Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (82 page)

BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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30. The quotations are from
Discourse Concerning . . . Baptisme
, 19, 20, 21.
. 40.
32. Besides Stoddard's works cited below see Perry Miller, "Solomon Stoddard, 1643-1729,"
Harvard Theological Review
, XXXIV (1941), 277-320.
. 277-84; see, too, Perry Miller,
From Colony to Province
, Chapter 15.
34. Solomon Stoddard,
The Doctrine of Instituted Churches
(London, 1700), 3.
35. Solomon Stoddard,
The Safety Of Appearing At The Day of Judgment In The Righteousness Of Christ
(2d. ed. Boston, 1729, first published 1687), 56.
36. Solomon Stoddard,
Doctrine of Instituted Churches
, 18, and
The Inexcusableness Of Neglecting The Worship of God
(Boston, 1708), 10-12.
. 18. And see 19-23.
. 19.
39. Solomon Stoddard,
Safety of Appearing
, 8-12, and
The Inexcusablehess Of Neglecting The Worship of God
, 14-21. After the controversy with Increase Mather ended, and indeed after Mather's death, Stoddard published a sermon in which he said flatly that the argument "
that frequently men are ignorant of the Time of their Conversion . . . is not good Preaching."
A man, he said, could know, even if he could not demonstrate to others, that he was converted, for "Conversion is a great change, from darkness to light, . . ." See Stoddard,
The Defects of Preachers Reproved
(New London, Conn., 1724), 10.
40. Stoddard,
Safety Of Appearing
, 3.
41. Stoddard,
The Way For A People To Live Long In The Land (Boston
, 1703), 4.
BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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