The Miracle Morning (2 page)

Read The Miracle Morning Online

Authors: Hal Elrod

Tags: #Self-Help, #Personal Growth, #Success

BOOK: The Miracle Morning
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The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the Author and Publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. Neither the Author nor the Publisher shall be liable for damages arising here from. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation or a potential source of further information does not mean that the Author or the Publisher endorses the information that the organization or website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read.

Cover Design: Les Heifner,

Editing and Interior Layout: Joel D and Sue Canfield,





This book is dedicated to my favorite people in the world—my
family. Mom, Dad, Hayley, my kind, loving, supportive wife,
Ursula, and our two children—Sophie and Halsten, I love you all
more than I can put into words.

This book is also in loving memory of our angel, my sister:

Amery Kristine Elrod


A Note to You, the Reader

No matter where you are in your life right now—whether you’re currently succeeding at the highest level you’ve ever imagined, or you’re struggling to find your way, there is at least one thing I know we have in common  (probably a lot more than
, but one that I know for sure). We want to improve our lives, and ourselves. This is not to suggest that there is anything
with us or our lives, but as human beings we were born with the innate desire and drive to continuously grow and improve. I believe it’s within all of us. Yet, most of us wake up every day, and life pretty much stays the same.

As an author, keynote speaker, and success coach, my life’s work is to teach people how to fulfill the unlimited potential that is within each of us. As a dedicated student of human potential and personal development, I can say with absolute certainty, that
The Miracle Morning
is the most practical, results-oriented, and life transforming method I have ever encountered for improving every aspect of your life.

For high achievers,
The Miracle Morning
is a total game changer, allowing you to attain that elusive
next level
and take your personal and professional success far beyond what you’ve achieved in the past. While this can include increasing your income, growing your business, sales, or revenue, it’s often more about discovering new ways to experience deeper levels of fulfillment and balance in areas of your life that you may have neglected. This can mean making significant improvements with your
, or any other areas that are at the top of your list.

For those who are in the midst of adversity, enduring times of struggle—be it mental, emotional, physical, financial, or relational—
The Miracle Morning
has proven time and time again to be the
thing that can empower anyone to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, make major breakthroughs and turn their circumstances around, often in a very short period of time.

Whether you want to make significant improvements in just a few key areas, or you are ready for a major overhaul which will radically transform your entire life—so your current circumstances will soon become only a memory—you’ve picked up the right book. You are about to begin a miraculous journey using a revolutionary process that is guaranteed to transform any—or every—area of your life… all before 8:00 a.m.

The Miracle Morning
has already transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world (including my own), and it can absolutely be the catalyst to transform yours. I consider it a great honor to share this
with you now, and I have done everything in my power to ensure that this book will truly be a life-changing investment of your time, energy, and attention. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, a miraculous journey together is about to begin.


With love and gratitude (always).


“Yo Pal” Hal






A Special Invitation: The Miracle Morning Community

Introduction:  My Story, and Why Yours Is The One That Matters

1. It’s Time To Wake Up To Your FULL Potential

2. The Miracle Morning Origin:  Born Out of Desperation

3. The 95% Reality Check

4. Why Did YOU Wake Up This Morning?

5. The 5-Step Snooze-Proof Wake Up Strategy (For the Snooze-aholics)

6. The Life S.A.V.E.R.S.
Six Practices Guaranteed To Save You  From a Life of Unfulfilled Potential

6.1 Life
S is for Silence

6.2 Life S.
A is for Affirmations

6.3 Life S.A.
V is for Visualization

6.4 Life S.A.V.
E is for Exercise

6.5 Life S.A.V.E.
R is for Reading

6.6 Life S.A.V.E.R.
S is for Scribing

7. The 6-Minute Miracle (For The Busy People)

8. Customizing Your Miracle Morning To Fit Your Lifestyle and Achieve Your Highest Goals & Dreams

9. From Unbearable To Unstoppable:  The Real Secret To Forming Habits That Will Transform Your Life (In 30 Days)

10. The Miracle Morning 30-Day Life Transformation Challenge (and Fast Start Kit)


An Essential Bonus:  The Email That Will Change Your Life


About the Author





ans and readers of
The Miracle Morning
make up an extraordinary community of like-minded individuals who wake up each day
on purpose
, dedicated to fulfilling the unlimited potential that is within each of us. As creator of
The Miracle Morning
, it was my responsibility to create an online space where readers and fans could go to connect, get encouragement, share ideas, support one another, discuss the book, post videos, find an Accountability Partner, and even swap smoothie recipes and exercise routines.


Just go to
to join
The Miracle Morning
of inspired, like-minded miracle makers and achievers. Here you can connect with others who are also practicing
The Miracle Morning
—many of whom have been doing it for years—to get additional support on your journey.


I’ll be moderating the Community and checking in regularly. I look forward to seeing you there!


If you’d like to connect with me on Twitter, follow
, and on Facebook at
. Please feel free to send me a direct message, leave a comment, or ask me a question.  I do my best to answer every single one, so let’s connect soon!


There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other
is as though everything is a miracle.


Miracles do not happen in contradiction with nature, but in contradiction with what we know about nature.


Life begins each morning.



INTRODUCTION: My Story, and Why Yours Is The One That Matters

ecember 3
, 1999—life was good. No, it was great. At 20 years old, my first year of college was behind me. I had spent the last 18 months becoming one of the top-producing distributors for a $200-million marketing company, earning more money than I had ever imagined I would be at that age. I had a loving girlfriend, a supportive family, and the best friends a guy could ask for. I was truly blessed.

You might say I was on top of the world. There was no way I could have known that this was the night my world would end.

11:32 p.m. / Driving 70 mph Southbound On Hwy 99

We’d left the restaurant, and our friends, behind. It was just the two of us now. My girlfriend, tired from the evening’s events, was dozing in the passenger seat. Not me. I was wide-awake—eyes glued to the road in front, waving my finger in the air like a baton as I quietly conducted the melodies of Tchaikovsky.

Still in a state of euphoria from the night’s events, sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. Rocketing down the freeway at 70 miles per hour in my brand new white Ford Mustang, I was only two hours removed from giving the best speech of my life. I had received my first standing ovation, and I was elated. In fact, I desperately wanted to shout out my feelings of gratitude to anyone that would listen, but my girlfriend was asleep, so she was no use. I considered calling Mom and Dad, but it was late; they might already be in bed. Should’ve called. But I simply had no way of knowing that moment would be my last opportunity to speak to my parents—or anyone—for quite some time.

An Unimaginable Reality

No, I don’t recall seeing the headlights of a massive Chevrolet truck coming directly at me. In an instant of perverse fate, the full-size Chevy pickup, traveling at an estimated 80 miles per hour, smashed head on into my undersized, and under-matched Ford Mustang. The following seconds played out in slow motion, Tchaikovsky’s commanding melodies orchestrating our wicked dance.

The metal frames of our two vehicles collided—screaming and screeching as they twisted and broke. The Mustang’s airbags exploded with enough force to render us unconscious. My brain, still traveling at seventy miles-per-hour, smashed into the front of my skull, destroying much of the vital brain tissue that made up my frontal lobe.

Upon impact, the tail end of my Mustang was shoved into the lane on my right, making my driver’s-side door an unavoidable target for the car behind me. A Saturn sedan, driven by a 16-year-old, crashed into my door at 70 miles per hour. The door collapsed into the left side of my body. The frame of the metal roof caved in on my head, slicing open my skull and nearly severing my left ear. The bones of my left eye socket were crushed, leaving my left eyeball dangerously unsupported. My left arm broke, severing the radial nerve in my forearm and shattering my elbow, while my fractured humorous bone pierced the skin behind my bicep.

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