The Manga Girl (21 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Nick steered his Mustang through the leafy lanes of Middlesex County while Lucy and Summer chatted in the back seat like a couple of schoolgirls. He had the soft top down and afternoon sunlight streamed through the gaps in the trees. They could have taken the train for the fifteen mile trip, but Nick fancied a drive, privately resolving to have only one glass of wine over lunch.

They pulled into the courtyard of a colonial building that had been converted into a country inn. Nick saw Sid’s Dodge parked up beside a silver Mercedes-Benz, a red Jaguar XF, and a black Chevrolet Camero.

“Ooh,” cooed Lucy, as Nick killed the engine. “I smell money.”

“The world of high finance,” said Nick, running his hand appreciatively over the clapboard siding as they climbed the steps to the lobby.

Behind him Lucy said, “Mmm, sexy wood. Makes me so horny.”

Summer giggled.

“Behave,” said Nick. He had an uneasy feeling that at some stage, Lucy was going to treat this happy gathering to another one of her lewd performances.

The receptionist directed them past the busy dining room and out through a French window onto a spacious lawn. Everyone was seated at a long table surrounded by colorful flower beds, ornamental fish ponds, and drooping willows.

If this was a spontaneous decision,
Nick thought,
they certainly chose the right spot for it.

All eyes turned towards them as Nick proudly escorted his attractive companions across the grass. First they congratulated the happy couple with hugs and kisses, and then they were introduced to Rob and Andy’s well-heeled parents, Roland and Veronica, and then Kylie’s new boyfriend, Stefan, who was a successful commodities trader - Nick guessed the Jag was his - and finally Jason’s latest, a petite dark-haired girl called Clare, who ran a chain of luxury boutiques in the city.

It so happened that the remaining vacant seats had Summer placed next to Sid, which Nick thought could be interesting. As far as he knew, they hadn’t spoken since their trip to the Cape, but drunk or not, she had performed fellatio on him in front of witnesses, and that would be hard to ignore. There was also the matter of the tenuous sexual relationship that was developing between Nick and Summer, with Lucy acting as the conduit. Nick decided to keep a weather eye on how they interacted today. If Sid was keen on her, things could get a little complicated.

The waitresses brought the menus and Roland informed them firmly but politely that he would be picking up the tab, so ‘order whatever you want’. For appetizers, Lucy had Nantucket crab cakes, Summer opted for the spinach salad, and Nick ordered lobster bisque. Three bottles of Dom Perignon appeared in silver ice buckets, and Roland, who was clearly a take-charge kind of guy, proposed a toast.

“I’d like to wish my son, Robert, and his future wife, Tanya, many happy years together, and I’d like to thank you all for dragging yourselves out here at such short notice.”

There was polite laughter followed by some ‘hear, hears’ and just when Nick thought that this might all become a little stuffy, Lucy asked, “So have you fixed a date for the wedding?”

Tanya’s cheeks reddened slightly and a few glances were exchanged around the table.

Lucy looked around. “What?” Then she put her hand to her mouth and flushed delightfully. “Oh, I see. I get it. Oh.”

She took a large gulp of champagne and raised her glass. “Well, congratulations, then! A double celebration!”

Only Lucy could have got away with it, but again, she had unwittingly managed to combine her smoldering sensuality with an underlying innocence that emerged as utterly charming. With the cat out of the bag, Roland shook his head and laughed, followed by Veronica, then Rob and Tanya, and everybody visibly relaxed.

The main courses arrived. Nick chose the pecan-crusted breast of chicken, Lucy decided on the grilled salmon fillet, and Summer, the Boston schrod.

Conversation was light but also, Nick sensed, underpinned by their collective memory of what had transpired that night on the beach. Looking across at Kylie, in her well-cut cotton blouse and skirt, next to her sophisticated boyfriend, Nick couldn’t help but recall her colossal naked breasts with their large, brown areolas, and the vision of Andy - now sitting politely across from his parents - kissing her asshole!

To his left, Summer and Sid seemed to be getting on in a stilted kind of way - which could have been worse, considering how intimate
had been that night - and, oblivious to the pervading sexual undercurrent, Stefan, Rob and Jason were discussing the complexities of futures trading in today’s volatile markets. Meanwhile, Tanya, Clare and Veronica were comparing notes on the Armani summer collection, while Lucy was rambling happily along about a variety of subjects to Roland, who seemed quite taken by her.

Trying to follow all of these conversations simultaneously was making Nick’s head spin. The champagne had been replaced by a selection of red and white wines, alternately placed down the table, so that a bottle of Napa Valley chardonnay was tantalizingly within his reach. He hesitated before pouring himself a glass.

Lucy was explaining her philosophy of life to Roland. “So, I try to focus only on what is in front of me, giving it my fullest attention. Everything else will take care of itself within the ‘Grand Design’.”

“Do you really think so?” asked Roland. “You don’t believe that life is just a series of random accidents, some good, and some bad?”

“I believe that we can influence what happens to us, by the way we react emotionally. You send out a positive frequency and that’s what you’ll get back,” Lucy said.

“I subscribe to the butterfly effect myself,” Andy put in. “Cause and effect.”

“Shit just happens, you mean,” said Sid.

“He’s talking about the chaos theory, I think,” said Jason. “There is no ‘grand design’.”

“Well,” Lucy smiled. “Maybe there isn’t, but I prefer to stay positive, taking it one moment at a time. Easier that way.”

“Sounds like sticking your head in the sand,” Jason mumbled.

“Well, it’s a very stress-free way to live, if you can manage it,” Roland said kindly. “I envy you, Lucy.”

My goodness
, Nick thought, suppressing a grin.
Is he flirting with her?

“I think Lucy’s right,” Summer declared. “Here and now, that’s all that matters. It’s a beautiful day, fine food and wine, and excellent company. Here’s to Rob and Tanya.”

Dessert came, and still Lucy hadn’t attempted anything risqué. She had another glass of wine, and with a dreamy look in her eyes, fed Nick a spoonful of raspberry sorbet. As the sun dipped behind the trees, the waiters lit candles, and Roland ordered cognac to go with their Colombian coffee. Nick looked around at this affluent, beautiful crowd, the idyllic surroundings, and then at his stunningly sexy girlfriend.

It doesn’t get much better than this,
he thought.
Maybe Lucy
right. Enjoy it while it lasts. Who knows what’s around the corner?

Lucy leaned her head against Nick’s shoulder and whispered, “I want to use the bathroom.”

“Go ahead,” Nick whispered back. “I’m not stopping you.” He noticed she was slurring a little.

“I want you to come with me,” she said.



“I’ll tell everyone what you did,” she pouted.

They were still whispering, but Nick wasn’t sure how audible they were to the others.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“That deposit you left on my stomach this morning. How did that happen anyway?”

Oh, shit.
Nick had completely forgotten about that.

“I have no idea,” he said, blushing.

“Take me to the toilet.”

There was no winning this one, so Nick sighed and helped her up.

“Excuse me,” Nick addressed the table. “Lucy’s feeling a little unwell.”

Nick held Lucy by the waist as they went inside and found the washrooms. There was a wooden door on the right, with an iron relief of a man in a top hat, and another on the left, with a lady in a bonnet.

“I’ll wait for you here,” Nick said, but Lucy was already gripping him tightly by the wrists and backing into the ladies’.

“Lucy, no! Somebody will see…”

Realizing that there was a greater chance of being caught if they struggled, Nick allowed Lucy to drag him inside. Luckily, they were alone. Lucy pulled him inside one of the stalls and locked the door. She slipped off her shoes, wriggled out of her panties and then, putting her feet up on either side of the toilet bowl, squatted down in front of him.

“Hurry up,” she said, pushing him to his knees. “I’m bursting.”

Nick knelt in front of her, his heart pounding at the prospect of someone discovering them in there, while Lucy hiked her dress around her waist. She spread her thighs so that Nick was staring straight up her crotch.

“Put your hands out,” Lucy said. “I want you to catch it.”

“What…?” But before he could protest further, they heard somebody coming into the bathroom.

Lucy silently grabbed his wrists again, and made him hold his cupped hands beneath her vulva. The other occupant of the room took the adjacent stall and Nick could hear a rustle as the woman pulled her underwear down. Lucy narrowed her eyes and bit her lip and a tiny trickle of hot, yellow urine dripped onto Nick’s fingers. Then they heard the tinkling sound of micturition next door, and suddenly Lucy let a spurt go, which soon became a torrent, cascading all over Nick’s hands and wrists. Lucy’s piss splashed over the sides of the bowl, and ricocheted against his shirt and face. He heard the lady next door flush, and still Lucy gushed over him. Finally, her discharge slowed to a dribble and then stopped. Nick removed his wet and steaming hands and then dried them with toilet paper. Lucy remained where she was, squatting on the bowl.

“Clean me,” she hissed.

They could hear the faucet running outside.

Terrified that they were going to be exposed, Nick reached for the tissue dispenser, but Lucy gripped him roughly by the head and pulled his face forward. Despite his anxiety, Nick felt his cock stiffen, and he proceeded to use his tongue on her wet pussy lips, lapping up her salty-sour piss. He heard Lucy sigh audibly as the outside door clicked shut.

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