The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous (6 page)

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Authors: Jilly Cooper

Tags: #Modern fiction, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous
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    'What happened to you?' she asked, looking him up and down in amusement.

    'The husband came home.'

    'Well, at least you're not armed. You'd better get in.'

    Lysander shot into the car.

    Seeing the Wall Street Journal lying on the back seat, Lysander covered himself with the front page like a car rug.

    'Phew it's

    really kind of you.'

    'I figured I heard shots, or was that Elmer Winterton cracking his knee joints?''He tried to kill me,' said Lysander, perking up.

    'The guy's an animal.'

    'No animal is that nasty. Christ!' Glancing down at the Wall Street Journal Lysander saw Elmer's photograph glaring up at him. 'He's following me. I could tear him out, then my cock would stick through.'

    'Feel free,' said the blonde.

    'Martha said he was a clinical Nazi.'

    'I thought he was Dutch.'

    'Good thing that tree I shinned up didn't have Dutch Elmer disease or the branch would have given way.' Having started giggling, Lysander found he couldn't stop, 'I'm sorry. It's nervous hysteria. Have you got a cigarette?

    'Sure, in my purse. The name's Sherry by the way Sherry Macarthy.'

    Protected back and front by more pages of the Wall Street Journal, Lysander slid into Sherry's house which was bigger and more lushly decorated than Elmer's with a back garden falling straight into the ocean.

    'I guess you'd like some breakfast and a pair of my husband's shorts?'

    'You got a husband?' Lysander shot into reverse.

    'He's in San Francisco,' said Sherry soothingly.

    Lysander crept back. 'Could I possibly have a shower! After all that sex and fear I must stink like a polecat.'

    Upstairs he admired another vast four-poster, this time swathed in primrose-yellow silk and topped at its four corners by gilded cherubs, none of whom was protected by the Wall Street Journal.

    'Amazing room.'

    'It's Franco's, my husband's,' said Sherry, who was turning on the gold taps of a vast marble bath next door 'Help yourself.'

    The doors of a fitted cupboard which took up a whole wall, and which had been lavishly handpainted with pal yellow and coral-pink roses, slid back to reveal hundreds of shirts. There were more scent bottles massa on the bathroom shelves than a duty-free shop. Franc


    also must have the snakiest of hips. Lysander had the greatest difficulty finding a pair of shorts he could zip up.

    'God, this is great! I haven't eaten for forty-eight hours.'

    Having downed three glasses of orange juice, Lysander was tucking into a huge plate of bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and hashbrowns, while Sherry filled yellow-and-white cups with very black coffee.

    They were sitting beside a beautiful blue pool guarded by four big blue china dragons. White geraniums spilled over the faded terracotta pots and little waves gambolled idly on the pale sand below them. Above, the palm trees rattled in their diffident fashion.

    Sherry had also showered and had swapped her black taffeta and her sapphires for a flamingo-pink sarong which left bare her almost too brown shoulders. Her still-wet, short blond hair was slicked back Rudolph Valentino style, but was softened by a pink hibiscus behind her left ear. There were crow's feet round her warmly smiling eyes and the skin was beginning to crepe on her breast bones and her arms, but she was in great shape and a terrific listener.

    'You can kiss goodbye to that job with Elmer,' she said when Lysander had finished his account of the night's escapades.

    'I wouldn't mind if I hadn't got Jack, Arthur and Tiny to support,' sighed Lysander as he spread black-cherry jam on a croissant.

    'You've got three kids?'

    'Jack's my Jack Russell.'

    'Original name.'

    The irony was lost on Lysander.

    'Arthur's my horse. He's a steeplechaser. He won a lot of races but he's having a year off with leg trouble. I'm hoping to ride him next season. He's such a character. Tiny's a Shetland. She's Arthur's stable-mate.'

    'They must miss you.' Sherry edged nearer Lysander. 'Not as much as I miss them. I've got another job to go to,' he went on gloomily, 'with Ballensteins, the merchant bank, but that doesn't start till the first of March. Playing polo for Elmer would have paid off my overdraft and a few bills and I wanted a suntan to wow the Ballenstein typing pool on the first day.'

    'You'll wow them anyway,' murmured Sherry. The boy was positively edible. 'At least you can get brown round the pool today.'

    'I won't be in the way?'

    'Have you looked in the mirror recently? But you mustn't burn.'

    The climbing sun had already given a pink glow to his white shoulders. Surreptitiously he undid the top button of Franco's shorts; they'd castrate him in a minute. Having cleared away breakfast the maid returned with bottles of champagne and Ambre Solaire. Sherry patted the blue-and-white pool-lounger.

    'After such a disturbed night, you must be pooped. Lie down and I'll oil you.'

    Sherry had been trained as a masseuse and her provocative smiling eyes made Lysander even hotter than the sun as she kneaded and stroked his body. As her braceleted hands moved downwards, her sarong seemed to work loose so he could see straight down her deep brown cleavage and feel her bare thighs against his hip bone.

    Only the constricting tightness of Franco's shorts had hidden a large erection.

    'Do my back.' Embarrassed, he rolled over.

    Sherry laughed softly. 'The maid's going shopping in a minute, then you can get brown all over.'

    Sticky with oil, her hand slid down his backbone and disappeared under Franco's shorts. Lysander moaned God, her fingers were going everywhere. She was doing such magical things any moment his cock would lift him into the air like a one-handed press-up. Then, as the sarong fell apart, he felt soft fur caressing his thighs and realized she was wearing no knickers.

    Lysander never got a suntan. He and Sherry spent a lazy, boozy day, making love, watching racing on satellite, having outlandish bets and feeding each other spoonfuls of caviar and strawberries dipped in Dom Perignon.

    Around five o'clock Lysander had given himself enough Dutch courage to go back to Elmer's barn and collect his luggage and polo sticks. Hopefully, Elmer would be safely in Washington drinking vodka and electronics with George and Barbara. As Lysander could only pull up Franco's jeans mid-thigh, Sherry drove him to Worth Avenue and, despite his protests, kitted him out in boxer shorts, Lacoste polo shirts, chinos, several pairs of loafers and a dark blue baseball cap with saints on the front. She tried to buy him half a dozen suits.

    'You shouldn't. I've had a really good time,' he told her as she drove him back to Elmer's.

    The, too. Franco's gay, as you probably gathered,' said Sherry. 'He'd die of jealousy if he knew who I'd spent the day with.'

    Lysander, who'd drunk a lot of Dom Perignon, had tears in his eyes. 'But that's awful. A beautiful woman like you wasted on some shirtlifter. Why don't you leave him?'

    Sherry shook her head. 'Guys are like gold dust after you're forty,' she said, drawing up outside Elmer's barn. 'At least Franco's a husband and as a couple you get asked out so you get the chance to meet new guys. The wages of single life is social death, I promise you.'

    Flinging his arms round her bare neck, Lysander collapsed on her warm, gold, scented breasts. 'As soon as I've sorted out things here, I'll get a taxi back to your place.'

    If she hadn't dropped him at the bottom of the long white rose colonnade leading up to Elmer's barn, he would have bolted straight back into her car.

    Reluctant to admit he'd been cuckolded and that his impregnable security system had been violated, Elmerhad tried to hush up last night's escapade. But he'd reckoned without the Press, particularly when one of the maids, seeing such a stunning streaker, had leaked

    the story.

    As Lysander weaved into the yard, a dozen camera lenses were turned on him and an immigration officer grabbed him, pinning his arms behind his back. 'You're going back to the UK, Lover Boy.'

    'I can't,' protested Lysander, 'I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow. I've got to get Donald Duck's autograph. Hallo, Mrs Ex.' He waved at the long yellow face peering out of a nearby box.

    'You're not going anywhere. Now walk.' 'I'll run if you like,' said Lysander as a gun jabbed his spine.

    'Don't smartass me, Pretty Boy.' 'What about my polo sticks?' 'All your gear's packed.'

    'But I haven't said goodbye to Martha or Sherry. Talk about coming down to earth without a bang. Oh, Mr Deporter, whatever shall I do?' sang Lysander tunelessly as he danced a few steps. 'I wanted to go to Disneyland and you sent me back to-'

    'Walk,' howled the immigration officer and all Elmer's security guards.

    In the end they locked him up for the night to sober up in order to smuggle him on to the first plane the next morning. Just as he was leaving, the twins came racing up with a large envelope. Inside was a silver pen from Tiffany's with a clip in the shape of a polo stick, ten thousand dollars and a scrawled note from Martha:

    'Darling Lysander, I'm sorry it's all over the papers, but at least Elmer's been all over me since you left. You sure know how to make husbands jealous. I'll call you when I'm coming to the UK, probably for Ascot. Love, Martha.'

    Feeling like a billionaire with hundred-dollar bills spilling out of his pockets, Lysander boarded first class. He tried to concentrate on the air hostess's pep-talk about exits and life-jackets. If the plane crashed he wouldn't have Martha's swipe card to help him.

    Then, glancing down at the paper another hostess had handed him with a distinct smirk, only his seat-belt stopped him hitting the plane roof. For there was Martha smiling up at him. The photograph had been taken before she lost weight. She looked gorgeous and there was Elmer looking absolutely repulsive and there was Elmer's pink palace with a large caption: FORT KNOCKS-UP, and there, oh Christ, was Lysander himself, surrounded by immigration officers and giggling and waving like the village idiot.

    Being dyslexic it took him some time to wade through the copy. There was a lot of guff about Safus security system being violated and national secrets being in jeopardy. Elmer was quoted as saying: 'It was just a lover's tiff, Martha and I are now reconciled.'

    Lysander shook his head in bewilderment. Then, as the plane started taxiing down the runway, jumped out of his skin again, for across the gangway a glamorous blonde was reading another newspaper with a front-page headline: martha's toy boy deported at gunpoint and a huge picture of him looking mercifully less asinine. What the hell were Dolly and his father going to say? Perhaps the story wouldn't reach England. No-one knew Elmer over there. He did hope the bastard wasn't being beastly to Martha.

    The only answer when the champagne started to flow after take-off was to get drunk again. One of the freebies handed out by the airline was a pack of cards. Getting into conversation with a foxy smiling Irishman beside him, Lysander discovered a fellow drinker and poker player.

    By the time they reached Heathrow Lysander had managed to lose the Tiffany pen and most of Martha's ten thousand dollars, but he had enough left to buy a slab of Toblerone for Jack the dog, Fracas for Dolly and a bottle of whisky for Ferdie, his flatmate.Before landing, the blonde across the gangway vanished into the lavatory for ages and emerged looking even more stunning obviously

    tarting herself up for someone meeting her. Then, as she passed, Lysander's pleasure turned to pain. For a second he couldn't locate it. Then he recognized her scent: Diorissimo. His mother had never worn anything else.

    When he'd first gone away to prep school he was so distraught she had drenched a handkerchief with it to comfort him at night. Now he leant back in his seat trying to handle the appalling feeling of desolation. Instinctively on landing he would have nipped into a telephone box to reassure her he was safe.

    'I'm only happy when all my children are back in England,' she used to say, but he'd always known that his return made her happiest of all.

    The post-champagne downer, plus a dank, dark, cold January evening did nothing to improve his spirits. As he slid through customs out into the airport, there was a firework display of camera bulbs exploding and cries of: That's him', 'Over here, Sandy'.

    Fortunately Lysander was fitter than any of the paparazzi. Escaping them was a doddle compared to shaking off Elmer's guard-dogs.

    'Can you drive like hell to Fountain Street in Fulham,' he gasped to a taxi driver, 'and can I possibly borrow your Evening Standard?'

    Only when he'd finished the racing pages did Lysander turn to the front of the paper to find another vast picture of himself and the headline: mystery streaker a brit, 


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