The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1) (35 page)

Read The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1) Online

Authors: Maggi Craft

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1)
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We went to another beach where there were waves, and we were able to rent surfboards there. As we waited for Slayde to pay for the boards, Milly said, “This is going to be so much fun,” with real excitement behind her words. “Don’t you think?”

“If we don’t die,” I whispered.

“Do you think Jaws lives out there?” She was laughing.

I looked out at the ocean. “I hope not.” She laughed again and started walking.

“Come on, you’re going to get on here with me first,” Slayde said.

“We can’t both get on there,” I said.

“Yes, we can. I used to do it all the time with my sister. Come on. It’s fun. I promise you will love it.”

“You really think I can do it?”

He smiled. “Absolutely. I won’t let anything happen to you — now, come on.” His faith in me was all I needed. I grabbed his hand and followed him out to the water.

Surfing was harder than it looks. And it was also exhausting. Finally getting onto our feet after almost an hour, Milly and I decided we’d tan and let the guys surf.

We laid our towels out and got comfortable. “So, you are going to show up at the wedding, right?” she asked.

“Shut up, Milly.”

“I’m serious, Arden. A few weeks ago, you wouldn’t even talk to him. Now you’re getting married in two days?”

“Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

“No, I thought you were making a mistake by breaking up with him — but you still did it. What do you think?”

“I think I’m scared of what’s going to happen either way. If I don’t marry him, it will crush him, and he would probably never forgive me. If I do, then I’m scared of all the crap that I don’t know about. What if this all just gets worse, with the paparazzi and everything? I hate not being able to do normal stuff with him.”

“Well, then don’t marry him. Marry someone else.” She was lying on her stomach, drawing hearts in the sand with her finger. She wasn’t looking at me. I could tell she was annoyed.

“I don’t want to marry anyone else. I just want to be able to go to Starbucks with him without a scene.”

She rolled over and sat up and looked at me. “Then go through the drive-through.” I just stared at her. “Compromise, Arden. That’s what it’s all about. You’ll have to give sometimes, and so will he. Do you love him?”

I answered her without hesitation. “Yes.”

“Then what are you really afraid of? He’s not going anywhere.”

Before I could answer, Eddie and Slayde walked up, dropped their boards, and sat down in the sand beside us.

“Let’s go shower and get food. I’m starving,” Slayde said. We went back to the resort and got ready to meet his parents for dinner.

At dinner, Lexi said, “Everything is finished. You don’t have to do anything but show up.” She smiled at me.

Milly kicked me under the table.

“Thanks, Lexi. I really appreciate everything. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.” I gave Milly a dirty look, and she looked down at her plate.

The next morning we snorkeled, and then I went back to the resort to meet Isabelle. I was so glad to see her. I gave her a hug and squeezed her tight. After a minute, she pushed away. “It’s good to see you too, but I do need to breathe. Where’s that sexy fiancé of yours?”

“Playing golf with his dad and Eddie. Milly is showering, and we were waiting for you to go with us to the spa.”

“Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”

She and I talked as we walked back to our room. “Mom really didn’t come?” she asked.

“I really didn’t invite her.”

She stopped walking and looked at me. “Well, does she even know that you’re getting married?”

“Not tomorrow.” After a brief pause, I said, “Do you really think she would have come?”

She shrugged. “Who knows?” We continued walking. “Are you excited?”

“More like terrified,” I admitted.

“Of what?” She laughed.

“I don’t really know. Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of what I don’t know.”

“You think he’s hiding something from you?”

“Slayde? No. Just what’s going to happen once we’re husband and wife. Once I’m at the hospital 24-7 and he’s gone off wherever he goes.”

“Or are you afraid you can’t run away as easily if you’re married?”

“Look, I love Slayde, and I do want to marry him. I’m just scared I can’t handle all the things that he’s going to need in a wife.”

“Arden, why don’t you quit worrying about stuff you can’t control and enjoy your life? It’s not like everyone has someone who loves and adores them no matter what. And it really seems like you do. You aren’t easy to live with, you know.” She smiled. “But I love you anyway.” She gave me a hug.

Lexi and Taylor went with us to the spa, and I was glad. That meant no one would ask me questions. I was here to marry Slayde, and that’s what I was going to do. I just wanted everyone to leave me alone and let me do it.

Milly, Isabelle, and I had a sleepover the night before the wedding. I felt bad for taking Milly away from Eddie on their romantic trip, but she assured me it was fine. We stayed up late talking about old times and what to expect when we started our internships and what Isabelle was doing at school.

I didn’t sleep much. The next morning, I wasn’t able to eat anything because I was so nervous. Milly did her best to keep me occupied until it was time for the ceremony.

The ceremony was going to be outside, and I was thankful to see it was absolutely beautiful that day. We’d only invited a few people, and it wasn’t going to be a long ceremony. Short and sweet was exactly what I wanted.

Milly and I were getting ready in a villa right next to where we were going to have the ceremony. Once we were dressed and waiting, I started to panic. “I’m so nervous that I feel sick,” I told Milly.

“Why? Do you think you’re making a mistake?” she asked firmly.


“OK, then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know.” I couldn’t look her in the eye.

Grabbing my chin, she forced me to look at her. “Whatever insecurities you’re holding on to, it’s time to let them go. Slayde loves you. Obviously more than you love yourself. For the first time in your life, you have someone who puts you first.” I knew she was right. “All he wants is to be with you. That’s it. He doesn’t ask for much in return. Why don’t you let all the junk in your head go?” Milly was my best friend, and I knew she would never lie to me. But I was still scared.

“What if I’m not really what he wants but just what he thinks he wants?”

Best friend or not, I knew she was getting frustrated. She let go of my face and grabbed both of my wrists, pulling me closer to her. She was only two inches from my face, looking me dead in the eyes, and speaking in a soft, stern voice, like an angry mother in a store, trying not to make a scene. “We wouldn’t all be here if this wasn’t exactly what he wanted. What he’s wanted for a long time. He’s just been waiting for you to catch up. The question is, are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” I said. But something in me was still shaken up. She let go of my wrists and crossed her arms.

“Look, you think just because your mother never took the time to be a parent that you are less worthy of love than everyone else. I’ve never understood it, but I totally believe that’s where all this comes from. You’ve allowed your mom and sisters to make you feel like you weren’t good enough your whole life. Stop the craziness. No one else feels that way. You think Slayde Price would be standing out there at the end of that aisle, waiting for you, if he didn’t think you were exactly what he wanted for the rest of his life?”

“I just don’t want to disappoint him.” I was fighting back tears.

“Well, then get your ass out there. He knows exactly who you are, Arden. Better than you do sometimes. As long as you’re always yourself, you’ll never disappoint him.”

Lexi stuck her head in. “Everything OK?” She looked concerned, but she was smiling. Both Milly and Lexi waited for my answer.

“Yes, everything is fine.” I smiled to reassure both of them.

“OK, just checking. Slayde’s about to freak out.” She winked at me and shut the door.

I looked at Milly. “OK, I’m ready.”

She sighed and looked relieved. “Thank goodness. Now let’s go out there and get your happy ending. I mean, beginning!”

She was right. It was a new beginning. I just had to let go of the fear and actually walk out that door.

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