The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (78 page)

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Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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16. Increase Mather, "An Apologetical Preface" to John Davenport,
Another Essay For Investigation Of The Truth
, (no pagination); The
First Principles of New England
(Cambridge, Mass., 1675),
passim; The Divine Right of Infant-Baptisme
(Boston, 1680), 27;
A Brief History Of The Warr With The Indians in New-England
(Boston, 1676), 49-51. See, too,
An Earnest Exhortation To The Inhabitants of New England
(Boston, 1676).
17. Thomas Shepard,
(Cambridge, Mass., 1673), "To The Christian Reader."
. 31-33.
Page 384
19. William Hooke to John Davenport, October 12, 1661, in M.H.S.
, 4th Series, VIII (Boston, 1868), 177-78.
. 177; see, too, the letter of the following March 1662, 194-95.
. 222. See also the letters on 11, 15, 173, 175, 185.
22. Increase Mather's book on Israel is
The Mystery Of Israel's Salvation
(London, 1669); his other important works on the subject are
A Dissertation Concerning The Future Conversion Of The Jewish Nation
(London, 1709, probably also published in 1695 or 1696 in Boston);
A Discourse Concerning Faith and Fervency in Prayer
(Boston, 1710);
A Dissertation Wherein The Strange Doctrine
(Boston, 1708), especially 92-135.
23. There was a vast literature in these subjects in England at the time of the founding of New England.
24. The best way of studying Puritans' use of typology is to examine the sources. There are several useful guides, however. Among them see Samuel Mather,
The Figures Or Types of The Old Testament
(Dublin?, 1683 and later editions), and two articles by Jesper Rosenmeier, ''VERITAS: The Sealing of the Promise,"
Harvard Library Bulletin
, XVI (1968), 26-37, and "The Teacher and the Witness: John Cotton and Roger Williams,"
William and Mary Quarterly
XXV (July 1968), 408-31. Sacvan Bercovitch, ''Typology in Puritan New England,"
American Quarterly
, XIX (Spring, 1967), 166-91, is aso helpful.
25. For Williams see Perry Miller,
Roger Williams
(New York, 1953) and Edmund S. Morgan,
Roger Williams: The Church And The State
(New York, 1967).
26. The quotations are from Increase Mather,
The Mystery Of Christ Opened and AppIyed
, 83 and
The Order Of The Gospel
(Boston, 1700), 15. For other examples of Mather's typology see
Discourse Concerning The Danger of Apostasy; The Blessed Hope And The Glorious Appearing of . . . Jesus Christ
(Boston, 1701);
Dissertation Wherein The Strange Doctrine; Several Sermons; Five Sermons On Several Subjects
27. For the ideas in this paragraph and their implications, the key works are Mather's
Mystery Of Israel's Salvation
, his jeremiads discussed above, especially the
Discourse Concerning The Danger Of Apostasy
. See, too, Increase Mather,
Heavens Alarm To the World
(Boston, 1681).
28. The quotations are from
Discourse Concerning
the Danger Of
, 57; see 57-59 for this brief history of decline.
. 65.

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