The Patriot (9 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Mac said don’t we have men in position to keep a watch on them, so we will know where they set up the command, house the troops, maintain their vehicles and supplies. Goldie said friend, we don’t want to move too fast, better to make sure we pull them into a trap that will work to our advantage. Mac said right, we don’t want to jump into anything blind. We must plan this right and we will teach them a lesson. We may well be able to hit them right in their home base; depending on how many buildings they set up in. Goldie added right on, first though we have to wait to see if in fact they do show up with the manpower we are told they will have and all at one time. The captain will be here tomorrow with supplies, we will see if they have found out anything new then.

Later after they had eaten and relaxed for a time Goldie told the men, relax and rest easy tonight men, When we have all the information we need we will work this out to our advantage. So for a few days just enjoy the rest time but be assured when we make our move it will be to our advantage, with the least risk to ourselves, and with the most damage to the enemy as possible. One of his old patrol members from name said top, we have lookouts assigned for the night so let’s turn in and be ready for the captain tomorrow. Goldie told the men, it’s hard to believe that we are in a fight for liberty right in our hometowns. But know this, what we do will determine whether our children live as free people. Mac said, that’s reward enough, and the men said amen to that. They turned in then and soon all were sleeping the rest that comes with confidence in one purpose in life.

The following morning the men were awakened when a call from Richard came in over the radio. He said he and the captain would meet them around noon with supplies and had some news about the troop movement into the area. Goldie called Joshua, James, and Tim and asked them to be on hand when Richard arrived. The old mans sons and Tim pulled into camp later that morning and said everything is quiet around the area. Tim opened up a large box he had with him and said some of the girls fixed us snacks so everyone dig in. They had no more than finished eating when the lookout signaled that Richard and the others had arrived.

Richard, the captain, and his men were escorted into the camp area where the men joined in unloading the supplies then all sat down to discuss matters at hand. Richard said our sources tell us the transportation and security elements will be flying in first with their equipment and supplies to set up and secure the base. The main field forces will follow two hours later. Goldie said well we now have a decision to make. Do we take on the lead elements or wait for all their forces to come in. Exactly, Richard said, what are your thoughts. Richard said the captain believes the decision should be yours to make. The captain added there are good reasons for either course of action. Mac said the question is which action when completed will hurt the enemy most in manpower and moral with the least loss of our personnel.

Richard said Goldie what are your thoughts on this. The old man sat silent for a moment then looked around at the group of brave men. Finally he spoke with a calmness that surprised even those who had known him longest. I would like nothing better than to take out their lead elements and let the wheels turn at Ft. Knox trying to figure their next move. But eventually they would send in another force and we would have to engage them again. Thus I am inclined to wait for them all to get here and be ready to meet them on our terms. This will be their biggest test of our strength and we must be prepared to show them we are ready to meet them on the fields of battle. My sentiments exactly the captain said, and my men and me want to be in on this as well.

Goldie said I want to show you the layout of the base itself. He brought out the diagrams of the base showing the main logistical building, the various warehouse buildings, hangers, off loading docks, including the former college campus buildings and street layouts with main highway approaches to the base. He told them that if the federal troops were stupid enough to quarter their troops in the warehouses and the headquarters people in the main logistical building it would make it easier for us to strike them. If they do that we can take out their security people, tighten a noose around the buildings, and demolish the buildings and everyone in them. At the same time the land area of the base is too large for them to secure the area. It would take half their force to completely cover every approach to the base area.

Also there are wooded areas to the south, east, and west of the base where we could assemble our forces under cover of darkness. He told the captain I know your men are trained and capable of moving in and taking out the sentries without alerting those inside. Mac and I and our people also are trained and experienced in those kinds of operations. I am confident that if we can catch them in the warehouse buildings we can eliminate their defenses and trap their forces before they are aware of our presence. My sons, Tim, and our other combat experienced leaders will move in on our signal and have the firepower to keep their foot soldiers inside the buildings where we can systematically eliminate them or their capacity to fight.

The captain said we could win this one with acceptable losses. Richard said captain, you and Goldie and Mac know this business far better than most. I will rely on your judgment totally. All that is left then is for Goldie and his men to observe the arrival and operational set up of the federal forces. Once their set up is known Goldie will notify us and we will put our plans into operation. The captain said he had sixteen combat experienced former army Special Forces personnel he will bring to assist in taking out security defenses. He asked, would you need any additional men to take part in the main attack. Mac said we have my old Special Forces team of twelve men to help in taking out their security, with you and your men security defenses can be eliminated.

Goldie asked his leaders for a final count. Tim said I have dependable numbers of ten thousand men from Clinton County who will move on a moments notice if needed. James said Adams county men number twelve thousand who will move on a moments notice. Joshua said Highland County could assemble ten thousand on your call also. Goldie added, some of the men are armed with the m16’s you furnished previously, the others all have high powered semi automatic hunting rifles with adequate ammunition. Richard said in the two trucks we brought with us are four thousand m16 weapons and ammunition. Issue these to all your people who have been trained to use them. Goldie told Richard and the captain we will have a plan of attack ready, with area assignments for our advance elements and our main force. We will be ready and will notify you as soon as the federal troops arrive.

Mac said the weapons and supplies are all unloaded and secured. Richard looked at the men for a moment then said we will depart now and await your call. They shook hands all around before climbing into their vehicles and leaving. After Richard and his party had left Goldie told Mac, Tim, and his sons their total forces will number approximately five thousand, including transportation and support personnel. The security forces will probably be military police and they are equipped with real firepower. They will probably be quartered separate from the infantry boys along with the transportation people. The headquarters staff will also have their own area to sleep in. That’s three areas. It will take at least three warehouses to hold the field troops. That means we will probably have six or more buildings to attack and tie down. But we won’t know for sure until they arrive and set up.

He told Mac, select some of our men here now to move in commencing tonight to cover the base in event they move in earlier than planned. Have them watch the unloading process and identify their units and locate which buildings they occupy. Take night glasses as well as field glasses with each team so they won’t have to get in too close. Once they arrive we need to locate the placement and number of perimeter defenses they set up the first night. Tell the men to avoid contact with anyone seen on the base. When dusk comes I will accompany you when you move out.

Then He turned to Tim, James, and Joshua and said, the captain is bringing twenty men with him, Mac’s squad of twelve are here. Those men, and more if needed, will be used to take out their security positions. Tim, you, James, and Joshua each contact your area leaders. Have them select one thousand men each from Clinton, highland, and Adams county militia and assemble at your areas. Our men here will help you load each of your trucks up with ten boxes of m16’s and ammo to take back and issue to the men you have assembled. Tell your people to return home but be ready to move out on a moments notice. After you have your men ready you guys come back and meet Mac and me here later tonight. We have assignments to work out for your men.

After the men had loaded up and moved out one of his old patrol members came up to advise lookouts have been selected and will be ready to move out at dusk. Goldie said get the lookouts together so we can discuss this before they move out. Once the men were all gathered round Goldie and Mac discussed what they needed to look for. He advised them we don’t know who or how many people may be at the base now or if it was abandoned. So stay alert and watch for any signs of movement and if the base is occupied now keep track of how many people you see and which buildings they appear to be staying or working in. Work two men to a post so one can rest while the other keeps watch. This will be an all night watch others will relieve you in the morning.

Mac said I will take some of our old squad with me to post the lookouts so others will know their positions when relief time comes. Also everyone take rations and water and a warm jacket it is starting to get a little chilly nights. Take two of the jeeps to transport the men, they won’t be noticed as much as the trucks Richard brought. Mac said we are ready and it’s getting dusk soon so we will be on our way. Goldie said be careful we don’t know if the base was left deserted when the airfreight company closed down or not. When the men are posted and you are ready to head back call me. Mac said will do and they started off.

Goldie told the remaining men they might as well assign lookouts for the camp then turn in. After the men had left the old man sat down and leaned back against a tree. He closed his eyes and his thoughts turned to his departed wife and son Jeff. For a moment the memories were almost more than he could bear. Then he thought, She would scold me now if she was here, and tell me to hold my head up and finish the work at hand, you were never a quitter and you’re not going to be one now. Thankfully Tim and his sons pulled into camp and he had no more time for sorrow.

He told them to sit down and rest awhile then when Mac returns from posting the lookouts we will start planning our next move. A few moments later Mac came over the radio to say all is ready he was on his way back. When he arrived he said there are people at the base. It looks like a skeleton crew of maintenance people opening up some buildings. They were working on two buildings that sit apart from the base itself on the southwest corner of the base. The sign on one of the buildings says laurel oaks. They are also working on an old house that lies at the main intersection of the streets between the houses and the base. Goldie said those buildings are the old state college buildings and the house is where the base commander lived when the air reserve was here.

He asked Tim, how did you and the boys make out? Tim said he met with his people here in Clinton County, issued their weapons and they are ready. We have a thousand men on call and many others waiting. James and Joshua said the same, each have a thousand men armed with the m16’s and others ready if needed. Mac said if we can catch them by surprise that will be more than enough to do the job. Well Goldie said, it all depends on where and how they set up camp, we’ll just have to wait and see. Richards’s friend said they would start moving in this weekend so we will know how it all stacks up soon. We need to decide whether to move the men in before the troops get here or wait until they set up camp.

Mac said Goldie you always told us he who hesitates is lost. I’m in favor of moving our men into place ahead of their arrival. Goldie said I’m leaning that way myself. There would be less chance anyone would spot us. These guys can set up and be in operation quick just as we used to. If we wait for them to do that, they could start sending out patrols trying to draw us out and our men could be seen moving in. James and Joshua said Dad you and Mac make the call the men and we will move in on your call. Tim agreed, you guys have the experience, we trust you to make the call. Goldie said let me try Richards’s number. Richard answered the call saying what is your status there. Goldie told him we are ready. Richard said good the captain is on his way to your location. He is bringing thirty men with him, all former Special Forces. He and his men will be ready for anything you need them to do.

Goldie asked have your people heard anything new about their moving in. Richard said he just talked to his informant this afternoon, they are still planning to move in the advance elements Saturday afternoon and the main forces will follow later in the day. Goldie said that gives us two days plenty of time. Goldie asked has your people heard anything as to the possibility the will have choppers for support. Richard said they have no plans to do so as far as his people know. Well Goldie said, after the captain gets here and we brief him and agree on our base plan we will contact you and keep you posted. Richard said he wished he could be there but you men all have more experience with the field actions than he has. Just make them pay dearly for turning their backs on the American people. Goldie assured him the traitors would be shown no mercy.

He told the others the captain was on his way with some good men to help out. After he gets here we will brief him then decide when to have your people move into place. Meantime lets all relax and enjoy the time we have. Mac said I don’t know about the rest of you but he could use some coffee and a snack. The others said sounds good let’s get at it, and they spent the next hour or so talking about old times and their hopes for tomorrow. Then the lookout signaled company is here. It was the captain and his men and all greeted one another. One of the men who they had not met previously said, we have all heard of your activities here and it is a real pleasure to meet you guys, and join you on this operation. The captain asked how is it looking at the base? Goldie said it’s too early to say for sure but there is a crew working to open up two buildings and the old base commanders home.

He added, we have scout teams posted around the base to watch for activity. Then he advised the captain that he and the men had decided it better to move our main forces into position before the federal forces arrive. The captain agreed that was the best plan of action. If we move in position under cover of darkness and have our advance people ready to move in from there will be less chance of being seen. How close can we assemble our forces to their locations without alerting them? Mac said there are wooded areas to the west and south within a few hundred yards and on the southeast slightly farther, depending on where they quarter their people. If they post sentries around the outer perimeter our lookouts will locate them. We should have no problem eliminating the team.

Also Captain, with you and your men and with our squad from Viet Nam we have forty men trained and experienced in these matters. Once we know for certain where they set up we can move our men in place. If Tim takes a thousand men and assemble on the southwest while James and his thousand men take positions to the southeast both would be in close striking position to follow the advance teams in. There is also a wooded area to the northwest within a few hundred yards of the main base buildings. We should have an advance team move in from there to eliminate sentries posted on the northern perimeter or on the rear of the buildings. Joshua and another thousand men can assemble in the woods at the northwest and follow that advance team in.

We have diagrams of the base and the wooded areas outlined. He passed out copies to the captain and his men. Note he said, the buildings are numbered so that our lookouts, who all have copies, can give us the enemy positions by building numbers and the number and location of sentries if posted. The captain and his men looked the drawings over and afterwards the captain said he couldn’t think of any thing not covered. When do we move into position? Well Mac said according to Richards informant we have until Saturday, that’s two days away. We thought we want to be in position before they arrive, so that means getting all our forces in place no later than dusk tomorrow. The captain said then it’s a go tomorrow.

Goldie asked how do set up our command structure. The captain asked what are your thoughts. Well he said, I have complete confidence in Tim, James, and Joshua’s ability to lead their men in on our signal. My thoughts are for Mac and I to take his squad and be the advance element for Joshua. Half of your men could be the advance element for Tim, and the others the advance force for James. That would allow you to go with either Tim or James where you would be in the best position to monitor the whole line of attack from southwest to southeast. You would be in a better position to order all advance elements in and give the orders for main forces to attack. Also if conditions warrant diverting some of our forces you are better schooled to do that than I. The captain said if you all agree I will take the command responsibility. All agreed he should have the command and his orders would be followed without question.

Goldie said we are equipped with rocket and grenade launchers and a squad from each of our main forces who know how to use them. I’m thinking they should move in right behind the advance elements to limit escape from their buildings to small numbers. The captain agreed and added we also brought silencers and flash reducers for the weapons used by our advance elements. Also he asked how about transportation. Mac said if things go as planned we will be in control and call the county militia to pick the troops up as needed. If not we have reinforcements standing by, and transportation to move them in. As to our initial assembly at the base, each county has drivers assigned to transport their personnel and maps that mark the drop off points. As for those of us here our drivers will drop us off and return to camp.

Well the captain said it looks like we have all bases covered. Tim you, James, and Joshua contact your county leaders have the men start arriving at dusk tomorrow at their assigned sectors. Advise them that you along with Goldie, Mac, our advance elements and myself will meet them at the drop off points. Also Goldie we need to alert our lookouts on post of our time of arrival and to hold their positions when our advance elements move in. We don’t want them caught in between; they can join the main forces as they advance. Mac said will do also the men selected to relieve the lookouts in the morning are here and will be briefed as well.

The following morning the captain contacted Richard on the radio to advise him of plans to move the troops close to the base and be ready to attack the federal forces at first opportunity. Richard advised the federal plans are still to move in Saturday with support troops followed by main forces hours later. We will be ready the captain assured him. He said we have a well-trained and expertly led force in this area. I am confident, he said, that we will teach them a lesson they will not soon forget. We will contact you when it is done, until then take care. Mac said Tim, James, and Joshua report their county leaders advise all men have been alerted, transportation is taken care of, they will start arriving at their drop off points at dusk. They have been waiting for this and are ready for this one. Each man is bringing seven days rations in event the feds are late getting here.

Mac said we are ready to relieve our lookouts on base. The captain said Goldie why don’t we accompany them so we will know where the men are posted. Mac said there is room in his vehicle so the men all got in and headed towards the base. The captain had his map out and compared sites and said these drawings are well done, most reliable. Yeah Macs a good artist among other things. As they dropped the replacements off and the relieved men came aboard the captain said these men are professionals in every way Goldie. Yes they are Goldie said, they will do what they are asked to do, and there will be no breaks in our ranks no matter how tough it gets. Surprises will not cause them to falter.

The reliefs were posted without incident and all returned to camp where the lookouts advised it still appears maintenance personnel are only preparing two buildings and the old house for company. Goldie said lets hope they are getting them ready for the feds. Later the sentry called vehicles moving into camp. Two cars full of ladies were escorted into camp. Tim’s wife and some other ladies got out and opened up the doors and trunks. Tim’s wife said we have hot dogs, chili, and cokes enough for all. The townspeople wanted you to know they all wish you well. The men didn’t have to be asked twice to dig in. After they had eaten and said goodbye to the women the captain well we have a few hours, lets make the best of it and relax.

Mac came over to Goldie and the captain, the men and drivers are ready whenever we are. Goldie said, Each team has a different approach road to their positions so we will part here. Use the radios only as needed. Each team chief report to the captain when all men are assembled and in position. Once we leave here all orders come from the captain. Team chiefs monitor radio transmissions, as will I, to make sure we are all working together. Lets move out. One by one the vehicles left the camp area towards their assigned positions. It was getting near dusk as Mac, Joshua, Goldie. and the advance squad waited in the wooded area west of the old post commanders house. From their position they could also see the old school buildings where they hoped the feds would set up. Tim and James both reported they were in position, the captain was with James.

The troops were coming in now. They had been organized into platoons and were taking up positions in the woods. Several hours passed and finally Joshua said all are here and accounted for. Goldie said contact the captain and advise him, he needs to hear your voice to get to know it. The report was made and captain said well done. Some time later Goldie and Mac heard Tim report all men were there and in position. The captain said we are complete here also, now we wait for them to get here. Stay under cover with radios open for instructions. All team leaders report at 0900 hours tomorrow. The rest of the might passed without incident.

The following morning Goldie and Mac walked their positions to check on the troops then reported in. They listened while the others reported all was well. They had just finished having a breakfast ration when the sound of approaching aircraft was heard and moments later military planes came onto the landing strips. Several planes a moment apart followed a few minuets later by several more. The spotters began reporting in that the troops were unloading vehicles, supplies, and personnel. The lookouts positioned at the west reported what appeared to be a command staff with support personnel were moving into the old base commanders house. A security detail of several men had been posted around the building.

Other spotters reported that troops were moving supplies into the old school buildings and troop transport vehicles were being secured at those two buildings. The lookouts closest to the landing strips reported a total of approximately eight hundred personnel had arrived thus far. Goldie said about what we thought the advance elements would number Mac. Mac said yeah and it looks like they are preparing to set up as we thought. An hour later planes could be heard then seen approaching and for the next hour one after another the troop carriers came in. Mac said looks like ten in all came in Goldie. Yes and at three hundred per craft that would number about three thousand personnel. Mac said that makes them about four thousand total I recon. The captain came over the radio advising our spotters say it appears the aircraft are preparing to leave and sure enough a few moments later the aircraft began lifting off until all had departed the base.

It was early evening when the captain called to say spotters confirmed the main troops and advance elements had moved into the old school buildings while the command was located in the former post commanders house. He said our spotters report four sentries have been stationed around each of the school buildings and four at the command center. The captain said Goldie you Mac and Tim make your way here and meet me and Joshua to make our plans. Goldie said will do, we will swing by Tim’s unit and come over together within the hour. Tim came on the radio and said we received you well captain and will wait here for you Goldie. A half hour later Goldie and Mac met up with Tim and Joshua and they started towards James and the captains position.

James heard his father’s signal and told the captain they have arrived. The men shook hands then sat down and the captain began to outline his stragety. He said I want the main forces to be trapped inside their buildings. So when your snipers move into position assign a heavy weapons squad to move in with them and position them on each side and both ends of the school buildings, also cover all sides of the command structure. These squads are to have grenade launchers and heavy automatic firepower. The main task for these squads is to destroy the entrances with grenades and lay down a heavy base of fire at all building exits. Have your main forces move in as close as possible and wait until the action starts. As soon as live fire is heard they are to move in and encircle the targets and lay down a base of fire from all sides. I don’t want anyone to get out of those buildings. I want incendiary and anti-personnel grenades fired thru all existing windows and openings.

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