcohol, along with a faint aroma of cigarettes from those who have come
back in from the smoking area.

I instantly begin to wonder if
Corban is here tonight. I would like to see him, even if I don’t get to talk to him. A glance will be enough to satisfy me…I think.

Rachel takes the lead. Following her, we head up the stairs to the second level. All memories of my previous humiliation of tripping up the stairs stare me in the face. Upstairs isn’t as busy. They have it shut off for a private party, wh
ich we haven’t been invited to.

I g
rab Rachel’s arm, stopping her.

Rach, we can’t go in here; it’s a private party,” I yell over the music.

“It’s okay. It’s my brother’s birthday party. It’s him and a few of his mates. I rang him and told him we were stuck in line, so he got them to let us in.” She smiles at me. Linking her arm with min
e, she pulls me along with her.

“The rest of us don’t even know your brother. I think we should just go back downstairs.”
“Hush up, girl, and stop stumbling. I can’t keep stopping you from falling over, especially in these big ass heels.”

I sigh, giving into the fact she isn’t going to let me get out of this. I can hear Flick and Liam behind me chatting and laughing away. Their relationship has taken full bloom recently. He is always at her place, and they spend every minute of their spare time together. I
t’s cute, but I miss my friend.

We walk past more bouncers who nod at us, allowing us to enter the party. Rachel was right; there is only a small group. She says hi to a few people, but we keep going to where a group of guys are standing around, laughing and talking amongst themselves.

“I just want you to meet my big brother; then we can enjoy ourselves,” she giggles, bouncing around like a little schoolgirl. “You have actually met him before,” she says, still smiling like she knows some secret.

I give her a “whatever” look. Seriously, when would I have met him? I’ve only
known her a short time myself.

We walk up to the group, and she taps a guy on the shoulder. He has a short, business style cut, broad shoulders, and nicely toned arms. Well, that’s what I get from the back view. Oh, and a nice tight butt. I’m secretly glad she’s introducing us. He could be my new escape and help
me to forget all about Corban.

“Hey, big bro!” she shouts at him, annou
ncing our arrival for everyone.

As he turns, it’s like it’s happening in slow motion. My heart sinks and feels like it has an acrobatics class going on in there. My mouth hangs open in surprise.


Chapter Thirteen

Corban is standing in front of me. I’m lost for words. I think I need someone to close my mouth for me, and wipe my chin while they are at it, because he looks HOT!

He has cut all his hair off and oh, my heck! Talk about bloody gorgeous! He was attractive before, but now I don’t know how I’m meant to resist him. I honestly don’t think I can. It’s like a cherry has been placed on a cake to make it more appealing. And let me tell you, this cherry is screaming at me to eat it, suck it, or bas
ically do anything I can to it.

I look at Rachel dumbfounded, waiting for an explanation. She smiles at me, bre
aking out in a fit of laughter.

“Meet my brother,
Corban, aka Mr Andrews.”
She pushes me toward him. Catching me off guard, I stumble straight into Corban, who quickly reaches for me. I feel the flush in my cheeks. I’m glad it’s dark and they can’t really see it. I glance up at him. I’m utterly speechless. He takes my breath away in every single way—his smile, his smell, his gentleness.

Does Rachel know about us?

She looks at me in his arms while he is holding me upright. My grip is tight on to him as I don’t really trust my legs yet. They may still give out from under me. I’m spinning at this new information thrown at me tonight.

Rachel is Corban’s sister!

“There, that’s where you belong,” she yells at us, pointing between us, commenting on our embrace.
Corban pulls me closer, setting my nerves on edge. He grins at her bluntness. I feel the rumble in his chest, which brings a smile to my lips.

Standing here in his tight embrace, it’s feels so right and exactly where I’m meant to be but I can’t help be a little hesitant with this whole situation. He has a way of making me feel safe, as though nothing can harm me. Rachel walks back to Flick and the rest of the group. Flick’s face is one of shock as she races over to me, trying not to trip while taking tiny quick steps in her high heels. It’s quite funny watching her shuffle along.
I can’t help but giggle at her.

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