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Authors: Nancy Goldstone

The Maid and the Queen (48 page)

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“I had a daughter”:
Pernoud and Clin,
Joan of Arc: Her Story,
156– 157.

“Bearing in her hand her standard”:
Joan of Arc: By Herself and Her Witnesses,

“Many of the King’s men”:
Ibid., 117.

“Then the Maid came”:
Ibid., 122.

“Willingly did she… punctual in ringing”:
Ibid., 18– 20.

“I call upon God”:
Ibid., 194.

“It pleased God thus to do”:

“As for the Church”:
Ibid., 173.

“And me, I tell you”:
Ibid., 181.

“In consideration of the request”:
Ibid., 269.

“And thereafter my voices say to me”:
Ibid., 191.


“both small and great”:
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet,
vol. 2, 225.

“The attack commenced”:

“he was put to death”:

“to watch all the coastline daily”:
Charles VII,

“The late Yolande”:
Good King René,

“bore a man’s heart”:
Yolande d’Aragon,


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