The Panty Whisperer: The Complete Series (36 page)

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The boys saunter over to us, and we walk out toward the cars. I stare at the Mustang. It's become my baby now, much to the chagrin of Joel. He humors me, but I don't mind teasing him a little bit.

I stare at the sharp curves of his beautiful car as the light from the parking lot reflects off of the shiny paint. So much power under one hood.

Joel walks up next to me, and I feel his hand slide down into mine. Our fingers intertwine. No matter where we are it feels perfect. He's perfect.

We take a few more steps. Megan and Tommy are play fighting about his behavior in the theater. All at once, Joel's fingers threaten to break the bones in my hand as he grips my hand tight.

"What the fuck!" His scream echoes through the parking lot, stopping the rest of us in his tracks.

I try to make out what's going on, what he's yelling about, when he takes off running. Pure instinct kicks in, and I take off behind him. Someone is yanking furiously on the handle to his car and a host of profane threats come from Joel's mouth.

Oh shit. They fucked with his car.

I'm on his heels and see someone step out in front of the Mustang in a Sith robe, dressed as the emperor.

What in the fuck is going on here?

Joel slows down to a jog but is heading right for the shadowy figure. Before I know what's happening, I launch past Joel and tackle the guy. We crash to the ground and my fists start flying out of nowhere as the guy covers his face with his arms. My blows are all connecting with his forearms but he's not going anywhere.

"Quinn! What the hell?" Joel's words come from behind me, but I'm too focused on beating this guy's ass. I'm not sure if I'm trying to protect the car or Joel. Everything is a blur.

"Dude, what the fuck, Joel? You didn't pay me enough for this shit!" says the hooded man.

I freeze up and stop my assault on the guy. "Who the hell are you?"

"Joel, a little fucking help here. Please. She hits like a fucking man!" The guy is shaking underneath me, and I can hear Joel laughing his ass off behind me.

I spring to my feet and flip around, staring lasers at the three of them. "What the fuck is going on?" My eyes start to sting when Joel takes a step toward me.

He's trying not to laugh. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd react like that. I'm trying to find the words right now."

"What's happening?" The collar of my shirt seems to tighten around my neck, cutting off my air supply.

Megan is standing by Tommy, who still has his mask on, and she's smiling, grinning a big cheesy grin. I turn back to Joel. "What is this?"

"That's Brock, from my office. I paid him to pretend like he was stealing my car." He smiles.

"But why? And why the fuck is he dressed like Palpatine?"

"We were supposed to have a light saber fight that we choreographed and rehearsed. But you went all Ronda Rousey on him."

"So, it was just for fun then? Just as a joke?" I turn to Brock. "I'm so sorry. Seriously, I didn't know."

Brock looks at me. "It's okay. But you should turn back around."

"What? Why?" I flip around. "Why did you—"

Joel is on one knee a few feet away from me and a heat wave rushes over me so hard I get dizzy. My face heats up like embers in a fire. I cover my eyes with both hands but then peek between my fingers as Joel extends his arm toward me, holding a solitaire diamond ring.

"So I can ask you something."

"A-a-ask me what?"

You bumbling fool, Quinn.

"Ask you to join me. And together we can rule the galaxy as husband and wife."

I don't think I've ever cried at a fucking
Star Wars
quote in my life, but this one does me in. I'm an official mess.

"Will you marry me?" His eyes and his bright white teeth are on full display as he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

I can't speak. Every nerve in my body is firing off at random, like celebratory gunfire. I drop my hands from my face, smile, and nod furiously at him. I take a step over and he slips the ring onto my finger.

I look over and Kylo Ren and Rey are both clutching their hands across their chests and swooning. I'm sure Tommy's antics are sarcasm. I hope anyway.

Once the ring is on, I run my other fingers over it. It's perfect.

Joel stands up and puts his palms on each side of my face, and stares into my eyes. "I love you."

I gaze back at him, the man who is everything I've ever wanted. "I know."






Novels by Sloane Howell


The Matriarch
: An Erotic Superhero Romance

The Matriarch Trilogy, Book 1


Betrayal is easy, sex is a weapon, and information is power. Maggie Madison sits in the lofty towers of her city during the day, but at night she lurks the seedy underbelly, looking to snare the man who stole her innocence. Her simple quest becomes complicated when she meets a man who is as light as she is dark, as straightforward as she is deceptive. When a villain rises and sets her world alight, she must weigh her need for revenge against the good of the city she vowed to protect. 


Cleat Chaser

Co-authored with Celia Aaron


Kyrie Kent hates baseball. She hates players even more. When her best friend drags her to a Ravens game, she spends the innings reading a book… Until she gets a glimpse of the closer—a pitcher who draws her like a magnet. Fighting her attraction to Easton Holliday is easy. All she has to do is keep her distance, avoid the ballpark, and keep her head down. At least, all that would have worked, but Easton doesn't intend to let Kyrie walk so easily. When another player vies for Kyrie's attention, Easton will swing for the fences. But will Kyrie strike him out or let him steal home?


Coming Summer 2016

The Matriarch Trilogy, Book 2


Coming Summer 2016

Cleat Catcher (Co-authored with Celia Aaron)


Coming Winter 2016

The Matriarch Trilogy, Book 3



Shorts and Novellas by Sloane Howell


Chloe Comes For Christmas, An Erotic Holiday Novella


James lives in the friend zone. His best friend and fraternity brother Mark, the All-American cornerback, has always found a way to get the girl going back to their teens. When James meets Chloe first and falls for her, Mark swoops in once again. 


This time is different though. James has his sights on teaching them both a lesson for making him look the fool. 




Bad Boy Revelation

The Alpha Bad Boy Series, Book 1


Daddy told me not to even look at the man in the corner. He's troubled he said. I wanted to do more than look at him. 


I grew up in the church. I was raised better. And I was broken. Oh, was I ever broken. I had a sexual appetite that couldn't be filled. A thirst in me that only sin could quench. I needed him, the man in the corner, to claim me, dominate me, own me. 


I'd do whatever it took. Goad him if necessary. I needed that man like I needed air or water. I needed the bad boy. 


Bad Boy Prospect

The Alpha Bad Boy Series, Book 2


Fighting, f***ing, and winning. It's what I do and nobody will stand in my way. It's how I live my life on the field and in the bedroom. I make hitters fear me. If they're scared, it gives me an advantage, and I capitalize on it. People say I have an attitude problem, that I'm a bad boy. It's exactly what I want them to think. 


Until I meet Elizabeth, the psychiatrist Coach makes me see. She specializes in pro athletes. There's something about her. Maybe she'll be the one who finally cuts through my layers and sees the real me. Who knows?


Bad Boy Brawler

The Alpha Bad Boy Series, Book 3


Devyn O'Dare is the Ultra MMA world heavyweight champion. He destroys opponents. He doesn't like to be in the public eye. One day he makes a bad decision that will alter his life forever. 
In the hospital he meets Carly, single mom, nurse, struggling day to day. Devyn feels he can right some wrongs from his troubled past. He can change Carly's life and end her struggles, prevent her son from the same type of childhood he experienced. But Carly must decide if she wants to trust Devyn and put her pride aside, or soldier through life alone with her son.



Bad Boy Con Man

The Alpha Bad Boy Series, Book 4


Grayson is a con man. If he sees an opportunity, he capitalizes. When the score that can set him up for life comes along it's too much for him to resist. 


Then he meets Amelia. Intelligent, funny, gorgeous, and a lover of comic books. She's everything he's ever wanted. But, at the end of the day he has to make a choice — hurt the woman he's crazy about, or take the money and leave his old life behind. 




Payne Capital

The Payne Capital Series, Book 1


Devyn White and his fiancee Meredith—the perfect All-American couple—have just moved to New York City following his acceptance of his dream job working at Payne Capital, a private equity firm ran by Rebekah Payne, a billionaire math and finance prodigy. Devyn soon realizes his dream isn't all that he imagined as he is thrust into ethical dilemmas involving an ex-husband, an out of control boss, the operations of the firm, and his own personal relationship with Meredith. When the heat is turned up he must soon make difficult choices that will affect the rest of his life and possibly hurt the people he loves in the process.






This anthology has been quite the ride. Producing a book is not easy, and it takes a team of people to do it properly. If I thanked every person individually, this section could be its own novel. The one thing I fear more than a gaping plot hole in a book that I've published, is forgetting to thank someone. If I do forget, I sincerely apologize. It's not intentional. I'm just so blessed to have so many people who help me out.

Family is first, and I could not do this without Mrs H and the boy. They get me through everything. They ARE everything. I love you so much and thank you! Also, I suppose I'll throw Lil Bro in the family section. Thanks buddy. Your "buy his shit" mantra is pure marketing genius. Love you!

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