The Patriot (10 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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He said snipers first, accompanied by heavy weapons squads, with main forces nearby ready to move in. Anyone have questions or suggestions? All said they were clear and in agreement. The captain said it is now six, set your watches, we will attack at exactly ten tonight. Also check in once you are back at your positions. Goldie stepped over and put his arms around Joshua and James then said, this one is for your brother Jeffrey, and then he said lets move out. They dropped off Joshua and Tim them Goldie and Mac continued on to their camp. Tim had reported in and Mac did likewise then they assembled their leaders and set up the assignments the captain had ordered. Goldie reported to the captain all assignments are complete then they heard Tim report all assignments have been made and all is a go.

Goldie looked at his watch then said to his troop leaders, it’s time, move the men in position. Mac and Goldie joined up with the lead elements of snipers and assault troops and lead the way towards the house where the enemy headquarters personnel were quartered. As they neared the building two sentries were observed at the front and rear of the building and two roving sentries were moving on both sides of the house. Mac sent snipers to cover all positions accompanied by riflemen and heavy weapons personnel to provide support and attack once the sentries were taken out. Goldie reminded them all, snipers open fire at exactly ten o’clock and heavy weapons launch their missiles and grenades as soon as the snipers commence firing. There had been no noise of sounds of alarm sounded and no word from the captain so Goldie told Mac all teams must have moved into position without alerting the enemy. Goldie whispered to Mac it is now nine fifty nine in one minute the bastards will learn the fate of traitors.

A moment later they heard the muffled sounds of the snipers rifles and saw the sentries staggering and falling to the Ground. Missiles and grenades could be heard exploding at all locations. Flames were shooting skyward from the command structure and fires could be seen erupting from the other locations. Small arms fire was commencing now and volley after volley was being fired into the command structure. Sounds of small arms fire could be heard from all positions as well. The roof of the command structure fell in and one wall collapsed outwards and Goldie ordered his men to lay down a base of fire where the wall had collapsed. Keep them penned in until the dam building burns itself out. He told Mac this is judgment day and no one is to escape their judgment.

Just then the Captain came in and asked for status reports. Mac reported all went as planned here, the command is destroyed, and we have no losses. Tim reported no problems at his location we are in control here. The school building has collapsed and we are eliminating any survivors who attempt to leave the buildings. The captain said we are in control here also but now we have to decide do we take prisoners, or just pull out and let the survivors spread the word to others what happens to those who betray their countrymen. Goldie looked at Mac who nodded then he got on the radio and told the captain we are for turning the survivors loose after we count and talk to them. The captain said He agreed and Tim came on saying he felt the same. The captain said search your areas locate survivors and escort them to my location.

The men were told to keep the building surrounded while a search was made. A few moments later the team returned and advised no survivors could be found inside the structure. They reported they counted twenty-four bodies in addition to the eight sentries lying outside. Goldie said our job is finished but I want to see who they sent to lead these poor saps into our trap. He and Mac and the other team leaders made a walk thru the debris of what had been the command center. Most were army officers ranging from the grade of full colonel to captains with several senior grade non commissioned officers. Homesteaders Goldie said, first time most of them have ever been off fort Knox. Mac said yeah, they but they found out the difference between playing soldier and being one.

Goldie radioed the captain and said we are finished here we will go meet with Tim and his men to assess conditions there. Once there they found Tim’s men had things about wrapped up. Most of the men trapped inside lost their lives in the initial explosions and the collapse of the buildings and the ensuing fire. Those that had tried to make their way out of the debris had died in the attempt to fight Tim’s troops. A couple of dozen had been taken prisoner and had been tied up and were being guarded by Tim’s men. There was nothing left to do but wait for the fires to burn out then make a body count. Goldie radioed the captain and told him they were bringing prisoners and would leave a detail at the site to secure the area.

Upon arriving at the captains location James met his dad and said the captain was ready to send men to reinforce yours or Tim’s men if needed but it looks like things went better than planned. Goldie said this time things went our way it will not always be so easy. The Captain said right they will learn from this and we must be prepared when the next battle comes. The Captain asked is this all the prisoners? Goldie said at this time, there may be some still alive in the building rubble, our security detail will advise us of any found alive.

The captain looked at the regular army personnel sitting with their arms and legs bound. He asked the senior prisoner, what were your orders concerning us? The sergeant, an older man, looked at him for a moment then said we were ordered to take whatever action necessary to destroy your ability to resist and eliminate all who did so. The captain asked, were you to report back to Knox once contact was made? The sergeant said he presumed that would be the senior commanders orders. Goldie asked, what command are you assigned to for support? The sergeant said the third infantry division.

Goldie asked him, what part did the United Nations have in this operation? The sergeant answered we serve under United Nations sector five control. Goldie said when you enlisted you took an oath to defend and protect the constitution of America did you not. The sergeant said yes sir. Goldie asked him, then why are you serving under the control of a bunch of murdering foreign generals bent on destroying America? The sergeant did not answer. Goldie said did you think they would reward you for killing us? Again the sergeant didn’t answer. Goldie said I have no sympathy for a coward who would trade his country for a monthly paycheck.

Just then the security detail left at the school buildings reported in. He said the fires have pretty well burnt out. We see no activity inside or out but we will take a closer look at daybreak and report back. The captain said good job men; keep us posted if there are any new developments. The prisoner had overheard and asked, are all our people dead? The captain said I’m afraid they are and all your commanders as well. Goldie looked at the sergeant and asked what did you expect, that we would give up without a fight. The sergeant didn’t answered. Goldie looked at him for a moment then said; a few weeks past your traitorous leaders ordered my wife executed for no reason other than she was my wife. Those are the kind of people you have pledged your allegiance too.

He added, those who ordered her execution and those who carried out the orders have already paid with their lives for their butchery and we will not rest until all traitors have paid their full measure. The captain looked at the other prisoners and said we should eliminate all of you now for your betrayal of America. But we are not murderers so we will not. Instead, I want you to use this radio and contact your division headquarters at Fort Knox and advise them of your status, and of the loss of your thirty six hundred men and all your commanders. Advise them we will permit them to send in enough aircraft to return the bodies to fort Knox. Advise them you will be released to remain and prepare the bodies for their arrival.

The Captain said, advise them they are to send only necessary personnel to accomplish the return of the dead to their families. Advise your headquarters we have the weapons and the skill to destroy all aircraft and personnel should they arrive with armed troops. They are to send only body recovery personnel. We will allow them free passage. The sergeant took the radio and with unsteady hands and voice contacted his headquarters operations section and advised them of his status and the loss of all personnel. There was silence then the sounds of several incoherent voices in the background. Finally a colonel spoke over the radio to his sergeant and, are you reporting that all personnel including command were lost. The sergeant said affirmative, the twenty-four of us being held prisoner are all that remain. Again there was silence.

The captain told the prisoner, advise your commander of the conditions for sending men in to pick up you and your dead comrades. The sergeant then proceeded to tell the colonel of the need to remove the bodies and conditions for doing so. The captain said, tell him if he tries any tricks he and his men will pay a price, as will those of you waiting here. The message was relayed and the colonel agreed it would be carried out as your captors have specified. The captain said, tell the colonel have his planes and men here by 1200 hours today, and they will have until dusk to remove the bodies and depart the area. The colonel agreed and the captain ended the communications.

Mac asked, how are we going to handle this when they arrive? Goldie replied, my thoughts are to take the prisoners to the landing strip, leave them there alone to wait for their transportation. We may want to move all our personnel out of the area and leave a couple of men behind to observe things from a safe distance. The captain said he agreed, we could do as they would and ambush them when they arrive, but we can save that for another day rather than sink to their level. Goldie advised the leaders from Adams, highland, and Clinton counties to contact their people at home and have transportation sent in to pick the men up. Have them pick their people up at the same locations where they were dropped off. Everyone return home and wait for further instructions, you will be contacted when our next move is determined.

The captain Told Goldie we need all team leaders to return to our base at the falls to discuss future plans. Goldie agreed then told Joshua and Tim, have a detail escort the prisoners to the landing strip, leave them there with rations, then meet us back at the pick up area. James said all transportation leaders have been contacted and our rides should start arriving within the hour. Goldie walked over to the prisoners with Tim and Joshua. For a moment he stood silently looking at them. Then he spoke softly saying, the price of freedom can be high. But tell your masters the cost to traitors will grow each day until we are free again. Now go with your escorts but know this, there will be no mercy shown should we meet again.

Tim told the prisoner detail, as soon as you get them to the staging area leave them and return here and we will go home together. Mac said it’s about a fifteen-minute walk they should be back in less than an hour. The Captain said our rides have started arriving let’s talk to the men before they depart. Together the captain, Mac, Tim, james, Joshua, and Goldie met with the men. The captain told them you are men of courage who have dedicated yourselves to the cause of freedom. You have served well and completed your mission without hesitation. I commend you all for a job well done. Goldie said you have served with valor and have made us proud to serve with you. Now go home to your families and care for them. We will be in touch when duty requires we move again.

Mac said Adams County just called to say the last of their men are boarding now and all are enroute home. James said my leaders just called to report the last of Clinton county men have departed also. Tim said here comes the prisoner detail now and asked them how did it go. They advised all went smoothly and the prisoners were left seated on the runway with rations and water. Goldie said I have two men staying behind to observe the arrival and departure of the Knox command. They have radios and will keep us advised of developments. The captain said well we are finished here and our transportation is ready so lets move out. They loaded up and returned to their base camp without incident.

The camp crew said all has been quiet here how did it go. Mac said our mission was a success and we had no losses. Tim called his wife to let her know all was well with him. Afterwards he said the women are bringing some hot food for us all. The camp leader said there is hot coffee and cokes to go around. The captain said good now lets all set down and relax and enjoy the quiet of this wonderful campsite while I call Richard and report in. He advised Richard of the actions of the past few days and that they were back at camp. Richard said he was on his way and would be at the campsite within the hour. James and Joshua had called their families to let them know all was well with them. Mac called home to let his family know he was ok and to tell the other families all of the men were fine.

Just then the men left behind to watch activities radioed in to advise the planes had arrived from Fort Knox. They said about fifty personnel had departed the planes and all appeared to be medical and support personnel. The prisoners had met with the Knox personnel and all were going into the destroyed buildings and were bringing the bodies out and were bagging them and loading them aboard the aircraft. Goldie advised the men to remain there and observe until all had left the area then he would send transportation to pick them up. Well the captain said, looks like they kept their word and didn’t come in looking for a fight. Mac said there will be another day and they will come in force looking for us.

The men sat enjoying the rest and refreshments and listening to the government controlled radio stations. The government announcers were saying that they have received reports that terrorists operating in Clinton county Ohio launched a cowardly attack against government personnel. Although exact numbers are not yet known it is reported casualties could number in the hundreds. Media spokespersons say the government will take swift action to destroy this local band of murderers led by a known terrorist. Media broadcasters reported the commander of area government forces and the senior united nations officer for this sector say all actions necessary to bring the leader of this terrorist group and his supporters to justice will be taken.

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