The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (35 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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In effect, by re-creating ourselves and mirroring the values of our souls, our inner change creates outer change, and inner peace creates outer peace.

There was a long silence, during which I meditated on his words. For me, the circle was complete. Tolle was the last teacher I had the privilege of interviewing for the movie and this book. During this encounter, I realized, more than ever, that pleasure and joy essentially form the essence of the power of the heart, and that only the heart’s power can transform our world into a new one.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do.


Both the Old Testament and the New Testament talk about a new heaven and a new earth. In this context heaven is not so much a place, but it refers to the inner realm of consciousness. Your heart, you might say. The Earth is the manifestation in form, which is the reflection of the inner self. A new heaven to me is the emergence of an awakened human consciousness and a new earth is the reflection of that in the material world.



A French philosopher called Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit, had very strange ideas for the Church a hundred years ago, so he was sent to China. He developed a very interesting idea that there is this energy of love surrounding the planet. He says, the day that you’re able to control this force, or to use this force of love like you use wind, like you use the force of water, like you use the force of the sun, from the moment that you’re able to control it, to put it to use, then we are going to change the world.

In the end nations will be judged by the size of their hearts, not the size of their armies.



The problem with our civilization is that we have forgotten the heart, Martin Luther King Jr. said. We have separated power from love and we live in a culture of greed, of power, of violence, of possessing, and of consuming, on a planet that is limited. That is an unsustainable way of thinking and way of living.

There is a growing collective awareness that the future lies inside our hearts, and that we will be better off, both individually and collectively, if we are able to restore our connections with the heart.


Mind and matter are related. One of the biggest challenges that we have as human beings is really creating a bridge between the objective world, what’s happening outside of us, and the subjective world, what’s happening inside of us. Quantum physics tells us that the environment is an extension of our mind. So if we truly change our minds, there should be some evidence in our life. In order to create a new reality or a new destiny, we have to have a clear vision of something we want in our future—we call that intention. As we begin to find like-minded people who live from the heart and we share that same energy, we begin to bond in a field of intelligence, a quantum field beyond space and time.

Just as ions bond together electromagnetically, people who create a heart consciousness also bond. An invisible force bonds ions together and holds them together. A heart consciousness will bind us together and allow us to live in a whole different world now and in the future.


The moment we move into that level of heart coherence, whether we are in meditation or in nature or Authentic Power, we start to experience a level of joy and love that is coming from within us. When we slip into this place and feel so whole, we are at the kingdom where we can have anything but no longer want it. That is when miracles begin to happen around us. And the organization of the universe begins to show up in new and unusual ways.

We, each of us, need to help create this change, this new Earth, this new universe.


If you look at the big problems that humanity faces today—whether it’s social injustice, or extreme poverty, or economic disparities, or war, or terrorism, or climate chaos—this is because we’ve lost connection with our soul and we’ve lost connection with our heart.


If we cannot get this balance between our clever brain and love and compassion—the things that should make us really human—then the future is very bleak.

Many people in all sections of society share these worries, but we’re reaching a turning point where we can get clear in our intentions to create a society from the heart.


You have to begin to fall in love with that future possibility to such a degree that you begin to feel what it feels like to actually live in that reality. When we begin to allow ourselves to feel this heartfelt state of gratitude or joy, the body and mind begin to believe they’re in that future reality now.


Ultimately, the only sustainable, the only survivable option for the human race is that we begin living from the heart, that we begin living with a greater emphasis, in fact, on a love-centric perspective.


We are in the midst of a great and unprecedented transformation. A transformation that in the next few generations will touch everyone on this Earth. It is the awakening of a new human consciousness. It is the expansion of our perception beyond the five senses, and to meaning, and purpose, and compassion, and wisdom that are real, but not physical.

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