The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (191 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Yes—you can. Just a little longer, baby. I want more of you first.”

His tongue now proceeded to fuck me relentlessly. There was no gentleness in his oral pursuit; it was pure pleasure seeking for both of us. “I need it now, Mason, please.”

He growled as he inserted another finger into me, removed his mouth from my pussy and bit into the flesh on my thigh at the same time as fingering me hard and deep.

My body exploded in pleasure. My eyes rolled, my breath stuck in my throat prior to bursting forth in a scream of ecstasy as I climaxed violently and extensively.

“Fuck, yes. Knees.” He demanded as he rose to his feet and I sunk to my knees. “Open that delicious mouth, baby.”

He grabbed my hair and thrust his rock solid cock into my mouth. I knew what he wanted so I kept my head still but closed my lips over him tightly. His hands manipulated each movement of my plunges on him as he kept a tight rein on my head, not allowing me any give as he fucked my mouth hard and fast with deep thrusts of his hips.

Within seconds he was swelling and exploding vehemently down my throat as he shouted my name viciously; anger and passion forcing its way through him and erupting with his loud shout.

“Christ, Ava.” He panted as he palmed the counter to support his trembling legs. He grinned down at me as a dribble of his cum slid down my chin and landed on my breast. “You save that for me, baby?”

I gave him a brazen smile as he slid to his knees before me and his tongue swept out to catch his own sperm. He licked his lips after then took me in a hard kiss before he slowed to a tender loving proper English snog. “I love you so much, Ava.”

I sighed in contentment; those words were my personal boost pill. Every time they left his lips, they were said with a fierce truth, a severe implication of deep love to them and said with such importance that they warmed my heart. “And me, you.” I whispered as I always did.

Chapter 3


“YOU GONNA TELL me the truth now?” I asked her as I palmed her cheeks gently.

She sighed, again . . .
She was really pissing me off now and she realised it as she scanned my face. “Mason, I . . .”

The door decided to open to Sam and Greg and I growled out a halt to them whilst Ava slipped her dress back on. “It’s about time you started fucking knocking” I bellowed at them but Greg just laughed at me.

Fair enough it was nothing he hadn’t seen before as we regularly joined him and Courtney in a foursome, but it was the fact that this was my fucking home, not just business and they needed to learn some God damn respect.

Ava nodded and smiled before she slid from the kitchen and I grit my teeth at my lost chance of cornering her.

“Office” I barked at the guys as Brad, one of my new guys, and Brian joined the others, without knocking of course.

It was something that needed to be addressed and it was the first point of the morning as I entered my office behind them and shut the door so Ava couldn’t pick up the topic that we needed to discuss.

“You all need to learn to fucking knock.” I eyed each of them and they all gave me a nod apart from Greg who barked out a chuckle again. I slowly swung my eyes round to him as I sucked air through my teeth to stop me from knocking his face through the wall. “You got a problem with fisting my front door, Greg?”

He narrowed his eyes on me and held up his hands in submission as he shook his head, “Wow, serious mood today, eh?”

Christ, I was gonna rip this man’s fucking head off any minute.

Sam was shrewd enough to stand and glare at Greg before he turned to me, “We’ll start knocking Mase, sorry.”

I nodded and sighed as I slipped into my desk chair. “We need to sort this shit out.” Sam nodded again as I turned to Greg, “I need Lucas in and Elijah.”

He stared at me with a frown. “No offence, Mase but what’s Lucas gonna do? He’s like a gay bulldog, Willow has more punch.”

“That’s for me to worry about, Greg.” He looked affronted at his exclusion but he was wise enough not to voice his displeasure.

“All’s good.” Sam answered.

“You need to get your men on 24 hour watch, Brad.” He nodded firmly in reply; his taciturn demeanour had made me like him immediately when we met. This man had been the best recommendation Gary’s dad, Liam, had forwarded on.

Gary Thornton and Ava had become close in the previous few years and his parents had taken Ava in as one of their own and as a result of their friendship I had been introduced to Gary’s dad, Liam Thornton, head of MI5. Yes, that had been a wonderful revelation and we’d had some wonderful discussions, sometimes quite informative for both of us, and he had proceeded to recommend various people that wanted on my payroll, Brad being one of them and as an ex member of the MI5 he was a great addition to my team.

I turned to Brian, “You need to keep your ear down and pick up any . . .”

The door swung open and Ava walked in with a tray of coffee and pastries. “You need to learn to fucking knock, baby.”

Her eyes widened at my tone but I stared her out, she was another person who didn’t know how to enter places properly.

Everybody’s eyes rolled to gape at me but I wasn’t in the mood to yield. I tipped my head at her and lifted a brow when she narrowed her eyes on me but her eyes scanned the room at the others before she wisely decided not to humiliate me in front of them.

Her chest expanded as she drew in a heavy breath and my gaze dropped to her large breasts, their perfectness expanding as her lungs inflated.

“I’m going out.” She said rigidly as she shouted at me through her glare.

“What happened to the headache?”

Her tongue rolled over her top teeth in her anger but she still fought it back, “There are these little white pills called paracetamol, Mason. Wonderful things, you should try them.”


She was out of the room in seconds as I circled her waist with an arm and pulled her through the door before I slammed it shut to the guys eavesdropping and pinned her to the wall.

She lowered her eyes so I grasped her chin and made her gaze meet mine. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you lately but not in front of the guys, baby. That I won’t stand for, you know it.”

She shrugged, “But it’s okay for you to demean me in front of them? This is my God damn home!” she spat angrily.

I narrowed my eyes and tried to read her face but she was just too angry for me to see anything else. “Not—in—front—of—the—guys.” I repeated.

She squirmed under me as I planted a tender kiss to her forehead, “You understand?”


Wow! Discipline and behaviour would be discussed in the bedroom tonight. No way would she be getting away with this.

I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath to calm my rage. “Tonight, baby. Kerrie can have the kids and me and you are fucking talking. Make sure you don’t make plans.”

“I’m going out tonight” She replied quickly and I frowned. It was rare Ava went anywhere at night. She usually stayed in with the twins whilst I did the rounds of the clubs and other stuff.

“No, baby. You’re not listening.”

“For Christ’s sake Mason, it’s you who isn’t listening, I am going out. You can watch Katie and Georgie for a change. I have a life as well.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

She exhaled heavily as her eyes fired angrily, “Me? You need to learn to respect me, Mason. After eight years you still treat me like one of your damn men. I have made arrangements, deal with it.”


I grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them above her head. “Enough! Now!”

She knew she had gone too far when her gaze dropped to the floor and she nodded slightly. “I’m sorry.”

I relaxed my hold on her and palmed her cheek before I slid my hand round into her soft curls. “We need to talk, Ava. I won’t let our relationship slip away until we have a huge problem. We talk, tonight.”

She sighed but nodded, “Fine.”

“Good girl, now kiss me.”

Her lips twitched as she fought the smile. I didn’t fight mine as she reached up to me and planted her soft pliant lips over mine. I let out a small groan as I always did when she kissed me, I couldn’t help it, it was involuntary; the same as my blood always sank to my cock simultaneously.

“I love you, baby” I whispered against her mouth.

She nodded and palmed my cheek, “I know you do, Mason.”

She planted a small kiss on my lips before she turned and descended the stairs.

I watched her retreat and I didn’t miss the fact that she hadn’t returned my words.

* * *

“You know what confidential means Lucas?”

He stared at me as we entered the building, “Yeah Mason, I know what confidential means and funnily enough, I’m okay with that. Why I would want to discuss
with anyone is beyond me.”

I narrowed my eyes on him, “You have a problem with

He barked out a sarcastic laugh. “No” he relented with a slight shake of his head.

The foyer was full of angry women and I frowned as I walked into the middle of them and turned to Tracey. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Wendy’s buggered off.”


I looked at Olga and tipped my head towards Lucas, “Take him up to my office.”

She nodded once and gestured for Lucas to follow her as I held my hand up to the enraged assembly. “Shut—the—fuck–up!”

They all quietened and looked at me and I turned back to Tracey. “Any excuse why she went?”

She raised her perfectly manicured brows at me and I sighed and nodded. There was only one person who could fill in her position and I fucked myself inwardly for what I was about to do. “I’ll sort it within the end of the day.”

Tracey nodded and I trusted her to pacify the girls. “And the other situation?” she asked with a cringe.

I understood her worry and I smiled at her and held each of them at my attention “That’s sorted too. Security will be moving in tonight so don’t worry, okay?”

They each nodded but I could still read their hesitancy and I was with them all on this. “Don’t worry girls, the protection I’m bringing in are professional and highly trained. Nothing more will happen here.”

They seemed more placated with this and I could hear their mumbles as I entered my office down the hallway.

Lucas eyed me sceptically as I walked in. I nodded to Olga who returned my nod and disappeared through the door.

“I want you to access CCTV and any e-mails that were forwarded from here and then deleted. I need you to find if anything suspicious is happening within these four walls. Look through the bookings or request logs and see if you find anything that looks dodgy, then I need you to set up firewalls, new passwords and any other security on my internal tech stuff.”

“That’s all fine but I need something to work with Mason, anything you can tell me that will help my search and what it is I’m even looking for.”

I debated how much to tell him. Lucas’s wife and my best friend, Layla, was close to Ava and if this got back to her, my marriage was over.

“You don’t need to know anymore. Just anything that pops out as unusual or something repetitive that doesn’t seem right.”

He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes but nodded, “Fine, but cos’ I don’t exactly know what to look for it could take a while.”

I nodded, “That’s fine, Nate knows I have you here and he’s good with it. For some reason he says he has a new tech guy going in for a few weeks so he doesn’t need you.”

Lucas frowned and pursed his lips, “That must be why Kade’s in then.”


He frowned at me. “Didn’t Ava tell you? Kade’s in, that’s why she’s resigned.”

What the fuck!

I didn’t give him chance to say anymore, I was out of the door and climbing into my car within the minute.

My wife had some serious explaining to do.

Chapter 4


“PERFECT” OWEN SMILED proudly at me as Courtney clapped from where she was propped up at the bar in The Black Panther, hiccupping with a smile after taste testing my many attempts at various cocktails. “You see, Ava, you got the hang of it. You’ll mostly be waiting tables but it will help if you can serve as well.”

I nodded happily and smiled as William approached us with an equally wide smile. “Ava, sweetheart, you do know the uniform is compulsory don’t you?”

I nodded and grinned with excitement as William held up a Black Panther uniform in my size. “And Mason will be okay with you wearing this?” he asked sceptically. He knew my husband inside out.

I shrugged, “I need the job William, so . . .”

He grimaced but nodded. “I’ll let you tell him then” he laughed and I smirked at his cunning. “Can you start tonight?”

Mason’s demand bounced around the obedient parts of my brain but the defiant part smiled in glee, my excitement at my new job pushing me to accept. “Sure, what time?”


I nodded happily as I took the uniform from William and studied it. Mason would freak if he saw me in this. I looked at Courtney, “Can I come to yours from here?”

She nodded and clapped her hands. “We haven’t done an afternoon together for ages.”

I grinned in return. She was right. I missed my best friend and our time together but it wasn’t always that easy to find time together when we both had families.

I needed to sort out childcare on a regular basis and a thought popped into my head.

“Kerrie” I greeted Mason’s sister when she answered her phone.

“Hey, sweetie” she smiled down the phone.

“How do you fancy a job? Fulltime.”

She was silent in her confusion so I filled her in on my new job and she accepted immediately. “God, I would love to. You know I enjoy spending time with them.”

“Can you start today?” I asked hesitantly but she accepted and told me she would pick Katie and George up from school.


* * *

“Something funny is going off with our men” Courtney said as she narrowed her eyes in thought and I frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you noticed how they’re whispering and hiding stuff? Mason called an emergency meeting this morning and everybody went running.”

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