The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (17 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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It is very important to listen to our heart, not because we have all the answers there—we may have all the answers there—but somehow the heart is provoking in us something that we have lost, and that is our intuition. And based on our intuition, we can move ahead.

Your own intuition or multisensory perception has a unique voice or feeling.


There are so many ways to recognize multisensory perception. If you had that thought, that everything is perfect, that’s it. If you sense for a moment that a coincidence is more than a coincidence, that there is something powerful and meaningful behind it, that’s it.


You begin to find that you know things, or you have a sense that you know things about other people. For example, you see someone in the supermarket. And you have a sense that she has just been divorced, and she is in a lot of pain. That’s it. Or that someone who appears rough and intimidating has a kind heart. That’s it.

Your heart’s intuition also allows you to see beneath the surface of other people’s behavior, to exercise compassion. For example, when someone seems upset with you, your intuition may allow you to see that this person is under stress that causes him to project his frustration onto you.


There’s a big way, if you begin to sense that you are more than you thought you were, that you are more than a mind in a body. That’s it. It is beginning to see more. It is beginning to see all that you have seen before, all that your five senses can reveal to you. And at the same time realizing there is intelligence and purpose and power behind it. That’s multisensory perception.

This creative force of the imagination is part of the heart’s constant generativity, always offering you new opportunities. Your heart offers you these opportunities through your intuition, so you can approach life in a different, fuller way.


My body can only perceive certain things, but there is much more to that reality. When I write, when I’ve enough time alone and in silence, I can see, I can perceive those connections between the things of the past and the future. I can relate events, cause and effect, in ways that I don’t when I am busy, and when I’m in the noise, and when I am with other people.

People say that I write in the style of magic realism, whatever that is, as if it was some kind of literary device, a style. That is the way I conduct my life. The world is a very mysterious place and we know very little. There are dimensions of reality, and maybe everything happens simultaneously and everything from the past or the future is happening in this very moment in this place.

So writing has been my spiritual pathway of finding out where the soul is. And I can perceive things that other people think are sort of crazy. For example, I dream a lot and write down the dreams, because it’s my soul telling me something that I need to pay attention to.

Intuition always has your best interests at heart and favors loving impulses and intentions. Whenever you are in doubt, act from the heart.

Isabel Allende

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.



Intellectual understanding does not disappear with the emergence of multisensory perception. It becomes demoted. It’s no longer the chairman of the board, it becomes an employee. It is now at the service of the heart.


When we begin to open our heart, we’re actually functioning from a different level of consciousness. Where we place our attention is where we place our energy. The heart begins to pick up intuitive information. And the heart receives intuitive information before the brain does.

Everything in life is connected. Your intuition allows you to see those connections all around you and act in concert with them.

We always know which is the best road to follow, yet we often follow only the road we have become accustomed to. Once you’ve connected to your heart, you can act on your intuition, your highest form of intelligence, without needing to question it or know why.

The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.



Following Your Intuition

Your intuition speaks to you in its own way. It may make you feel uncomfortable or irritable in order to get your attention. It might make you anxious or give you a feeling of detachment, as if you’ve suddenly lost touch with your feelings and need to reconnect. It may communicate to you in a dream or a song that you can’t get out of your head—maybe there is a literal or metaphoric message in the dream or lyric. Maybe you hear an inner voice that delivers actual words of warning or direction. Or you get a certain feeling in your body, a sense of knowing—a pit in your stomach or a lightness in your head.

If you think of someone out of the blue, send him an email or give her a call. Pay attention to first impressions you have to situations and first responses to questions that cross your mind. Keep a journal of your intuitions and what happens when you act on them.

However your intuition communicates to you, trust it. Give it your attention. Sit with it; relax into it. Be open to what it tells you. Don’t argue with your intuition even if it’s telling you something you don’t want to hear. Follow its guidance as best you can. It may not be logical and it may not give you the whole picture of what is going to happen all at once. You may have to follow it and allow events to unfold before you see how accurate it is.

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