The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1) (26 page)

Read The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1) Online

Authors: Maggi Craft

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1)
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“I might not sign any more, but I already have two years’ worth of signed obligations, Arden. I couldn’t not do them.”

“Exactly, but I, on the other hand, would have to give up everything I’ve worked for to have a baby. I have worked my ass off for almost eight years for this. Why should I have to throw my dreams away when you wouldn’t? Is that fair?”

“No, I would never want you to do that. You could go to school while you were pregnant, and go right back to school afterward. You wouldn’t have to miss that much, and we could hire a full-time nanny to help with the baby.”

“Of course we could,” I said sarcastically. “Slayde, I wouldn’t be in class at that point anymore. I would be doing my internship, and I would never be home. Of course I would have to quit.”

“Look, I don’t want to fight with you, Arden. I don’t think this would be the perfect time to become parents either, but I wouldn’t ever choose to end
baby’s life for my career. And I hope if you were really in that position, you would choose our family over your job.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips and went to sleep.

By the next morning, when we woke up, I felt much better. Slayde was back to his old self, and we didn’t discuss what had happened the night before.

The next few days were great. We skied and snowboarded and made the most of every minute we had together.

On the fourth day we had planned to meet his parents at the lodge for lunch, but Slayde got a text from his dad saying there was a change of plans and that we should come back to the cabin when we finished skiing.

When we walked into the cabin, I could tell by Lexi’s expression that she was worried about something. She looked at Taylor, who got up and left the room. When I got farther into the living room, I saw Brady and a girl sitting on the couch. I suddenly felt nervous. Lexi also left the room, but Zac didn’t. I wasn’t sure if I should leave or not, but Slayde reached over and grabbed my hand.
This is awkward.
When Brady glanced up and saw me, he quickly looked at his dad, and then Slayde, and then back at me. He was clearly as shocked to see me as I was to see him. The girl with him obviously had no idea what was going on. She smiled at us. She was short and thin with an olive complexion and long dark hair. She was a pretty girl. I was hoping this was a serious girlfriend and that nothing would be said about me being there with Slayde. But I was wrong.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” Slayde said.

“That’s why you thought it was a good idea to bring my ex-girlfriend on a family vacation?” Brady said. I looked at the girl sitting next to him, and she was no longer smiling. She looked extremely uncomfortable.

“Brady, I’m not doing this with you. This has been a great trip, and I’m not letting you come in here and ruin it. We can all get along and have fun together.” I was proud of Slayde for taking the high road.

We had started to go upstairs when Brady said, “You can’t find your own girl? You have to get my leftovers?” I knew that was going to do it for Slayde, and so did Brady.

Slayde let go of my hand, dropped our ski coats, and turned toward Brady. Luckily, Zac was a step ahead and got between them. “This isn’t happening here. Do you hear me?” Neither of them answered him or took their eyes off of each other.

“Brady, Slayde, do you hear me?” he shouted. They both nodded, but they didn’t look convincing. “Now, Brady, you apologize to Arden. You aren’t going to disrespect her in my house.”

“I’m sorry, Arden,” he said without actually looking at me.

“Now, go get changed. We’re going up the mountain for lunch,” Zac said.

When we got upstairs, I could tell Slayde was still furious. He was clenching his teeth and narrowing his eyes like he always did when he was angry. I grabbed his arm and said, “He’s not worth it. You know it, I know it, and now that poor girl knows it. Let’s not let him ruin our trip. Then he’d win, OK?”

He just shook his head and got into the shower. When he was done, he didn’t wait for me to get ready; he just went downstairs. I assumed he went to speak with his parents. When I got downstairs, Slayde and his mom were in the kitchen. They stopped talking when I walked in, which was completely awkward.

“Are you OK?” Lexi gave me a hug. “I’m so sorry. We had no idea he was coming. I would have at least liked to have given you a heads-up.”

“I’m fine. I’m used to Brady being an ass. I just don’t like it causing a problem and making everyone else uncomfortable.”

“I’m sure that poor girl thinks we are all lunatics. I bet this is one trip she won’t forget.” Lexi said with wide eyes. “Like a National Lampoon vacation.” We all laughed.

“Well, if she’s gonna date Brady, she better get used to it,” I said.

“Isn’t that the truth,” she said. “OK, Slayde, you are the more responsible son. So I am telling you now: if you break anything in this cabin, I’m going to kill you. You can fight over who had the toy first later.” She looked at me and said, “No offense. These two have fought over everything their whole lives. They make me nuts.”

I just smiled at her.

“Way to make her feel good, Mom,” Slayde said, putting his arm around her neck.

“Oh, hush, Slayde. Arden knows I love her, and I doubt that offended her.”

They both looked at me. I knew I was blushing, but I smiled.

We went our separate ways after lunch. Brady and the girl, whose name was Aubry, went snowboarding. Slayde and I went to a movie.

When we returned to the cabin, I could smell something cooking. Lexi had dinner waiting, and it was delicious. She was an amazing cook. She’d made three huge dishes of homemade lasagna. I’d never eaten any that wasn’t from the freezer, and I enjoyed every mouthwatering bite.

After I helped her clean the kitchen, I decided to go look for Aubry. I really felt sorry for her. When I caught sight of her out on the porch, drinking coffee, and Brady wasn’t with her, I thought that that was my chance. I grabbed my coat and gloves and went outside.

“It’s freezing out here, isn’t it?” I said. I didn’t really know what to say to her. I guessed the weather was a good place to start.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cold,” she said without looking at me.

“So, you live in LA?” I turned on the butane heater and sat down by her in the swing.

“I do now. I moved there from Washington about a year ago with my family.” She really was a very pretty girl, now that I looked at her. She had the prettiest light-green eyes outlined in dark brown.

“Do you like it?” Making small talk wasn’t my gift, but I was really going to try.

“Pretty much. It’s a little crazy sometimes, but I’m getting used to it.” She smiled at me. Maybe she realized I wasn’t a psycho ex-girlfriend after all.

I figured I’d go ahead and rip the Band-Aid off. “I’m sorry about earlier. It was uncomfortable for me, and I know these people. I can’t imagine how embarrassing it was for you.”

“It’s not your fault.” She looked down into her coffee mug.

“How long have you been dating Brady?” I thought maybe I shouldn’t have asked as soon as it came out of my mouth.

“About two months.”

“Well, don’t let that ruin your trip. Brady and I dated back in high school. The fight really had nothing to do with me. That was just his ego getting in the way. That happens from time to time, so watch out.” I nudged her shoulder with mine. She did smile a little. “Do you want to go home?” I asked.

“Kind of — I feel stupid.” I saw a tear roll down her cheek; she quickly wiped it away.

I put my arm around her. “You have no reason to feel stupid. Nobody thinks you look stupid. If anyone looks stupid, it’s Brady. Next would be Slayde and me, but definitely not you. Please don’t go home.”

What am I doing?
I wanted them to both get their asses back on that plane tomorrow and go home, so we could enjoy the rest of our vacation without walking on eggshells.

“You think?” She looked a little hopeful.

“I promise. Now, let’s go inside before we get pneumonia.” I grabbed her by the hand, and we both went back inside.

Everyone was sitting in the living room listening to Zac talk about a baseball game. Lexi looked at me and smiled. I knew she was glad I reached out to Aubry.

After everyone had all gone to bed, I found myself just lying there awake. I got up to get something to drink. It was dark, and I thought everyone was asleep, but when I closed the refrigerator, Brady was standing right behind me.

I jumped. “Damn, you scared me to death.” I took a step back to get myself together and to reclaim my personal space. He didn’t move.

“What are you doing here?”

I held up the bottle. “Getting water.”

“Not in the kitchen.

I tried to walk away. “I’m not doing this, Brady.”

He grabbed my arm. I gave him an ugly look, and he let go. “I deserve an answer, Arden.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Deserve? Really?”

“This is my house.”

“Would you like me to leave?” I asked, crossing my arms, tucking the bottle of cold water up under my arm.

He walked over and leaned against the cabinet and let out a deep sigh. “I just want an explanation.”
Is he freaking serious?
He hadn’t sounded rude when he said that, but I was still pissed.

“For what?”

“You and Slayde.”

I actually laughed. “You’re really serious! Did you forget you slept with my sister?” I took a quick pause. “I’m sorry — two of my sisters.”

“And I said I was sorry.” Again I laughed. “But is that what this is about? Revenge?”

“Good night.”

He stood between me and the door. “Is it?”

The nerve. “No. This has nothing to do with you. We didn’t think you were even coming.”

“But Dad and Lexi knew you were coming before you left?”


“So, they didn’t tell me.”

“I’m sure they didn’t think you’d care, Brady. We broke up years ago.”

“And now you’re with my little brother.”

“Again, what’s the issue?”

“That’s shitty.”

“Sorry. Move.”

“How long have you been dating him?”

I tried to walk around him, but again he stopped me. “Brady!”

“Just answer me.”

“Since the summer. Move.”

“Summer? And he never told me?”

“I guess. Ask him.”


I was really pissed. “You know what? I don’t owe you a damn thing. You cheated on me. You’re the sorry piece of shit here. Not me and not Slayde. Say what you want, but you know I’m right.”

He smiled his smart-ass Brady Price smile that still infuriated me. “I’m feeling a lot of tension here.”

“Oh, you are?” I said smartly.

“Is that because you still care?” He was actually serious.

“Yes, I care, but not about you.”

He looked shocked. “You really don’t care about me?”

I shook my head and went upstairs. But that was a lie. I cared. But I’d never give him that satisfaction. And I knew saying that I didn’t would make him leave me alone.

When I got back into bed, Slayde never moved. I was pissed at Brady, but I wasn’t planning to tell Slayde about the little conversation we’d just had. And I doubted Brady would either.

The rest of the trip was nice. Aubry and I were friendly, but that was the only communication going on between the two couples. Of course, all of the other Prices were super nice to her as well, and Zac stopped me in the hall to apologize for the fact that I had been put in a bad position. Slayde was really shocked by that when he found out, but it definitely made me feel better.

The day after we returned from the ski trip, Slayde and I flew to New York for a photo shoot for a magazine article. Isabelle met us at the airport. “Oh my gosh, you’re all grown up.” I couldn’t believe she was already twenty. “And when, might I ask, did you get your boobs done? You didn’t tell me about them.” I made her turn around so I could check her out.

“About a year ago. Birthday present from Dad.”

Slayde had to go on to the photo shoot, so Isabelle and I decided to go shopping. She wasn’t as high maintenance as Kenedy, so I never minded shopping with Isabelle. We were in Bloomingdale’s, trying on shoes, when Isabelle asked, “How is Kenedy handling your dating Slayde?”

“About as well as I thought she would. She convinced me Slayde had gotten this girl pregnant in Paris, and I believed her and broke up with him. It was horrible.”

“What a bitch. Who does that to her sister?”

“The same person who sleeps with their sister’s boyfriend.”

“What? I thought that was Gia.” She looked confused.

“It was both of them,” I explained.

“What skanks. Only Kenedy would sleep with your boyfriend but expect you to remain loyal to her.” We both laughed. How I missed my baby sister. She and I were so alike.

That night, Slayde took us to Del Frisco’s, his favorite steak place, and then we went to the Marquee and danced all night. We had a blast. Slayde was always so much fun to go out with, and so was Isabelle, so I couldn’t have been in better company.

Before I knew it, our three days were over, and Isabelle had to go back home. Slayde and I were alone for the first time in forever.

As I was getting into bed beside him, Slayde said, “Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. I made reservations at 15 East.”

I had been dying to go there. I loved sushi. “Oh my gosh, they are supposed to have the

“So I’ve heard. Then, I thought if we had enough liquor in us, we could be stupid and go downtown and watch the ball drop.”

“Are you nuts? I’m fine watching it on TV in the hotel room with you. Naked!” I leaned over and kissed him. “How does that sound?”

“Like a better idea.” He smiled and kissed me.

In the end, Slayde convinced me to skip the restaurant too and just stay in bed. We ordered room service and watched movies instead. It was relaxing, and I was glad we hadn’t gone into the city with all of those crazy people. That was just where I wanted to be. In bed with Slayde. Needless to say, we missed the ball drop, but at least we started our new year off right.

“You know how much I love you, don’t you?” he asked as I was dozing off.

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