The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon (35 page)

BOOK: The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon
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I feel safe.

He presses his forehead to mine. “Something happened did it? I felt…I felt how afraid you were, I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t come to you. I tried, but my car wouldn’t run, and by the time I was going to go on foot…the feeling stopped. I thought…”

My stomach clenches. Tears roll down my cheeks. But I can’t say anything. What can I say?

This is all so inevitable. I was foolish to try and convince, myself, us that we shouldn’t worry.

“Daria? What exactly happened?”

I close my eyes and shake my head. He pulls me back into the warmth of his arms.

It’s then that I realize it’s snowing again, harder and unresisting. This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.

I shiver.


As if granted a small favor from whoever is laughing over my impending fate, I get a week off for Thanksgiving break. Or rather I get to avoid school. There is still work to contend with. Not that I went in all that much – at all really – Chance effectively convinced me a short leave is probably a good idea for now. It didn’t really take much for me to agree. I can still feel the weight of the phantom body pressing me down into the street. It’s not the best feeling.

To say that Toby was disappointed is the understatement of the century. He all but accused me of quitting because I’m mad at him for not telling me about Chance’s call that night. Honestly? He’s not wrong, I am mad. But it’s not why I can’t be there right now, and yes, it sucks that I can’t tell him that. Sometimes it’s best to just let things simmer. Who knows? Maybe it’s best not to involve him in my problems. It seems a lot happen after I leave work, so all I need is his death on my consciousness.

I did promise that I wasn’t quitting though. I mean seriously, this girl needs an income, I can’t quite. That helped him some, not that I know for sure since he hung up on me. But Chance assured me it’s for the best. He’s convinced I’m not going back. I don’t have the courage to tell him that eventually I have to. I’m letting him simmer too. So yeah, my break didn’t really consist of you know, breaking from the norm.

Not that the entire thing was all bad.

As a plus, or a strange turn of events, I was given an interesting gift. My very first cellphone! A girl’s best friend right? Technically it’s a track phone, easy-peasy, and perfect in case of emergencies - or in my case, the kind that I need Chance for – since he’s the only one with the number. But given recent events, I’d had another shadow following me at arm’s length, so I don’t know what the phone is for. I call my new shadow Chance. He calls himself my boyfriend. Okay, we both call him that. I’m pretty sure his parents call that a problem. If the dinner we shared together is any indication. There were a plethora of odd looks tossed my way from Mellissa. Not that I should be all that surprised. She’s done a lot for me, but for all intents and purposes, I’m her tenant. It can’t sit well that I’m this huge mystery and somehow I’ve snagged her son.

So basically I understand the weird looks. It doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with them though.

That’s the excuse I used to avoid any and all conversation with anyone through the Holiday. It didn’t really get me far though - Chance refused to let me hide within myself – I tried to be mad at him for it. But there was no point in even trying. I feel too safe with him near to try to push him away and I think he knows that. It’s a good feeling to have. Way better than a security blanket. Those you can’t snuggle on the couch with. Well. I guess you could. But I doubt a blanket could make me feel like he does.

I just wish he could take away the nightmares.

Not all things are cured so easily I guess. We never found out what exactly was wrong with his car that night, because come morning it was running smoothly. It doesn’t sit well with either of us. I almost want him to get rid of it. But I won’t even ask that of him. He loves that little mustang. I just wish it didn’t want me offed – talk about a Christine syndrome.

All too soon the island of me comes to a close and school is gearing to start up again. That’s when I realize that I’m going to have to face what’s coming. And by that I mean my family. I’ve been successful in avoiding talking to them since the other night. This is only because I don’t have a phone and for some reason none of them have dared to come to my door. I often wonder why, but I won’t look a gifted horse in the mouth. It’s better to let the reason go in case of jinxing it.

The time for answers is coming and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it didn’t terrify me.

On the ride into school I successfully dodged worried looks from Chance and comebacks from Ashley. It should make me happy that I’m able to get away with that so well. But it doesn’t. It’s actually kind of comforting in a way, like I have some semblance of control. Or maybe I’m just fooling myself. Unfortunately, I have to go with the latter. No sooner am I out of the bubble that Chance can offer me and on my own for the day I’m shadowed by the annoying trio.

It happens in the hall right before lunch when my defenses are down from hunger.

“Hey loser, wait up.”

I instantly freeze at hearing the irritating voice.

Then I mentally slap myself and continue moving. I don’t get far before I’m cornered in a little alcove of lockers. I’m beginning to hate these lockers. But I hate my siblings more. They get my glare. It makes them laugh in unison. That’s not creepy at all.


Riana is front and center, smiling. “Why’d you run off? Not trying to avoid us are you? That’s not nice.”

I snort. “Whoever told you I was nice lied. Did you want something or you just get off on being a freak?”

The twins laugh. She glares. I smirk.

Then she shrugs. “Just wanted to see how you were actually. Dad mentioned what happened the other night. We haven’t heard from you and I was worried.”

Worried? Riana? My eyes narrow at her.

“Don’t go giving me that look. I was worried all right? Or you know, curious, if you were still alive and in one piece. It’d be boring around here if you were suddenly offed by someone other than me. Call me sentimental, but I believe in doing the dirty work.”

I bet.

There’s my sister I know and loath.

The twins shove her out of the way at the same time. She barely has time to grunt out a curse before they are both blocking her from my line of sight. They are like two unmovable mountains of protection. It’s oddly sweet. Riana doesn’t see it that way.

“I was kidding you asshats. Can’t a girl joke around with her baby sister every once and a while. You take everything so seriously. Like some people I won’t mention.”

Landon scoots closer to me – no smile in sight - looking more serious than the other night. Logan on the other hand gives our sister the full glory of his scary brooding boy glare. His back to me is all tense in preparation of something. That’s when I sense a little extra hate on the back of my tongue. But it’s not directed at me. It’s all for Riana.

She scowls and takes a step back from the three of us. “Oh I see. You two are team Daria now are you? Well then, isn’t that touching? Too bad all that big brother protectiveness is lost on little old me, like I said, I was kidding.”

Logan steps forward at the same time Landon moves closer to me. They don’t believe her. Neither do I, but really, this is an odd little show of support. Hate rises around me, pushing toward our sister. My inner Taser flares up in the next heartbeat, and so does fear. Riana’s fear. It spikes like she’s about to throw down, but then it fades as fast as it came. She raises her hands up and backs off. So does my Taser.

“Fine. Be that way Logan. You can tell her what the rents want and why.” Her eyes narrow down on me over his shoulder. “Be careful who you trust little sister. We’re all nothing more than sheep in wolves clothing. Keep that in mind when choosing who to keep close.”

With one last look to Logan, she skirts off down the hall and fades into the masses.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. It comes out as a cough.

Landon gives me a guilty look. “Sorry, I should have controlled that better. But that chick gets to me every time.”


I wasn’t holding it then, it was holding me. How about that?

Logan turns back around looking rather grim. He and Landon share a look only they can decipher. I find a home in the alcove that I firmly believe I should never leave again. That actually sounds like a plan to me, especially with what the twins are now saying, as if I’m not even here listening.

“You believed she was going to do something just then didn’t you?” Landon asks.

“She always wants to do something, that’s nothing new. I’m just sick of her crap. It’s irritating you know. She’s too cavalier in what she says to her. Father wouldn’t like it. I don’t like it. Plus, it’s kind of fun pissing her off. Call it a bonus.”

Landon laughs. “That is one heck of a bonus.” He risks a glance at me. “Should we tell her?”

Logan’s eyes reach mine. Chills roll down my back at his expression. I’m not going to like what he has to say. Do I ever like anything they have to say? No.

I force myself to move from the wall. “Just spit it out will you? The suspense is likely to kill me before whatever is already trying to.”

Landon laughs again, but I ignore him and focus on the brother with the answers.

“We never found anything that night after you and father left. Not a single freaking parasitic trace. I’m rather put out about too. I was hoping for more of a fight.”

Landon nudges Logan with his shoulder. “You should have seen the pouty face he made after we turned back home. You wouldn’t have though Santa took back all his presents. Priceless.”


“That’s not really a surprise to me guys, as I’m sure whatever IT was followed dad and I when we left.”

They both go still and fix me with matching looks of horror.

Oops. Did they not know about that? Secrets all around.

Logan gets in my personal space in the next instant. “What did you just say?”

“I said…I’m pretty sure it followed us?” I look behind him to Landon and then back. “Did dad not mention that?”

“No. He did not. Would you like to elaborate on this bit of news for me?”

Sweet. Baby. Jesus.

Me and my big mouth - we all really need to have a freaking sit down and clear the air - seriously. Well, no time like the present I guess. I’m clearing the air here, too bad if no one likes it. I’m doing it. So I do. I tell the twins about the Twilight Zone moment in which the car appears in the middle of the busy road as if out of nowhere. I tell them about how dad had something important to tell me but thought it was best to wait until we were together. I told them how I felt about being kept in the dark. It was apparent they sympathized, since they too, were basically kept in the dark.

Landon is no longer smiley when I’m finished and Logan is more broody if that’s possible.

They share another twin look as I wait for them to process what I’ve said. The hallway thins out around us and I know the bell for lunch is bound to ring singling that we’re running out of share time. Then Landon shrugs and offers me a faint smile.

Logan actually looks guilty when he faces me again. “That explains why father is trying to convince mother that we should leave right away and take you with us. It’s clearly not safe for you. And if the other night is any indication, it won’t be long before it’s not safe for us to merely try to watch out for you. Someone is bound to get hurt or worse.”


Shock isn’t a strong enough word to describe how I feel. It’s obvious the twins see the impact it has.

Landon steps up with a smile. “That wouldn’t be so bad right? I mean we’re getting along now. It’s how it should be anyway, us all together. It’s safer that way.”

Logan sighs. “Don’t push her Landon. It’s too new. Listen Daria, it sucks I know, but it’s for the best in the long run. You should come by the motel tonight. Father wants us to talk. And I’m sure Mother would like to see that you are in fact still in one piece.”

I stare at them like they’re grown several extra heads, with balloons, and polka dots on them.

“Will you come tonight?” Logan asks.

I don’t know. Should I? Do I even have a choice?

Watching them, I feel a strange sense of finality. I’ve waiting so long to have these boys before me to treat me like they care. Now they are. But for some reason, or maybe too many, I still don’t trust it. In all honesty though, I can’t see another option. They are here and they want to help. Even if that means losing what I have built here…and Chance…I have a right to know the things they’re keeping from me. Whether I leave with them or not?

I nod. “I’ll meet you guys tonight.”

Chapter Twenty Four

Sitting in the passenger seat beside Chance on the way to the motel after school, I really kind of regret my decision on agreeing to meet with my family. I know it has to be done, but it would be stupid on my part not to worry. I can keep telling myself that it doesn’t mean anything that they want to snatch me away. But then I’d be lying to myself. I do that far too often as of late. It’s something I’d like to rectify. And it would be even better if things work out in my favor. Like finally getting the entire truth and simply just being able to be me.

I’m not very hopeful.

“You all right over there Rabbit – anything you’d like to share with the class?”

I smile despite my mood.

“Nothing new to share really, I’m just over thinking. Or worrying too much I guess.”

“Not about what your dad said about me right? You said that wasn’t a problem. Still true right?”

I take one of his hands in mine. “Yes, you don’t have to worry about that. Or not right now. He didn’t seem fazed, so I’m thinking it won’t be an issue.”

At least I’m hoping it won’t be an issue. With my family you never know. Not that I’m telling that to Chance.

He gives me a relived smile. “That’s good. I don’t want to be a problem between all of you. There is too much going on as it is. Any idea on what the big reveal will be? I’m thinking you’re not really demons after all, but really an ancient alien race. And you’re their princess. It’s explains the assassination attempts.”

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