The Officer and the Traveler (33 page)

Read The Officer and the Traveler Online

Authors: Rose Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Military, #Westerns

BOOK: The Officer and the Traveler
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Of course,” she murmured with a touch of a smile that didn’t meet her eyes. Forget that, it barely spread her cheeks.

I have something to tell you,” Gray whispered.

Good. Because I have something to ask you.” She placed her hand in the crook of his arm.

Oh you do, do you?”

Now isn’t the time,” she said a moment later.

The walk back to their room seemed almost like an eternity as he searched his mind for the right thing to say to her once they arrived.

When the time came, he had nothing. Letting her inside, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss.

She pulled away. “Gray, what are you doing?”

I lied.”


When I said I had something to tell you, I lied.” He couldn’t tell her, he needed to

Oh. Well, I didn’t lie when I said I had something to ask you.”

Why did he get the feeling he didn’t want to know what she wanted to ask? “You can ask whatever you want later.” His stomach dropped to his knees. That was his biggest problem. Later, later, later. He was always putting her off by discounting what she had to say or telling her he’d discuss it with her later. “I’m sorry. What was it you wanted to know?”

She traced his collar. “It can wait.”

No, ask now.”

She looked up at him, her face bathed in the moonlight that spilled in from the break in the
curtains. “No. It can wait. It

Are you in some sort of trouble?”

No. I just need your help.”

And you’re not so angry with me about earlier today that you still want to ask?” He held his breath in anticipation of her answer.

No, I’m not.” Her answer was so quiet Gray almost missed it.

Gray reached for her hand and led her to sit down on the edge of the bed. He lit a candle than sank down to his knees in front of her.

The uncertainty that covered her face caused his words to lodge in his throat. He knew he’d hurt her with his actions and wanted, no
to start over. He just hadn’t imagined it’d be so hard. He brushed back a fallen lock of her soft hair. His fingers were reluctant to release it. He itched to bury both of his hands into her mass of hair. Soon. First, he needed to show her exactly how much she meant to him.

Locking gazes with her, he raised his hands to that delicate bow at the top of her bodice and slipped it free.

She swallowed and pushed his hand away. “Don’t.”



Tears stung Michaela’s eyes as she nodded her confirmation, not trusting her voice. She blinked back the tears. All the advice she’d received tonight from the other ladies was irrelevant. She couldn’t scorn him as a way to punish
entice him. Nor did she have interest in making herself available to him and seduce him into her bidding. Her body’s response to him wasn’t something she could control. It was natural. Something about him and him alone melted her and drew her to him all at the same time, always craving more of that feeling he ignited within her until she embarrassed herself—something that would likely happen if she didn’t stop him now.

If she let him help her undress, an innocent enough task, she was certain the pattern would continue: overwhelming feelings of love and desire for the blasted man would well up inside her and she’d become so lost that her body would react to him and he’d once again be reminded what a shameless wanton she was.

Still kneeling in front of her, he lowered his hands to rest on her knees. “Michaela.” His voice was both husky and raw, matching the naked emotion in his hooded blue-green eyes. He moved his hands slowly from her knee up along her thigh and to her waist, his touch scorching her even through multiple layers of clothing.

Her breath hitched and anger boiled up inside her. Was he trying to provoke her? Did he intend to embarrass her? She covered his hands with hers set to push him away again.

Trust me,” he whispered, leaning his face closer to hers. “Please.”

Then, he brought his lips to hers.

She stilled, a war raging inside her between the feelings she could hardly resist and the truth she knew.

Kiss me,” he murmured against her mouth. He idly rubbed her sides just above her hips with his strong fingers; his warm lips still moving over hers.

With every touch, a little more of her resolve melted. She firmed her lips to strengthen it, but when he framed her face with his big hands and licked across her sealed lips, she gasped his name.

Gray immediately took advantage of the edge she’d just afforded him and parted her lips with his, drawing her bottom lip between his lips and gingerly sucking it into his mouth. Her blood ran hot and cold at the same time and she gripped his shoulders.

What are you doing?” she breathed, pulling away.

Gray brushed his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Loving you.”

Blood thundered in Michaela’s ears, her body going numb. “Wh-what did you just say?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.

Gray’s throat worked. “I’m not good at finding the right words, Michaela.” A frown touched his face. “At least not where you’re concerned. I always say the wrong thing to you, so let me show you what you mean to me another way.”

Another way?”

He nodded and moved his hands down to the buttons on the bodice of her dress. “Yes, a way that I think we’ll both understand.”

Instinctively, she covered his hands with hers once again, but this time she didn’t push him away. Not yet. “You don’t think I’m—I’m—I’m
” she whispered, blushing.

No.” He pulled his hands out from under hers and continued to work the buttons on her bodice. “I think your reactions are perfectly normal for a woman in love with her husband.” A chill ran over her and it had nothing to do with the fact he’d just undone the final button that was right above her waist. He knew that she loved him? His eyes stayed locked with hers, and he gripped the caps of her sleeves then pushed the top of her gown from her shoulders. “Which is certainly to my good fortune since my feelings for you are exactly the same.”

A shiver skated down her spine at his declaration.

At his urging, she clumsily stood and allowed Gray to continue undressing her with the same deliberate care he’d exhibited on their wedding night. When she was clad in only her chemise, he stepped back and raked her with his gaze. Another shiver stole down her spine. This one not nearly as delicious as the last. Was he about to change his mind again and humiliate her once more? Suddenly, her chemise didn’t seem like enough and she felt very cold and vulnerable.

You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever lain eyes on.”

The longing in his voice washed away every ounce of her vulnerability and doubt. She boldly took a step toward him. “I believe you’re a bit overdressed, Captain,” she murmured, pressing her lips to his.

He let out a groan and cupped her face with his hands. A good sign, she’d say.

Not breaking their kiss, she began undoing the buttons that went down the front of his shirt. When she was halfway down, she reluctantly moved her lips from his and kissed her way down his chin and to his neck then onto the skin of his chest she’d just exposed.

She took a measure of pride in the way his skin leapt and tightened under her kisses. Then another when he growled in what appeared to be frustration at her going so slow. She bit back a smile and continued until he couldn’t take it any longer and ripped his own shirt off.

Michaela cast him a coy smile and put her hands on his shoulders. Without a hint of shame or modesty, she moved her hands over his muscled shoulders and chest, taking time to learn every groove and plane. Slowly, she moved lower.

Gray’s rippling muscles flexed and she pulled her hand back. “I’m sorry. I momentarily forgot about your injury.”

Gray reached for her hands and placed one in the center of his hard stomach. “You’re all right.” He winked. “But you could go lower.”

She batted her eyelashes at him. “I can?”

A predatory grin split his handsome face. “It’s encouraged.”

She would have laughed were she not suddenly so nervous. Which was silly. She’d seen him naked before. They’d even shared intimacies on their wedding night. Why was it so different now?

As if sensing her hesitancy, Gray encircled her wrist and guided her hand down to the waistband of his trousers.

She froze, debating what to do. Last time she hadn’t touched that part of him and she had no idea what to do. With a swallow, she moved her hand lower, cupping him.

He exhaled, his body tightening.

She licked her lips, emboldened. “I take it you like that.”

Can’t you tell?” he said with a grunt.

Michaela ran her fingertips down his hardened length. “I think so.”

You think so?” he choked. “I’m about to burst the seams in my trousers and you
you know how much I long for you?”

Ah, is that what that is,” she teased, giving him a squeeze. “Evidence of your arousal?”

He sucked in a harsh breath. “No. It’s evidence my desire for
and you alone.”

She loved the way he spoke those words almost as much as the man himself. She gave him another squeeze before moving to the fastenings of his trousers.

It took but a few seconds to work them loose and have Gray standing naked before her. She took a moment to appreciate his chiseled body. Only a few outlines of bruises still covered his skin and a slight bulge where he’d broken his ribs. Other than that, there was no sign that this virile specimen had been nearly sent to his grave just two weeks prior.

His waist was trim and lean, his legs thick and well-muscled. Even his erection looked imposing jutting out from a thick nest of curly black hair.

She blushed, eliciting a deep, rich chuckle from her husband. Straightening, she took a step backward suddenly very aware of her own desires. One of which was for her husband to look upon her in much the same manner as she was seeing him.

Releasing her last vulnerability and hesitation, she took hold of the thin straps of her chemise and began lowering it. She watched his face as she went about her task. His jaw was clenched, the muscles in his face tight and his throat was working convulsively. Michaela commanded her hands to stay steady as she brought the top of her chemise below her breasts. Nervous excitement coursed through her, spurred on by the intense look on Gray’s face. He hadn’t looked at her thus on their wedding night. She’d have remembered if he had.

Michaela continued to move her chemise down until she reached her waist, then with one, quick breath, she released her hold on the straps and let it pool into a puddle of cotton and lace at her feet, revealing herself completely to Gray.

Instantly, he was in front of her, kissing her. His hands found her hair, and began freeing it from its confines until it all spilled down over her shoulders.

He deepened their kiss. Michaela mirrored his actions and became breathless when Gray pulled back and hauled her onto the bed. He wasted no time in joining her. His lips on hers and his hands roaming her body. She pressed her swollen breast into his palm. He gave her a firm yet gentle squeeze. His warm lips now kissing their way down to her other breast.

Anticipation swirled within her as his lips moved closer and closer toward the crest of her breast. She arched her back, praying he’d have mercy on her. He didn’t. He kissed all around the softness of her breast before his lips finally captured her nipple. She gasped, her hands flying to the back of his head as if she could hold him there. She threaded her fingers between his thick locks, curling them as he continued to lavish attention on her right breast. Then a few moments later, he was giving the same gentle attentions to the other.

He skated his right hand down her body, the rough calluses of his palm rubbing against her skin nearly set her on fire. He reached her hip, alerting her to the strange feeling building in her just a little lower. He ran his finger over her hipbone and into the natural dip that lie between her hip and her womanly core.

Gray pressed warm kisses down her breast, then to the sides and along the under curve as he trailed his fingers through her springy curls. “Gray,” she said on a gasp.

He murmured her name against her skin and brushed her delicate core with his thumb. Her body jerked in response.

Trust me,” he whispered, repeating his touch.

She closed her eyes. “I do.”

Good,” he murmured, shifting his hand lower. He ran a finger over her most intimate place, then pushed his finger inside.

An involuntary gasp crossed her lips. Then again when he repeated the movement. He lightly nipped the sensitive skin on her side just above her hip and she pulled her hands from his hair and gripped his shoulders. Hard. His movements sped in time with hot sparks that shot through her body, giving her both a spray of tingles throughout and a knot of unnameable pressure in her lower abdomen.

Then he stopped.

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