The McGilley Trilogy (20 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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“You don’t have to worry or think about anyone but me, understand?” Colin kept a tight hold of her chin until she nodded, her eyes once again focused solely on him. Smiling, he murmured, “There you go, sweetheart. There’s just me and what I’m going to do for you.”

Olivia had always loved his voice, especially when he used that low seductive tone, as if she was the only woman in the room. Her arousal went up even higher, her nipples so tight they hurt and she was positive there was going to be a damp telltale stain on the bench when she got down. His thick chest expanded with a deep breath, his muscled arms caging her in, making her recall the night she had felt all those muscles hunched over her, covering her, filling her, until she was cocooned between two solid walls of muscled male flesh under her and behind her, taking her to a height of pleasure she had never dreamed existed. Tonight she craved just a touch of that pleasure, just enough release to forget for a few minutes that there was no one at home for her anymore.

“Master, please, won’t you touch me?” She cringed at the plea in her voice but she wasn’t ashamed enough to want to take the words back.

“Yes and no. Lean back.” With a hand between her breasts, he guided her back until her shoulders were leaning against the raised back of the bench before pulling her hips right to the edge, spreading her thighs and strapping them down. Running his palms up her legs, he kneaded her quads, slowly moving upward until his thumbs rested at the apex of her pussy. Moisture coated the swollen folds and dampened her blond curls enticingly and it took every ounce of his control not to delve between them.

Raising his eyes from her slit, he smiled at her flushed face and noted her clenched hands. “Do you want to come, Livie?”

“God, yes, please Master.” Olivia couldn’t believe her need could have gotten any higher, but seeing the way he stared at her pussy, the way a flush spread over his cheeks and his jaw clenched had ratcheted it up another notch until she thought she’d explode with the first touch.

“Then you have my permission to touch yourself under one condition. You use my hand, guide my finger to get yourself off.” He smiled as her eyes widened, excitement warring with mortification as she grasped his meaning.

Olivia swallowed convulsively, the picture she conjured up turning her on almost as much as the man. Knowing he wouldn’t relent, she nodded her head and slowly reached for his hand and guided it to her seeping pussy. Unsure how to proceed, she waited, holding her breath, hoping, praying he’d give her a little assistance.

Colin smiled at her reluctance and uncertainty. Obviously she’d never done this before. Ignoring the way that pleased him, he kept his eyes on hers as he slowly entered her with his middle finger until he was buried knuckle deep inside her wet, tight sheath. “You take it from here,” he said huskily, wondering if he was going to survive this.

The feel of his finger penetrating her, of having her sensitive nerve endings touched again after all this time was almost too much. Need had her wrapping her hands around his and desperation had her slowly pulling his digit back, lifting his palm enough to make sure his finger rasped over her clit before she pushed it back in. Within seconds she forgot where she was, forgot the obscene lewdness of manipulating his hand the way she would a dildo, and simply went with the pleasure of being filled again, of having someone take away the stress of having to make any decisions except to obey Master Colin’s dictate.

Biting her lip, she glanced up at Colin only to find his eyes riveted to their hands as he watched his finger disappear once again inside her. Moaning, she laid her head back, looked down and fucked herself harder with his hand, thrusting his stiff finger in and out of her in rapid succession until it wasn’t enough. Whimpering, she pleaded, “More please,” her eyes connecting with his briefly before lowering again.

Colin couldn’t deny her anything, especially when she looked at him with that glaze in her eyes, her face flushed with her impending climax, her nipples, as yet untouched by either of them, red stiff peaks of arousal. Releasing his second finger, he allowed it to join the other, allowed her to push both fingers into her as he fought the need to take over, to explore her vagina thoroughly himself. Small contractions heralding her climax clutched his digits, both of them glistening wetly as she once again pulled them almost all the way out before lifting and rubbing them along her engorged clit.

“Now, Olivia. Come for me now.”

Thank God
, Olivia thought as she let herself go over. His words, uttered in that deep, demanding voice, were the last hurdle she needed to let go, and taking hold of just the base of his two fingers, she rubbed them back and forth, over and over across her clit until she exploded in pleasure, body consuming, mind numbing pleasure that she hadn’t experienced in three long years.

Her voice was filled with pain, pleasure and relief as she cried out, the echo filling his ears as he watched her writhe on his hand and felt her convulse around his fingers. His cock was so hard he could pound nails with it, but he knew when he agreed to help her he wasn’t going to fuck her. He’d give her what she wanted and needed, until she was comfortable enough to move on, but there would be no moving on for him if he fucked her again.

Unable to resist tasting her, he pulled from the tight grip she still had on his hand and brought his fingers to his mouth. Eyes on hers, he slowly licked her juices from each finger, smiling at the way her face pinkened, her embarrassment a direct contrast to the arousal depicted by her glazed, dilated eyes.

“Mmm, you taste as good as I remember, Livie,” Colin murmured then could have kicked himself for reminding both of them of the last time they were together like this. “Come on, I’ll help you down,” he said brusquely as her face went from rosy to pale in a matter of seconds.

Olivia was grateful for his support as he unstrapped her thighs, lifted her off the bench and held on to her until she was steady. She resisted the urge to lean into him, to take more than he was willing to give for her own selfish purposes. As much as she had needed that release, as much as she had enjoyed it, she now craved a Master’s comforting support, something she could tell by the closed off expression on his face that Colin wasn’t willing to give.

“Go get dressed and I’ll take you home.” Handing her clothes, Colin watched her pad over to the small restroom, his eyes lingering on her still pink buttocks, the sight doing nothing to ease the hard-on he had been sporting since spotting her downstairs. He knew now just how difficult the task he had set for himself was going to be and if he didn’t come up with a way to give her what she needed without him getting physically involved, he was screwed, in more ways than one.

By the time Colin arrived at the stables the next morning, he had managed to get his irritation under control. If he had known how difficult it would be to keep his promise to Doug to look out for Olivia, he never would have made it. Who was he kidding, he thought as he turned off his truck and gazed at the mares roaming the west pasture. He had been doomed from the first moment he had set eyes on her and nothing had changed in the past four years. He had no idea what it was about Olivia that set her apart from other women he had known, no idea why the attraction seemed to grow instead of lessen with time, why his lust for her hadn’t been appeased the one night he had spent with her and Doug and why he couldn’t seem to move on as she was obviously ready to do.

Some of her appeal, he knew, was that perfect blend of independence and submissiveness that every Dom craved but few women had. Olivia had submitted to his demands beautifully last night even though she had been embarrassed and unsure at first. But after he had had the pleasure of watching her bring herself to climax for the first time in three years, she had exerted some of that independence by insisting she was fine to drive herself home after he had wanted to take her. Sensing she needed some time alone to get herself together, he had given in but only after she had promised to call him when she got there safely. Hearing her sated, soft voice as he was heading home alone hadn’t done anything to settle his own lust or the turmoil he found himself in. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, wasn’t sure he believed in love at all. He sure as hell had never seen it in any of his father’s relationships. But if the kick to his gut he experienced whenever he heard her voice or was near her was love, Colin wanted nothing to do with it. As far as he could tell, it was nothing but frustration and misery.

As if spending a sleepless night cursing himself for giving in to a pair of whiskey colored eyes that had held an appeal he couldn’t deny wasn’t bad enough, he had pulled out of his garage an hour ago and promptly ran over a strip of nails some kids had left in his driveway as a Halloween prank. If he ever got hold of whoever thought it would be funny to ruin two perfectly good tires, he’d show them how he dealt with destructive pranksters and relieve some of this left over tension that hadn’t been relieved with his hand job last night.

Walking over to the white picket fence that surrounded the pastures, he whistled then smiled as his mare, Sheba, came trotting over.
Now here was one female who never caused him grief,
he thought as he stroked the brown head that was butting him affectionately. While Brett and Donovan preferred males for their private use, this girl had caught his eye the moment she had been born, her sleek dark brown coat and white forelegs just one of the things that had drawn his attention. Watching her mature from a gangly foal into a sixteen hands high, nine hundred pound majestic thoroughbred with a feisty attitude and an awesome, high stepping gait, he knew he wanted her for himself.

“Yeah, yeah, here’s your sugar,” he laughed when she practically knocked him over looking for her treat. “What do you say we go for a nice long run, girl?” Opening the gate, he took hold of her bridle and led her into the stable where Tony, Keith and Ethan were mucking out stalls. “Morning,” he greeted the young hands, smiling as their distaste for the task of shoveling manure was obvious by the looks on their faces. He and his brothers had spent many hours doing that chore so he could sympathize. Jed, the head groom until his retirement five years ago, made sure they learned everything about horse breeding and rearing from the ground up, no job too demeaning or menial for the sons of the owner. There were some things he did not miss about his childhood.

“Morning, Colin,” Keith called out from the stall nearest to where he was tethering Sheba. “I can’t believe we all got here before Donovan. He have a hot date last night?”

“No, he didn’t,” Donovan growled as he entered the stables through the door that led into his office. “Some fucking idiot thought it would be funny to leave a strip of nails right outside my garage door. We’ll see if he’s laughing when I catch him and give him the bill for those tires.”

“You too?” Colin’s anger resurfaced at hearing he wasn’t the only victim this morning. “One of us is a prank, both of us is a deliberate sabotage. I’m calling Brett.”

“I’m surprised he’s not here already. He’s usually out on Diablo by now.”

Colin smiled, telling him, “He took Kayla back to his place last night. It looks like he’s quit fighting her and is going to give her a chance.”

“Lucky bastard,” Donovan said, returning his grin. Turning, he noticed the guys were putting away their rakes and scoopers, joking with each other in the way they were wont to do, especially after cleaning out stalls. These guys were all hard workers, rarely complained unless it was good naturedly like now and as far as he knew were dedicated, good students. Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder if they were behind this latest incident. It wasn’t impossible to sneak onto McGilley property after the main gate was shut and locked for the night, but their farm was located several miles from the outskirts of Lexington, which pretty much ruled out any kids too young to drive from being the culprits.

“Brett just checked his drive and found a little surprise like ours waiting for him. He’s pissed, especially since my call interrupted his morning nookie,” Colin told Donovan as he snapped his phone closed and reached for his saddle.

“He’ll get over it.” Donovan waited until the three students went to start hauling hay into the stalls before asking, “You think we should be keeping a closer eye on them?”

Swinging the saddle onto Sheba’s back, he replied, “They’re smart enough to know something like that’ll cost them their job and I think they all need the work. They’re well aware you have a stack of applicants willing to take their place, aren’t they?”

“Yeah,” Donovan sighed, relieved that the probability was low that any of these guys would risk his job for a few kicks. “Could’ve been some other college kids who don’t have the responsibility of footing their own way through school and way too much free time on their hands.”

“That’s more likely. I’ll check with some of my friends at the sheriff’s office and see if any other farms have had any vandalism lately and also ask them to keep an eye out when patrolling around here.”

“That’ll help.”

Colin tightened the cinch before looking back at Donovan and noticing for the first time the haunted look in his eyes, a look he had seen way too often on his face since he had returned scarred and distant from his ordeal overseas. “You look like you got about as much sleep as I did last night,” he commented casually. “Anything you want to talk about?”


Colin wasn’t surprised by the terse answer and didn’t let it stop him from inquiring further. “Donovan, you know I’m here if you need to vent.”

Donovan resisted the urge to snap at Colin and tell him to mind his own business, but just barely. His brothers had been there for him when he’d needed them the most, those first dark weeks after being discharged from the service. He owed them for that, if nothing else. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to unclench his fists before replying, “I’ve got my punching bag if I need to vent. Why didn’t you sleep?” When Colin got a closed expression he was sure was similar to his own, he grinned ruefully. “Not so easy, is it, bro?”

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