The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (37 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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This is our next great leap in the evolution of humanity: a loving being that is not thinking from the small self, but is thinking
from the wider perspective of the heart. We begin to connect from our center and not just from surface personality. It’s a whole different way of moving through the world. And when we begin to move through the world like this, then the realm of ever expanding good—another name for heaven—begins to be revealed on our planet.


The research is telling us that not learning to follow the intelligence of the heart leads to separation, which is really the underlying problem in our families, in our communities, and, really, the larger world.

While discovering the many powers of the heart, you start living from a different consciousness. You follow your heart. You tune in to the voice of your soul. You’ve turned toward your purpose. Now you find the courage to do those things you feel you were born to do.

Rollin McCraty


What would that look like? That would be a world of the universal human. The universal human is a human beyond culture, beyond nation, beyond religion, beyond sex, and beyond economic status. A human whose first allegiance is to Life with a capital L, and all else second.


And it is only out of the awakened consciousness that humans can manifest those essential qualities—the qualities that are essential to the individual human life and essential to the civilization—which are compassion, which are kindness, which are joy, and creativity, that can only flow out of that state of connectedness. And that’s a new world that arises. And the new world that arises depends on, is a manifestation of, that state of consciousness. Because whatever world we create, what we experience as the world is really a reflection of our state of consciousness.


When we get to the point where we have experienced this transformation within ourselves, where living from love rather than fear has transformed our own life circumstances, then we become channels. We become vessels and have the moral authority by which to state that possibility for the planet. We can state that possibility not just because it’s theory, but because we have seen that transformation in our own lives.

Through the astounding power of the heart, a whole new world opens up to you, in which there is no such thing as coincidence. You transform fear into love, you accommodate setbacks and embrace them as an opportunity for spiritual growth. You forgive people who have hurt
you and free yourself from resentment. All this because your heart can see the bigger picture.


The heart will be involved in everything that we are supposed to evolve into. We cannot see tomorrow’s sky, but the heart sees it. We will be directed in how we should act in tomorrow’s sky. More than likely we already know, but if we don’t, the heart will tell us if we listen.

As you live from your heart, you will witness the effects of loving-kindness in others. The power of the heart is limitless, both literally and metaphorically.

Civility and kindness are moral imperatives.



As you live from the heart and more humans begin to live from the heart, that has a ripple effect. It ripples out from where you are and then you get it back. And then it spreads out, it infects others. Your state of consciousness cannot not affect others. If you are living from the heart, then that’s what you experience in others. It’s almost a miracle that what you bring to the interaction with other human beings determines to a large extent what you get back from others.


The heart is important in everything we do, if we are to evolve as a species. The heart is imperative. If we are to evolve into becoming better citizens, the heart is involved in the evolution.


This is where we’re going: heart-centered beings.


My vision is a world of citizens of the universe. The universal human is calling to us, it’s calling. It’s calling to you.

The path is completely open. As you walk that path, you become a person of the heart. The intentions of your soul will grow a new Earth.

Every single day you make a difference. You can say, adding your voice to that of Mahatma Gandhi, “My life is my message.”

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