The Maid and the Queen (51 page)

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Authors: Nancy Goldstone

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Charles VII sent letters by, 113

Charles VII’s first meeting with, 15, 115–18, 263

Choisy-au-Bac sorties of, 158

Church’s examination of, 119–20

coronation of Charles VII desired by, 100, 107, 114, 137–38, 143–47

duke of Lorraine’s summoning of, 108–10

ennobling of, 156, 162

in escape attempts, 162, 169

escorts’ desire for sex with, 113

examined at Poitiers, 120–21, 165, 176

execution of, 163, 168, 179, 181–84,
187, 195, 235, 238, 241

farming by, 79

as fascinated with soldiers, 96

fasting by, 95

as fulfillment of prophecy, 92–93, 100, 107, 109, 121, 123

growing following of, 108

horses of, 108, 119, 131, 139, 156, 159

illiteracy of, xviii, 3, 77–78, 79

influence on war of, 165–66, 187, 195, 197

invited to meet Charles VII, 114–18,

in journey to Chinon, 110–11, 112–14, 115, 243

last rites desired by, 178

letter of retraction signed by, 179–80, 181

letters to English by, 125, 130, 132

in march to Compiègne, 157–58

martial ability demonstrated to Charles VII by, 119

Joan of Arc (

Melun liberated by, 158

in men’s clothes, 108–9, 113, 151, 163, 165, 176, 180, 188, 236

name of, 77

outfitted as knight, 121–22, 131, 139, 159

in Paris assault, 152–55

Paris assault urged by, 146, 151, 152, 156

Philip the Good’s interview of, 160, 166

poverty of, 3, 77, 94

prophecies made by, 100, 107, 114, 137–38, 143–47, 237, 248

pursuit of English urged by, 141–42

ransom of, 168, 170

rehabilitation of, 189, 217, 234, 235–46, 247

religious instruction of, 78

René as useful to, 82–83, 109, 110, 115

resemblance to Melusine of, 15, 110, 175

Robert de Baudricourt’s first conversation with, 102

Robert de Baudricourt’s tests of, 108

royal ring allegedly given to Charles VII by, 117, 249

secrets told to Charles VII by, 117–18, 176

sent to La Charité-sur-Loire, 155–56

spirituality displayed by, 88–89, 94, 95, 113, 242, 244, 249

summoned by Cauchon, 168

as supposed witch, 135, 153, 174–75, 179, 197

swords of, 111, 122

in travels to Robert de Baudricourt, 99–100, 106–7, 109

unsympathetic views after execution of, 187–89

verbal wit of, 78, 79, 120, 173, 176, 238

virginity of, 92, 94, 95, 109, 113, 120, 121, 171

voices of angels heard by, xviii, 93, 94–97, 98, 99, 106, 110, 128, 129, 137, 156, 169, 174, 177–78, 179, 181, 188, 237, 249

see also
Orléans, siege of

Joan of Arc, Maid of Orléans, trial of, 166, 170–84, 194, 242

French payment for, 197

inquisitors’ abuse of Joan in, 163, 170

inquisitors’ questioning of Joan in, 77, 83, 95, 147, 156, 162, 164, 173, 174, 175–78, 180, 235, 246

investigation of, 234, 235–38, 273

irregularities found in, 239–40

Joan kept in irons during, 170–71, 173, 181

official records of, 187, 188–89, 217, 234, 235–38, 242–44, 246

Joan of Béthune, 169

John, Saint, 24

John I, king of Aragon, 3

as character in
The Romance of Melusine,

death of, 21

illnesses of, 16, 21

Marie of Blois’s desire for alliance with, 20

poetry loved by, xxi, 5, 7, 256

as romantic, 5

wedding of, 5, 6

John II, duke of Lorraine, 219, 220

John of France (son of Charles VI):

death of, 62, 63

John the Fearless’s leverage over, 61–62

John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, 93

assassination of, 9, 72–73, 81, 149, 150, 192, 208

audit of France’s finances requested by, 41

in battles with Armagnacs, 45–46, 47, 51, 69, 71

Charles VI defeated in battle by, 66

Charles VI’s pardoning of, 44–45

Charles VII held prisoner by, 49–50

Charles VII’s truce with, 71, 72

duke of Lorraine’s alliance with, 79

English alliance with, 61, 65, 66

Henry V in marriage negotiations for daughter of, 54

Isabeau’s alliance with, 65

leverage over John of France gained by, 61–62

Lorraine important to, 80–81

Louis II’s warning about, 62

in marches on Paris, 44, 48, 59–60, 65–66, 67, 69

murder of duke of Orléans ordered by, 41–42, 43–45, 224

murder plots of, 61, 71

Parisian government controlled by, 69

troops sent to battle English by, 55, 59

Journal of the Siege of Orléans,
xvi, 130, 135–136

Jubilee year, 239

Kekewich, Margaret L., 81, 263

La Charité-sur-Loire, 155–56

Ladies’ Tree, 174

Ladvenu, Martin, 182

Lagny, 204

La Hire (Étienne de Vignolles), 122–23, 139, 142

in battle of Patay, 142–43, 226

in entrance into Paris, 214

in Normandy battle, 190

in siege of Orléans, 129, 133

la Marche, A. Lecoy de, 220

La Marche, counts of, 9

Lang, Andrew, 127

La Rousse, 101

la Trémoïlle, Georges de, 98–99, 102, 104, 190

Arthur of Richemont’s dispute with, 98, 139, 192, 202, 203–4

at coronation of Charles VII, 145

Joan sent to La Charité-sur-Loir by, 155–56

at negotiations with duke of Brittany, 191–92

as opposed to letting Joan see Charles VII, 114, 115, 119

in plot to kill Nicolas Rolin, 201–2

in power over Charles VII, 191, 192

in prison, 202–4

revenue received by, 193

in talks with Philip the Good, 150, 150–51

Yolande of Aragon’s opposition to, 201–2

la Trémoïlle, Jehan de, 150

Laval, count of, 145, 191, 193

Laxart, Durand, 100–101, 107

Le Févre, Jean, 81

Le Mans, 35–36, 66, 92, 152, 161, 222, 232

cathedral of, 222–23

Leon, king of, 231

Le Royer, Catherine, 106–7, 108

Le Royer, Henri, 106

Lille, 220

Loire, 26, 133

longbowmen, 142

Lorraine, 79–81, 88, 92, 101, 106, 194, 205, 219–20, 231

as Burgundian, 79–80, 88

court of, 14

Lorraine, duchess, 33

Lorraine, duke of (father-in-law to René of Anjou), 79, 80, 81, 82, 88

Bar threatened by, 5

death of, 194

Joan consulted by, 108–10

Louis (son of René of Anjou), 219

Louis, duke of Bar, 80, 81

Louis I, duke of Orléans (younger brother of Charles VI):

in alleged affair with Isabeau, 39–40, 104

attacked by Charles, 36

in dispute over audit, 41

Isabeau’s alliance with, 40, 65

large nose of, 28, 116

lavish spending of, 40, 41

murder of, 41–42, 43–45, 73, 224

named regent, 40

in pursuit of power, 39, 43

Louis I, king of Sicily, duke of Maine and Anjou, and count of Provence,

Italy invaded by, 17–18, 27

Louis II, king of Sicily, duke of Maine and Anjou, and count of Provence:

as absent from battle with English, 55, 62

in alliance with Isabeau, 60–61, 64

crowning of, 19

death of, 63

in escape from Paris, 59

illness of, 55, 59, 60, 62–63

in investigation of murder of duke of Orléans, 43

Italian claim of, 18–19, 21, 43

Italy invaded by, 19, 27, 46

John the Fearless’s confession to, 43–44

John the Fearless’s plot to murder, 61

in marriage to Yolande of Aragon, 19–24

as principal power in government, 60, 61

recognized as count of Provence, 18–19

on side of Armagnacs, 46

stained glass window of, 222

summoned to fight English, 52

in travels around Provence, 72

Louis III, king of Sicily, duke of Maine and Anjou, and count of Provence, 90

accepted as heir to Naples throne, 89

birth of, 25

Charles VII’s friendship with, 51

death of, 218, 221

engagements of, 43, 46, 64, 191–92

inheritance of, 63, 71–72

Italy invaded by, 71–72, 89, 161, 191, 218

in negotiations for kingdom of Aragon, 47

in travels around Provence, 72

Louis IX, king of France (Saint Louis), 103–4, 137–38, 145, 147

Louis XI, king of France (son of Charles VII), 221, 231, 248

birth of, 90

in entrance into Paris, 214

in invasion of Champagne, 226

marriage negotiations of, 105

Louvet, Jean, 97–98

Louvre, 49–50

Lusignan family, 8–9, 12–13, 14, 29

Luxembourg, John of, 159, 161, 162–63, 166

at Magny battle, 159

summoned by Cauchon, 168, 169

Luxembourg, lady of, 169

Machet, Gérard, Charles VII cared for by, 62

Maçon, Robert Le, 121

Charles VII cared for by, 62, 121

Charles VII escorted from Paris by, 68–69, 121

Maine, 233

English occupation of, 73, 92, 155, 211, 216, 221, 222, 230, 232

vassals summoned from, 90–91

Yolande’s property in, 24, 25, 26, 66, 202, 248

Yolande’s revenue from, 24, 25, 26

Maine, count of, 231

Majorca, 5, 16

Malta, 5

Manchon, Guillaume, 172, 243

Margaret of Anjou, queen of England, 219, 223, 228, 231–32

Margaret of Antioch, Saint, 89, 99, 179, 181, 188, 261

Margny, 159, 160

Marguerite (Joan’s neighbor), 89

Marie of Anjou, queen of France (daughter of Yolande of Aragon), 78, 82, 93, 105, 106, 147, 191, 248

as absent from Charles VII’s coronation, 145

Charles VII as playmate of, 51

engagement of, 47–48, 51

La Trémoïlle’s plot to kill, 202

Louis born to, 90

marriage of, 87

in Yolande of Aragon’s will, 228

Marie of Avignon (seer), 92

Marie of Blois, queen of Sicily,
102, 232

army purchased by, 18

death of, 27

finance understood by, 26–27

as formidable, 17, 18,

fortune of, 228

Louis II’s marriage negotiated by, 19–20, 21–22, 23

Sicily desired by, 18–19

stained glass window of, 222

in travels around Provence, 72

Marie of France, duchess of Bar, 5, 8, 79

education of, 6

marriage of, 6

reading by, 6

The Romance of Melusine
dedicated to, 14–15

Marseille, 26, 221

Martin I, king of Aragon, 21, 22, 47

Massieu, Jean, 170, 172

Maxey, 88

Melun, 50, 84

Melusine, 12–13,
73, 162, 175, 222

Metz, 232, 233

Metz, bishop of, 219–20

Metz, Jean de, 113

Meung, 139, 141

Michael, Saint, 89, 95–96, 97, 188, 261

minstrels, 6–7

Monstrelet, Enguerrand de (chronicler), 151, 196, 205, 208, 210, 211, 212–13, 215, 223, 224–26, 231, 247

Montereau-Fault-Yonne, 72, 84, 149

Montivilliers, 213

Montpellier, 22

Mortagne, 66

Nancy, 108, 232–33

Nantes, 91

Naples, 22, 43, 47, 72, 161, 219, 221

René’s loss of, 226, 230

supplies cut off to, 227

Netherlands, 29

Neufchâteau, 101, 220

Nevers, conference at, 205–8, 209, 211, 218

Nicholas V, Pope, 238–39

Nichols, Stephen G., 14

Normandy, 65, 66, 223

English occupation of, 73, 137, 143, 155, 190, 211, 216, 217, 221, 232

French recapture of, 213

Notre Dame (Paris), 85–86, 148

Notre Dame (Reims), 145

Notre Dame de Bermont, 88

Novellompont, Jean de, 108, 113

Orléans, 241

access routes to, xvi

military importance of, xvi

supplies for, xvi, xvii, 122, 125–26, 128, 129, 131, 134, 161

walls around, xvi, 125

Orléans, siege of, xvi–xvii

beginning of, 103

casualties of, 131–32

emotional impact of, 105

as English hubris, 127

full-scale battle in, 132–37,
153, 157, 197, 243

impact of lifting of, 136–37, 143

Joan in battle to relieve, xvii, 132–37,

lifting of, as Joan’s goal, 107, 110, 114, 118, 120, 122, 130

map of,

number of English troops at, 126, 133

number of French troops at, 126

religious significance to French of, 123–24

Royal Army’s reaching of, 131

Ourches, Albert d’, 78

Pardiac, count of, 101, 102

Paris, 44

as Burgundian stronghold, 153

Charles VII’s entrance into, 214–15,

English army’s arrival in, 151–52

English occupation of, xv, 138
151–52, 211

French attack on, 152–55, 194

French recapture of, 213–16, 217, 236

John the Fearless’s marches on, 44, 48, 59–60, 65–66, 67, 69

popular uprising in, 46, 47, 71

royal feast for poor in, 138

Paris, University of, 120, 163, 164–65, 239

allegiance switched to Charles VII by, 236

divine nature of Joan’s mission disputed at, 166

English occupation approved by, 166–67

Joan’s execution defended by, 187

masters from, at Joan’s trial, 172, 179

Parlement of Paris, 85–86

Pasqueral, Jean, 116–17, 121, 132

Pastor, Ludwig, 241

Patay, 141, 142

battle at, 142–43, 149, 226, 243–44

Pedro IV, king of Aragon, 3, 5, 6

Peronne, battle at, 190

Perroy, Edouard, 204

Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 17

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