The Maid and the Queen (50 page)

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Authors: Nancy Goldstone

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Chappes, 194, 195

Charlemagne, 3

Charles, duke of Orléans (son of Louis I), 45, 231

in alliance with Philip the Good and duke of Brittany, 225

in battle with English, 7, 55, 58

as English prisoner, 7, 58, 105, 127, 156, 161
, 223, 224–25

marriage of, 225

Charles V, king of France, 5, 8, 19, 28–29, 32, 78, 255–56

Charles VI, king of France, 32

as absent from Agincourt, 56

appearance of, 28, 116

as athletic, 29

birth of, 34–35

Charles VII disinherited by, 84, 93, 167, 192

child born to, 34–35

coat of arms of, 37

death and funeral of, 85–86, 199

held prisoner in Louvre, 49–50

Charles VI (

Henry V’s conditions accepted by, 83, 84

Henry V’s truce with, 73

insanity of, 28, 36–38,
39, 44, 47, 50, 52, 59, 63, 85, 86, 104

Isabeau’s fabricated story of kidnapping of, 65

Isabeau’s move on Paris opposed by, 63–64

Isabelle offered to Richard II by, 20–21

John the Fearless pardoned by, 44–45

Louis II loved by, 43

pages killed by, 36

personality of, 29

rebellion in Flanders crushed by, 29

rulings on responsibility of court in absence, 39, 40

throne inherited by, 28

typhoid fever of, 35

vassals summoned to fight English by, 52

wedding of, 32–34

Charles VII, king of France, xv,

in alliance with Holy Roman Emperor, 204–5

in attempt to free René, 219

in battle of Baugé, 84–85

in battle of Chartres, 85

battle of Verneuil lost by, 91–92, 98

Bedford’s insulting letter to, 151, 155

christening of, 169

coronation of, 144–47, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 157, 167, 189, 197, 204, 211, 243

council of, 98, 101, 102–3, 191

death of, 248

in decision whether to see Joan, 113–14

demoralization of, xv, xvii

desire for separate peace with duke of Burgundy, 146–47, 149, 204, 205–8

disinheritance of, 84, 93, 167, 192

in dispute over bishopric of Angers, 227–28

earl of Suffolk’s embassy to, 230–31

as embarrassed by Joan, 155

engagement of, 47–48, 51

in entrance into Paris, 214–15,

escape from kingdom considered by, 104–5, 148

in escape from Paris, 67–69, 121

fate feared by, 104

Henry VI’s desire for vassalage of, 211

indecisiveness of, 97, 98, 103, 105, 114, 225

induction ceremony of, 86–88

in invasion of Champagne, 226

Isabeau’s fabricated story of kidnapping of, 65

Isabeau’s summoning to Paris, 69–70

Joan invited to see, 114–18,

Joan’s armor purchased by, 122

Joan’s desire for coronation of, 100, 107, 114, 137–38, 143–47

Joan’s letters to, 113

Joan’s telling of secrets to, 117–18

Joan’s trial investigated by, 234, 235–38, 273

John the Fearless’s military defeat of, 66

John the Fearless’s truce with, 71, 72

in journey to Reims coronation, 138

large nose of, 116

Lorraine as important to, 80

Louis II knighted by, 19

Louis III’s friendship with, 51

made dauphin, 62

Margaret of Anjou’s marriage negotiated by, 231–32

Marie of Anjou as playmate of, 51

marriage of, 85

Metz battle won by, 233

Normandy won back by, 233–34

in Paris campaign truce, 150–51

Philip the Good in talks with, 98, 150–51, 156–57, 189–90, 205–12, 218

Philip the Good’s reconciliation with, 205–8, 212–13

and plot to kidnap La Trémoïlle, 203–4

as raised in home of Yolande of Aragon, 48,
, 50–52, 64, 70

René’s captivity and, 196

René’s friendship with, 51, 82

René’s ransom and, 221

The Romance of Melusine
presented as gift to, 14

rumors of illegitimacy of, 39, 103–4, 127–28, 191, 221

secret prayer of, 117–18

standing royal army maintained by, 248

stinginess of, 161

Tours blocked to, 97–98

troops summoned by, 70–71

unhappy childhood of, 48–50

uprising at Rouen put down by, 64–65

Yolande’s coup against, 101–3

Yolande’s disappointment in, 90, 92

Charles, Simon, 118, 144

on decision to see Joan, 114, 115

on Joan’s recognition of Charles VII, 115–16

Charles of Anjou (son of Yolande of Aragon), 191, 192, 203, 222

Charles of Maine, 202

Charny, lord of, 207

Chartier, Jean (chronicler), 104, 122, 203

Chartres, 85

Chastel, Tanneguy du:

appointed prévôt of Paris, 60

Charles VII cared for by, 62

Charles VII escorted from Paris by, 67–69

Isabeau’s move on Paris opposed by, 63, 66

John the Fearless killed by, 72–73

John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

Yolande’s dismissal of, 98

Chastellain, Georges (chronicler), 155, 159

Cherbourg, 230

Chezy, 128, 131

Chinon, royal court of, 15, 110–11, 112–18,
137, 147, 148, 174, 191, 243

chivalry, 5, 107, 162, 163, 168,

in poetry, 7

war captives and, 196

Choisy-au-Bac, 158

Church of Saint-Loup, 129

Clarence, duke of, 85, 101

Clare of Assisi, 78

Clermont, count of, 45, 102

at coronation of Charles VII, 145

Compiègne, 48, 62, 152, 157, 158, 160, 166, 168, 169, 190, 198

Congress of Arras, 208–12, 271–72

constable of France, 35

in battle with English, 54–56, 58

Constantinople, 239, 240

Corbeil, 213

16, 47

Coudray, castle of, 202

courts, 81

courts of love, 7

Coutes, Louis de, 130

Craon, Pierre de, 35–36

Cravant, battle of, 90

Crépy, 151, 152

Croy, lord of, 207

Crusades, 34

Calixtus’s desire for new, 240–41

Cyprus, 9

Darc, Catherine (Joan’s sister), 77

Darc, Isabelle (Joan’s mother), 77, 78, 96, 144, 241–42

Darc, Jacquemin (Joan’s brother), 77

Darc, Jacques (Joan’s father), 77, 96, 144, 241

Darc, Jean (Joan’s brother), 77

Darc, Pierre (Joan’s brother), 77, 241

“day of the herrings,” xvi

Dickinson, Joycelyne, 271–72

Dieppe, 213

Dijon, 88, 195, 205, 218–21, 230

Domrémy, 79–80, 88, 96, 99, 156, 174, 243, 244

as loyal to Charles VII, 80, 88, 144

news of court in, 81–82, 89, 110, 116, 144

spy sent to, 171

Douglas, earl of, 85, 92

education, 78

Elizabeth, queen of Hungary, 78, 120

Embrun, archbishop of, 165


Burgundian alliance with, 61, 65–66, 83–84, 99, 196–97, 200, 202, 208

at Congress of Arras, 208–12

1415 invasion of France by, 52, 54–57, 58

1417 invasion of France by, 65, 66

1429 invasion of France by, xv

1429 offensive of, xv–xvii

Joan’s execution defended by, 187–88

Joan’s fear of, 112

money lost on French war by, 197–98

Paris occupied by, xv

regency government’s disastrous military campaign against, 34

see also
Agincourt, battle of; Joan of Arc, the maid of Orléans, trial of

Estouteville, Guillaume d’, 239, 240, 242

Etampes, count of, 192

États généraux, 102–3, 221

Eu, count of, 233

Fairy Tree, 174

Falaise, 66

Fastolf, Sir John, 140, 141, 142, 143

Flanders, 29, 44

flayers, 46

Fontaine, lord of, 84

fort of the Augustins, 133–34, 136

Fort St. Loup, 131, 132, 133

France, Anatole, 107

Froissart, Jean (chronicler):

on Charles VI’s illness, 36

on duke of Burgundy, 29

Front, Guillaume, 244

Gascony, 73

Gaucourt, lady of, 121

Gaucourt, Raoul de, 116

Gerson, Jean, 165, 236

Gien, court in, 144

Glasdale, Sir William, 130–31, 134

Gouffier, Guillaume, 117

Gravesline, 223

Gutenberg, Johannes, 14

Guyenne, 226

Guyenne, duke of, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56, 58, 59

death of, 60

as depicted by Shakespeare, 53–54

illness of, 59

Isabeau’s attention focused on, 50

Hainaut, count of, 61–62

Hainaut, duchess of, Isabeau transformed by, 32–34

Harfleur, 55–56, 213

Henry IV, king of England, 21
40, 53

Henry V, king of England, 88, 103, 128, 165, 217, 247

Burgundian alliance with, 83–84

Charles VI’s truce with, 73

Chartres defended by, 85

crowning of, 167

death of, 85, 199

as depicted by Shakespeare, 52, 53–54

in 1415 invasion of France, 54–57, 58

in 1417 invasion of France, 65, 66–67

French cities taken by, 66, 71, 72, 73, 84

French government controlled by, 84

in marriage negotiations with Catherine, 54, 71, 83

as seasoned military commander, 52–53

Henry VI, king of England, 127, 149, 150, 168, 180, 198, 223–24

birth of, 85

Cauchon as counselor to, 167

crowning of, 148
157, 197

in distress at Philip the Good’s separate peace, 212–13

Joan’s execution defended by, 188

lineage of, 103–4, 137

marriage of, 231–32

Parisian poor feast neglected by, 138

Philip the Good’s demand for money from, 198–99

and proposed marriage to count of Armagnac’s daughter, 225

recognized as king of France, 85, 211

Henry VIII, king of England, 231

Hildegard of Bingen, 78

Holy Inquisition,
Joan of Arc, the maid of Orléans, trial of

Holy Roman Emperor, 5, 228, 232, 238

Holy Roman Empire, 79, 196, 204–5

Hôtel Barbette, 41, 48

Hôtel d’Artois, 44

Hôtel Saint-Pol, 38, 64, 67, 212, 215

Hundred Years War:

symbolic end of, 247

see also
specific battles

Hyères, 26

Isabeau of Bavaria, queen of France:

as absent from funeral of Charles VI, 86

in alleged affair with duke of Orléans, 39–40, 104

Charles VI as upset by presence of, 38

Charles VII’s engagement negotiated by, 47–48

Charles VII summoned to Paris by, 69–70

child born to, 34–35

civil war averted by, 39

death of, 212

in dispute over audit, 41

duke of Orléans’s alliance with, 40, 65

exile of, 64

in flight from duke of Burgundy, 49, 50

French language unknown to, 32–33

greed and lavish spending of, 39, 40, 41, 46

Henry V’s conditions accepted by, 83–84

John the Fearless’s alliance with, 65, 69

John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

in march on Paris, 63–66

marriage of, 32–34

Paris taken by, 69

in power struggle with count of Armagnac, 63

in prophecy of Marie of Avignon, 92–93

as remote parent, 48, 50, 51

Yolande of Aragon’s alliance with, 47, 60–61

Isabelle, duchess of Bar and Lorraine (wife of René of Anjou), 80, 81, 82, 232

made lieutenant general of southern Italy, 219, 221

Isabelle, duchess of Milan, 17

Isabelle of Brittany, 191–92, 193

Isabelle of Valois, 20–21

in marriage to duke of Orléans’s eldest son, 40


Louis I’s invasion of, 17–18, 27

Louis II’s invasion of, 19, 27, 46

Louis III’s invasion of, 71–72, 89, 161, 191, 218

René’s invasion of, 221, 226–27

Jacob, E. F., 143

Jargeau, battle for, 139–40

Jaume (Yolande of Aragon’s deceased brother), 256

Jean, Bastard of Orléans, 138

in attack on Paris, 213

in battle of Normandy, 233, 234

in entrance into Paris, 214

full-scale attack on English launched by, 132–33

Joan’s disagreement with, 128–29, 130

in Joan’s rehabilitation, 243

made count of Dunois, 243

Normandy assault desired by, 137

in Normandy battle, 190

Orléans defended by, 127–28

Jean, duke of Berry (brother of Charles V), 7, 17

Armagnacs joined by, 45

books of, 7, 256

castle seized by, 8–9, 13, 29

Charle’s VI’s granting of power to, 140

death of, 61

dowry demanded of Yolande of Aragon by, 20

as excused from battle with English, 55

greed of, 29

John the Fearless’s confession to, 43

John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

in power during Charles VI’s insanity, 38–39

as regent, 29, 34, 38

The Romance of Melusine
requested by, 9, 14

Jean, Saint, 32

Joan, queen of Navarre, 17

Joanna I, queen of Naples, Jerusalem, and Sicily, 17, 78

Joanna II, queen of Naples, 89, 218

Joan of Arc, Maid of Orléans,
27, 48,

as alleged half sister of Charles VII, 117

Armagnac side supported by, 82–83

banner of, 122, 123, 134, 140, 147

Bastard of Orléans’s disagreement with, 128–29, 130, 141–42

in battle for Jargeau, 139–41

battle of Patay won by, 142–43, 226, 243–44

birth of, 3, 77

canonization of, 249

in captivity, 160–65, 189

captured by Burgundians, 159–60,

Charles VII recognized by, 115–16

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