The Mistress of Black Grove Manor (46 page)

BOOK: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor
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“Promise me you’ll come to the wedding.  I want Alicia to be my maid of honor.”

“Absolutely.  I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear it.”

After her phone conversation with her Mom, Liam said that he had some big news for Caroline.

“Caroline, I am going to buy us a cruise.  Everyone that is close to us will come.  I’ll have my buddies, and you’ll have Patricia, Alicia, and Mike.  It will be a fun way to celebrate the pregnancy and the engagement all at the same time.  What do you say?”

Caroline thought it was a wonderful idea.  They were scheduled to leave the following Friday, and the cruise would be one week.  She had to check whether or not the three of the would be available.  Alicia and Mike would have to take the time off school, and Patricia was retired so that wasn’t a problem.

After getting off the phone with all three of them, she happily reported to Liam that they could all make it.  Liam was pleased and started talking about how much fun it was going to be.  By next Friday, Liam and two of his friends, Emilio and Stephan, picked Caroline up in a black stretch limousine, and then made the rounds to pick up Patricia and Alicia, and then finally Mike.  They headed for the helicopter take-off pad and loaded into the chopper.  The helicopter was scheduled to take them all the way over to the cruise ship, and drop them off there.  Caroline had never been in a helicopter before, and neither had her Mom or sister, so they got a big thrill out of it.  Luckily the weather was perfect and it was scheduled to remain so for the coming week.  Once on the boat they all wasted no time in finding out where they were going to be staying.  Patricia had her own private room on the main deck.  Mike and Alicia had a shared room on the main deck as well.  Emilio and Stephan had separate bachelor rooms that were very luxurious, and Liam and Caroline had the best suite in the whole ship.  It was at the front of the boat and had huge windows overlooking the ocean.  They all made plans to get into their vacation clothes and meet on the main deck for dinner and drinks, and then head over to the Jacuzzi for a while, until it was time t0 listen to the band play and go dancing.

Dinner was a magnificent feast of all kinds of seafood, as well as steak, duck, and roast chicken.  They ate on their private deck, of course.  After the meal they all walked over to the Jacuzzi and got in.  The tub was massive and even with the six of them, they still had plenty of room.

“This is the life, eh girls?” said Patricia.  “I could definitely get used to this.”

“Get used to it you will, Patricia,” said Liam.  “Or should I call you mother-in-law?”

Patricia laughed.

“We are really lucky you came along into our lives, you know that?” Patricia said.  “You are opening up worlds that we had never even dreamed of previously.”

“Well, I am in love with your daughter.  Plain and simple,” said Liam.  “I want the best for her and her loved ones.  With the baby on the way, we want to do things right.  The little one will go to the best schools and have the best teachers.  He or she will have all the private tutoring they need.  Say, dear, did we decide on violin or cello for out little kid yet?”

“I believe it was up in the air,” said Caroline with a laugh.  “Either is good for me.”

“It’s good for me too,” said Alicia.

“Me too,” echoed Mike.

Emilio lit up a gigantic Cuban cigar.  He puffed mightily, sending smoke rings into the crisp evening air.

Under the soapy bubbles of the super-heated water, Liam’s hand passed over onto Caroline’s leg.  He worked his way up her thigh and rested it in between her legs, directly in front of her womanhood.  Caroline felt a shiver run through her spine and was lost in pleasure.  No one seemed to know and then Liam began massaging her pussy.  He used his fingers to bypass her bathing suit and spread her lips.  After a few moments he took one of his fingers and inserted it, fucking her underneath the water.  Stephan and Emilio were talking about the stock market again, and the economic situation in Europe.  Alicia was talking to Mike and Patricia about the track team at school.  Liam continued probing and was now massaging her more vigorously.  Caroline returned the favour and positioned one of her hands in his lap.  She slid a hand into his swim trunks and felt around for his manhood.  It was erect and ready to be played with.  She jerked him off gently at first, before doing so more vigorously.  She stopped before he was going to cum, thinking to herself that she would finish him off later when they were in their bedroom and not in a tub full of their friends.  This sent Liam to the moon and gave him blue balls, but he understood why it was happening.

“Who’s ready to go dancing?” announced Stephan suddenly and enthusiastically.

“I am!” cried Alicia.  “I can’t wait! Mike, you’d better dance with me.”

“I hate dancing, but I will,” said Mike.

“Then what are we waiting for?” asked Patricia enthusiastically.  “Should we meet on the dance floor in say, thirty minutes? That should give us enough time to get ready.”

“Wonderful,” said Liam.  “Let’s do it.”

They all headed off to their respective rooms, and once in theirs, Liam and Caroline began making out.  They couldn’t help it, but they figured they had enough time to get in a quickie.  They took their clothes off, all the while making out, until they got to their enormous bed.  He set her down gently.  He took off his shirt and Caroline marveled, not for the first time, at exactly how ripped he was.  She thought how lucky she was to have gotten such a catch.  He was the total package.  He took off her bathing suit with his strong hands and gripped her body and positioned her on her back on the bed.  He made love to her for fifteen minutes and they both came at the same time.  Then they showered and got into the evening clothes.  Liam put on a beautifully-fitted tuxedo with the finest Italian loafers.  His outfit was really expensive, Caroline knew.  Caroline put on a black evening dress and leather sandals.  Before leaving their room they stood in front of the full-length mirror and looked at themselves briefly.

“You know,” said Caroline.  “We really are a good-looking couple.  I have never seen an interracial couple that looked as good as we do.”

“Yes, Caroline.  Well you know I have always been into black women.  You are the sexiest and prettiest one I have ever seen.  I truly am very lucky.”

They kissed once more and then left the room, Caroline gripping onto his muscular arm, and they walked over to the dance floor which was below deck.  There were a lot of people out tonight dancing.  Most of them were rich and good looking, just like Caroline and her fiancé.  It turned out they were the first of their gang to arrive, so they got the ball rolling by dancing with each other.  Caroline didn’t recognize the song that was being played but it had a catchy beat to it and she had no trouble getting started.  She loved to dance.  Before her life with Liam, she had never really had the opportunity to do so that often.  Liam, it turned out, was a great dancer.  A few songs later and Alicia and Mike stormed the dance floor and walked right up to the two of them.

“Hey guys!” exclaimed Alicia.  “Isn’t this great? I love these songs.  Hey, Liam, you are a good dancer! For a white boy…”

Liam laughed.

“Thanks, uh, I guess.  Say, Alicia, mind if I dance with you?”

Alicia blushed, and then nodded.

“Sure, Liam.  It would be an honor,” said Alicia.  “Besides, did you think I would let my sister monopolize you the entire evening?”

This left Mike for Caroline to dance with, which was no problem for her.  Mike was really attractive for a young man his age, and it turned out he had some moves too.  They danced for a couple songs together.  Then they noticed that Emilio and Stephan had entered the dance floor.  Each of them had a pretty little thing to dance with.  Emilio was with a young Spanish woman with long, brown hair that cascaded down to the small of her back.  Stephan was with a curvaceous black-haired woman who had a great rack and an even better ass.  Stephan gave a wink to Liam as they danced around them.  Caroline wondered to herself at what point Emilio and Stephan had the chance to pick up these beautiful young women.

Then Patricia came onto the dance floor.

“Hey everyone!” she said.  “Do you like my dress? I haven’t worn it in so long.  I’m amazed it can even fit.”

“You look great, Mom!” said Caroline.  “I’m so happy you could be here.”

She truly was.  This was truly one of the happiest moments in Caroline’s life.  It was all thanks to Liam.  Liam had made it all possible.  He was such a gentleman to her sister and mother.

The dancing continued for the next hour or two.  Everyone but Caroline was getting drinks at the bar, and she could tell from their smiles that they were getting pretty tipsy.  Emilio managed to still dance with his woman with a cigar and a cocktail in either hand.  Stephan was grinding up against his woman and it looked like the two were getting pretty passionate.  Finally, Liam suggested that they should get some air on the deck.  So he took Caroline’s hand and led her out.  Everyone followed and pretty soon the music died down behind them and they were out there looking up at the vast sky, full of stars.

Emilio stepped up to Caroline and Liam, holding the pretty Spanish girl’s hand.

“Let me introduce Consuela,” he said.  “We met just after our session in the Jacuzzi earlier.  She said she loved to dance and I told her we were just about to do so.  So I invited her along.  Isn’t she pretty?”

Consuela blushed a pretty shade of off-pink.  It made her look even cuter.

“It is nice to meet you both,” she said with a thick Spanish accent.  “There are so many nice people on this boat.”

Then Stephan introduced his girl, whose name was Vivian.  Caroline and Liam shook her hand, and told her it was a pleasure to meet her.  Then Patricia walked up to them, carrying a mojito, and with a dreamy look in her eye.

“You know, ever since your father died,” she began.  “I never thought I would be able to go out and have this much fun again.  It is so refreshing to be around you young people.  Thank you so much, Liam, for making this all possible.”

“You’re welcome, Patricia,” he responded.  “Just remember that the good times don’t’ stop tonight.  For as long as your beautiful daughter and myself are together – which is to say, forever – I will continue to show you and your family the finer things in life.  Also, once in a while these rascals might be joining in too.”

Liam motioned at Stephan and Emilio.  Emilio gave Liam a playful punch in the arm in response.

“They’re not so bad,” said Patricia, somewhat seriously.

“Why thank you, ma’am,” said Stephan.

“Don’t be calling me ‘ma’am’ now, son,” said Patricia.  “I don’t like to think of myself as any older than you young people.  Although I know I am.  Let’s just pretend we forgot, okay?”

“Sure thing, Patricia,” said Stephan.

That evening as everyone went to bed, Caroline lay awake for some time.  It wasn’t that she couldn’t fall asleep, she just wanted to absorb everything that had been happening.  Ever since Liam had proposed to her and she had said “yes”, her life had been like a fairy tale.  Was it going to be this way forever? What will happen when the baby comes? These were the sorts of questions that she was considering.  She was a bit nervous about becoming a mother.  The good news was, she didn’t have to work, so she would have tons of time to take care of the baby.  She wondered, for the first time, how big of a family she would want.  She made a point of asking Liam next time they had a moment.  She thought that maybe three kids would be optimal.  That way they could grow up together and always have each others’ backs.  Any more than that and it could be a handful.  Plus, she wasn’t sure she wanted to subject herself to more than three pregnancies.

The rest of the cruise flew by, and before everyone knew it, it was back to business as usual in the city.  Liam busied himself with social events, taking Caroline with him whenever at all possible.  Caroline spent a lot of time with her mother and sister, and discussed preparations for the baby.  There was also a wedding to plan, so Caroline was very busy indeed.

The wedding came and went, and the children started arriving.  The Telsons became one of the best-known families in the city.  It turned out that Liam had a rather large philanthropic bend, and started to occupy himself more and more with giving away pieces of his fortune.  It made Caroline happy to know that she was married to a responsible, charitable man.  Eventually, Alicia and Mike got married, and for their wedding gift, Caroline and Liam bought them a large house on the outskirts of the city.  They couldn’t have been happier with the gift.  Alicia lived out her days as happily as ever.  It gave her so much pleasure to see how much her family was thriving.  Of course, as for Caroline, she was always happy next to her “wealthy acquaintance.”


*** THE END ***














~Not Just Another Soul Mate Book~


My Magical Journey of 6 Soul Mate Connections


Written and Experienced by Natalie Grove


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