The McGilley Trilogy (24 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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Colin bit back a sarcastic retort and instead said, “Give me a minute,” before stooping down by Olivia’s head and looking into her frustrated, tear drenched eyes. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing, sub?”

Colin’s hard face was swimming before her but she couldn’t mistake his angry voice, which made her wince. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I picked someone else to play with tonight. Last week, after Master Mitch, I thought…”

“It doesn’t matter what you thought, Livie. I was, am, your Dom until one of us says otherwise. Stop this now,” he ordered her in a hard tone.

Relief flooded her at Colin’s take charge attitude, and even though he was royally pissed, she could already feel her body softening, dampening in preparation for whatever he had in store for her. That response, so automatic, so quick and so undeniable told her that not just any man would do to complete her initiation back into this lifestyle, and that maybe, just maybe, her mind was open to exploring the possibility of another relationship.

Olivia looked up from Colin’s dark face to see Master Jase standing next to him, an understanding look on his face. “Sir, I’m s-sorry, but,” she stammered to a halt, unsure about what to do.

“You should have told me you already had a Dom, Olivia.” Handing the paddle to Colin, he smiled at her even though she knew he couldn’t be too happy with her at the moment. “Maybe he’ll have better luck with that than me. Later, Colin.”

Colin rose and returned the paddle to the wall where it hung with an assortment of other instruments of both pleasure and pain before returning to release Olivia from her restraints and help her stand. The feel of her soft, naked body melting against him was enough to have his cock fighting the confines of his leather pants but as he ran his palm over her warm ass, he stifled the urge to bend her over and sink into her right then and there. Before he took that step, he had to decide once and for all if he was going to go the course with her and make her his for as long as she needed him to get back into the groove again, risking their friendship and his fucking sanity in the process. It was plain he wasn’t ready, or hell, even capable at this point, of turning her completely over into someone else’s care, so that really left him with no options. She, however, didn’t need to know that tonight. Tonight, there would be repercussions for her behavior and then they both needed to take a few days to decide where they wanted to go from here.

Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the small seating area and sank down onto a wide leather armchair. “Do you want to continue with this, Olivia, with me? Or would you rather we end this now. I need to know.”

Olivia roused herself to look up at him, wincing when her sore cheeks rubbed against his leather covered, hard thighs. Nothing had gone as planned tonight and she knew she was going to pay, one way or another, for her error in judgment. The more she had thought about freeing Colin from his promise to her, telling him she could move on without him now, the colder she got. Arriving at the club, she had practically melted at seeing Colin again. Watching him unnoticed from the entry of Casey’s, she felt her resolve weakening until she knew she wouldn’t be able to do it. Taking the coward’s way out and making it easier on herself, rationalizing her actions by thinking he wouldn’t care, she had slipped back out and came upstairs by way of the back.

“I want to continue, with you, Master Colin, if you’ll forgive me.” Now that she knew she couldn’t respond to any Dom, at least not yet, she didn’t know what she’d do if Colin turned her away.

“Tell me why first, then I’ll tell you if I forgive you.” He already knew he could forgive her just about anything, but she didn’t need to know that.

Olivia knew how important honesty was between a Dom and sub, so, even though it was embarrassing, she tried to explain her actions. “I thought, since I responded with Master Mitch last week, that I would be comfortable with another Dom and that I’d be doing you a favor by releasing you from your promise to me. I know you’re only doing this because you told Doug you’d look out for me, and you have, Colin, more than I should have ever asked you to.”

Colin couldn’t deny he was here because of his promise to her husband, but she obviously didn’t know, or realize, how deep his feelings ran for her, and he hoped she never did as there could never be more between them than this temporary arrangement and friendship. “You were with Master Doug long enough to know the correct thing would’ve been to speak with me first, right?” At her nod, he continued in an implacable tone, “One thing you don’t know about me, Livie, is that I don’t do anything that I don’t want to. Yes, I promised Doug I’d be here for you if anything ever happened to him, but not even for him would I have agreed to be your Dom if I didn’t want to.” Not wanting her to delve into that admission too closely, he quickly moved on. “So, from now on, we’re in this together until one of us decides you’re ready to move on without me and we will discuss that together when the time comes. Agreed?”

“Yes, sir,” she quickly agreed, relieved that he had forgiven her so easily and that he was with her only in part because of his obligation to Doug.

“Then stand up. Your punishment will take place in the main room.” Colin stood with her, grabbed her hand and led her down the hall and back into the main gathering room that still held a pretty good crowd.

Olivia had figured some sort of punishment would be involved if she agreed to his terms, especially after her transgression, but she was chagrined to find out it would be in this room. She much preferred the darker bondage room where everyone was of like mind and were usually so involved with each other, they spared little time to watch others doing what they were doing. Out here was more like a free for all, people indulging in different fetishes or vanilla sex or simply just watching. The lighting was a little brighter, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, which was okay except it also meant her responses would be more openly observed also.

Colin took her to the wall length padded bench, found a nice unoccupied area near one end and lifted her up. When she winced slightly as her bare ass landed on the cool leather seat, he smiled, saying, “That’s why your punishment won’t be meted out on your ass. I think that you’ve had enough abuse heaped upon those delectable cheeks for one night. Lean back.”

Olivia braced herself on her arms behind her as Colin swung her legs up onto the bench and swiveled her hips until she was facing the length of the bench and the other couples playing on it. After all the time she had spent here with Master Doug exposing her in every way imaginable, she thought she would be used to this kind of public display. But the warmth filling her face and spreading down her neck belied her past experience and even though her pussy was soft and damp with arousal, she was distinctly uncomfortable in this position. Biting her lip to keep from questioning him, she cringed when he spread her bent knees as wide as the bench would allow, which, considering how wide the bench was, left her completely open, the bare folds of her pussy spread enough to reveal the glistening pink walls of her vagina.

When Colin laid his palm over her sex and dipped his head to take her right nipple into his mouth, she quickly forgot about being embarrassed, leaned her head back and simply enjoyed being touched by this man. She set aside wondering why she could respond so easily with him, or with him simply standing by, watching after giving someone else permission to touch her like last week with Master Mitch, yet remain so cold and unmoved when she had been with Master Jase earlier. The things he did with her were things she had done numerous times before, things she usually enjoyed and got off on, but until she saw Colin, she had been totally unresponsive to Master Jase.

Olivia shoved aside those plaguing worries and simply basked in the tension easing pleasure slowly consuming her. Master Colin’s lips were tugging on her nipple, suckling with strong pulls that sent sparks of pleasure from her nipple straight down to her pussy. The hand covering her folds remained idle, but she could still feel her cream dampening his palm as her empty sheath pulsed with the growing need to be filled and stroked.

Colin pulled back up on her nipple, stretching the taut bud tightly before releasing it, smiling up at Olivia’s flushed face before lowering his head to draw her left nipple into his mouth. As he felt her body relax with the growing pleasure, her soft, bare folds moistening his hand as her arousal grew, he knew it was time for her punishment. Raising his hand, he slapped the soft flesh of her pussy sharply while nipping her nipple with his teeth then quickly laving the sting with a swipe of his tongue.

The surprise slap on her sensitive skin jolted Olivia out of her pleasurable lethargy, making her cry out more in startlement than actual pain. The sharp sting quickly eased to be replaced with warmth and a rise in her already heightened arousal.

Colin released her nipple and looked back up at her, watching her as he slapped her again, this one a little harder, before soothing the sting by softly caressing the flesh he had just abused. “Feel good?” he asked as he barely penetrated her with the tip of his middle finger, smiling when she closed over him tightly.

“Yes, yes,” she admitted without reservation, the heat and pain from his slaps ratcheting her arousal up to a feverish pitch. “Please, Master, say you forgive me and let me come.”

Chuckling, Colin simply said, “Not yet, Livie,” before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a mini flogger that was designed just for naughty pussies. “Did Master Doug ever use one of these on you?”

Olivia quickly shook her head and automatically started to close her knees, but he just as quickly pulled them back apart again with a stern look and an even sterner command. “Just like that,” he instructed her before snapping the small pussy whip between her spread thighs.

The four short strands of leather each landed separately and each left behind a slight sting that quickly morphed into pulsing pleasure. Olivia ached for release, wanted to beg Master Colin to fuck her, but she knew that would only ensure he drew out this punishment longer and might even make him deny her an orgasm, something she really didn’t think she could take at this point. When Donovan stepped up next to Colin and took a slow, leisurely look at her peaked, red nipples down to the pink striped exposed flesh of her pussy, she felt herself blushing again, and when Colin handed the mini flogger to him, she turned crimson.

“Master Colin?” she asked warily as Donovan ran the soft suede strands lightly between her legs.

“Do you really think I’d let anyone hurt you?” Surely she knew by now that she was safe with him.

“No, of course not, I just...” She gasped as Donovan applied three swift strokes to her pussy just hard enough to sting and heighten her already spiraling arousal. Colin once again covered her red, swollen folds with his hand, softly soothing her flesh until she managed to tamp down the need to simply let go. She knew if she came without permission, especially given that this was a punishment, he may deny her that much desired goal all night.

“Thank you Donovan,” Colin said, his hand still caressing her warm, moist flesh, his mind divided between seeing to her punishment and needs and strengthening his resolve to deny his where she was concerned, at least until he decided once and for all how far he was willing to go with her and how much he was willing to risk of himself.

“My pleasure. Anytime you want to share your sub, let me know,” Donovan responded before walking off.

Donovan’s penchant for only having sex either as part of a ménage or here, at the club, continued to worry both Colin and Brett, mostly because he continued to keep his reasons for avoiding any private, one on one time with a woman to himself. Colin hoped that seeing Brett drop his defenses enough to give a relationship with Kayla a chance, and how happy he seemed to be of late would entice him to follow suit.

“I see you’re having better luck than I did,” Jase said as he joined them and ran an appreciative eye over Olivia’s obviously aroused body.

Pushing aside the constant worry for Donovan, Colin smiled at Jase. “Since her transgression included you, want to assist in her punishment?” Colin handed him the small flogger and Jase took it after glancing at Olivia and making sure she was on board with his participation, which made Colin glad he had been the one Olivia had ended up with earlier.

“I’d be happy to.”

Olivia didn’t understand her body’s response, couldn’t figure out why she was now so highly aroused, an arousal that rose with each lash Master Jase gave her until, after the third and last, she knew just one small touch on her clit would send her skyrocketing into climax. Before Master Colin had interrupted their scene, she hadn’t felt anything with Master Jase except shame for her body’s betrayal. Now, with Master Colin near, calling the shots, she knew her orgasm would rival those Master Doug had been so good at eliciting from her, the ones she literally ached to experience again.

Handing the flogger back to Colin, Jase said, “Thanks, I appreciate the offer.” Winking at Olivia, he left them alone again.

“You’ve been very good, Livie. So good, I think you deserve a reward.” When her eyes lit with anticipation and her nipples tightened into even harder points, he couldn’t resist taking a slow lick of each one before moving down her soft stomach, his tongue leaving a wet trail as he lifted her outer leg and put it over his shoulder before continuing down to the soft, pink flesh of her pussy.

“Oh, God,” Olivia moaned with the first swipe of his tongue on her bare folds, the stroke soothing on her inflamed flesh.

Colin chuckled and glanced up at her with a wicked gleam in his green eyes. “Master will do, darlin’.” Lowering his gaze again, he spread her labia even wider and lost all hold on his restraint.

Colin gave her no time to savor his ministrations as he invaded her pussy with his tongue and fingers simultaneously, stroking sensitive nerve endings over and over before latching onto her clit and sucking strongly. The shock of being thrown into the spiraling vortex of pleasure without any slow buildup had her arms collapsing as she threw her head back and simply collapsed. Jerking her hips against his marauding mouth she clenched her hands into fists as she rode the pleasure to unbearable heights, all feeling centered between her legs as she convulsed around his pumping fingers and stroking tongue, his teeth nibbling on her swollen, sensitive nub until she lost track of when one orgasm stopped and another began.

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