Read The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life Online
Authors: Baptist de Pape
From the moment that you feel enthusiastic about everything, you know that you are following your heart.
A trust of life begins to be activated within us. We realize we’re trusting the heart, we’re trusting our own soul, and it never leads us wrong. The next step, we know it. We feel it. It’s right there.
Everything That Happens Is a Lesson
Charlene Belitz’s book
The Power of Flow
provides a number of ways to increase your experiences of synchronicities. Think of a turning point in your life or an experience that seemed like a coincidence, large or small. Ask yourself, “What did I learn from that event? What good did it bring into my life?” See everything that happens as a lesson.
Think of other experiences and turning points, good ones and bad. What did each teach you? Did any experience lead to another one? Was it good or bad? Did you seem to be directed on that path? What patterns do you see in these events? What lessons can you draw? Do you see connections now that you missed earlier? Do you see any way to act now, in the present and near future, on what you’ve learned?
Ask your heart how to connect with others. This will create synchronicities in your life and in others’ lives. Listen for and act on any intuitive messages you receive.
If you are ready to hear it, now set your intention to discover your purpose. Ask yourself, “What does life want from me? What does my heart want me to do?”
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world . . . as in being able to remake ourselves.
If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed.
Money is a means of exchange, a tool to facilitate the transfer of goods and services. However, for many people it becomes a definition of success. Though undeniably important in helping to meet basic needs like food and shelter, it is an external power that cannot ultimately protect you from life’s challenges or help you find your life’s purpose. Money has only a limited effect on your happiness. Scientific research confirms that the influence of money on your sense of well-being is fairly limited and that an annual income over $75,000 will not make you any happier.
We have an economic crisis, because we’ve built an economy that was based on a false premise. First of all, the economic crisis occurred because we were spending money that we had not earned to buy things that we did not need, to impress people that we did not like. And it was all about “me” and “mine.” Our whole economic system was based on a casino mentality: all these so-called derivatives of the 2.9 trillion dollars that circulate in the world’s markets, less than 2 percent was actually going to provide any kind of benefit to society. Less than 2 percent of the 2.9 trillion dollars, every day.
Your true self will never consider the accumulation of money a goal in itself, but only a by-product of something greater, a consequence of following your heart. Your heart is more concerned with having
in your life than having money—abundant fulfillment, love, and joy.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,
Deepak Chopra writes, “There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component . . . Success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm from life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being and peace of mind.”
What is success? Success is money and fame? No. Success is when you go to bed in the evening and say, “Oh, my joy. Oh, my God, I can sleep in peace.”
Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
From the viewpoint of your heart or from your soul, money is just a necessary thing for some experiences that you want to make in your life. Your heart is not interested in money itself. But sometimes money helps you to go on your path and that’s why money is an important thing, but not the most important.
It is only when your actions are driven not by money but by enjoyment, fulfillment, harmony, and the desire to contribute to the greater good that they receive the support of the universe. Then you are working from your heart.