The Nazi Hunters (56 page)

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Authors: Andrew Nagorski

BOOK: The Nazi Hunters
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Police Captain Avner Less
“the privilege”:
Ibid., 4.

At their first meeting
and Less quotes: Ibid., v–vi.

He explained to Less
“wasn’t a Jew-hater”:
Ibid., 57.

“I was horrified”
“Even today”:
Ibid., 76–77.

Ibid., 90.

“unusual zeal”:
Ibid., 156.

“If they had”:
Ibid., 157, vi.

“But that’s horrible”:
Ibid., ix.

When Less began:
Ibid., xxi.

“the drink had been”:
Hoess, 155.

“I had nothing”:
Lang and Sybill, 101–2.

To undercut Eichmann’s claims
and subsequent examples and quotes: Ibid., 142–44.

“the cold sophistication”:
Ibid., vi.

“Thinking itself”:
Hannah Arendt,
The Last Interview and Other Conversations,

“the most important”:
Hannah Arendt,
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil,

“If one is attacked”:
The Last Interview and Other Conversations,
11–12, 20.

“a typical Galician Jew”
“ghetto mentality”:
Lipstadt, 152.

“One of my main”:
The Last Interview and Other Conversations,

“If there was”:
Ibid., 46.

“he was genuinely incapable”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“Despite all”:
Ibid., 54.

“Except for”:
Ibid., 287.

“Eichmann displayed,” “only a minor transport officer,”
“tense, rigid”:
Hausner, 332, 325.

When the prosecution:
Gabriel Bach interview with the author.

“I will jump”
and Hausner’s account: Arendt,
Eichmann in Jerusalem,
46; Hausner, 359–60.

“bragging was”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“a saloon atmosphere”
and court ruling on Sassen tapes: Hausner, 348–49.

“What eventually”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“He was not”:
Ibid., 287–88.

“To a Jew”:
Ibid., 117.

“The tragedy”:
Hausner, 341.

“saved exactly”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“sold his soul”:
Jonah Lowenfeld, “Rudolf Kastner Gets a New Trial,”
Yom HaShoah,
April 26, 2011.

“chaos and plenty of misery”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“made it very clear”:
The Eichmann Kommandos,

“kept recurring”:
Albert Averbach and Charles Price, eds.,
The Verdicts Were Just: Eight Famous Lawyers Present Their Most Memorable Cases,

“that Eichmann”:
Michael A. Musmanno, “No Ordinary Criminal,”
New York Times,
May 19, 1963.

In her reply
and rest of Arendt’s remarks and letters from readers: “Letters to the Editor: ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem,’ ”
New York Times,
June 23, 1963.

“One stands baffled”:
Jacob Robinson,
And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight: The Eichmann Trial, the Jewish Catastrophe, and Hannah Arendt’s Narrative,

“took pains”:
Ibid., 147, 160–62.

“We have done”:
Wiesenthal, 231.

“Legally and morally”:
Robinson, 159.

“In a way”:
Rafi Eitan interview with the author.

In 2011:
The German title of the book is
Eichmann vor Jerusalem: Das unbehelligte Leben eines Massenmörders.

“in thrall to”
“An ideology”:
Bettina Stangneth,
Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The
Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer,

“achieved the primary goal”
“Eichmann in Jerusalem”:
Ibid., xxiii.

In an early interview:
The Last Interview and Other Conversations,

“sham existence”
“There’s something”:
Ibid., 50–51.

“mere functionary”
“If you succumb”:
Ibid., 44–45.

Ibid., 42.

“went to their death”
“But the sad truth”:
Eichmann in Jerusalem,

“that Arendt’s conception”
“the disappearance”:
Stanley Milgram,
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
, 6, 8.

“The person who”:
Ibid., 11.

“British PM on New ISIS Beheading,” ABC News, September 14, 2014.

“determined to go down”:
Douglas M. Kelley,
22 Cells in Nuremberg: A Psychiatrist Examines the Nazi Criminals,

“a frank psychotic”:
Gilbert, 260.

“Insanity is no”:
Kelley, 3.

But it also led:
Jack El-Hai,
The Nazi and the Psychiatrist: Hermann Göring, Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, and a Fatal Meeting of the Minds at the End of WWII,

“as a catalyst”:
The Last Interview and Other Conversations,

About six weeks
and poll numbers: Hausner, 464.

On December 15, 1961
and rest of timing on appeals and hanging: Bascomb, 316–18.

The designated hangman
and Nagar’s account and quotes: “Snatching Eichmann,”
, May 2012.

“Long live Germany”:
Bascomb, 319.

Chapter Ten: “Little People”

“What should”:
Bernhard Schlink,
The Reader,

Thomas Gnielka
and his interview with Emil Wulkan, dealings with Bauer, and history of the incriminating documents: Devin O. Pendas,
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963–1965: Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law,
46–47; and Rebecca Wittmann,
Beyond Justice: The Auschwitz Trial,

“Maybe this is”:
Claudia Michels, “Auf dem Büfett lagen die Erschiessungslisten,”
Frankfurter Rundschau,
March 27, 2004.

“of legal significance”:
Wittmann, 62.

“he was green in the face”:
Claudia Michels, “Auf dem Büfett lagen die Erschiessungslisten,”
Frankfurter Rundschau
, March 27, 2004.

A total of 183:
Pendas, 2.

twenty thousand visitors:
Wittmann, 175.

211 concentration camp survivors:
Fritz Bauer exhibition, Jewish Museum of Frankfurt.

“really only”
“The question is”
“can and must”:
Steinke, 157, 156, 155.

“whoever operated”:
Wittmann, 256.

“an ordinary criminal trial”:
Ibid., 215.

“could consider only”:
Bernd Naumann,
Auschwitz: A Report on the Proceedings Against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and Others Before the Court at Frankfurt,
415, xiv.

“I have yet”
: Ibid., Hannah Arendt, Introduction, xiv.

“As they all”:
As quoted in Steinke, 180.

Newsreel footage:
Verdict on Auschwitz: The Auschwitz Trial, 1963–1965,
1993 German television documentary.

As the prosecution
and account of Baer’s arrest and death: Pendas, 48–49.

“the victims were”:
Wittmann, 139.

Another witness:
Pendas, 117–18.

But perhaps the most chilling
and Wasserstrom’s testimony: Wittmann, 88.

Medical orderly Josef Klehr:
Ibid., 75.

Dr. Victor Capesius:
Ibid., 197.

Then there was
and rest of Kaduk atrocities: Ibid., 140.

Dr. Ella Lingens
and her background:

“Do you wish”:
Pendas, 158.

Hans-Günther Seraphim
“not found”:
Wittmann, 80–81.

“As a little man”
“In Auschwitz”:
Naumann, 410, 409.

Then there were
and Frau Boger and Lingens quotes:
Verdict on Auschwitz: The Auschwitz Trial, 1963–1965,
1993 German television documentary.

The press coverage
Pendas, 262.

“The Torture Swing”
and other headlines cited by Martin Walser: Wittmann, 176–77.

“The more horrible”
“Auschwitz was not”:
Ibid., 177, 180.

In the
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Pendas, 263.

“it would be a mistake”:
Naumann, 415.

The verdict itself
and sentences: Ibid., 412–13.

“the residual wishful fantasy”:
Wittmann, 255.

“The criminal facts”:
Naumann, viii.

“ ‘Mass murder’ ”
“Instead of”:
Ibid., xxii, xxix.

“Damn it!”:
Pendas, 256.

A poll taken
and both poll results: Ibid., 253.

“Naturally the Auschwitz Trial”
“in the same boat”:
Ibid., 256–57.

“In many ways”:
Wittmann, 190.

“It would be quite”:
Naumann, xvii.

During the Third Reich
and allegations: Perry Biddiscombe,
The Denazification of Germany: A History 1945-1950
, 212–13; and, for instance, “Eichmann to Testify on Dr. Globke’s Role in Deportation of Greek Jews,”
January 31, 1961.

He requested documents
and subsequent fate of Bauer’s investigation into Globke:
Fritz Bauer exhibition, Jewish Museum of Frankfurt.

In 1963:
“Bonn Denounces Globke Trial in East Germany as Communist Maneuver,”
July 10, 1963.

From 1950 to 1962
and statistics on investigations, trials, acquittals, and murder convictions: Wittmann, 15.

“We do not have”
and Ludwigsburg’s history: Thomas Will interview with the author.

the 1966 poll:
Pendas, 253.

“that something like that”
and exhibition: Ibid., 182–83.

“May it smooth”
and visit of West German delegation to Poland: Ibid., 179–80.

Playwright Peter Weiss:
Peter Weiss,
The Investigation: Oratorio in 11 Cantos.

“When I was taken down”:
Ibid., 73–74.

“Nineteen Sixty-eight cannot be”
and other Schlink quotes: Bernhard Schlink interview with the author.

But Peter Schneider:
Peter Schneider interview with the author.

Jan Sehn had a regular routine
and Kozłowska account, including anonymous letters: Maria Kozłowska interview with the author.

“The trial should show”:
Steinke, 218.

In an interview:
Death by Installments

When the youth protests:
Steinke, 263.

Many Germans were angered
and threats, swastika, pistol, and bodyguard:
Death by Installments
documentary; and Steinke, 221.

“When I leave”:
Steinke, 257.

“The Attorney General”:
Wojak, 443.

“burning anti-Semitism”:
Ibid., 445.

In 1967
“Brown Book”:
Fritz Bauer exhibition, Frankfurt Jewish Museum.

“There is only a duty”:
Wojak, 453.

“How long”:
Steinke, 272.

“no proof”
Ilona Ziok interview with the author.

“He was the greatest”:
Death by Installments

“He won us”:
Wojak, 455.

Chapter Eleven: A Slap to Remember

“Because we were weak”:
Serge Klarsfeld interview with the author.

“reciting little poems”
“a conscientious”:
Beate Klarsfeld,
Wherever They May Be!
, 4.

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