The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (21 page)

BOOK: The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel
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Chapter 34

The Energy Bridge

and Ascension


After a long journey on the off roads toward the Earth Council, the group slowly approached the Steen Mountains rising majestically from the high desert floor. There had been a light snow dusting in the upper peaks, not uncommon year-round. It was a sight to behold. The village was close to the top of the mountains, built remotely so that the shamans could study and conduct their work in quiet. The stillness of the mountains had a magical feeling for all that visited. Only a handful of residents called it home year-round, but the warm seasons attracted many healers and students. It was a powerful place, full of earth energy and decades of prayer.

As the group arrived at the village, they could see the many preparations and bustle of activity. They quickly noticed the large medicine wheel in the center of the village. This would be the main place for the ceremony and hopeful connection with Lillian and the mystics. All were familiar with the medicine wheel teachings, but many in the group had never seen such a powerful one. The wheel had been used by the shamans for much of their work and people immediately sensed its strong energy force.

The medicine wheel consisted of a large circle made of many energy stones with compass lines in each of the cardinal directions: east, south, west and north. This was considered the sacred Wheel of Life. At each direction sat an altar of rocks, feathers, medicine bundles and other sacred items. In the center sat a large altar where the connection with the mystics would take place.

As Talis, Jasmine and the others took time to walk around the great wheel, they were all reminded of its long and important history. The medicine wheel tradition went back generations for the Earth people and had been a focus of unity, balance and healing for many in the new society as well.

Rosetta of the Earth Council appeared before the special visitors to briefly explain the elements of the medicine wheel.

“As we all know, each of the four cardinal directions represented the four elements, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. This is the sacred alchemy of life, that which gives us life. The four directions also represent the four seasons—winter, spring, summer and fall—and the four parts of ourselves—body, mind, spirit and emotions. These four parts make up the harmony and balance within each of us, each equally important in our well-being. The center of the wheel represents the Essence of All, the Unity within all things, the One which connects us all. This is the soul connection to the energies of Divine Spirit, Mother Earth, and the larger Universal Energy Field. This is our unity with each other and the larger cosmos that we are connected to.”

They all knew that the sacred medicine wheel was a powerful healing tool for the Earth people and a reminder of the harmony and balance in everything that they did. The mystics and larger society had adapted many of these sacred teachings into their way of life.

At the center of the wheel stood a place for the shamans to do their ceremony and room for the four chosen Earth people—Joshua, Layia, Talis and Jasmine—to connect with the mystics. They had been selected as the representatives of Earth and would assist in the transfer. Joshua and Layia understood their roles, but Talis and Jasmine were unsure of their exact responsibilities. Talis thought that perhaps he was needed because he had been to the spirit realm and connected with Lillian. Jasmine’s role was unclear, yet being a powerful mystic and connected to Talis made some sense. The four were of course very nervous, and they retreated to a small dome that had been set up for them near the ceremony site.

Red Feather and Sitting Eagle came to visit them the evening before the ceremony would begin. The two shamans would help with the ascension and the transfer of the special child.

“Greetings, my young friends. It is an honor to have you here,” Sitting Eagle said to them.

The four rose quickly in the presence of these two powerful and well-respected Elders.

Talis replied. “The honor is ours. Thank you for coming to greet us.”

Sitting Eagle motioned for them to sit down. “Sit down my friends. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. You will need your rest.”

The group sat down on the comfortably-arranged chairs and bedding in the one-room structure. A soft evening breeze blew lightly through the door.

Red Feather could sense that the group was nervous for the events ahead. “Now, my young friends, relax and be at ease. The Earth Mother and guiding spirits will aid us tomorrow. Do not fear the unknown, for it is in this place that we find our strength and wisdom.”

Joshua smiled. “Thank you. I know you can feel our tension. There has been so much that has gone on in the past few weeks, and now this important day is upon us.”

The two shamans smiled and helped soothe the four young people by directing calming earth energy toward them.

“And are you comfortable helping with the lost mystics and the Earth Child?” Talis asked.

Sitting Eagle looked at him with the strength of a shaman. “We welcome the opportunity to assist in helping us all evolve to a better place. We are here to serve the greater good: the awakening in each of us. We feel that what we are doing will also help revive some lost collective energy. It is clear from our prayers that we need to work on healing parts of our collective soul.”

Jasmine inquired about what he had just said. “How will this experience help heal our collective soul?”

Red Feather answered. “One main reason for revealing the truths that have been hidden from many for decades is to help clear any collective karma that may have been left over from the revolution. The truths were shown when the time was right for you to see them. Patience and endurance are virtues that we all must learn. Sixty years may seem a long time, but it is a blink of the eye for the universe. Each experience helps us grow, and that includes the painful ones. Healing the soul is an essential shamanic ritual that will help raise the energy needed for us to evolve. By all of us being open to healing any past wounds, it will help clear any blocks of energy that have held us back. Forgiveness is also key to being open to this healing. Forgiveness of oneself and of others is essential. I believe that by letting go and engaging in this experience, the Earth people will rise to a new level of consciousness.”

“Yes, forgiveness,” Joshua said. “We have heard that one a lot recently.”

“Until you let go of judgment and forgive,” Sitting Eagle reminded them, “it will be difficult to heal our collective soul.”

“We need to remind ourselves that our true liberation is in accepting this journey and experiencing all levels of it,” Red Feather added. “That is: be in the dance of life even with its mountains and valleys. Being aware of this and finding peace with the dance is key.”

The two shamans sat with the others in comfortable silence for a long awhile, then offered a small prayer to help them for the next day. They bid the young travelers farewell for the evening. The four friends were quiet and reflective.

“What do you think will happen to us?” Joshua asked the group. No one knew what to say.


The next morning arrived quickly as they arose before dawn. The light of the morning sun was starting to faintly glow over the distant desert mountains as the group awakened. The air was crisp as Jasmine and Talis gazed down at the beautiful canyon gorges. They could see for miles from the mountaintop ecovillage. Except for the Earth Council village, this area was mostly vast wilderness. Many areas had been restored and returned to wilderness since the revolution. The earth had started to heal from the impact of human interference. Their society valued wild land over any human necessity or demand. Gone were the days of human exploitation and greed. Whatever differences they may have in their current world, this was not one of them. Respect for the earth was a principle revered by all.

A slight wind blew early on. Other than the peaceful sound of this wind, there was complete silence. The village was beginning to arise and prepare for the big event. The four young travelers had tea and a light breakfast in their dome. There was very little talking that morning. Everyone was focusing their energy on the upcoming task. They spent their last precious minutes just appreciating being together.

The medicine wheel was close by and they slowly made their way to the area. Many in the village were also gathering. They saw Tara and Marti working on the few instruments they had brought to monitor the energy transfer. Out of the corner of her eye, Jasmine saw Elena and Arius approach them.

Arius spoke to them kindly. “Regardless of our differences, we are here and with you on this journey. We are sorry if we caused you any hardship. May our strength be in our joint belief in a better world for future generations. May the energy of the earth and the shamans keep you safe.”

They all nodded quietly as Jasmine acknowledged them. “Thank you for being open to letting this happen.”

Layia added her steadfast prayer in honor of everyone here. “May the circle be strong and never broken.”

Arius and Elena smiled. “
,” they said as they bowed in honor of their four new friends.

Red Feather and Sitting Eagle had gathered the group of shamans for the ceremony. There were a dozen or more starting to position themselves around the medicine wheel. Much like the mystics’ work, their shamanic energy would help raise the vibration so that they could connect with Lillian and the mystics in the higher realm. Shamans were able to travel and communicate with these other dimensions in their healing work. This would be a slightly different task, however, as they were helping the four young people travel and connect also. Much like the portal had done, the shamans would help the Lillian Collective connect with the young people, transfer the child, and assist in their ascension. No one knew exactly what would occur.

Joshua and Layia looked at each other as they made their way to the circle. They knew their time was near. Layia would keep her chakra
energy systems grounded to help Joshua with staying centered.

“I will be here grounded on the earth for you, my friend,” Layia said, gently put her arm around the nervous Joshua.

“Yes, I know,” Joshua muttered. “I admit I’m a bit terrified. I am not sure what will happen to me.” He smiled, trying to make light of it all. “It’s only being a bridge for the Mystic Collective, though.”

Layia laughed. “You will be fine. Just remember, you have been preparing for this since you were young.”

Jasmine and Joshua joined them as they started to settle in the middle of the wheel. Shamans were at each cardinal direction and at each midpoint, forming a powerful circle around the four. The young travelers sat in the middle in comfortable positions, breathing together to keep calm and centered.

“Let’s get this going!” Talis said in a motivated tone.

“Right on!” Joshua said back to him.

Layia motioned to them. “I’m ready.”

“Me too!” Jasmine added.

Jasmine started their gathering by leading a quiet meditation and short song. She sang eloquently as she helped shift the energy toward the light.


Come my, Earth. We honor you.

Come my, Spirit, divine flow within.

We weave a song to honor you.

All things have energy and move in flow.

We send energy deep into the earth.

Her healing is part of our strength.

Namaste. Om Shanti Om.


The group was ready. “It is time!
” Sitting Eagle shouted. The shamans and many supporters started the rhythmic drumming to help them go into their energy trance. The drums and accompanied rattles worked together to form a heartbeat of energy. They called to the Earth Mother for support as they began to reach into the heavens. The four friends sat in the circle, focusing their energy on connecting with the other realm.

The shamans all worked together to raise the energy through their ritual. Soon the medicine wheel began to glow with an enormous radiant color, much like the colors of an aura. The bright colors phased in and out of intensity. Tara and Marti were amazed at what they were seeing.

“Oh my!” Tara exclaimed as she stopped looking at her computer instruments to take a peak.

“Will you take a look at that!” Marti whispered to Tara as they both were mesmerized by the intense glow of the medicine wheel. “Whatever they are doing, it’s working!”

Elena and Arius didn’t know what to say as they watched the medicine wheel radiate with energy. Neither had ever observed such a powerful event. They held each other’s hand tightly. “Blessed be,” Elena whispered.

Tythia and many others helped with the ritual drumming, keeping an important, steady rhythm for the shamans to do their work. Their beats intensified as if the wheel itself was pulsating with a cosmic sound. The ground vibrated as the earth attuned to the frequencies of the higher vibration. It was a miraculous sight, one that none standing there had ever witnessed.

It took some time, but within several minutes the center of the medicine wheel was covered in a thick, translucent energy of sorts, almost cloud-like, but of pure light energy. The four travelers were inside the cloud, not to be seen by the others.

From where they stood, Joshua, Layia, Jasmine and Talis noticed that they were slowly bridging with the other realm. They begin to feel light, their bodies almost pure energy, yet they were still of the earth, with feet firmly planted on the ground. Immediately they saw a large energy force coming toward them.

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