The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (4 page)

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Chapter 6

Reading the Journal:

The Mystery Begins


Talis felt the weight of his grandfather’s journal in his hand. There was still so much he missed about him, and the journal was his only physical link. Grandfather’s passing was still fresh in his mind and he missed him; he still remained a strong presence in Talis’s life.

Talis turned the journal over in his hands and wondered why Grandfather had never talked to him about them. Grandfather had told him many stories about the revolution and the transition afterwards, but they had never discussed his writing. Perhaps he had forgotten them? But Grandfather was too sharp for that.

Talis’s heart quickened as he opened the heavy book in his hands, the first of the three journals. The journals still had a magical feel to them, an energy and presence that Talis could sense but not quite understand. These writings and the truths he would discover would indeed change his life forever.

Talis noticed right away that his grandfather often wrote small entries, sometimes each day, but at times he wrote only once every few weeks. Talis felt the old paper between his fingers as he quickly thumbed through the first journal. The paper had a distinct feeling of history, much like the older books he had read at the University. Talis thought deeply about where these journals had been. His mind wandered to these places as he read the entries.

The first entry was dated March 23rd, 2032. Grandfather was 23 at the time.


The collective school is doing well. I am proud of the work we are doing here. As activists, we are quickly organizing for the change. The young people chosen to be here have progressed very well. The energy of the Mystic Collective is very high as we attempt to alter the energy field of the larger society. We have attempted this on a weekly basis for almost a year now. It seems to be affecting the world in a positive way. The government is still skeptical and nervous about our work, but for the most part they have left us alone. We have hope that these higher frequencies will transform fear into love.


Talis read non-stop for several hours, completely lost in this firsthand account of the uprising. He took notes, always keeping in mind the truth Grandfather had asked him to reveal.

Talis sat in the old house alone thinking about his mission. He could sense a shift in himself, but still could not quite grasp what he was supposed to be looking for. With Grandfather gone, he had the place to himself. He felt alone. He missed Grandfather’s counsel and his company. Should he call on Jasmine to help him? The thought of her awakened his heart. What did he feel with her? Why did Grandfather want him to connect with her? He played the scenario over and over again until he fell asleep. He could not get her off his mind.

Awakening the next morning, Talis continued to read the journals, intent on finding important clues. Many of the entries were of historical significance, but nothing out of the ordinary. The writings revealed Grandfather’s impression of the revolution, the activist movement and the overall strength of the Mystic Collective. Grandfather was not one of the gifted mystics that was invited to the collective school. Instead, he proved to be a great activist leader with wonderful empathic qualities. He was there to help organize the activist collective and the new society, including the first Council of the Elders and the school itself. These initial steps would shape the movement and Grandfather was an important part of this.

After several hours of reading again, a few entries began to stand out. The ones which detailed Grandfather’s first meetings with the young mystic Lillian had a different quality, more fervent, more emotional. The entries referring to the original Mystic Collective all had a heightened sense about them. Talis sensed there was an important message.


September 3rd, 2032 – Had a wonderful connection with a young mystic named Lillian. She had the most intense energy that somehow has shifted me in ways I don’t understand. Her spirit was what I had needed for many months. She has brought the energy of the collective to a higher level. We have become close friends. Have to admit I have some intense feelings for her. Love seems to cloud our judgment. Given the circumstances this may not be wise, but I am trying to be cautious in the matter


Talis knew that the relationship with Lillian would grow and there were many entries in the journal about her. Talis had never met Lillian, but she became Grandfather’s first love and an important mystic in the transformation. Yet in life Grandfather had only told Talis facts about her, never quite revealing his intense feelings like he did in the journal. According to Grandfather, Talis’s grandmother, Lornea, had known Lillian also. They were friends and had worked together at the school, but that was all he had said. As Talis continued reading, the journal revealed more and more, but also brought up many questions. He particularly was puzzled by two entries.


January 4
, 2033 – Lillian and I had an intense experience I am not sure how to explain. Her powers are getting stronger every day. She is able to see beyond the veil and can communicate with others in the spirit world. I am concerned that she may be going too fast. My love for her grows daily, and I feel I need to protect her from going into the spirit world and never returning. Her trances, in which I have witnessed, can last for several hours. It’s as if she is not of this world. I do not want to lose her. I am at a loss about what to do.


August 18
, 2033 – The Mystic Collective has begun to shift the energy. It is an amazing experience to witness. Lillian is a major part of this and she seems to be able to hold the energy. The government is now noticing what we are doing and has become cautious. We have set up meetings to show them that our mystics mean no harm. We have utilized nonviolence in all that we are doing. I am concerned that the uprising is moving very quickly. The plan was to move somewhat slower, making sure we are grounded so we could implement our activist strategies, but the Mystic Collective seems to be ready. I am not able to stop them. I can only caution them of the consequences of utilizing the universal energy field too soon. We need to be ready for the shift on a societal level and put our nonviolent strategies into action. I am concerned most of all for Lillian. She reassures me everything will be fine. I am somewhat afraid of what will happen, though. I have to trust her and let go.


What was Grandfather referring to when he cautioned the mystics? And how was Lillian involved? Talis never heard what had happened to Lillian after the uprising; it was never spoken of. The Mystic Collective was successful at moving the energy, and the revolution did indeed begin in 2033. Lillian had been at the forefront of the initial movement. The governmental powers had resisted change for several years, but the population was shifting rapidly. The Mystic Collective had merely been a catalyst for the change.

What had really happened during the two years of the revolution? What had happened between Grandfather and Lillian? Was this the person that Grandfather felt he failed to protect?

The last entry in the journal greatly puzzled Talis.


Feb 18, 2034 – The uprising is in full swing. We seem to be safe in the rural areas of the Western Cascades. We have heard there is much chaos in the cities, yet violence is low. Our city activist groups have implemented several nonviolent strategies to help with the change and keep the peace. It is working. I have traveled several times to Eugene, our closest town, and three times to Portland. I have had to lay low each time. It seems most of the mystics, our activist circles and our supporters are safe from harm for now. Many people are flocking to our safe areas, unsure what to do. They are seeking our guidance.

The mystics are continuing the energy shift as society is slowly transforming. Our Council of Elders has recommended a transitional government. We have organized and implemented our new transition plan, our grand strategy for change. I have great hope it will work.

My biggest concern is Lillian and the other mystics in our collective. They have not rested for many weeks and their prayer trance is having an effect on them mentally and physically. I have asked for them to rest and to stay grounded, many of us have. However, the elder mystics have said it is not time. I am not sure what to do, as I feel something is going wrong. I have put a call out to the other councils. There is talk. Some do not like that I am questioning the shift.


Talis knew there had been a struggle in the initial energy shift. He had heard that some mystics had been in prayer and trance for too long. He did not know about the serious concerns his grandfather and others had felt, though. Some of the mystics had moved beyond the frequency dimensions of our normal human energy field. They had opened the veil and were able to shift back and forth between the different dimensions. Talis had studied this in school and modern seers based their work on this. Yet what really happened to the initial mystics? Grandfather always came across as so confident and proud of the revolution. He did not normally talk about what had happened to the mystics. His journal revealed so much more. Was this what Talis needed to know?

He needed to talk to some of the Elders about these entries. Or should he talk to Jasmine first? Something was missing. He knew Grandfather wanted him to find the truth, but what was it? What did his grandfather want him to learn? The more he thought, the more he knew he needed help. He was nervous and needed to calm down. He wasn’t sure where to turn.

His hands were shaking as he put down the journal. He went outside on his porch overlooking the river and began to meditate. The river always calmed him as the gentle breeze cooled his fire energy. Breathing in and out, Talis let it all go and began to calm down. As he surrendered to the moment, he felt the deep love from his grandfather call out to him in the wind and water. “Don’t worry,” he said in the gentle breeze. “Trust in your heart. You are the storyteller. You will have time to find the answers.”

Chapter 7

Visit to the University

and the Seers


Joshua was finally ready visit the University as Jasmine had suggested. Located near the Cascade Mountains close to the old city of Eugene, it was formally called Western University of Mysticism and Energy Science. Most people just called it Western University or simply, the University. It was an honored place of high energy and Joshua was nervous.

As Jasmine had mentioned to Joshua at the passing, the Council had indeed requested to see him, as his reoccurring dreams seemed very significant. Joshua had never been before the entire Mystic Council. Some of the collective’s most powerful mystics would be there. These seers advised the government and society on many important issues. Their insight and advice were always taken seriously and had been integrated into society’s overall education. The seers also kept the high frequency energies in constant balance through their meditation, trance and prayer. Joshua knew that the Council was always interested when they felt that harmony was being disrupted.

As Joshua got on the newest vactrain to the Western University grounds, he remembered the history of this special place. Perhaps his dreams were somehow tied into that? The University was originally a collective school for the first mystics, the original crystal children, and the sacred activists who would combine their energy to start the revolution. The mystics and the activists had organized many schools in the first two decades of this century. The University was not a religious institution, but a place of spiritual and scientific learning and an important energy vortex. Many people came to study, some to pursue the life of a seer or be a supporting scientist or activist, some came just to learn the skills of the mystics and the connection between science and spirit. The two disciplines were studied and supported equally at the University. The concept of energy transfer and the connection of humanity to the larger universe and universal energy field was a guiding principle of life at the University. The connection to the living Earth—Gaia, or Mother Earth—was also an important focus.

Joshua had learned of such things since he was a child. From a scientific and mystical point of view, everything is energy and is connected to the larger universal energy source. Some called it a “matrix” or “web” of energy that connects all people. Some merely called it Source Energy or Divine Energy. This blending of ideas brought the disciplines together and helped bridge the world in unification and peace.

As had been done for decades, certain children were voluntarily brought to the University quite early to study with some of the great mystics. Joshua had been one of those children and left his childhood home to study at the University when he was 10. Some children started earlier, some later, usually when a teacher, parent or mentor recognized their special gifts. Some of these children developed their skills and became seers themselves. Some returned to society to contribute in other important ways. Some of society’s strongest activists and scientists had also spent time at the University. Joshua had spent five years at the school. He returned to his family when he was 15 and had not seen it since. He felt no guilt about leaving and harbored no resentment. Still, he was aware of a queasy feeling in his stomach as the train move closer to the campus.

Joshua stepped onto the station’s platform on the Western University grounds. Immediately he remembered the energy of the place and began to tune into the workings of the campus. He watched as many people walked by; some nodded a friendly hello while others were focused in deep thought. A mixture of various people, the University was comprised of many seers, activists and scientists with various skills and focuses. As was part of their society’s belief, all faiths and religions were honored and respected.

Memories of all the things he had been taught began to flood Joshua’s mind. He was proud to be part of this great institution. The five years he had spent here changed his life. He still wasn’t sure why he didn’t stay on longer, but that didn’t matter anymore. The guiding principles of those five years had made him an aware and conscious person. As he had been taught, the University and the greater society focused on the underlying positive truths that all religions held. All at the University focused on the highest truth of all faiths and the higher energies of our existence. Science supported this idea and the synergy of all ideas was supported and honored. Energy and Divine essence were part of everything. They focused on principles that connected all people. Although not all people agreed on or followed these ways, there was a general consensus and peace among most of the United Continents. The Western Collective was particularly strong in its support of the mystics and the principles which guided the world to a new peace. Most all in their society respected the mystics’ important contributions.

Religion in all parts of the world had evolved to a higher level of spirituality that integrated itself with science and into all parts of society. Compassion, loving-kindness, mindfulness, forgiveness and awakened consciousness were important principles of life here. These values were taught at a very young age and had a positive effect on how people lived and treated each other. The divisiveness and fundamental beliefs that had existed in the past centuries between the various religions had been put aside and mostly forgotten. A new way had emerged that found connection and harmony between the various people of the world. This healing and focus on the higher truths had helped transform the world. Joshua smiled knowing that he was part of this world and breathed a great sigh of relief that he had been raised this way.

“Blessed be,” he said to no one in particular, making a short prayer in honor of this sacred place. His body was tingling with anticipation. It had been far too long.

As Joshua approached the gates of Western University, he smelled the familiar scent of roses, jasmine and lavender. The beautiful flower gardens were simply amazing. People came to the University just to stroll the gardens. He had forgotten how much he missed them. The sacred grounds had a special energy to them. Perhaps it was the sixty-plus years of the mystics being here. It was here that the revolution had started.

Joshua knew there were other important schools throughout the world, but this was the one he had known. He was excited to be back as he walked through the gardens and up to the main center of the mystics. He would enter the outer chamber and would cleanse himself and meditate to clear his energy before entering the chamber of the Council.

Memories rushed back to him now. He had been here several times as a student. As a young student, he had felt so at ease in this place, like it was his home. It was only in his final year that he started to feel anxious. He could not control his dreams, and after several months decided to leave this place for his family.
Perhaps the dreams I am having now are helping me return to this place?
he thought as he prepared for the cleansing bath.

He spent the needed time in meditation and was able to wash himself in the cleansing baths. The baths were made of colorful smooth tile, pleasing to both the eye and the body. Joshua lay down and relaxed as he thought about what he was going to say to the seers. The members of the Mystic Council did not intentionally make visitors feel nervous; rather, there was an intense energy that surrounded the high-energy chamber. Everyone that visited was welcomed and made to feel at ease, and the hot cleansing bath helped most relax the mind and body. Joshua focused on his meditation and began to let go, surrendering to no thoughts. He stayed in this state of connectedness for some time when he heard the familiar awakening bell. After he dressed, he was ready to enter the inner chamber.

As he opened the door, he could feel a sudden rush of intense energy. All of the seers were standing as he entered the room. They smiled and bowed deeply.

“We welcome you back, our son Joshua,” said Helena, the eldest mystic. “It has been far too long, but we have always watched you and are proud of your accomplishments. You have become a loving and gifted young man. Your presence is an honor to us all.”

Joshua bowed to Helena and the others. “It is my honor to be here before you.”

The Mystic Council was comprised of twenty-four members, woman and men of various ages and ethnicities sitting in a half circle. They were chosen by consensus of all at the University to sit on the Council. Visitors came to the center of the room to sit before them. Joshua could see all the members clearly as he took his seat.

He looked around the great hall and regarded its exquisite beauty. Tall vaulted ceilings with local stone and large timber frames gave it a cathedral-like feeling. Adobe and straw-bale constructed walls gave it sacred earth energy. The earth-plastered walls were adorned with beautiful, colorful tapestries made by the local community. Tall windows brought in the sun enough for all to feel the beauty of the outdoors. They were opened at times to let the sacred air blow into the chamber. A large series of windows could be opened to convert the chamber into a type of balcony overlooking the gardens and forests below.

Joshua noticed that the windows were closed now. The seers had elected to focus their energy inward, as they needed a private setting to discuss the matters at hand. Joshua tried to relax and breathe. He remembered the inner peace he felt while in meditation.

“Tell us, Joshua, of your dreams,” Helena said. “We have sensed a disruption in the energy patterns and would like to know if you have any insight into this.”

Joshua began to explain his dreams. “I have had reoccurring dreams of the revolution and the initial uprising. The tension is high; I feel it in my dream. I see what I think is the original Mystic Collective holding the energy, and I see what is occurring in the cities with the initial changes, when the government is resisting the inevitable change. People are scared and there is much fear in the air. The energy of the mystics remains high, yet feels ungrounded. The dream then begins to turn into a nightmare. The mystics are able to keep the high frequency energy vibrating to help others see the new way, but there is something missing. There is something that disturbs me that I can’t see, only feel. And then a young woman, whom I can’t describe, calls out to me. I see her in all my dreams. She looks at me with the most intense stare and reaches out to me. We do not talk, but she is trying to tell me something. Then she is gone. I wake up in a state of exhaustion, like I had been there myself.”

Joshua noticed some of the seers going into trance and meditation trying to get a feel for his dream.

Helena asked with tenderness. “Joshua, may we enter the dream state with you? It is very important that we share this together to help find the answers.”

“Yes, please, I would like you to. It has been haunting me for some time now.”

The room grew silent as the mystics focused their energy on Joshua and his dream. Helena let out a gentle breath. “Let us begin.”

He could feel their intense energy and he began to meditate and focus on his breath. Their energy penetrated him, but was soft and gentle. He began to relax and let them into his mind. At first he felt resistance, but as he continued to breathe and surrendered to the process, he felt a small twinge of exhilaration. What they would find in his dreams would forever change his life and lead him on the path that he had been searching for.

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