The O'Malley Brides (18 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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“Tess?”  Rory stood quietly waiting at her open door, his hand extended.  Her bag was slung over his shoulder.  “Come
on Babe, before the headlights g
o off.”

Tess took his hand.  N
o was not an option at this point, and she knew it.  His patience was a f
açade.  I
f she were to utter the word he would pull her out of the car.  Within
moments his hands would stroke
away her resistance
as though
it had never been born.  His lips would silence her doubts with humiliating ease and she would be lost anyway. 

Rory guided Tess in the back doo
r, through the kitchen and
down the hall into his bedroom. Setting her bag down
he helped her out of her coat and tossed it onto a chair in the corner.  Gatheri
ng a few items from the master
he quickly snagge
d his robe from behind the door and a pair of pajama bottoms from his dresser drawer
and threw them on the bed

“You can use this
I’ll use the
one down the hall.  I think you’ll find everything you need in there but if not, just yell,” he stated, watching her closely.   “Is there something you need to say?”

“No…I just thought maybe you would show me your home,” Tess answered tentatively.

, you’ll have plenty to time to investigate the whole damn house from top to bottom,” he promised with a grin.  “Just not tonight,” he warned as he walked to her, pulled her tightly agains
t him and kissed her deeply, his
tongue lightly tasting her lips. 

When he released her
bent and put her bag on the bed
.  H
er shaking finger
struggled with the zipper on her bag until he finally moved her aside and opened it himself.  Reaching in
she grabbed her toiletries
oversized night shirt and a pair of panties which Rory immediately removed from her hand.

“No panties. Not tonight or any night, unless you’re sick or it’s your time of the month,” he informed her.  Closing her mouth with a finger under he
chin, he turned her in the direction of the bathroom and gave her a little smack on the bottom.  “Go.”

Tess went.


Rory showered and shaved quickly, slapping on some cologne before he returned to the bedroom
.  He could hear
water running in th
e bathroom
and figured he had plenty of time to change the sheets, which he did with military precision.  Checking the drawer in his nightstand, he made sure he had condoms and lube as well a few new toys he had picked up recently.
For a mome
nt he debated slipping his hand
cuffs into the drawer but decided a couple of silk ties would work just as well if he needed them and be softer on Tess’s skin.  Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, but he wasn’t above using them if she
gave him any trouble.  Rory fully intended to make love to Tess many times throughout the night and he had no desire to
chase her around the bedroom.  Tess would not be allowed to hide from him either physically or emotionally.  If he had to
he would bind her to his side.  He was staking his claim in every way possible. If she couldn’t handle it, they would talk about it tomorrow, but for tonight, this one priceless evening, she would be his.


Tess dallied in the bathroom,
stalling as long as she could.  She heard
Rory in
the bedroom humming.  Humming!
Here she was a nervous wreck and he was humming.  Talk about
annoying.  Reaching into her bag, Tess took out her favorite lotion and began smoothing it
her skin.  In the shower, Tess had used an exfoliating gel wanting her skin to be baby soft.  After shaving her legs and underarms, she impulsively and carefully shaved her entire pubic area.  Now, standing in front of the big mirror in Rory’s bathroom, she had never felt more naked and exposed.  Quickly she pulled on her oversized nightshirt, tugging it as low on her thighs as possible.  After brushing her teeth she stood there
staring at her reflection, chewing on her fingernail and taking deep breaths.  Every little movement reminded Tess of her bare pussy and the sensiti
vity was incredible.  Why
had she done
such a thing? 
would see every little quiver, each drop of moisture.  There would be no way she could hide her response from him.  Even now warmth flooded her body and she could feel the dampness on her thighs.  Tess dropp
ed her head into her hands and
when Rory tapped on the door.

“Come on
Rory called out, his voice deep and insistent.  “I don’t want to drag you out of there, but I will.”

Walking to the door, Tess leaned against it, her cheek pressed to the wood.  There was no way out of here except for the door.  No escape would be possible.  Stiffening her spine, Tess switched off the light and eased open the door. 

The candlelight surprised her as did the
soft music coming from another part of th
e house.  Rory wore sleep pants that rode low on
his hips.  His massive chest was bare, his dark hair slicked back and still damp from his shower.  Rory’s eyes were hungry, his stance deceiving.  She knew from experience that although he stood calmly by the bed, she would never get by him.  Despite his si
ze, he had excellent reflexes and it would be ridiculously easy for him to catch her.  Trembling
she took a step closer, watching him warily, wondering if her desire would override her fear.  In the end it didn’t matter anyway.

Rory watched her inch h
er way into the room.  He could smell the light floral scent she favored.  His chest clenched in pain at the panicked look on her face.   She was making this much harder that it had to be
he decided
and in two long strides he had her in his arms, ignoring her squeak of surprise.  Sitting on the bed
he settled her onto his lap, holding her close and rubbing her back.

Tess sighed and rested her head on Rory’s shoulder. His warmth seeped into her and the tremors abated as she snuggled closer.

you smell good
, Babe
,” he whispered into her hair.  “Tess, listen to me.  I want tonight to be special for both of us and because of that, I need to know how much experience you
actually have?  I would never hurt you, but I don’t want to scare you to
death either.  How many lovers have you had Tess?”

Tess shifted uncomfortable on his lap.  Rory supported her with one arm and us
ed the other to gently stroke
her arm soothingly.  After several minut
es he moved his hand to her legs
, sli
ding up and down the silky limbs
, marveling at their softness.
When she didn’t answer after several minutes, Rory
slid his hand all the way up her thigh and settled it there as Tess squirmed to put a little space between them.

“Well?” he insisted, his fingers beginning to drum against her thigh in frustration.

,” she told him stubbornly, “I am

Rory snorted, scooped her
into his arms and tossed her on the bed
.  “Very funny,” he told her as he stretched out beside her, his
leg thrown over both of hers keeping her pinned in place.  “Look Babe, I don’t care if you’ve had 100 lovers before me.  I plan on being the last anyway.  I do
get the feeling that they may not have been very…imaginative.  I doubt you’ve been spanked before and judging by your reaction to me t
he morning
after the wedding
it seems pretty clear you have not been
involved in any
type of dominant
/submissive relationships.

Have you had anal sex?  Have you tried bondage?  Do you like oral?”

Rory,” Tess stammered, as she brought both of her hands up over her ears and blushed fiercely.  “Must you be so crude?”

“Apparently, if I am to get any helpful information out of you, my love,” he smiled at her discomfort and nipped her shoulder.  “Look, we have all night,” he told her rubbing her abdomen in small circles while she quivered under his touch.  “I can spend hours teasing and prying every little thing out of you, or you can be a big girl and just answer the questions.”

“Okay,” she hissed back.  “No, no, no, no and sort of,” she answered
each of his questions permanently etched into her mind by a white hot flame.

“What does

sort of

mean?” he inquired as he slowly pushed her nightshirt higher with each rub.

“It means that I do not mind giving you oral sex,” Tess sighed, avoiding his eyes.

“I asked you if you liked oral sex, not if you enjoyed giving it.”

“I am not sure,” Tess replied trying to wiggle away to no avail.  “I do not know,” she finally admitted.

Rory grinned evilly.  “Oh Babe,” he sighed in delight.  “You’re gonna be fun.”  Sliding his hand higher he
ped her breast
feeling her nipple rise to the occasion.  Moving to her other breast he repeated the caress adding a plucking motion to the tight bud once it had sprung forth

“Do you have a dildo?” he questioned, never taking his eyes off her expressive face.

“Wha…What?” she asked breathlessly as she arched her back seeking firmer contact with his hand.

“Do you have a dildo,” he drawled, “or a vibrator?  It’s a pretty common item

“I… yes,” she moaned as his lips claimed one nipple
firmly while h
is hand continued to pluck and worry the other.  “Vibrator,” Tess panted.

“Go and
get it,” he ordered gently
removing his lips
from her breast.  Rory resumed
kissing and sucking across her collarbone until he reached her neck.


Raising his head Rory pinned her with his eyes.  “Go and get your vibrator

Tess shook her head.  It was embarrassing enough to admit she had one, but she damn well was not going to show it to him.

Pulling her onto her side, Rory gathered her close, his
hand rubbing her back soothingly before firmly
grasping her bottom.
  Tess hid her face against his chest struggling to hold firm to her refusal.

“The way I see it you
have a couple of options here, S
weetheart.  You can get out of this bed and go do as I asked, or I can warm you pretty little bottom for you.
  You will still get out
of bed
and get your vibrator, but you will be doing it with a hot
red ass.  Now, you

Tess shoved hard against his shoulder and scrambled from the bed.  Stomping to the bathroom she flipped on the light and dug through her bag until she found
her toy and stomped back to the bed.

“Here,” she snapped, slapping the distasteful item into Rory’s outstretched hand.  She crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping silently against the carpet,

“Thank you,” he told her smiling.  Rory inspected the small inexpensive toy.  Pink hard plastic, it was about five inches long and maybe an inch around.  Not very impressive as vibrators went, it had two speeds, slow and slower.  After he’d sent her to get it
he had a nightmare vision of
Tess returning with a massive
tool.  Some he’d seen would intimidate even the
Thankfully, this was not one of them.

Tess continued t
o glare at him, her ardor cooling fast
.  How dare he embarrass her in this way?

“Pretty small isn’t it?”  Rory observed tongue in cheek.

“It does the job,” Tess shot back sarcastically.

“Not anymore,” he calmly told her as he pitched the toy across the room.  They both heard it crack when it hit the wall.  Quickly taking advantage of her surprise, Rory snag
ged her hand and pulled
her next
to the bed.  “Take it off,” he ordered, indicating her nightshirt.

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