The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (105 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I didn’t tell her about mine and Mason’s relationship or that he was being blackmailed, she had enough on her plate at the moment but I was sad that she hadn’t asked me for help.

“Right missus, when’s your next session?”

“A week on Monday,” she mumbled.

“Okay and how long are you usually ill for?”

She sighed, “Ava really, you don’t . . .”

“How long?” I interrupted. She sighed but gave me a small smile.

“A couple of days.”

“Okay, I will pick you up Monday morning and I’ll stay at yours until you feel better . . . no arguing.” I pointed my finger at her as she opened her mouth to speak.

She sighed but smiled at the same time. “Thank you, I must admit I’m feeling relieved already. It’s been a bit of a nightmare, not being able to get out of bed but having to look after myself as well.” Her eyes filled with tears and right at that moment I could have slapped Mason for doing this to her.

I grabbed her hand. “Kerrie I told you I was just a phone call away, besides I feel responsible. If it wasn’t for me, Kade would still be here to look after you,” I confessed but she shook her head.

“He would have gone anyway Ava, don’t blame yourself, Kade knew what he was doing as well.”

She smiled at someone over my shoulder and I turned to see Tristan smiling at her while he was serving another table. I pursed my lips at her and raised an eyebrow. “Get in girl.” I grinned wickedly. She giggled for the first time. I was happy to see the familiar twinkle in her eye and as we left, I wrote her number down on a napkin and handed it to Tristan, smiling as he grinned at me, his tongue poking out between his teeth when he realised what I had just slipped him.

* * *

Popping the Garlic and Thyme chicken, baby potatoes and pancetta wrapped asparagus in the oven, I raced upstairs for a quick shower and prepare myself.

I was excited at the prospect of seeing Mason. I hadn’t seen him for over a week and I was practically hyperventilating at the thought of his lips wrapped over mine, his fingers in my hair and his arms around me, holding me close; the smell of him, the sight of his beautiful face and the feel of his hard muscled body over mine. I closed my eyes and sighed in appreciation at the thought of spending the night with him.

Slipping on my new red lace thong and bra set, I fastened the matching suspender belt and rolled on my black fishnet stockings. Smiling at myself in the mirror I pulled on my new black wrap-around dress . . . easy access and all! I fixed my hair loosely above my head, leaving stray locks framing my face and took extra effort with my make-up, then finally slipped into my red stilettos and at 6:50 I was already for him.

I paced impatiently, tidying things that didn’t need tidying, checking the food every two minutes, lighting the candles I had adorned the table with and tapping my fingers rhythmically on the table.

At 7:20 I checked my phone, turned the oven to warm and poured myself a glass of wine.

At 7:45 I checked my phone, turned the oven off and poured another glass of wine, apologising to my babies for their weak willed mother.

At 8:00 I checked my phone, scooped a few fingers full of peanut butter and removed my shoes from my aching feet.

At 10:00 I checked my phone and swilled down a full glass of wine, scraped the meal into the bin, blew out the candles and curled up under a blanket in front of the TV, trying to concentrate on something other than the feeling of utter loneliness, hurt and the deep ache in my chest.

At 2:36 I checked my phone and climbed the stairs to bed.

I woke to an empty bed and an aching heart but straightened my shoulders, climbed out of bed and ran a bath; the deep need for the comfort of warm bubbling water to ease the hurt inside me.

I checked my phone to find no messages or missed calls and I frowned, now getting a little worried. I took the risk and rang him but he didn’t answer so I sent a simple text to his now new number.


Where are you?


I left it at that but by late afternoon I still hadn’t heard from him so I decided to ring Sam. “Hi Ava,” he greeted and I smiled at his jovial voice.

“Hi Sam, have you heard from Mason recently?” I asked. I sensed his pause.

“He hasn’t rung you Ava?”

“No, he was supposed to come round last night but he didn’t turn up and I’m getting worried.” I tensed when I heard Sam hiss and then sigh.

“He’s gone out to America, Ava,” he told me quietly and slowly, barely more than a whisper.


We were both silent for a while. “Why has he gone out there?” I asked, utterly puzzled that he hadn’t told me. There was a long pause before he answered.

“He should have told you this Ava, not left it to me,” he answered angrily. My suspicions rose at his tone.

“Tell me what, Sam?” I stiffened further when I heard him inhale deeply.

“He’s gone for a couple of weeks . . . with Rebecca.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Oh,” I choked. “Oh.”

“Ava! I don’t think he had much choice, sweetheart,” Sam tried to explain but I ended the call and went back to bed, refusing to cry.


THE FOLLOWING WEEK I was a complete mess. I botched up nearly every document and meeting at work, my fingertip was chewed to soreness, I hadn’t been sleeping and looked like utter crap, my appetite had disappeared and to top it off I still hadn’t heard anything from Mason.

I was equally heart broken and fuming but I still couldn’t understand why Mason had refrained from telling me about his trip.

I could understand to a certain extent why he had had to go, if Rebecca or Daddy had put their foot down demanding a holiday but why couldn’t he have let me know, that is what hurt me the most and by Friday I was looking like the walking dead.

“Ava! My office!” I heard Nate bark through his office door.

I sighed, grimaced and entered, forcing a smile on my face. “Yep,” I said quietly as I approached him.

“What the hell is this, Ava?” Nate narrowed his eyes on me and passed me a sheet of paper.

I scanned it and passed it back to him. “It’s the agreement for the Allendale contract,” I informed him. He pursed his lips and nodded then passed it back to me.

“Read it again, Ava,” he growled.

I fidgeted nervously, nibbling on my finger furiously and slowly took it from him. I read each word slowly, checking for any mistakes and everything looked okay until I reached the last paragraph and my eyes widened, very, very widely and I gulped. “
” I grimaced.

Nate nodded slowly and raised his eyebrows. “You care to explain why it says and I quote, ‘Either party may terminate this contract at any time by providing written notice of intent to terminate the contract on a specified date to the other party,
you are a complete bastard,
at least two weeks prior to the intended date of termination’?”

He looked really angry, which he had every right to be. “Have you sent them a copy?” I asked tentatively, my stomach rolling as a tear finally decided to make an appearance after nearly a week of managing to keep them at bay.

Nate sighed heavily. “No but you’re fucking lucky Ava, I don’t usually check the standard finishing paragraphs but for some reason after your catastrophic week I thought I had better, AND IT’S A FUCKING GOOD JOB I DID!” he bellowed.

I flinched. “I’m so sorry, Nate,” I choked out around my little finger, the tears now free-falling. “I . . . I . . . I’m . . . so. .sorry.”

He rubbed his face in his hands. “Sit down, Ava” he said gently and I stumbled into the chair.

“What’s going on with you this week? If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re a good friend and usually really good at your job I would have been well within my rights to fire you!” he reprimanded and I nodded.

“I know and really, I’m so sorry. I think I must have been thinking it as I typed it.” I squirmed and he pursed his lips.

“Well I gathered that much, Ava,” he snorted.

I sighed, “He fucked off to America last Saturday with Rebecca” I told him and his eyes widened.

“What? Why?”

“God knows. He was supposed to be coming to mine last Saturday. I cooked, dressed up and everything and he never turned up and I haven’t heard from him since. I had to prise it out of Sam where he had gone.”

He stood up and came round to me, crouching on the floor in front of me. “He didn’t even text or ring?” he asked, a deep frown on his face and I shook my head.

“Nope, absolutely sod all!” I said angrily.

“Oh, Ava. What am I gonna do with the pair of you?” he grumbled and I shrugged.

sorry, Nate. I’ll work late and double check everything I’ve worked on this week.”

“There’s nothing urgent, just spend a couple of hours tonight and we’ll both look through the rest Monday.” He rubbed my arm and stood up. “We still on for tomorrow?” he asked as he cringed slightly and I chuckled.

“What are you so scared of?” I laughed.

He rolled his eyes. “It’s Liv, she’s a bit eager.” He sucked in his lips and I widened my eyes.

“Oh you’re in for a fun night. Wait till she catches the stage show,” I teased. I wasn’t sure if he grinned or cringed but I gave him a wicked grin. “You will have to text me if you decide to disappear into one of the rooms while I’m with William. You won’t be able to walk until Monday.” I giggled as I left his room and heard him groan.

* * *

By 7 O’clock Saturday night I was ready, restless and nervous. I reapplied my make-up, redid my hair, changed my dress twice and finished a full jar of peanut butter by the time Nate beeped outside.

I climbed into his Ferrari on wobbly legs. “Ava,” Liv hugged me as she got out of the car to let me into the rear.

“I am so excited,” she grinned and giggled making me laugh, easing my nerves slightly.

“Do you know what goes off there, Liv?” I asked cautiously, worried about what she expected and what she would actually get.

“I’m not a wallflower, Ava!”

“Okay, I’m sorry.” I laughed again and held my hands out in surrender.

She smiled apologetically. “Sorry, it’s just that Nate’s been on at me all day with the same questions.”

I smirked. “He has been a little worried how you would perceive this visit.” I caught Nate’s eyes in the rear view and he shook his head in exasperation.

“Well I bet I won’t be the only there with two good looking ladies on my arm,” he winked and Liv squeezed his thigh.

“Awww I love your husband, Liv,” I smiled softly at her.

“He’s not bad is he?” She gave me a coy look and winked.

“He’s great,” I said honestly, “He’s become a good friend.”

She nodded to me. “He says the same thing about you, Ava,” she confessed. “If I knew it wasn’t completely platonic you’d have a fight on your hands but really . . . I’m glad you have become friends and Nate can’t sing your praises enough at work . . . and to be honest I’m just glad Rachel has gone, I hated that woman although I’m sure Nate fancied her.” She winked at me.

“Hey, I am here!” Nate interjected.

Liv leant across and kissed his cheek. “We know Nate, we’re just bigging you up ready for your super stud role tonight.”

We sat at a small booth in a little Italian place Nate and Liv loved and I could see why, it was fabulous. The food was to die for, the entertained was muted but pleasant and the atmosphere was relaxed and warm.

“Hey, I’m back at work Monday Ava, so you can relax a little with the work load now,” Liv divulged and I groaned in appreciation.

“Oh thank god, I’ve got double to do this week now I messed up,” I admitted shamefaced. Liv reached across the table for my hand.

“I’m sorry Ava. What a dick!”

I shrugged, “I have come to realise where Mason’s concerned that I am never prepared for his next move, I would have just liked to be informed of his whereabouts, that’s all.” I took another huge forkful of the delicious mushroom lasagne.

“Have you still not heard from him?” Nate asked and I shook my head.

“Nothing,” I sighed.

“Perhaps he couldn’t get word to you if Rebecca’s been checking his phone or something,” Liv suggested but I shook my head again, shovelling in some garlic bread.

“Nah, he has a private phone for us,” I explained.

She frowned. “Strange then.” I just hunched my shoulders in reply.

“Anyway, what’s the plan for tonight?” Nate asked me, signalling to the waiter for the bill.

“Well, you and Liv do whatever you want to. I’ll text you when I have finished talking to William and then you can ring me when you’re ready to arrange a meeting place. That sound okay?” I cocked my head in query.

He nodded. “You don’t have to rush though when I text you, if you’re doing or watching anything that’s taken your fancy I’ll wait at the bar,” I said openly and Liv blushed. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed Liv, I can’t wait for a look round, I’m really excited and curious.” I grinned.

* * *

We approached the doors to The Black Panther, my stomach was in knots with what I was about to do.

We entered into a small plush reception area. “Hi.” I smiled to the large suited surly man who was seated behind a glass partition. “Do we have to be members to enter?” I asked timidly and he gave me the briefest of nods. “Oh, well I’m actually here to see Mr Jackson,” I winced slightly as his eyes narrowed on me.

Nate took a step forwards so he was stood beside me protectively. “Do you have an appointment?” he asked, peering at me curiously.

“Well not really, he just told me to turn up.” I gave him my best smile but he shook his head slowly.

“Oh, come on,” I grumbled, “Please. Can you at least give him a quick ring to see if he’ll see me?” I pleaded but he shook his head again.

“Mr Jackson is busy,” he growled, obviously getting irate with my persistence.

I sighed heavily. Nate’s hand settled around the top of my arm. “Come on Ava.”

“Please, I really need to see him.” I persevered, wishing I had had the foresight to obtain William’s number when I saw him in the restaurant that time.

“No!” he said angrily, just as a door behind him opened and a woman entered, laughing and nodding as William entered behind her.

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