The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) (47 page)

BOOK: The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)
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“Don’t do that!” But I was too late. As he touched his fingertip to it, my blood rose to meet it in an outline of pure golden light. He nearly dropped my hand in surprise.

Closing his eyes, he traced the rune murmuring, “Fascinating.” Setting my hand back on the kitchen table, he asked levelly, “Who’s got the twin?”

“I do,” Killian answered from the doorway. “Am I interrupting?” He nodded respectfully to Raphael. “I can come back later.”

“May I?” Raphael gestured at his hand.

Shrugging, Killian offered it and watched quietly while Raphael examined the rune. Raphael seemed strangely interested in the connection between the two runes. Killian’s rune had been glowing when he walked into the kitchen. The sight of it unleashed butterflies in my stomach. Did I want to be connected to Killian in such a physical way? The twin runes felt too…intimate? Yes, intimate. An odd feeling of history snuck up on me, and I had the strangest feeling that I knew him in ways I couldn’t define.  Déjà vu?  I gave myself a mental shake.  I had no idea, but I had more important things to do than to wonder about Killian. I excused myself to go and check on Sean.

Killian asked, “Will you let him know I’m back, and I’ll check on him in a little while?” He idly toyed with the gold ring on his finger while meeting my eyes across the room. His were worried.

Politely, I said, “I’ll let him know. Just don’t come too late; we’re going to bed early. I’m really tired tonight.”


Sean was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling when I walked in. The curtains were closed, and the nightlight was off. It seemed unusually dark to me, and I resisted the urge to turn on the light. Instead, I washed up and changed into a clean t-shirt and perched on the edge of the bed. He smoothed my hair back with a half a smile.

“You’re beautiful when you’ve gone psychotic. You know that, right?”

“Nice. Thanks for reminding me.” I felt badly enough without reminders. “It wasn’t one of my shining moments. I’m so sorry about your leg.”

He gave me an amused look that promised payback but just leaned back. “I wasn’t talking about my leg, though you were a little crazy when you broke it,” he laughed softly. “I was talking about the way you handled Balin and James.” He looked impressed with me and turned on his elbow to watch me.

I smiled hesitantly and worried, “Did I do the right thing though? I don’t know the rules yet. I wanted to kill James on sight, just in case he deserved it, but then I thought that was probably bad form.” I looked hopefully at him.

There was always the next time.

That got a real laugh out of him. “Good thinking. You really shouldn’t go around killing angels…it can lead to some really atrocious karma problems later. Leave James to us.”

I sat up and hovered over him in agitation. “But Sean, you didn’t see the look on his face when he saw you laying there helpless. I swear he wanted to kick your leg or something. He was so…smug. He said you had it coming. I wanted to slap the crap out of him. What is
with him?”

He face hardened into an angry scowl. “It’s worse than I thought then. We’ll deal with him in any case.” Pulling me closer, he nuzzled my neck. “Now before we go to sleep, do you want to tell me why you wanted to beat the hell out of me today? Is this about my ex’s from 2,000 years ago?”

Well, when he put it like that, it
seem a little dumb. It’s not like he’s getting back together with them…

“Dec told me about Lara tonight. How many times did you sleep with her?”

Turning his head away in frustration, he pushed up to sit against the headboard. Running his hand over his jaw, he groaned and rolled his eyes. “Are you serious right now? I don’t know! Once, maybe? It’s been a really long time. I don’t even remember the year.”

“It’s not that so much as what happened today. How could you let her touch you like that? Right in front of me? That’s so disrespectful to me!” Huffing a bit, I made a point of tamping down my anger and said more evenly, “You deserved getting kicked in the ribs but not getting your leg broken. For that, I’m sorry. But I’m not sorry for being mad at you in the first place.”

Ignoring my apology, he touched the locket resting against my chest. At his touch, it picked up the rhythm of his heart and the tiny vibrations made my pulse quicken. His eyes softened and he slowly wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. He kissed me with a tenderness and softness that spoke of love and caring and amends. I let go of my anger and let it drift away into the night. There was nothing as important as the two of us together.

He cupped my chin and said, “I have no real excuse for today. I was trying to annoy you. I’m sorry though. I didn’t realize how much it would hurt you. I’m an idiot.” He stroked a trail around my jawline, following it with his mouth. “You are the most important person in my world, Mica. I need you to believe that.”

I shifted so I was curled on top of him with my head on his shoulder. He hugged me closer and asked, “Do you?” His voice was soft but demanding nonetheless. He wasn’t going to drop this until I answered him.

Leaning back on my elbow, I said seriously, “I do. My heart almost stopped today. I came so close to losing you again.” My emotions overwhelmed me, and I kissed him with all the pent up fear and frustration of the day. Rolling me onto my back, he was kissing me into oblivion when Killian’s voice penetrated the door.

He yelled, “Is this a bad time?”

I yelled “yes” just as Sean yelled “no.” Without waiting for an invitation, Killian walked in and flipped on the light. Shrinking against the brightness, I dragged the covers over my head and fumed underneath them. I caught the slightest hint of a knowing chuckle inside my mind. 

Ooohh…he did that on purpose!

More chuckling.

Holding the sheet up to my nose, I peered out at him.  He was dressed in black commando gear and armed to the teeth. An automatic rifle hung ominously over one shoulder.  He looked unusually tense. The crease was sharp between his eyes while he and Sean had a hushed conversation.

Looking over at me when they were done, he asked, “Tell me again what Balin said about being dead.”

“Well, he said Domino couldn’t hurt him now and that we could thank our friend for the new life. Oh, and they’ve managed to work the kinks out of it, whatever that means.”

Accepting my words at face value and finding them problematic, he was grim and hostile. I scooted back a bit and leaned into Sean for protection from his sudden scowl.

Killian thought for a moment and finally said, “I’ve got to find
Sgaine Dutre
before they figure out how to control it. I’m going to be gone for a while. Sean, you’re in charge here. You know what to do. I’ll check in when I can.” He caught my eye and held my stare.

“Do me a huge favor and stay out of dark places!” He seemed to consider this an impossible task and frowned in advance of anything I might do.

“Killian, what did the demons do with the knife?”

He was making me very nervous.

He and Sean shared a look and he stood to go. “They raised the dead.”


Chapter 17: The Problem with Vengeance



“OH, NO! NOT AGAIN! Sean!”

The TV was on in the living room while I threw egg whites into a skillet and blended some smoothies. We were all on a health kick at the moment. My appetite just evaporated with the early morning news though. Damn it!

“What’s happened? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Dec had come running in at the sound of the blender.

Sean took one look at me and said, “It happened again, didn’t it?” I nodded, unable to trust my voice. “Was it the girl from the bar?”

“Raped, beaten, and throat cut this time. I didn’t recognize the picture they showed on the news.” I leaned against the couch and wrapped suddenly cold fingers around my coffee cup.

Her hair was hacked off again.

“Can’t you just call the lab and get the results? We could at least rule him out if there’s no match in the database.” I was mentally slapping myself for not stealing the knife from Scott’s apartment; but I guess he could’ve just bought another one, if he really wanted to use it.

“I’ll call in a few minutes, and we’ll see what they’ve got. It’s Friday. My guess is he’ll be out with his girl again since he didn’t kill her.” He smiled evilly and asked, “Who wants to go hunting tonight?”

My head was aching from the frustration that was gradually building in all of us. We hadn’t been able to do anything to stop the killing and were no closer to proving anything. It was making me crazy.

“Hey Dec? Will you work out with me?”

Lifting one blond eyebrow, he asked, “What’s wrong with Sean?”

“I don’t want to break him again.”

“But you don’t mind breaking
? Who’s going to heal me?” He was backing away with a desperate expression.

I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. “I promise I won’t hurt you, Dec. I just need to burn off some energy so I don’t accidently blow up something important later!”


To the compelling music of Staind, I kept my word. I didn’t go psychotic and break him. We worked out hard though and were both drenched in sweat by the time Sean called a time out. He’d been watching and coaching as we sparred. Sean was the most amazing fighter I had ever seen. When he joined us on the mats to demonstrate this move or that, I found myself mesmerized by the way he moved. I couldn’t copy his grace. I could do the same movements but never with the same fluid motion and controlled power. He always reminded me of a black panther hunting. Dec, with his beautiful golden coloring, was more of a leopard but just as graceful.

And just as lethal.

“What’s the matter? Why are you staring at me?” Sean asked when he realized I was gawking at him.

Blushing, I said, “Nothing…I was just…uh, admiring you two.”

Astonished, they both stared at me. Dec spoke first. “What are you admiring? We’re a sweaty mess over here. Dude, you ripped a hole in my shirt!” He held out the wet material to prove his point.

They really had no idea? Intrigued by their complete lack of awareness, I ventured, “You have no idea how you look when you fight, do you?” I bent over in a pseudo-yoga pose and tried to appear graceful and elegant.

Puzzled, they looked at each other. I got up and tried to mimic the way Sean moved when he stalked prey. When I finished and rolled up to my feet I said, “You don’t see it?”

Both shook their heads like they thought I was crazy. Laughing at them, I went to Sean and lovingly ran my hands down the hard muscles of his shoulders and said in my best Tarzan impression, “You Jaguar.”

Then I did the same to Dec and said, “You Leopard.”

“You’re comparing us to cats?”  Dec’s mouth twitched and one dimple popped up. Sean’s face was red with the effort not to laugh.

“Geez, you two can’t take a compliment. Never mind!”

Sean asked with less laughter, “That’s really how you see us?”

Seriously, I said, “Yes, always. You move with a grace and overwhelming power that takes my breath away. You don’t see it, but I
have and it’s a beautiful thing to see. I’m really so proud of you both…like beautiful predators when you hunt.” I smiled a little bigger at Sean then. “It’s one of the reasons I was so attracted to you when we first met. It’s how you move.”

Neither said a word and when I glanced over at them they were grinning hugely at me. They both draped their arms around me and we walked upstairs together, laughing as we bounced unsteadily up the steps. When we got to the top, Dec pulled me into a hug and squeezed me harder than usual. My diaphragm was about to scream in protest when he finally let me go.

With twinkling eyes, he said, “Do you remember all those years ago when we adopted you?“ Without waiting for an answer, he added, “I’m so glad we did, darlin’!”


It was nearly time to go into town and spy on Scott again. I was slipping on a top when Sean came out of the shower. He was sporting a towel slung carelessly around his hips and was brushing his teeth and petting Domino at the same time. Her nose was at towel level.

“Don’t even think about it!” I warned her.

Domino blinked and wagged her tail.
A girl can look, right?

Who could blame her? He was still wet and spiky strands of black hair clung to his face. Drops of water sparkled on his chest as he shook out his hair. His eyes were very blue as he caught my eye. With his free hand, he pointed to the towel with a question in his eyes.

Tempted, I said, “No way. We haven’t got time for that. We have hunting to do.”

He rinsed his mouth and combed his hair before coming back to me with a sexy smile. “Are you sure? Fighting always gives me a terrible--“

Hands over my ears, I said, “La, la, la. Can’t hear you!”

I beat a hasty retreat and waited with Dec in the living room. He could never sit still and wasn’t now. His lean hands darted back and forth as he teased Domino with a stuffed dog toy. Reaching out, I pulled one of those hands to me.

“What are you doing, you crazy wench?” He tugged, but I held onto it. He grinned indulgently as I ran my fingernail over the back of his hand tracing the blue veins that kept him alive. He had perfectly shaped hands with long fingers with slightly squared tips.  The pads of his fingers were calloused from their love affair with his Gibson guitar. Amused, he graciously let me play with his hand while Sean took his time.

“Watch,” I ordered and then ran my finger across the top of his hand just to see the golden light rise to the surface and shimmer gently. The lightest sprinkling of fine blond hair reflected the light.

He peered closer and smiled wistfully at the sight. “You must be a magical wench. I haven’t seen that happen since...” He stopped and reddened. Refusing to say any more, he squeezed my fingers and reclaimed his hand.

Sean finally showed up and we opened the garage to leave. It was snowing hard. Big early winter snowflakes that stuck to everything.

“Oh, look! It’s like a Christmas card!” I twirled in the snow appreciating the way it sparkled in the dim light from the porch. A few inches covered the porch railing and the bushes. The pine trees at the edge of the property were fluffy white and glowing in the darkness. It was breathtaking.

“Yeah, yeah, great. It’s snowing,” Dec grouched on his way to the driveway. He was kicking at the snow with the toe of his combat boot. He was dressed in his typical jeans and button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms. This one was white with dark purple stripes and was un-tucked. It fit him like a glove. The only nod to the cold temperature was the leather jacket slung across his arm.  It was his turn to drive the SUV and I rode in the back. Sean got to ride shotgun simply because he was faster than me. The streets in the center of town were busy even with the snowstorm. It took more than a little snow to keep college kids inside on a Friday night. The bars would be packed. Dec drove up and down the main drag until Sean spotted Scott’s truck at The Angry Lizard. Oh great, my favorite place! I hoped I didn’t blow it up later…

On our way to the door, I asked Sean, “Are we using the same plan as last time? I act like a horny girlfriend, and you pretend you’re getting laid later?”

Bursting out laughing, Dec said incredulously, “
is your usual plan? No wonder you can’t catch him. Who could concentrate?”

Sean gave him a superior look and said, “I have iron control. Watch and learn from the expert.”

As before, we spotted our prey first and sidled over to a good place for spying. Dec went to the bar, and Sean and I got situated at a table. Scott had the same brunette with him tonight, and they were sharing one of the tiny tables near a wall. The music was thumping and she danced with her back against him. Judging from his sloe-eyed expression, he was probably going to want to leave soon. We needed to work harder to get his attention tonight.

Inspired, I moved over to stand in front of Sean and wiggled to the music. I closed my eyes and let the rhythm take me. After a few minutes, Sean pulled me back between his legs and whispered at me to keep going. He bent down and kissed the back of my neck like it was foreplay. Even though I was supposed to be acting, I still went weak at the knees and saw little stars behind my eyes.

The stars evaporated when he nipped my earlobe between his teeth. “Pay attention, he’s finally noticed us. He's watching you. Show time.” Without warning, he turned me around and pressed my face against his neck. Taking this as a hint, I let my hair cover my face and pretended to kiss his neck while he ran his hands down my back. I assumed Dec was watching Scott.

“He’s looking.” Sean murmured with a devastating smile. I nearly melted onto the floor.

Dec interrupted drily, “Dude, you really do have iron control. You look bored. I’m impressed! Mica’s about to pass out though…”

“Shut up, Dec! I am not. It’s an act.”

That gave me an idea. Scott was used to seeing me with Sean…but what about another guy? How would that sit with him? Would he lose his mind? Leaning over to Dec, I draped my arms around him familiarly and gave him a big kiss on his very surprised mouth. Startled, he tried to push me back towards Sean, and I hissed at him to play along. He glanced helplessly at Sean who was watching Scott’s reaction. Nodding his approval, he turned so he could watch us and see Scott at the same time.

Out of the corner of his mouth, he observed with a lazy smile, “I think you’re pissing him off now. Kiss him again. Just don’t use your tongue; I have to kiss you later!”

Before Dec could react, I forced a loud laugh and wrapped my arms around him like we were old lovers from way back. I pouted and batted my eyelashes until he tipped his face down so I could reach him. Poor Dec was really not happy but went along with me. After a sharp nudge from Sean, Dec pulled me closer and kissed me like he was sampling the goods. His lips were lazy against mine and his eyes were closed like he was just toying with me. It wasn’t passionate but more teasing as if he wasn’t sure he liked me enough to really kiss me. I played along and made a big deal out of flirting with him and curling my fingers in his hair.

“Well?” Dec said under his breath. He’d stopped kissing me and was idly playing with a strand of my hair, pretending to flirt with me.

Sean’s voice was grim when he spoke again. “He just got up and went to the bathroom. He’s furious. His eyes were shooting daggers at you.” He glanced at Dec’s red face and said without mercy, “I think now’s a good time for you to take a leak, little brother.”

Dec bolted from the table like he was on fire. Bemused, I crawled back onto Sean’s lap. We had to keep up the appearance of…being really slutty, I guess. The irony was hilarious. Sean was the only guy I’d ever been with and would ever be with. But the entire population of this bar thinks I’m a slut. When I wanted to go undercover, this wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind. Smiling at the irony, I watched the abandoned brunette across the room. She was a pretty girl with a small heart-shaped face and wide blue eyes. Her lashes were long and swept across her cheeks as she sighed into her drink. She had a pouty mouth and the fuller bottom lip was in full pout position at being left at the table alone.

It was like looking in a mirror.

“Sean, do you think we should warn her?”

Before he answered, Dec came rushing back with a worried frown. “Flynn wasn’t in the bathroom. I didn’t see him anywhere.”

“Shit. Where did he go?” Sean stood taller and scanned the room.

“I think he’s out back. I can sense him. He’s still here.”

“Hm, he’s probably smoking. Okay, Dec, let’s go. We’ll walk that way and see what shakes out.”

He leaned into my ear and ordered, “No blowing anyone up! Do you hear me?”

“I won’t if you don’t. Let’s get this over with.”

Sean opened the patio door to the smoking area and looked around at the scattered groups of smokers. The snow was still falling so there were only a handful of people sitting there. The patio was open to the sidewalk without any kind of borders; easy in and easy out. That was perfect. Where was he? He was still here, but I sensed another familiar mind.

Gripping Sean’s sleeve, I pulled him back into the building. Dec had to back up quickly to keep us from running over him. “What the hell?”

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