The Prince Charming Hoax (19 page)

BOOK: The Prince Charming Hoax
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Leah put her hands over her ears. It wasn

t so much Doug

s voice that she wanted to drown out as much as the ones that were screaming to her inside her head.

Get your things. Leave now!

No, he loves you. No matter what, he loves you.

Run, get out. Get out before it

s too late.

It is too late. I need him. I must have him.

Doug gently pulled her hands away from her ears. He thought it was his voice she didn

t want to hear.

Leah, please let me finish. We are married in name only. We

ve had separate bedrooms since my youngest was born.

Doug took her hands and brought them together in his, like he was praying.

Leah, I know I

m in no position to ask you for anything. But I am asking. I

m begging. Stay in my life. Whatever you do, don

t disappear, please.

Leah closed her eyes and tried to quiet all the voices. She pushed aside all reason, all instinct. All that was left was her overwhelming need. She needed Doug to be whole. He was the only man in her entire life that made her feel worthy. That was all that mattered to her now.

Leah took her hands and placed them behind Doug

s head, pulling his lips to hers. She could taste his desire and let him taste hers with a kiss.

I can

t let you go, Doug. Not his time,

she whispered.

She unbuttoned his shirt, opened his belt, and unzipped his pants. She saw the wave of desire pass from his half-closed eyes and wash down his body as she stroked his chest, then his abdomen. She slipped to her knees on the floor and, cupping his erection in her hands, placed him in her mouth. After Leah tasted his pleasure, she took a sip of her wine. She stood up, handed him his glass and let him watch her as she undressed slowly.

Doug drained his glass and put it down on the floor. Her crotch was eye-level for him as he reclined on the couch.

I like your haircut,

he said, stroking the small tuft of hair that barely covered the soft, pink folds between her legs. He reached behind her to pull her closer, then licked and stroked the area he had just admired until she shook uncontrollably with her orgasm.

She climbed unto the couch and straddled him, sitting atop his waiting erection. Then she tugged gently on his shoulders and guided him up so that that they sat facing each other, connected as one. With their arms and legs wrapped around each other, they rocked back and forth, pushing him deeper and deeper into her. Their rhythm intensified, and the couch began to slide across the wood floor from the vibration. They heard the wine glass fall and shatter as the couch rolled into the coffee table. Leah pushed Doug down on his back and rearranged herself so she was crouched over him, with him still inside her. She pushed herself against him as hard as she could. Doug grabbed her buttocks and pushed up. The momentum of their fierce movement caused the couch to slam against the coffee table, overturning the other glass, and they felt a spray of wine over them as they climaxed together.

They burst into wild laughter, still holding each other. Leah slid over Doug and squeezed in next to him on the inside of the couch.

I guess we

ll need to call Housekeeping,

she said, looking over to the table.

Doug turned his head to inspect the damage.

What a dump,

he said. He climbed over the back of the couch to avoid the broken glass, then lifted her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.


Leah and Doug spent the weekend naked, mostly in bed. They ordered in every meal, putting on robes only when room service arrived, and slept for short bursts of time in each other

s arms when completely exhausted from lovemaking.

By the time Leah drove Doug to the airport Sunday morning, they had tentatively mapped out their next three months of meetings. She agreed to travel with him twice a month.

They were in bed using the calendar in his iPad to map out their plans. Doug suggested getting a laptop for her.


ll be in and out of meetings, but you can spend that time writing while we travel,

he said.

Leah pictured herself waking up in luxury suites around the world and writing.

Well, getting away from my usual routine could help me focus and finish my book proposal

she said.

Yes, that could work!

Sure, and think of the stories our travel could inspire!

Doug seemed pleased that Leah was happy with the arrangement.


s go online and order it now,

he said.

Leah pressed herself close to him.

Great. Will you accept a trade agreement in exchange for the goods?

She gave him her best suggestive look.

Doug ran his hand down her back.

Yes, and I

ll take a deposit right now,

he said, pulling her on top of him.

Oh no, not now, Mr. Dowling,

she teased.

First I

ll need to see a purchase order for that laptop you promised.


re a tough negotiator, Ms. Gold. All right, let

s get online and order it now, but I expect immediate remuneration!

With pleasure, Mr. D. Now, let me show you the one that

s been on my wish list,

she said and grabbed the iPad.

In less than five minutes, she had a laptop on the way and rolled over to keep her promise.

* * *

The subject of his wife and children was discussed only once more, and very briefly, when he was preparing to leave.

Doug looked wantonly at Leah, who was still in bed watching him pack.

You better get dressed, or I

ll miss my plane.


s still plenty of time.

Leah patted the spot next to her.

Come over here.

If I get back in bed now, I may never get out,

Doug said.


s what I

m thinking,

she said and grinned.

Anyway, I was wishing for the time when I won

t have to share you. I

m not good at sharing, you know.


s expression quickly changed to serious concern. He sat next her on the bed, but didn

t offer the passionate embrace she was expecting.

Leah, I don

t know how this will all work out. I do know there will be a lot of pain involved.

The smile left Leah

s face. After the weekend they shared, she assumed he would leave Amanda as soon as he could work out getting custody of his sons. She waited for him to add something reassuring to his statement, but he was silent.

She put her hand on his arm.

What do you mean, you don

t know how this will all work out? Is there some doubt in your mind about our being together?

Leah, it

s a very complicated situation. It will take some time to work out, that

s all. Please be patient. I need you to trust me to handle this the right way.

Once again Leah pushed the voice of reason out of her head and ignored her gut feeling that something was terribly wrong. She couldn

t bring herself to speak, so she nodded her head and let him hug her.


he said,

when we

re in San Francisco in two weeks, I am going to take you to my favorite restaurant on the Bay. Then we

re going to drive to Napa Valley and tour the wineries. There

s a wonderful bed and breakfast there…

Tell me all about it later. I better get in the shower if you want to make your flight.

Leah fled to the bathroom so he wouldn

t see her tears.

Doug loves me,

she silently assured her reflection in the mirror.

He won

t hurt me.

She ignored her reflection

s imagined response:

He already has.

She took a long shower and spent the time focusing on the wonderful plans they discussed for the future.

* * *

After dropping Doug at the airport, Leah met Roxie for lunch and told her all about her weekend.

Leah, he

s married,

was Roxie

s response when Leah finished her story.

Well, he still lives with his wife—but in separate rooms of their house,

Leah corrected her.

How old are his children?


re young.

How young?

Very young,

Leah repeated.


s very young?


s eyes were squinting. She was getting ready to pounce.

Almost five and two,

Leah said into her napkin, hoping Roxie wouldn

t hear.

And he wants to get custody because she

s mentally ill?

Leah started to play with her salad.


How do you feel about that, Leah? You were pretty excited about Ali finally going off to college, if I remember correctly. Do you really want to start over with two small children?

Leah filled her mouth with lettuce, as if that would prevent her from answering any more questions.

Less than two weeks ago you told me to shoot you if you ever dated another man who wasn

t divorced and who didn

t have grown children.

Leah sighed.

Hold your fire, Rox.

Roxie shook her head and grabbed her friend

s hand.

Leah, I have to be honest with you. I don

t see this working out and don

t want you to get hurt again.

Rox, I need him now. He makes me believe anything is possible. He

s even buying me a laptop so I can finish my book.

Leah, that sounds more like a bribe than encouragement. Please think this over.

Leah took her hand back.

No, really, he loves my idea for the book. Please, Rox, be happy for me. I know this will all work out.

Roxie sighed.

You know I

m always here for you, no matter what,

she said.

* * *

Two weeks later, Leah was in her office catching up on mail after returning from San Francisco and her first trip with Doug. The phone rang, and she picked up absently, noticing that she had missed her car payment while she was away.

Leah Gold.

Hey, Leah! Where have you been? I called a few times. Did you get my messages?

Oh, hi, Jonathan. Yes, but I was away, and right now I

m up to my eyeballs in past-due bills and other fun mail. What

s up?

I had called to ask you if you wanted to go to the Las Olas Art Show last weekend, but too late for that. Lucky you, though, there

s a good festival going on in Delray next weekend. Want to come?

Hmm. Sounds good, but I

ll be working.

Leah hesitated. She wanted to be honest.

Jonathan, I

m seeing Doug again, so it

s not likely that I

ll be going on the circuit of art fairs with you this year. I

ll be traveling with Doug and probably will be away for most of the shows.

Doug? Was that the banker guy?


So, what

s this about traveling?

Leah explained the situation to Jonathan, and because she was distracted with sorting her mail while talking, she let it slip that Doug was married and had a family. When she realized she revealed more than she intended, she stopped abruptly.

Listen, I better go now and get this stuff taken care of. I

ll call you back later.

Leah, wait. Let me tell you something first. That guy isn

t getting laid at home, and now he has some foxy babe willing to follow him around and fuck him every time he goes on a business trip. He

s never going to leave her.

Leah gasped, surprised and insulted by his outburst.

How dare you talk to me like that? Do you think I

m some sort of moron? You don

t understand. You

re just like my brother.


s shaking voice had escalated to a shriek by the end of her sentence.

David said the same thing?

he demanded.

Leah breathed in slowly, sorry she blurted out too much again.

Not exactly. He said Doug would never leave his kids, and he wasn

t worth having if he did,

she admitted.

Jonathan softened his voice and his attitude.

Leee-ah, you know we

re only telling you these things because we care about you.

Well, you are both wrong. You don

t understand. Doug is different. He really loves me.

I guess we

ll see about that, won

t we? I

ll tell you what, Leah. You better take him for all he

s worth while this lasts. Because at the end, all you

re going to have are some nice photos of the trips you took and a bunch of expensive gifts.

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