The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (104 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Time? Luv ya too xxx


Will pick you up at 8 babes; was thinking of asking Marcy along, what do ya think?



Yeah, good idea, see ya at 8 xxx

Nate dropped me off and I put some laundry in the washer and climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

An hour later I was woken by my phone ringing. Scrambling around on the nightstand I swiped it without checking the display. “Mmm,” I mumbled.

“Hey,” Mason said softly.

My eyes opened immediately, I hadn’t heard from him since New Year’s Eve and hadn’t seen him since the night before I left for Belgium. I was worried he was still angry.

“Hey,” I murmured quietly.

“Ava, I’m so sorry. I was a fucking dick.”

“Yes, you were. I don’t like it when you take coke Mason; it fucks you up.”

He sighed again. “I know. I was missing you and maudlin, you know, New Year and all that.”

“Do you believe all those things you said?” I asked cautiously.

“Hell no baby, it was just the coke talking. I know you’re not fucking Nate for God’s sake. Look Ava, can I see you tonight?”

I cringed. “I can’t tonight Mason, I’m going out with the girls.” I sighed disappointedly. I really wanted to see him but I wouldn’t drop my friends for him, I hadn’t been out with them for ages and we all needed some friend bonding time.

“Where to?” I wasn’t sure if he was asking so he could turn up or just out of general interest.

“Your place,” I said quietly.

He was silent for a moment. “Which one?”

What the hell?

“What do you mean which one?”

“You said my place, I have more than one, Ava,” he revealed.

This was news to me.

“Do you?” I asked confused.

“Yeah,” he laughed.

“I have ‘The Loft,’ ‘Pulse,’ ‘The Basement’ and a few restaurants and health clubs amongst others,” he said casually, with no hint of arrogance or self-importance.

“Oh, I had no idea they were yours. When I did your paperwork I only saw documents for The Loft.”

I was thoroughly confused but now I understood where his money came from. I did think it was strange to earn so much with one club but I also wondered what other secrets he’d got locked away.

“It’s no big deal Ava, I didn’t tell you, so you didn’t know. I don’t like bragging.”

“Right.” I shrugged to myself but shook it off; Mason’s business wasn’t my business. “Anyway, we’ll probably visit The Loft, we like it there, the atmospheres great and the DJ’s hot.” I smiled wickedly to myself.

he probed but I sensed the humour in his tone.

“Uh huh,” I teased, “
Really hot.

He laughed loudly. “What am I gonna do with you?”

“I could think of a few things,” I whispered huskily and grinned when I heard his sharp intake of breath.

“Listen, go straight to the main door when you arrive and I’ll let them know you’re visiting tonight, saves you queuing.”

“Oh okay.” I smiled softly. “I love you,” I breathed. I missed him so much. “I need you,” I sighed

I heard him sigh beside mine. “Tomorrow, baby?”

I smiled at his tenacity. “Yeah, I can’t wait to see you, I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered into the phone, closing my eyes so I could picture him.

“I know baby, I’m looking at one of your photos.” I heard the smile behind his voice.

“Which one?” I asked and he chuckled.

“The shot of you from the side where you’re covering your breasts and your gorgeous little pussy with each arm, your wonderful baby bump is on display but it’s your smile that has captured me . . . you’re so beautiful,” he sighed heavily and I smiled softly.

“I love you, baby. I’m glad the photos are working for you.” I was happy that they were doing what I had intended them for and helping him through until he saw me next.

“Hey, I need some of you,” I laughed.

He chuckled. “How about some of us together?” he suggested seriously and I sniggered.

“You really think we could both get naked and keep our hands off each other? The poor photographer . . .” I asked with a laugh.

He gave me his wonderful hearty laugh that bubbled my stomach happily. “I don’t think the photographer would think of himself as poor if we started fucking in front of him, I think he’d be damn delighted!”

“Listen, I’m gonna grab another hours sleep before tonight, what time tomorrow?” I asked already snuggling down into my pillows.

“I’ll be at yours for 7. That okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll cook,” I told him as I yawned.

“Okay baby, sleep now. Have a good time tonight. I love you, Ava,” he whispered, bringing a smile to my face.

“And me, you.”

I dropped back to sleep immediately after ending the call, sleeping heavily and waking in a panic at 7 O’clock.

Rushing round trying to get ready on time, I was happy to see my swollen feet had recuperated ready for my dancing shoes and I was determined to have fun tonight. The last few weeks had been a long struggle and I was so ready for a catch up and night with my girlies.

* * *

We all piled out of the mini-bus outside The Loft and I did as Mason asked, walking straight up to the doorman.

“Hi.” I smiled timidly. I was embarrassed to be jumping the queue and had received some rather vicious looks from the waiting people.

“Miss Stone?” The doorman asked with a cock of his head.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

He grinned widely. “Thought I recognised you. I’m John.”

To say he was a huge tough bloke he had the softest eyes and gentlest smile I had ever seen. I realised it was the doorman from the night I had gone up to Mason’s office when I had broken sweaty guy’s nose.

“Pleased to meet you again, John,” I greeted with a handshake and a smile which he returned widely.

“Come with me.” He smiled to us all and jerked his head inside for us to follow.

He escorted us through the bar, over the dance floor and up to a large round table cordoned off by a thick rope. “For you ladies, courtesy of Mr Fox.” He smiled again and gestured with his arm for us to take a seat.

“Oh, wow,” we all gasped.

The table was decorated with pink rose petals and a huge bowl sculptured from ice was filled with an assortment of seafood and crunchy raw vegetables. Another ice bowl was filled with the most amazing tropical fruit while four silver buckets housed iced champagne and beside those . . . a jar of peanut butter.

God, I loved my man!

I beamed at John. “Wow.”

He chuckled and tipped his head. “And this is your waiter for the evening ladies,” he winked and turned to a man.

We all gasped again . . . and drooled. A tall blonde haired Adonis was stood next to him; he wore tight black shorts, a black bow tie and a huge smile. “Good evening ladies, I’m Frankie and I’m all yours for the evening,” he winked.

Courtney fell backwards into a chair. “I sooo love Mason right now,” she breathed, fanning herself with a napkin from the table.

“There is champagne in the buckets or could I get you something else?” Frankie asked.

“I’ll have a cranberry and soda,” I pouted sulkily and he smiled softly.

“Miss Stone?” he questioned and I nodded in reply.

Frankie reached over the table to the nearest bucket. “Mr Fox made sure you were catered for, Miss Stone.” He took the bottle and presented it to me. “Non-alcoholic pink champagne.”

“Hit me Frankie,” I giggled, holding up my glass.

He poured me a large glass and I took a suspicious sip then nodded in approval. “Not bad.” The girls giggled and held their own glasses out for Frankie to pour them the proper stuff.

I stood and gestured to the girls I was going to make a phone call and walked to the edge of the room and dialled Mason.

After trying three times I presumed he was busy or in Rebecca’s company so I sent a quick text;


I love you so so so so much. Forget the DJ, our waiter is ultra-hot ;-)

Thank you Baby, for the most wonderful surprise. My girlies thank you too.

I will show my ultimate appreciation tomorrow night . . . anything you desire Sir!!

Love you Baby xxxxx

I returned to my seat and my phone buzzed almost immediately.


Sorry couldn’t answer; with company . . . if you can call ‘it’ company!

I’m happy that you are happy. I would do anything to show the world your beautiful smile, Baby.

I now can’t wait for tomorrow night. I’m hard just thinking about all the things I am going to do to you.

I love you too Ava, so fucking much

See you tomorrow xxxx

I grinned happily but felt a sharp sting in my chest as I thought about him with

Courtney nudged me and grinned. I put all thoughts of Rebecca aside and resolved to have a good night, which we did. The Best!!

Especially when we left and discovered Mason had sent a limousine to take us home.

I sighed deeply when I climbed into bed, wishing Mason was beside me. I actually ached for him tonight, with every bone and every breath in my body.

I eventually snuggled into the duvet and dreamt of my man . . . and all the things he was going to do to me.


AFTER SPENDING THE morning shopping for food and some new lingerie to surprise Mason with, I met Kerrie for lunch. I was surprised how rough she looked when she joined me in the pub.

“Hey,” I said softly, kissing her on the cheek.

“Good to see you Ava, it seems ages since our last lunch,” she said quietly and I realised how tired she was.

“Oh Kerrie, why the hell didn’t you cancel? You look shattered.” I scowled at her but she just shrugged.

“I enjoy our lunches Ava, I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” She scowled back and we grinned at the waiter, Tristan. He was our regular waiter every time we came here and we had become quite friendly and chatty with him.

“Ava, Kerrie,” he smiled at us and then turned to me. “Do I need more paper, Ava?” He smirked and I narrowed my eyes on him as I snatched his little note book from him and faked counting the pages.

“Should be enough but you can use the back of your hand if not,” I pursed my lips in mock offense.

“Okay Ava, go for it.” He grinned and poised his pen.

“Right . . . gammon, two eggs, double chips, peas, carrots and mushrooms . . . oh and some garlic bread I think. Have you got any gherkins in today?”

He smiled slyly and nodded slowly, his tongue poking into his cheek.

“I’ll have some of those too then please.” I sighed happily at the thought of food and chuckled as my little peanuts kicked. “Ohhh, quick Kerrie.” I grabbed Kerrie’s hand, pushing it against my stomach and Tristan pushed her out of the way gently so he could cop a feel. I rolled my eyes as they both ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhhed’ over the babies’ gymnastics.

“What can I get you today, Kerrie?” Tristan asked and cocked his head sadly at her, obvious as well to how ill she looked today.

“Can I just have a fruit salad Tristan?” she asked and I sighed.

“Hun, why didn’t you say you weren’t feeling great? I could have brought lunch to you today.” I rested my hand over hers.

“Oh Ava, I am so sick of seeing my four walls,” she huffed and I nodded.

“Yeah, I know.”

She looked at Tristan. “Usual drinks Tristan, please.” He nodded and rubbed her arm kindly to show his sympathy and she smiled at him . . . I noticed they held eyes for a moment longer than normal and my own eyebrows rose.

“Okayyyyy.” I grinned at her when Tristan had left us to prepare our drinks.

“What?” she blushed furiously.

“Someone has the hots for youuuu,” I sang.

She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t be silly, Ava.” She blushed some more but gave me a little smirk.

“How’s things going with David?” I asked.

She huffed. “It’s not, I broke it off,” she declared, squaring her shoulders.

“What happened?”

“I caught him with someone else,” she said, anger flashing through her eyes. I bit my lip to bite back my rage.

“Fucking men!” I snarled.

“Yeah, I caught him humping someone called Steven in my bathroom,” she announced bluntly. I choked on the drink that Tristan had just put in front of us.

Me and Tristan stared at her with wide eyes. “What the hell?” Tristan and I puffed out loudly together.

She shrugged. “Yeah, It wouldn’t feel so bad if he hadn’t let himself and his boyfriend into
house and fucked on
bed!” she spat angrily.

“What a dick!” Tristan voiced. Kerrie and I nodded in agreement.

“Does Mason know?” I asked cautiously.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows. “What do you think Ava?” she snorted.

I frowned. “Do you want him to know?” I smirked as I caught her checking out Tristan’s backside as he walked away.

“No I don’t. The police will come knocking on my door not Mason’s.” She rubbed her eyes in exhaustion.

“When was the last time you saw Mason?” I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing Mason would be horrified to see her like this but she just shrugged and lowered her eyes. “That’s not like him,” I said perplexed.

“He’s busy.” She looked down at her plate as Tristan placed them down but I could sense her hurt.

“When Kerrie?” I asked more sternly.

“Middle of December sometime,” she divulged and my eyes widened.

“That’s not like him. Did he sort out the nurse he promised?”

She shook her head and popped a piece of apple in her mouth. “Ava, he’s busy . . . probably with his bitch.” She curled her lip and mine thinned.

“Do you know what’s going on his life at the moment?” I asked around a mouth-watering piece of gammon and she shrugged again. “Kerrie, who’s been caring for you after your chemo sessions?” I asked slowly already knowing the answer.

She looked down at her plate—again, avoiding my eyes. “Ava, I’m fine honestly,” she sighed.

I bit my lip in anger. “No Kerrie, you’re not fine! Why the hell didn’t you ring me? I would be more than happy to help!”

“Ava, you have your own life to take care of and it can’t be easy for you, losing Mason to that . . . that bitch!”

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