The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (108 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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My pregnancy should be the most blissful part of a relationship, the courage, support and happy moments to share together. But I got none of these things and I was starting to think I would be better alone, not waiting by the phone all day every day, or having to secretly plan a meeting time or constantly wondering what he was doing with
all the time.

I was exhausted from it all; all the worry, pain and worst of all the things that shot around my imagination.

We both needed out if we were to survive life because I knew deep down that this would be the end of me. I had my peanuts to look after before I looked after myself, I couldn’t be selfish anymore and all this heartache was putting untold stress on them, way too much exhaustion from me would be bad for them and all the upset would raise my blood pressure once again putting them at risk. I had to sort this out or decide if I should end it, either way I had to do it soon.

I heard Mason return a short while later. He curled up behind me, pulling me back close to him without speaking and we both fell asleep.

* * *

We woke early the next morning, made love slowly and tenderly and were now sat in a warm bath together.

Mason was washing me. “We’re having a girl and a boy,” I told him, smiling softly as I heard his sharp intake of breath.

“Really?” he choked out and I nodded. He swept my hair to one side and nibbled on my neck, “Wow, something actually went right for us.” He chuckled and I laughed.

“Well I suppose something has to once in a while.”

He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled me tightly and then rested them both on my belly. “You’re gonna be huge by the time you’re ready to drop.”

I glared at him. “I feel bloody huge now,” I huffed and giggled as they kicked against the trickle of the water Mason was dripping onto my stomach with the sponge.

He laughed and laid his hands over them, smiling happily every time they kicked or punched. “I love you so much, Ava.” He kissed my neck and I turned to kiss him.

“I don’t know if I can keep doing this Mason,” I confessed quietly.

He stilled behind me. “Ava, please don’t say that,” he begged but I sighed.

“I’m exhausted from it all, Mason. I want you so bad but I want you to myself. It’s killing me inside knowing that you’re with her when you’re not with me. My imagination is cruel and twisted and it’s gruelling.”

He grasped my chin and turned me to face him. “Listen to me, Ava. I promise with all my heart that I am not having sex with Rebecca. The last time I touched her was a few days before you came to work for me, and that is the honest truth. I need you to believe me, baby,” he implored desperately.

I gazed into his eyes, searching for the truth. I nodded and closed my eyes as he pulled me tight. “Thank you,” he whispered into my ear.

We lay there for a while longer before I clambered out to get ready for work. “Can’t you phone in sick today?” he pouted sulkily.

I smiled softly. “No Mason. I fucked up bad last week and I’m having to crawl up Nate’s arse at the moment,” I confessed as I dried myself.

Mason’s eyes were dark and hungry as he watched me, his erection peeking above the water.

“You like watching me Mason?” I asked huskily, turned on by the sheer lust written on his face. This man made me feel totally sexy and beautiful.

My breath hitched as he took his hard cock in his hand and started to stroke himself. The image was completely erotic as I watched him masturbate in my bath.

I hitched myself up onto the vanity unit and placed each foot on the edge, slowly opening myself and giving Mason an exposed view of my pussy. He hissed loudly and moved his hand faster and harder as I lowered mine to myself and stroked up and down my groove.

“That’s it baby, touch yourself for me,” Mason breathed.

I groaned as I circled my clit with my finger, watching him pleasure himself. “Oh God Mason, you look so fucking hot right now.” I moaned as my eyes never left his actions.

“Finger your sweet pussy, Ava,” he rasped.

I slipped two fingers into myself and glided them in and out as I continued to watch Mason’s feverish hand job.

“Come with me, Ava,” he panted.

I pressed another finger to my clit as my fingers worked frantically inside me. “Yes Mason, I’m coming!” I cried as I watched him jerk and buck in the water, his spunk spurting from him and gushing onto his hard stomach.

I closed my eyes and regained my composure before I slid off the unit, walked over to him and slipped my fingers into his mouth. He closed his eyes and groaned in appreciation as he swirled his tongue around them.

“Fuck Ava, you taste good, baby.” I smiled and kissed him and as I stood up he grabbed my arm. I frowned at him and his face was bleak and woeful.

“Mason?” I asked as I slid my palm over his cheek, he closed his eyes and leant into my hand.

“I can’t let you go Ava . . . I won’t let you go,” he stated earnestly with his piercing eyes locked on mine.

I smiled gently and nodded. “I know Mason, I know.”

He smiled contentedly and kissed my palm. I dropped my hand and as I turned to leave he slapped my backside, “I’ll be staying over tonight,” he stated bluntly.

I nodded. “Okay, is it safe to cook?” I asked cautiously and he scowled at me.

“Yes Ava, I promise.”

I blew him a kiss and swayed my hips sexily as I walked to the bedroom. “Carry on and you won’t be making it into work after all,” he shouted after me.


THE NEXT SEVERAL weeks flew by and it was now early April. Mason and I had settled into a regular routine of weekends at mine and a sneaky night in the week.

I was still waiting to hear from William and with each passing week my heart sank a little more as I reserved myself for failure.

My babies were growing more and more and getting livelier every day and as my 26 week mark passed I relaxed more and started to really enjoy my pregnancy even though it was a strain to do simple things such as walk and bend.

Rebecca had delivered a girl a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised that Mason hadn’t turned into the devoted fiancé but he kept his visits and attention to me regular and I couldn’t have loved him more for it. I didn’t feel guilty for keeping him from Rebecca, she should have turned to the real father instead of being deceitful and manipulative and she may have had some help with her new-born.

* * *

It was a busy, chaotic Monday morning at NSC and after a horrendous morning, the afternoon got even worse. My PC monitor blew up . . . literally, the fax machine ate six sheets of important documents and Nate was in a foul mood. I could hear him cursing and slamming things about and I avoided him as much as possible.

At 2:00pm a tall thin redhead walked into the reception. Her face was pulled into a tight scowl but she was incredibly beautiful.

“Good afternoon, can I help you?” I asked pleasantly.

She scoured me up and down. “Yes, I’d like to see Nate,” she snipped.

“I’m sorry; do you have an appointment with Mr Carter today?” I asked, knowing that she didn’t.

She cocked her head to one side. “Now, you know I haven’t but if you could just tell him I’m here.”

I bit my tongue. “What name shall I give him, Miss?” I asked sweetly, thoroughly wanting to punch her in the face.

“Eleanor St Clair. He’ll see me.” She curled her lip at me and I took a deep breath.

“One moment, please.”

I picked up the phone to ring through to Nate as she suddenly made a dash for his office. I spluttered and jumped up from my chair, jolting my stomach into the corner of the desk and pulled a damn muscle in my stomach causing me to bend over and snatch in a breath.

I hissed and dragged myself over to Nate’s office.

“I’m so sorry Mr Carter, she just barged in,” I apologised as I entered his office, holding my now extremely large stomach and taking some deep breaths as the pain got worse.

She was sat on the edge of his desk, her legs crossed at the ankles in front of her as she practically drooled over him.

Nate looked furious by her invasion. His head snapped round to mine and he glared at me, “For fucks sake, Ava. Is it so hard to keep people from barging into my fucking office? That’s what I fucking pay you for after all!”

I winced as the pain in my stomach seemed to tear through me.

I let out a deep breath coupled with a long groan and collapsed.

* * *

I came round to Nate fussing over me frantically. “Ava!” he sagged in relief.

I frowned. “Nate?” I groaned as the pain in my stomach savagely pulled at me. “Fuck it hurts, Nate!” I cried.

“I know Ava, Mason’s on his way, sweetheart” he soothed as he stroked my hair off my face.

I curled up, panting and gulping for air. “
” I hissed. I had never felt pain like it.

“She’s bleeding!!” Nate shouted at somebody across the room.

I saw the paramedics rush over. “Hello Sweetie, were gonna get you all sorted.” She smiled warmly as she sunk down beside me and immediately felt for my pulse.

“Don’t let me lose them . . . please,” I sobbed as another pain floored me.

“We are gonna do our very best,” she said as numerous monitors and needles were attached to me. “How far along are you?” she asked as she reached for something in her bag.

“31 weeks,” I groaned as another agonised pain came.

“Can you tell me what happened?” she asked as she spread a sheet over me and Nate pulled away.

“Don’t leave me Nate,” I pleaded.

He smiled. “Ava, I’m just going to be over here while they sort you out, okay,” he said tentatively and I nodded faintly.

“I need Mason,” I cried and tried to curl into myself.

“Try and lay still, sweetie,” the technician said softly as I heard a commotion and Mason came running over to me.

My man never came quietly.

“Ava!” he cried and scooted down onto the floor beside me. “What happened, baby?” he asked frantic, his face etched with worry and anguish.

I cried out as another piercing pain tore through me “Don’t let me lose them Mason . . . please,” I begged, “Not again.”

The technician took my hand in hers. “Sweetie, I need you to tell me what happened.”

“I don’t know. I stood up too quick to stop someone entering Nate’s office and banged my stomach into the desk. It just felt like I had pulled a muscle,” I tried to explain as I pulled up my knees and groaned loudly.

“Okay, I’m just gonna have a quick look down below and make sure nothing is happening okay?” she asked calmly.

I nodded as she disappeared below the sheet and opened my legs, removing my knickers and inserting a couple of fingers into me.

“Oh, baby” Mason sighed as I cried out again. “Is there nothing you can give her for the pain?” he snarled at the other technician who just stared at Mason and shook his head, prompting a vicious snarl from Mason. “But she’s in fucking agony!”

The technician just shrugged and Mason bit his lip harshly.

“Baby, please,” I pleaded with him to calm down.

He glared at him but then turned back to me and tipped his head. “Everything will be fine Ava, I promise, okay?” he declared with encouragement.

I wished I shared his confidence.

“Well it doesn’t look like you’re in labour, Ava but we’re going to take you in and get this pain and bleeding sorted out.” She eyed the other technician and my stomach sank.

“What’s wrong?” I asked cautiously but she shook her head.

“We’ll get you in and get the specialists to take a look at you,” she said as she gave me a false smile.

Mason caught the falsity to it too because he then gave me another fake smile. “Don’t fucking smile if there’s nothing to smile about,” I snapped and he cringed.

He went to have a word with Nate while the paramedics placed me on a stretcher. “You what?!” Mason shouted at Nate and I rolled my eyes.

“Mason . . . Get over here now. It’s not Nate’s fault,” I shouted and then cried out again as another pain came.

He looked over at me and then back at Nate but decided I was his main priority.

“We’ll be taking her to the Royal,” the female technician told Mason as they wheeled me towards the elevator and Mason nodded.

“I’ll meet you there, Ava,” he smiled encouragingly.

“You touch Nate and I swear . . .” I told him and curled up against the agony. He sighed but nodded. “I mean it, Mason,” I grumbled but then the most torturous slicing pain shot through me and I screamed as whiteness enveloped me.

“Shit!” I heard the technicians shout and then Mason’s anguished cry before I passed out.

* * *

The room was dark, my mouth was dry but I wasn’t in pain so that was good. I grumbled and tried to turn over but my legs seemed to have disappeared. I tried again but I just couldn’t move.

“Ava,” I heard Mason’s gravelly voice from somewhere, “I’m just gonna put the light on, baby.” The room filled with brightness and I blinked furiously against it.

I was in a hospital bed, that much I could work out and then it came back to me. My hand shot to my stomach to find it flat and empty. I lifted my eyes to Mason’s. “Mason?” I asked full of anguish.

He came over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. “It’s okay, Ava. They had to deliver the babies but they’re strong,” he grinned, “and so beautiful Ava. The girl has your copper hair and the boy . . . well, just as handsome as his father,” he beamed.

I choked out a sob. “But they’re okay?” I tested, the terror for my babies consuming me.

“They’re in neonatal at the moment but they’re doing great, baby.” He stroked my hair off my face and leant down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

“What happened?” I asked and motioned for a drink of water.

He held the straw to my lips as I took a sip. “Your uterus ruptured so they had to do an emergency caesarean Ava but . . . but . . .”

I narrowed my eyes on him, “What Mason?”

He sighed and grabbed my hand. “They had to do a hysterectomy Ava, I’m so sorry.”

“Oh!” I breathed.

The thought that I would never be pregnant again pulled at my heart but then the other part of me was excited that I had two beautiful babies waiting to meet me and for the moment I couldn’t decide how I felt about it, my emotions were too conflicting to take it in.

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