Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

The McGilley Trilogy (21 page)

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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Swinging up into the saddle, Colin grinned down at him. “No, it’s not. But unlike you, I’ll give you a hint since I’m sure Brett’ll tell you the minute he sees you again. I’ve agreed to reintroduce Olivia to the club, and the lifestyle, again. And yes, I know, I’m a fucking idiot.”

“I can’t agree with you unless you tell me what happened between the three of you that’s made you keep from going after her like I know you want to.”

“I guess we’ve both got secrets we don’t want to share.” Without another word, he turned Sheba and trotted out into the brisk sunshine, the cool air doing nothing to douse the fire in his blood that one woman was responsible for, the only woman he couldn’t ever have for his own. If Olivia or his brothers knew of the way his deliberate negligence had played a role in Doug’s death, they’d condemn him as much as he did.

He talked softly to the horses while ribbing with his friends, but it took all his effort not to smirk as he listened to Colin and Donovan pissing and moaning about their ruined tires. It was too bad they warned Brett before he could be as inconvenienced as the other two. This time, he had been careful to take his prank away from the livestock, made sure the only ones hurt and inconvenienced were the McGilley brothers. For all the pleasure he got out of toying with them, it still wasn’t enough, still didn’t make up for the past. He knew he was risking everything by going after them, but some perverse part of him couldn’t seem to stop, no matter how much he had grown to like working around the horses or how much he needed the work to get through school. He just wished there was more he could do to get justice for himself.

Olivia dropped the razor into the sink filled with soapy water and lowered her leg from the small stool before viewing her handiwork in the mirror. For the first time since growing her pubic hair back after Doug’s death she had a clear view of the soft, plump folds that shielded her pussy. She had thought hiding all that sensitive flesh behind hair would keep the memories of how much more she could feel without it at bay as well as keep that part of her that her husband had enjoyed so much and had given her so much pleasure from wanting to go there again. How naïve and pathetic was that, she thought now as she gazed at the moisture already gathering in anticipation of what Master Colin would do when he saw her tonight.

The orgasm he had given her last week had helped ease her tension, had definitely broke the ice that had kept her from seeking pleasure again for so long. Now that she had a taste of it again, she craved it like an addict did his next fix, wanting that blissful, temporary oblivion from everything except the consuming pleasure filling her. For those few moments nothing had mattered except the thrill of feeling again, the sweet ecstasy of her heated response and the equally heated look in Colin’s green eyes.

Trailing her fingers lightly over her exposed flesh, Olivia wondered if Colin would touch her tonight. It hadn’t escaped her notice that he hadn’t even kissed her last week let alone touched her. His fingers inside her didn’t count because she had been the one to manipulate them in and out, she had moved them where she wanted them, had thrust against them until she was clamping around them spasmodically. As much as she appreciated the sentiment behind him giving her that control, appreciated that he knew how difficult that first step was for her, it hadn’t been what she wanted. She wanted him to control the movements, control her body and its responses.

The soft feel of her labia under her exploring fingers felt good and the temptation to slip between those slick folds and seek out her clit was stronger than it had been ever since Master Colin had given her permission to go there last week. She ached to be filled again, wanted to be stretched by a large cock and taken with hard, pounding strokes until the pleasure took away the pain, even if only briefly. She recalled the thick, long length of Colin’s cock filling her before it was accompanied by Doug’s large penis in her ass, the way the two of them worked her orifices in perfect tandem until she was writhing between them in mindless pleasure, her sweat slick body sandwiched between them.

She also recalled the tender way her husband had bathed her afterward, after she had glimpsed a bleak look of resignation on Colin’s face right before he had kissed her and left without a word to either of them. Pulling her hand away, she washed the signs of her arousal off and went into her bedroom to get dressed. She knew any orgasm brought about by herself would be lacking, wouldn’t come near to what she knew she could experience with Master Colin. She didn’t know if that unguarded look she had seen on his face that night had anything to do with the way he had kept her at arm’s length the past three years, being very careful to never cross the line from supportive friend to anything more personal, but she knew he wanted her and for now, that’s all she wanted, all she could ask of him.

Chapter Thirteen

Colin noted the looks she drew as Olivia made her way to the bar, looks of both appreciation and lust that an attractive woman usually drew. Dressed in a simple, modest black dress, she didn’t need flamboyant colors or barely there sexy clothing to draw a man’s attention. Her long blond hair and slender body was enough to make a man look twice, but it was her shy, oblivious countenance of her appeal that made a man want. And he wanted. Clenching his jaw against that desire, he greeted her as she hopped up onto a bar stool and smiled at him.

“Hello, Olivia. How was your week?”

“Good, Master Colin. How was yours?” Olivia answered as she drank in the sight of him in his tight leather pants and white tee shirt with the bar logo on the breast pocket. His black hair was long and wavy, his green eyes piercing as he looked her over slowly.

Smiling when his lingering look made her nipples pucker beneath the soft linen of her bodice, he leaned his forearms on the bar and slowly moved his eyes back up to her blushing face. “How can you be so modest with your experience, Livie?”

“It’s been a long time. I’m still getting my feet wet.” Returning his smile, she teased, “Last week helped though. Thank you.”

“And are you ready for more tonight, or do you need time?” On one hand, he hoped she asked for just a simple evening of chatting and socializing, but the perverse part of him that was a glutton for punishment wanted to get her naked again, even if he had decided not to touch her himself tonight.

“Since more than my feet have been wet this past week, I think I’m ready for more, Sir, if you don’t have other plans.” Why the thought of him turning to someone else tonight sent a sharp stab of disappointment through her she didn’t know and didn’t try to figure it out. Her emotions had been on a roller coaster ride since she had talked herself into asking Colin to top her and the ups and downs she had gone through this past week were enough to make her dizzy. Tonight, she wasn’t going to think about anything, especially why it bothered her to picture this man with another sub, except assuaging this constant ache that had become even more persistent since her orgasm a week ago.

“And did you do as I instructed before coming here?” Colin asked. If they were upstairs he would simply check under her dress for himself to see if she had shaved. Unfortunately they weren’t upstairs yet.

Olivia pressed her thighs more tightly together as she tried to contain the seeping moisture from her pussy and keep it from dampening her thong further. The soft silk of her panties against the bare, sensitive skin of her labia had felt almost as good as Master Doug’s fingers used to feel, a blatant reminder of all she had suppressed and missed since being widowed. “Yes,” she breathed quietly, a warm flush spreading over her cheeks.

“I’ll take your word for it, for now. Give me about an hour for things to slow down here and then we can head upstairs. Meanwhile, what can I get you?”

“A glass of Chardonnay, please, if you have it.”

“Of course, I have it, I knew you were coming.” His look told her he meant that in more ways than the obvious which had her blushing again. Chuckling, Colin served her wine then got busy filling other orders.

But, no matter how busy he was over the next hour, he still had time to picture her naked, to remember the sight and feel of her bare pussy, a distraction he definitely didn’t need but seemed powerless to set aside. The first time he had seen her naked, Colin had stopped by their house unexpectedly to drop off some papers sent over by the DA’s office that required both his and Doug’s signatures on an upcoming case slated for trial. Hearing their voices coming from the secluded back yard, he had entered through the side gate and stopped in his tracks when he saw Olivia coming out the back door holding a tray of food and wearing nothing but a soft, suede collar with a capital diamond D in the middle. Her eyes had widened at the sight of him and a pretty blush spread across her face and down her neck. Noticing her look, Doug had turned, saw him and beckoned him over.

The upstairs private club hadn’t been opened long and Doug hadn’t brought Olivia there yet. Married less than a year and with her fairly new to the lifestyle, that day had obviously been her first introduction to public display. Doug had invited him to stay for a burger and, even knowing he shouldn’t considering his attraction to his best friend’s wife, he simply couldn’t resist. A small mat was placed next to Doug’s chair and as he and Doug took their seats, he’d never forget the graceful way she knelt at his side, the way her soft bare folds slowly unfurled to reveal the wet, pink recesses of her pussy as she spread her knees and settled on the heels of her feet, the perfect pose for a submissive. Her rosy nipples had peaked and, despite her embarrassment, she kept her gaze open and on Doug.

It was that unguarded look of pure pleasure on her face, pleasure she obviously derived from pleasing her master that had him craving her beyond simple desire for an attractive, submissive woman. Craving more than he should have, more than was right, a craving that, when he had finally succumbed to it a year later, resulted in his best friend dying alone on the side of the highway while his murderer sped away.

Colin was now positive that what he had planned for Olivia tonight was the right way to go, for both their sakes. He only hoped she saw it that way and not as a betrayal.

A little over an hour later, Colin came around the bar and held his hand out to her. Olivia took it, her heartbeat picking up speed as she followed him to the elevator. Watching him work, seeing the friendly camaraderie he had with the patrons of his club and the efficient and friendly way he handled their almost non-stop requests, had her turned on as much as imagining what he had in store for her tonight. His round, tight ass encased in those tight leather pants drew every woman’s eyes and, she imagined, dampened more panties than just her own. His tall body was lean but well-muscled, muscles shown to advantage by his chest hugging tee shirt and made her long to feel that hard chest against her softer one, to be held and surrounded by those muscles as he thrust between her thighs with body pounding jerks of his hips. It had been a long hour in which her imagination, fantasies and memory conspired together to make her ache like she hadn’t ached since that last night with both Colin and her husband.

“What’s on your mind, Livie?” Colin questioned her as they stepped out of the quiet elevator into a room echoing with soft cries, slapping bodies, quiet voices and soothing background music. She had such an expressive face, her eyes practically giving away her secrets as she gazed up at him, her desire masked only minimally by her uncertainty. God, he loved that look, which just made him harden his resolve to have Mitch give her what she needed tonight.

Olivia knew better than to try to lie to a Dom, especially when he was looking at her as if he already knew the answer. “How much I want you, and this.” Sweeping her free hand out, she indicated the room and its trappings and what they signified. His frown did nothing to put her at ease and neither did the way he simply turned and led her down the hall to the room designed for bondage play. There were many times over the past four years that she had caught glimpses of attraction in his eyes when she had caught him unaware, a look he quickly masked behind a friendly demeanor. At first she had been so in love with Master Doug, she hadn’t given it a second thought. Then came the dark, mindless grief of losing him followed by a numbness that was just now wearing off and allowing her to wonder what he was hiding by his cool indifference towards her now.

The bondage playroom was almost full, but Colin had thought ahead and made sure Mitch had the St. Andrews Cross available for them. Seeing him standing by the apparatus then receiving his nod when he spotted them, Colin gave himself no time to second guess his decision and tightened his hand around hers as he led her across the room. Hearing her say how much she wanted him had nearly made him change his mind, but if he could manage to get through the past three years befriending her without giving in to his desire for more, then he could get through the next few weeks of easing her back into the lifestyle before finally turning her loose for good.

“Strip,” he ordered brusquely when they reached the cross and Mitch, focusing on the here and now and not on how the thought of not being a part of her life left him with a hollow, empty feeling.

Olivia tried to ignore Mitch’s close presence and what it might mean as she shimmied out of her dress revealing she wore nothing underneath except a pair of black thongs. Kicking off her heels, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband and lowered her panties before stepping out of them then looking expectantly at Colin, waiting for his approval at seeing her bare pussy. Instead, he reached behind her and landed a hard, resounding slap on her ass, making her gasp and jump.

“That’s for not immediately getting into pose after obeying my command. Do you need another to be reminded of the correct protocol?”

Stammering over her error, she quickly replied, “No, sir,” then latched her hands together behind her, spread her feet about two feet apart and lowered her eyes. Immediately she felt herself relax, felt her concerns over her patients, her worries and cares simply drift away as she awaited his next order, her body acutely aware of both men’s gazes on her.

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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